Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 150: Sacrifice story


Opening the first page of the booklet, Su Zimo saw the name "An Yu" on it. At that moment, Su Zimo's mind seemed to have a feeling of exploding.

That's his mother's name!

But why did he remember the name when he saw the word "An Yu"? Before that, every time Su Zimo thought of his mother, he could only recall the two "mother". Character!

Not only the name, before opening the booklet, Su Zimo's mind didn't even have a clear image of his mother, and the clearest memory related to his mother was just his mother's funeral!

But even so, Su Zimo never felt that this situation was wrong before, as if the whole person was hypnotized by an unknown force.

Before that, Su Zimo had never heard much information about his mother from his father, let alone heard or seen his mother's name. Even the main house of the Su family had never had a photo of her mother.

In Su Zimo's memory, he had been to Shoushan's cemetery many times, where he changed flowers for his mother's tomb, but there was no picture of his mother there!

Obviously, for Su Zimo, his mother was the most important person in childhood, even more important than his grandfather who always taught him. Before Su Zimo's mother died, it was not his grandfather who taught him the most things, but his mother who had been by his side all the time.

He would read fairy tales to him, take him on many trips, and whisper soft words at night when he was about to fall asleep.

Every time he thinks of the word "mother", Su Zimo can feel that there is a feeling that has been suppressed and wants to break out of his chest. That feeling is not inferior to the relationship between Su Zimo and Mr. Su. Tie.

But until now, when Su Zimo saw the word "An Yu", the memory of his mother exploded in his mind. She was always dressed in a long dress, looked elegant and delicate, and had long black waterfall-like hair. The mother, who seems to be Wenwen but has a bright smile, has clearly appeared in Su Zimo's memory again after many years.

An Yu…


There are a shelf full of fairy tale books in the "An Yu Yi Corner" warehouse. Many thoughts are stacked together, making Su Zimo think of an unbelievable possibility.

With a rare urgency, he began to flip through the thick volume in his hand.

Ghost Umbrella has been quietly guarding Su Zimo's side, watching the expression on Su Zimo's face change slightly as he flips through the book. Although he can't see the text in the book at all, he can vaguely Knowing what should be in some brochures, his expression has always been very calm.

Su Zimo sat at the desk and watched quietly. Time passed into the middle of the night, and after midnight, the stars and the moon passed, but Su Zimo didn't seem to feel sleepy at all, so he watched quietly and earnestly.

When he was more than halfway through the book in his hand, Su Zimo stopped what he was doing and took a long breath.

The book in his hand is actually a diary, and it is a diary carefully recorded by his mother, An Yu, over the long years.

Not every day is recorded, but each time the mother recorded some thought-provoking true stories — stories that happened in a nightmare world.

That's right, it's more like a diary than a story that happened between the nightmare worlds and the trainees recorded by my mother as a bystander.

And his mother, An Yu... should be the former owner of the shop "An Yu Yi Yi". According to the details captured by Su Zimo in his diary, before his mother, An Yu, became the owner of the shop, the shop had no name. The golden signboard is the handwriting of Su Zimo's mother.

Because her mother did not keep this "diary" from the beginning, Su Zimo didn't know why her mother met "An Yu Yi Yu", nor did she know that "An Yu Yi Yu" happened before she met her mother. what kind of thing.

When my mother started to record, it seemed that it was already the time period when "Satisfied in a corner" was about to be upgraded to a third-level store. The stories recorded were very exciting, but there was not much information about the store and the mother herself.

Most of them can be regarded as ghost stories that can be made into classic horror movies.

But Su Zimo can see an astonishing conclusion from the background of the story and the names of some characters who should be very famous but he has never heard of - mother and "an corner", like the ghost umbrella, are from another from the world.

It should be the world in the mouth of the ghost umbrella that has been completely destroyed by the nightmare world.

It's just that although this answer was beyond Su Zimo's expectations, it was reasonable. After Su Zimo digested the fact that "mother is the former owner of the store", this conclusion does not seem to be surprising enough.

But what impressed Su Zimo most deeply was that when his mother finished writing a "diary", she hurriedly wrote several pages of digressions.

Those pages told a story that my mother heard from nowhere.

The story takes place in a world that had already begun to be swallowed up by the nightmare world and the ghosts. The protagonists of the story are a group of kind-hearted practitioners who still want to protect the last survivors of that world until the last moment.

In the story, these practitioners seem to have established an organization in order to support each other and keep themselves on the road of "persistence", but the mother did not mention the name of this organization in the narrative.

