Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 144: Doom lipstick


"Miss Su Yi." Su Zimo sat there and said directly, "The lipstick in your hand has an ominous smell, maybe you have to use it with caution."

Su Zimo didn't choose to hide anything at the dining table, not that he deliberately wanted to embarrass Su Zixiang, Su Yi's boyfriend.

It's just that since Su Zixiang talked about the illegitimate daughter in front of everyone, he should have some bad thoughts when he brought Su Yi here. So far, Su Zixiang's image of a good cousin in Su Zimo's eyes has finally been completely broken.

Since Su Zixiang wanted Su Gan to feel ashamed, then Su Zimo didn't have to let go.

The most important thing is that this is the Su family's banquet after all, and the people present here can be said to be the closest people around Su Zimo.

If Su Zimo is still secretive before these people, then Su Zimo must be too tired to live

Su Yi, who was stopped by Su Zimo, was also stunned. She couldn't turn her head around for a while, and she didn't even know what to do next, so she thought about leaving the table for a while and finding a quiet place to calm down. Come down and think about what kind of wish you should make next.

Although Su Yi is very cautious every time she makes a wish, the paste of the lipstick in her mouth is getting shorter and shorter before she realizes it, so every wish is very important.

Is it to let the Su family directly recognize her identity

But even if she admits that she is an illegitimate daughter, doesn't she get nothing? She spent so much effort not to get some pocket money from the Su family!

When Su Yi was still swaying, what Su Zimo said instantly brought her back to reality.

what is...

Does lipstick have an ominous vibe

what is...

Should it be used with caution

Su Yi, who had already got up from her seat with the lipstick in her hand, was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't hide her surprise as she looked at the young man who was sitting at the head of the family banquet, who she didn't dare to look at. The pair of thin-rimmed glasses was illuminated by the crystal lights in the dining room. Covering the eyes of the other party, it gave the seemingly young youth a mysterious atmosphere.

"Momo?" Even Su Qian, who was sitting beside him, was confused.

"It's nothing, as long as Miss Su Yi can know." Su Zimo smiled lightly, "And Zixiang, it's better not to say the words 'illegitimate daughter' easily, even in ancient times people would learn it Seeking evidence with a drop of blood, not to mention the development of the world, a paternity test is much more powerful than what Zixiang said casually."

Su Gan couldn't help but be happy, after all, his precious son was talking to him.

"Sounds like, Zixiang, you seem to have already determined that this young lady is the illegitimate daughter of the Su family. Is the ability you have learned over the years enough to support your guess without any evidence?" Su Zimo He turned to look at Su Zixiang.

Su Zixiang suddenly felt at that moment that Su Zimo seemed to be no longer the "other's child" who had been defeated, let alone a patient who had been "stupid" for four years, but instead gave him an inexplicable oppression. sense.

What's even more strange is that some of this sense of oppression comes from Su Zimo himself.

Yes, but it seems to come from behind Su Zimo... There also seems to be a pair of eyes staring at him from behind that person.

It was an even more chilling look, more terrifying.

"I thought that Zixiang would become more cautious after returning from abroad." Su Zimo retracted his eyes, and said helplessly in a tone of elders treating juniors, "Now that technology is so advanced, it's not just paternity testing. , even if you want to have plastic surgery to look like another person, it is not difficult, if the people who Zixiang brought into the Su family today have bad intentions, it will be bad."

"What? As the head of the Su family, will my cousin bully an ordinary woman?" Su Zixiang turned his eyes away from Su Zimo, then gritted his teeth and said, "Just because she looks similar, frame her for plastic surgery? "

"Because I know her." Su Zimo said seemingly lightly, "The daughter of the owner of the flower tea shop on Xincheng Street, Jiangdu, is named Su Yi. The last time I saw Miss Su Yi was only the first half of the year, right? She wasn't at that time. This looks, but the mannerisms and voice and words have not changed, Miss Su Yi is negligent."

Su Zimo is actually guessing about this matter, but he is different from Su Zixiang, at least he can talk about uncertain things as if the evidence is conclusive.

Especially when others look at Su Zimo, they can see that the words "conclusive evidence" are the same.

Although Su Yi holds a powerful ghost weapon in her hand, her character is still that little woman who has not graduated from university, has not experienced society, and still likes to dream.

After being so broken by Su Zimo, she couldn't even think of how to refute. And Su Zixiang, who had a certain understanding of Su Yi's family background, also had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

But if Su Zixiang is soft now, it means that he is going to be at the disadvantage of Su Zimo again, so he just continued to ignore Su Zimo, and then snorted coldly and said, "Patriarch Su, you think plastic surgery is a child pinching a rubber. Mud? How can there be no trace left in such a short period of time?"

"Then you have to ask Miss Su Yi what the lipstick is holding in her hand." Su Zimo's performance was still calm.

And Su Zixiang smiled instead of anger: "You mean, Su Yi turned herself into her own appearance by putting on makeup?"

Su Zimo smiled without saying a word, just looked at Su Yi.

