Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 152: Nightmare Twenty


The Ghost Umbrella standing behind Su Zimo was silent for a while, not knowing whether he was thinking about what Su Zimo knew, or sorting out the words that had already reached his lips.

But Su Zimo didn't show any rush, just sat there quietly, reading through the strange dog food-sprinkling postures of his mother and father - this is the main content of the second half of the booklet, while waiting for the ghost umbrella to open.

Speaking of which, Su Zimo really never imagined that a mother who had so many secrets and experienced so many things would suddenly give birth to the style of love novels after meeting her father...

It's just that Su Zimo didn't understand why the mother, who could use Shouhua to prolong her life at that time, chose to leave so early.

Why can't Shouhua be used by the boss and the clerk after he took over the store

[The lady has a high prestige in another world, but no one knows her name and real identity. Occasionally, someone can witness her true face, and she is only told that she is just an ordinary shop owner. Like the boss, she sells powerful ghost weapons to people who have been attacked by ghosts at very low prices. If the store owner allows them, these ghost weapons can even be used by ordinary humans. ]

Ghost Umbrella's tone was calm.

However, Su Zimo got an important piece of news. If the store owner allows non-experienced people to use the goods, then the ghost weapon can be used by ordinary people, just like Su Yi who wears bad luck lipstick.

[After I came to this world through a certain passage, the originally unstable soul body almost disappeared, so the lady gave me a ghost umbrella, so that I could have a place where the soul body can be stabilized. Know something about Mrs. ]

"Including the reason why my mother was able to use Shouhua, but still died in that year?" Su Zimo still couldn't figure this out. It wasn't a problem with logic, but a mystery that he had never been exposed to.

[That thing has side effects. ] Ghost Umbrella's eyes fell on his boss, and gave a very simple answer, [After using 100 longevity flowers, every time you use longevity flowers, your body will get worse to a certain extent, even if you are alive, your whole body will be Full of pain, living a very hard life. ]

[Mrs. She has used Shouhua too many times. ] Ghost Umbrella shook her head, [She is not unwilling to continue to live by your side, but her body has reached the limit. ]

[When she left, she said that she would find a way to prevent future people from destroying her body with too many longevity flowers. Sometimes in life there is a need for it, and there is no need to force it at all times in life. It is also a kind of life to go with the flow. good luck. ]

After Ghost Umbrella finished speaking, the atmosphere in the study fell silent again.

Su Zimo quietly flipped through this part of the dog food collection in his hand, looking at each beautiful self, each sweet record, it was really hard to imagine that when recording these, in fact, the mother had been suffering from unimaginable pain all the time. on.

[In addition, what the lady did in the other world made a certain Specter organization very disgusted, so those Specter used a special ghost weapon to track the whereabouts of the lady, and even chased after this world a long time ago. ]

[Mrs. kept her whereabouts a secret very well, but she didn't expect that special ghost weapon to allow those ghosts to capture the bloodline of the lady, that is, you, the boss. ]

Ghost Umbrella took a long breath.

[At that time, Mrs. was running out of time. Even if she used Shouhua again, it would have no effect. She was extremely worried about you being targeted, so she made a series of plans. ]

Ghost Umbrella sorted out her thoughts, and then continued: [Mrs. brought back a boy who was terminally ill and abandoned in a short time, and used longevity flowers to extend his life for 30 years, so that he could stay in the You have been by your side for 30 years and named Su Hewen. ]

Su Zimo was so stunned.

[Then Madam counted the remaining birthday flowers, and nearly a hundred birthday flowers were all on your body, boss. ] Ghost Umbrella glanced at the silent Su Zimo, [You also know that longevity flowers can not only prolong people's lifespan, but each longevity flower can also help people avoid a death catastrophe, that is to say, even if someone hurts your life , there are also nearly a hundred longevity flowers to avoid death for you. ]

[But Mrs. may not have imagined that nearly a hundred birthday flowers... were consumed when you were sixteen years old. ] Ghost Umbrella sighed, [Although the power of nearly a hundred longevity flowers has guarded your body and soul for four years, you should be well aware of the sequelae. ]

[Thanks to that weird sequelae, the Specter who chased Madam's bloodline seemed to think you were dead, so he gave up continuing to track. ]

Su Zimo's brain almost exploded, he never thought that the four years of stupid life was actually the consumption of nearly a hundred longevity flowers!

He thought that those four years were torture... but he never thought that it might be a deep gift.

[Originally, after four years, boss, your soul will be wiped out because there is no support, and even ghosts will not remain, but fortunately, Mrs. still has a last resort. ] The ghost umbrella couldn't help but sighed at the lady's power when she thought of the various plans of the lady.

"Second move?" What came to Su Zimo's mind was the ceiling that belonged to "being in a corner" when he woke up.

[Mrs. seems to have linked you to the shop. If you, the boss, die unexpectedly before a certain age set by Mrs., you will appear in the shop as the shop owner one second before your soul is about to dissipate. ]

Ghost Umbrella paused: [As long as you become the owner of the store, you will naturally be able to find a way to prolong your life. ]

"Set the age?" Su Zimo was a little confused.

[Boss… ] Ghost umbrella took a deep look at Su Zimo, [If you can, if you can live the life of an ordinary person so peacefully, Madam really hopes that you will never know about the store. After all, for her, the happiest life is the life that ordinary people enjoy in the end. ]

[However, no one thought that the invasion of the nightmare world came so quickly. It is really a good thing for you, boss, to control the store at this time. ] Ghost Umbrella laughed, the red lines on the corners of his eyes flew up, [Mrs. would be pleased to know. ]

"What about you? You're just one of the plans arranged by your mother?" Su Zimo asked back, and there was a sense of loss in his tone that he didn't even notice.

