Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 146: Wish success


When he came into contact with the previous holder of Doom Lipstick, Su Zimo knew that Doom Lipstick could not only fulfill the wish of the holder, but also attract ghosts. To some extent, it would also make the holder of the lipstick become More and more greedy, more aggressive and impulsive in character. Grid Party #小@says

That kind of feeling is like someone who has just started gambling. At first, they will tell themselves that gambling is a road of no return, and they understand that countless people have been caught in it and cannot extricate themselves, so they just play casually, feel it, and only Play once and stop immediately!

But that kind of stuff is like a drug, and they gradually become addicted, start to become more and more greedy about the outcome of the gambling, become more and more greedy, and eventually become hopeless gamblers.

In the end, those gamblers will inevitably have problems with their minds, and even develop mental illnesses.

Ordinary gambling will make people change like this, let alone the bad luck lipstick that is rated as a three-star ghost device

Under its influence, where will Su Yi's spirit go to normal? The thoughts that ordinary people can completely restrain, and the problems that ordinary people can think rationally, are like falling rocks rolling down from the top of the mountain in Su Yi's mind. The speed is getting faster and faster, and it cannot be stopped at all!

When Su Zimo noticed that Su Yi's eyes began to look strange, Su Zimo guessed that Su Yi might do something to him, but the ghost umbrella was still squatting behind him, so he wasn't afraid of anything.

The ghosts obtained by Doom Lipstick are also not very strong, and it is estimated that they are not as good as the dried fish snacks that Ghost Umbrella usually makes.

[Boss, you really have a hateful physique~]

Ghost Umbrella also noticed Su Yi's changes, but he didn't act as directly as he did with Su Zixiang just now, but looked at Su Yi like he was watching a play.

This naive little girl actually thought that a three-star ghost weapon could hurt his boss? I don't know anything but I'm so happy!

Ghost umbrella considers himself to be the top ten most obedient employees in the store, and he will not do it without Su Zimo's order. I taught the little experiencer who had his nose up in the sky just now. It was also because that guy dared to stare at the precious boss who was afraid to hold him in the palm of his hand, so he would definitely not be polite.

If Su Zimo personally ordered him to deal with Su Zixiang at that time, the first target of Ghost Umbrella's attack would be the other party's squinting eyes.

What? No color

No matter, the ghost umbrella can see that the other party's intentions are wrong!

In short, because neither Ghost Umbrella nor Su Zimo stopped her, Su Yi successfully left the table and walked into the washroom under the guidance of a maid who wore glasses and looked indifferent.

Maybe it was because of being a thief, Su Yi always felt that the maid would glance at her contemptuously from time to time, and the reason why the other party looked indifferent must be because she looked down on her! And the reason for looking down on her must be because Su Zimo, the current head of the Su family, doesn't like her!

In short, the person named Su Zimo was wrong!

Otherwise, she wouldn't make up her mind to do it!

Su Yi steadied her hand that was holding the lipstick slightly trembling, and looked at herself in the mirror in the bathroom.

Since she became Su Zixiang's girlfriend, Su Yi is very willing to spend money on herself, and the skin care products and cosmetics used on her face are also the most expensive, so even if she was flustered and tossed just now, her makeup is still the same as the one she just went out. The time was almost perfect.

Su Yi took a few deep breaths, then raised her trembling hands, opened her lipstick, and painted two more lines on her red lips.

But because of the tension, Su Yi finally drew a little crooked, looking at the red beyond the lip line, she quickly picked up the tissue next to the faucet and wiped it, but found that the color of this lipstick is not so easy to erase, use After the paper towel was soaked with some water, the red color spread to the corners of the mouth.

Su Yi tossed there for a long time, after all, she used to wait for the lipstick to slowly fade, and she had never wiped it off in such a panic.

After tossing for a long time, Su Yi's face in the mirror was as red as a fever, and her hair was indescribably messy.