"Su Zimo, the Su family is not your word, and no one will ask you to call a deer a horse! Also ask the uncle and Su Yi to do a paternity test tomorrow, right? Su Yi, do you have any questions?" Su Zixiang It was decided that Su Yi must be the seed of Su Qian, and Su Zimo's variety was just being hard on the mouth.

"I have no problem!" Su Yi finally found the opportunity and nodded quickly.

For Su Yi, not only is it easy to revise a paternity test, but even if she is changed to a paternity test now, there is no problem. It's just that because the paternity test requires two people, Su Yi can't take it out now.

After receiving a very positive answer from Su Yi, Su Zixiang also felt relieved, and even had the confidence to give Su Zimo a provocative tone.

"With that lipstick, it is not difficult to revise the results of the paternity test." Su Zimo didn't waver at all, and there was no need to waver.

Su Yi took a deep breath. After all, Su Zimo's tone sounded as if she knew the lipstick she was holding well, even better than herself.

"Okay!" Su Zixiang suddenly stood up like Su Yi, his tone couldn't hide his composure, "It's really a deer and a horse, nonsense. Su Zimo, I know you have always disliked me, this is also mutual, the uncle has done it. Everyone knows it, and even if you stop it now, the media will know about it soon!"

Su Zixiang said this, and almost put the threat of Su Zimo on the table.

It's not that Su Zixiang, a top student who came back from abroad, is so capable. Even if he studies sweat outside, he won't be able to come up with any conspiracy.

It's just that in Su Zixiang's view, there is a factor that can make him win in the process of fighting against Su Zimo, so what he said is as straightforward as Su Zimo.

Su Zimo did not refute Su Zixiang's remark that he "can't stand him", because he saw that his cousin seemed to have something to say, so he not only did not stop it, but just sat there like this Quietly listen to Su Zixiang speak down.

"Su Zimo, you don't have to treat me as an enemy who competes with you for the wealth of the wealthy family." Su Zixiang had a sarcastic smile on his face, "I did plan hard at the beginning to make the Su family my thing. After all At that time, the Su family of this generation was left with my father and a few similar uncles and uncles. You, who had always been high hopes, became like that again. At that time, it was possible that you could carry the entire Su family and not fall. Is it just me?"

Su Zimo smiled back, Su Zixiang was indeed telling the truth, and he thought so at the time.

Even if Su Hewen supports the important industry of the Su family, there will always be a day when he will leave, and it is impossible to accompany the Su family to the end, not to mention that Su Hewen has never regarded himself as the Su family.

"I have worked so hard for this goal, but in the end this family business still falls into your hands. A man who has been ill for four years suddenly wakes up, and the time is right to receive what should have been my What I got, I think this is really a big joke played by fate." Su Zixiang sneered twice.

"Zixiang, what are you talking about?" Second Young Master Su stopped immediately.

In Su Duan's heart, he actually had the same idea as Su Zixiang countless times. Even at this time, he felt that the most suitable person to inherit the Su family should be his precious son.

But the world has changed after all, and the arrival of the nightmare world has turned many things upside down.

Su Duan knew that Su Zimo had some means in his hands that ordinary people couldn't handle, so the reason why he stopped him now was to hope that Su Zixiang would not be hurt by Su Zimo's means.

But what Su Duan received was only the cold, contemptuous eyes from his son. In Su Zixiang's view, his blocking was just denying his efforts and ambitions from the beginning to the end.

But soon Su Zixiang laughed again: "Unfortunately, you all guessed wrong, I really don't have any ambitions for the real gold and silver property of the Su family, those things are nothing to me like the mud on the ground. Any difference, whoever wants it can take it."

Su Gan and Su Ni, who originally wanted to stop together, also showed a strange expression on their faces after hearing what their second nephew said.

Compared with Su Zimo, who didn't care much about the situation of the people around him, Su Gan and the other two, who were uncles, were actually better able to see Su Zixiang's nephew, and even his ambitions that he began to show when he was young and frivolous.

Although Su Zixiang became more and more restrained, Su Gan and the others did not think that such ambition would disappear so easily.

And... Today's Su Zixiang didn't know what medicine he took wrong, but he gave up on restraint completely, looking a little gaffe.

It's just that when Su Zixiang said those words about giving up the fight for the Su family, his tone didn't seem to be lying, and that tone even made Su Gan and the others shake a little.

Could it be that Su Zixiang really gave up competing with Su Zimo for the family property

Although Su Qian felt that Su Zixiang's ambition would not succeed at first, he still felt that this matter was a bit strange.

Looking at Su Zixiang's appearance, it was as if he had obtained a baby that was more powerful than the Su family.

"Do you know why?" Before Su Gan and the others asked, they heard Su Zixiang say something they often heard recently, "Cousin, the world has changed."

Su Zixiang's smile became confident.

"Really?" Su Zimo didn't seem to understand what Su Zixiang said.