[That's not true. ] Ghost Umbrella caressed the corner of his eyes, [Although I am very grateful to her, I don't owe her anything even considering some long-term things. I will call her Mrs, just because I don't know her well, and she's your mother. ]

"Then why stay in the store all the time." Su Zimo knows that only ghosts who really want to stay in the store will appear in the store information, otherwise there are so many ghosts in the warehouse "in a corner", why the store information There are only three members in the store so far.

[I just thought it was interesting at first, but later...] Ghost Umbrella glanced at Su Zimo, [In short, it was hard for me to imagine that the owner of the shop would be so involved in the nightmare world. As far as I know, although that woman often enters the nightmare world, she is a melon eater who is completely regarded by others as non-existent. ]

Since the store was connected to the Internet, the strange vocabulary of Ghost Umbrella has increased.

"Ghost umbrella, do you know the name of the organization that has been attacking me?" Su Zimo asked instead.

[I don't know about that, that organization seems to hate its name, so I call it by name, as if the Specter just calls it 'organization'. Boss, there is a very powerful red-eyed ghost at the top of the pyramid of the organization. ] Ghost Umbrella suddenly remembered and warned.

"Is it more powerful than you?" Although Su Zimo didn't use all his strength, he also felt that he seemed to be able to handle it at all times.

[That's not the same. ]

Ghost Umbrella said without explaining, and even disappeared directly in front of Su Zimo.

During the few days he stayed in the Su family, Su Zimo learned from Su Hewen what the Su family was doing. It seemed that there were many golden bells with strange patterns engraved on the mountainside of Shoushan. It took time for the engraving to be complicated, but the number of bells It is still increasing. This kind of engraving is known by Su Hewen and the others from the ghost umbrella.

In another world, the survivors used this kind of bell to surround a city. As long as a Specter approached, the bell would make a much louder sound than ordinary bells.

They will also bury enough silver threads and silver objects a few centimeters underground under the bell, which can also make it difficult for ordinary ghosts to get close to the mountainside.

At that time, even with Su Yi's lipstick, it would be impossible for ordinary ghosts to enter the main residence of the Su family.

Although the consumption is huge, it is not enough to pay for this special period.

I heard that Ghost Umbrella and Su Hewen are still planning to build an underground passage. For such a big Shoushan, this is also an unimaginable big project.

However, Su Zimo had already simply not touched these troublesome planning accounts or even drawings, but had left everything to Su Hewen.

Su Zimo is more worried about his brother's lifespan. Every time he sees Su Hewen, he will think of what the ghost umbrella said, and then he seems to see the few lifespans on Su Hewen.

However, for Su Zimo, this is not something that cannot be changed at all. After all... Now the owner of "being in a corner" is him.

Su Zimo originally wanted to enter the nightmare world with "An Yu Yiyi" and make a good profit, so that more birthday flowers would grow in the flowerbed in the store.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. When Su Zimo was ready, the housekeeper Mu Feng suddenly came to say goodbye.

Before Su Zimo realized it, Mu Feng was about to enter the world of his twentieth nightmare.

Su Zimo wanted to sell some of the ghost weapons in the store to Mu Feng, but the other party seemed to have enough ghost weapons, and he didn't expect anything from the beginning of his safe return, so he quickly quietly leave.

Thinking that many old friends would enter the twentieth nightmare world, and thinking about the particularity of that number and the world, Su Zimo, who was "comfortable in a corner" and backed by a ghost umbrella, tried to take Mu Feng with him after he left. The entire store entered the nightmare world, trying to see if he could follow some special metaphysics in the store and follow him into the nightmare world where Mu Feng lived.

It just didn't match.

The shop did not find a suitable nightmare world for landing, Su Zimo thought for a while, and after discussing it with the ghost umbrella, he brought the treasure hunt doll, the ghost umbrella, and the ghost umbrella as much as possible. Let Ayu Yuyu close the store door.

Then, he opened the side door of the shop "alone" and walked in.

This time, Su Zimo didn't stay in the dark for too long like last time, but just stepped in and saw a vast expanse of white color.

It's like entering a world where there is only white.

"… "

This place is completely different from the nightmare world Su Zimo has seen before. Su Zimo closed his eyes and calmed down for a while, and then opened his eyes to look at this pure white world.

Very noisy!

After he looked around, he still found it difficult to describe the world he was in...

The world is like a pure white sealed... gymnasium.

The reason why Su Zimo called the world "gymnasium" is because the space is not only confined, but also very large, accommodating hundreds of people at a glance.

Su Zimo looked around, and felt that it was not the ghosts who would make such noisy discussions and scolding, but living human beings.

Su Zimo, who was staring at White, felt a little dazzling, so he thought about turning around and looking at other places around.

As soon as he turned his head, Su Zimo saw Mu Feng who tilted his head with an incredible expression.

"I didn't expect to meet so soon." Su Zimo smiled and spread his hands.

Although he doesn't know what's going on in this nightmare world, and although he doesn't know why so many people stay here, since he saw Mu Feng here, it means he's not in the wrong place.

This should be the legendary twentieth nightmare world.

"A newcomer is here again." A somewhat sarcastic tone came from not far away, "We have more fresh blood in our waiting team."

"I don't know if they will choose to stay or go."

"Go out and die?"

"Staying here is just waiting to die..."