When she calmed herself down completely, the lipstick on Su Yi's lips had already faded. Su Yi's idea of getting rid of Su Zimo did not fade at all, and she even felt that she was so embarrassed because of it. Su Zimo!

Anyway, at this time, no matter what happened, it was Su Zimo's fault.

"Help me get rid of that person, get rid of Su Zimo, the head of the Su family, get rid of him immediately, and let him completely disappear from this world!" Su Yi said word by word, making sure that her wish could Su Zimo completely wiped it out.

Su Yi couldn't see the Specter, so she didn't know what she would provoke by making a wish, but she could feel the temperature in the washroom where she was sitting plummeted, and a biting feeling of the freezing winter hit suddenly, making Su Yi He curled up in an instant, almost unable to stand still.

But this kind of strange situation can also help Su Yi to make sure that her wish should work!

If the lipstick can't fulfill her wish, then nothing strange will happen to her. So although Su Yi doesn't know how the lipstick will help her get rid of Su Zimo this time, at least this thing is already in action.

The joy in her heart suppressed Su Yi's panic. She carefully stood up against the wall of the washroom, then opened the door of the washroom and walked out.

After the door was opened, the chill around Su Yi never disappeared. The servants walking around were all dressed in thin clothes, but it seemed that Su Yi was the only one living in the winter and could not wait to wrap a quilt on her body.

This cold feeling even intensified.

However, although Su Yi herself could not feel anything but the cold, when Su Zimo at the table and the person with the status of an experienced practitioner saw Su Yi coming over, their expressions were a little complicated.

Although Su Yi has worked hard to persevere, at the extreme temperature that is almost beyond the tolerance range, Su Yi can't help but tremble as she walks slowly, and even frostbitten purple appears on her exposed arm, and she takes off her lipstick. The color of the lips is even more frozen purple.

I just went to touch up my makeup, why did it suddenly become like a terminally ill terminal

Su Qian, who was not a trainee, couldn't help but have similar thoughts in their minds.

However, Su Zimo and the others could see that there were many traces of ghosts around and on Su Yi's body.

The black-haired red-clothed ghost who couldn't see his face hugged Su Yi like a sympathizer, and the long black hair around his head wrapped around Su Yi's body, which became the source of Su Yi's coldness.

The chinless ghost child blindfolded Su Yi like a prank, blowing in her ear from time to time.

Su Yi's originally fair-skinned thighs showed a face full of flesh, and that face kept winking at Su Zimo and the others, and the frequency of her movements was similar to the frequency of Su Yi's trembling legs.

And the shadow that Su Yi cast on the white wall turned into a tall man. Although it was just a shadow, he could see the ghost's short hair and the muscles of the grave. The most important thing to note is that the ghost's One hand was dragging an axe that looked very huge, and the shadow of the axe was clearly visible.

That was the ghost that was attracted by Su Yi's wish.

"Stop!" Su Zixiang immediately stopped Su Yi from moving forward, "Just stand there, don't go any further."

Su Yi didn't understand what was going on, but subconsciously obeyed Su Zixiang's words. The shadow on the wall and the other ghosts on her body also stopped and looked up in Su Zixiang's direction.

"It seems that your ghost-hunting physique is in trouble again." Su Zixiang frowned, "I didn't expect that there were even ghosts on Shoushan."


Hearing Su Zixiang's words, Su Yi immediately became scared.

"Is there a way for them to see those ghosts?" Su Zimo, who was sitting there, asked the Ghost Umbrella in a low voice.

[Small idea. ] Ghost Umbrella snapped his fingers expressively.

Su Yi didn't immediately see the ghost because of the ghost umbrella's actions, but she... Even the other ordinary people at the table heard an eerie voice talking.

[Almost there, as long as we kill the humans sitting there, we should be able to eat this woman. ]

[Don't worry, help this woman kill that Su Zimo first, and then divide it evenly. ]