"That's right." Su Zixiang was not surprised by Su Zimo's performance, "Cousin, you locked yourself in the Crystal Palace like this, you think you are a delicate son who is cared for by the whole world... Even if you know a lot of news from the Internet, you should Don't you understand how much the existence of the Nightmare World has had on the world today?"

"I know a little bit." Su Zimo replied with a smile, as if it was natural for him to have a face-to-face conversation with his close cousin, and he was not moved by the passionate words of Su Zixiang's previous speech.

His understated tone and demeanor also annoyed Su Zixiang, who usually thinks that his self-control is beyond ordinary people.

If the person sitting in front of him was anyone other than Su Zimo, Su Zixiang could maintain the attitude of a gentleman and slowly overcome the opponent's psychological defense.

But it was Su Zimo sitting there!

To be honest, since Su Zimo fell ill four years ago, Su Zixiang felt that he finally found a chance to kick this name out of his mind!

As long as Su Zimo falls, the name will no longer have the same shadowy impact on Su Zixiang as he did when he was a child in the decades or even longer in his future career.

But it turned out that when he saw Su Zimo standing there again, this ordinary human who seemed vulnerable and weak could still easily arouse his emotions and even anger.

Mingming... Mingming is just such a small ordinary person.

"It's just an ordinary person..."

In order to calm himself down, in order to stop himself from losing his temper, Su Zixiang said what he kept in his heart: "Cousin, maybe you don't know that I'm a senior who has experienced the whole nightmare world."

"By the way, you probably don't know what this identity represents, right? I can tell you that in this world, we are already the closest existence to ghosts and gods."

"So you've given up on being human?" Su Zimo asked with a smile.

"..." Su Zixiang laughed again instead of angry, "As expected of a short-sighted ordinary person, I usually don't bother to communicate with you people, but as a member of the Su family, I still want to say a few more things, so that you can be in the coming days. A little more comfortable in this troubled world."

"Experiencers like us can come into contact with the truth about the nightmare world, which is much, much, much, much more in-depth than the few words you know on the Internet."

"The emergence of the nightmare world is not a game created by aliens circulating on the Internet, and its existence is definitely not to help the experienced players grow. Even if this nightmare world is really created by aliens, their purpose is not to expand To help, but to completely invade the world we are in!"

When Su Zixiang said this, the rest of the Su family felt nothing.

After all, because of the relationship between Su Zimo and Ghost Umbrella, they also know a lot about the nightmare world. Especially for Su Qian, what Su Zixiang said was not as frightening as the horror stories his wife told when she was alive.

So when Su Zixiang spoke excitedly, his father Su Duan looked at him with surprise, and Su Yi next to him also looked at him with admiration.

These two eyes made Su Zixiang very useful.

But when Su Zixiang looked at the people he really wanted to shock, he found that Su Zimo was indifferent, Su Gan was indifferent, and Su Ni was busy playing with her daughter...

Indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent...

The most irritating thing is that the housekeeper and the maid who are standing by the side are also indifferent!

Ignorance of ordinary people!

"There are only a handful of practitioners who have experienced the nightmare world nineteen times." Su Zixiang was forced to emphasize again.

Butler Mu, who had experienced the world of nightmares nineteen times, looked at the second young master indifferently.

"Don't think that the ghosts in the nightmare world have nothing to do with you ordinary people, as the nightmare world has appeared in this world for longer and longer, more and more ghosts have appeared in the real world where you can't see. , they may be by your side!"

The expressions of the group of people were calm, but Su Zixiang felt as if he had been beaten by the nose.

"Didn't I say it before? Su Yi is the physique that attracts Li Gui, and I have dealt with several Li Gui who followed her. If there are no seniors like us who can exorcise Li Gui, even if you are the head of the Su family, say There may be an inexplicable attack one day, and it may be the unseen ghosts hiding beside you ordinary people."

"As for the consequences, I won't say more." After Su Zixiang finished speaking, he pulled Su Yi next to him and sat down together.

"You can continue to guard the Su family's family business, and I will continue to move up." Su Zixiang looked at Su Zimo, "but I still want to remind everyone that when the nightmare world completely invades, what industry and what shares? Any number in the bank becomes worthless."

"The future of this world still depends on the actions of the trainers." Su Zixiang relaxed, "Ordinary people can also buy ghost weapons used by trainees, but most of the products sold now are inferior products. The Su family's ability may not be able to buy a good ghost weapon."

After Su Zixiang said everything he wanted to say, he only felt comfortable all over his body, as if he had been suppressed by Su Zimo for half his life, and only today was the most comfortable for him.

Then, he began to look at everyone sitting at the table with a "do you understand?" look.

When Su Zixiang looked at Su Zimo, he only heard the other person ask calmly, "So, what does these things have to do with the woman who pretended to be my father's illegitimate daughter?"

"… "

"If you still want to use lipstick, you can use it now." Su Zimo took Su Zixiang's words as a gust of wind, and turned to look at Su Yi, "If you don't need lipstick now, Miss Su had better never do it again. used."