In the story described by the mother, the nightmare world will release some of the ghosts originally trapped in the nightmare world after reaching a certain stage. At this time, the most terrifying thing is not the attacking Specter, but the practitioner killed by the Specter, who will become a Specter with great power from birth!

Because of the interference of the nightmare world, the ghosts of that world have reached the stage where they can attack survivors at will and plunder their vitality for fattening. Almost all the remaining survivors in a region are protected as much as possible by the practitioners of that organization with ghost weapons. , the rest of the city has become a ruined and apocalyptic empty city, with only countless ghosts wandering back and forth.

Looking at the words on the booklet, Su Zimo still couldn't imagine such a picture.

But the mother who recorded these things changed the conversation, saying that the overwhelming advantage of the Specters had changed in the end.

The reason is a bit funny, because it is difficult for these ghosts to imagine what a world without humans and only ghosts would be like. These ghosts are full of hatred and hatred for the survivors who are still alive. That hatred, the desire to torture the living and attack the living makes them happy and excited, making them unbearable.

But if all the living humans were killed by them, and the whole world became a ghost, what would this world be like? Are Li Gui and Li Gui staring at each other

Although I always thought it was a funny thing for Specter to be confused about the future, these Specters actually reached an agreement together and came up with an idea that most Specters agree with—they want to keep humans in captivity.

Instead of attacking humans, they watched the slack survivors build their own siege, and the practitioners of that organization were the guardians of the siege.

They watched the living human beings do their best to continue to live, and watched the former relatives, former lovers and former friends turn against each other for a little bit of profit.

They are like the doomsday survivors who are surrounded by zombies in the doomsday novel, but they are different from the zombies in that they have the ability to think, and they can watch dramas.

But just when the survivors felt that their survival situation began to improve, the Specter who were tired of their series of tricks began to feel bored again.

So just when the survivors were "living and working in peace and contentment", an unprecedented invasion of ghosts came to the survivors outside the besieged city. All the ghosts in this area gathered together. The power gathered by these ghosts is stronger than the besieged city. All the trainers in it must be strong, not to mention that there are still some trainees who are carrying out the task of the nightmare world, and the combat power is seriously insufficient!

But just when all the survivors thought they were sure to die, the Specters who were blocked outside the besieged city... offered a deal.

[We just want to take one person away, so you can vote for a victim to feed us and we'll leave. ]

This is the deal proposed by the ghosts, allowing the survivors to choose a person to be eaten by the ghosts in exchange for a short-term peace.

When the Specters are bored again, they will let the survivors vote for the next victim!

Watching the survivors quarreling, crying, anger and even resorting to various conspiracy methods because of voting for their death, the Specter onlookers felt joy again.

Of course, what makes them really happy is the ugliness of human nature. They even feel that after death, they who were once human beings are higher than these survivors.

Such games quickly spread among the ghosts in various regions and became the most interesting pastime for them.

And the most tragic thing in the whole story is not the ordinary survivors who were played like toys, but the experienced ones who fought hard to protect the last survivors no matter what happened after the establishment of the organization!

Faced with inhumane voting demands, these experienced people fought, worked hard, and tried their best to convince the survivors not to hurt each other.

But in the end, because the practitioners did not force the survivors to submit, they could not persuade the excited old people and women, and finally chose to abstain in sorrow.

This is a group of sad and contradictory so-called "guardians" who want to help survivors because of the word "guardian", and because the word "guardian" cannot harm survivors.

To put it simply, it is a group of good old people who dare not do anything.

This group of good-natured trainees has repeatedly made concessions, and the bottom line is that they will not harm the survivors or participate in that cruel vote.

And because the attacking Specter was just onlookers and didn't do anything, the old people didn't fight back, and stood silently in the corner watching the survivors arguing red-faced.

At that moment, the good old people seemed to feel the complexity of "human nature" for the first time.

It's just that before the good old people can study it clearly, the name of a relatively weak experiencer in their organization has been shouted out by the survivors.

For the survivors who were protected by them, the first victim they voted for was a weaker experiencer in their organization!

"Don't you want to protect us? Isn't it natural for you to sacrifice to protect us from Specter?"

After the name of the victim was voted unanimously by all the survivors, the explanation the old people got was just this sentence.

The whole world seemed to be silent at the moment when the trainee who was voted for was taken away by the powerful Specter.

The good-natured trainers looked calmly at the survivors, and the survivors looked back at the trainees who had been protecting them.

But this time, the minds of the practitioners were blank.

And those survivors... are secretly counting the number of these experienced practitioners in front of them, and can't help thinking about how long these people can buy them a peaceful time.

Su Zimo stopped turning the pages because he no longer wanted to read the story. He could vaguely guess the direction of the story, and felt a chill behind him.