Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 153: Numbness and despair


"Why are you here?" After entering the nightmare world, Mu Feng seemed to have detached himself from the identity of the Su family's butler, and of course he was very surprised that he would see Su in the twentieth nightmare world. Zimo. (Fiction Network)

If Mu Feng remembered correctly, the last time he entered the nightmare world with Su Zimo, he seemed to be just a newcomer who had experienced the second nightmare world, at most the third time.

How could he enter this nightmare world with him? !

"Don't think about some innocuous things at this time. It seems that there are still old friends here." Su Zimo had already seen Liu Xu, an old acquaintance standing beside Mu Feng at the moment.

This military veteran with strong physical fitness and personal combat effectiveness left a deep impression on Su Zimo in the last nightmare world.

Maybe it was because Su Zimo entered the nightmare world relatively late, so when he came here, Mu Feng obviously had already done the joint work with Liu Xu.

"What's going on in this world?" Su Zimo's weapon this time was not the metal pen, but a black umbrella that included almost all his belongings and the powerful ghosts left by his mother.

"We..." Mu Feng seemed a little stunned, looking at Su Zimo, not knowing what to say.

So Liu Xu, who was still wearing the red gloves, said, "We don't know what's going on here, but there seems to be something strange in the place surrounded by people."

After speaking, Liu Xu looked at Su Zimo, who was still wearing the pair of chain glasses, shook his head and said to him, "Although I don't know why you are here, you really don't need to be here. "

Everyone who is ready to face the world of the twentieth nightmare has made plans to go back and forth, and may even have written a suicide note.

Feeling the pity in Liu Xu's tone, Su Zimo just showed a faint smile, then changed the subject and asked, "I didn't expect that a nightmare world could enter so many people at the same time."

"No." Liu Xu shook his head, "There are only four or five people who came in with us, which is much smaller than the number of people participating in the ordinary nightmare world. The other people... seem to have been here for a long time."

After hearing what Liu Xu said, Su Zimo began to look again at the space in front of him with many people standing.

Although there are nearly 100 people at a glance, the whole space is not crowded at all, although the whiteness makes people unable to distinguish the boundaries of the room for a while, and even the dazzling light in the room cannot be seen.

But it can be seen that the whole space is very large, and most of the people have indeed stayed here for a long time as Liu Xu said.

Aside from Su Zimo and the others, who looked blank, only a small part of the remaining people stood there and looked at them, and they could even see some schadenfreude in their eyes.

Most of the other people... Some sat together in groups, some even lay directly on the ground, covering their faces with clothes, if they couldn't see the ups and downs of their chests, those lying down watched It does seem a little worrying.

There were also some people who seemed to be sitting against the corner, which also allowed Su Zimo to be able to identify where the corner was.

After observing for a long time, Su Zimo found that the people who have just arrived and those who have stayed here for a long time are actually very easy to distinguish, because those who have stayed here for some reason have no look in their eyes, and the whole person is also full from top to bottom. There is a messy feeling. Although I don't know what the passage of time and other physical changes in this space look like, these people look like they haven't taken a bath for a long time.

Just didn't smell anything.

All in all, it's an inexplicable feeling of lifelessness. Although Liu Xu and Mu Feng had serious expressions and their bodies were always in a state of alert, they were still more angry than other people in this place.

Before Liu Xu said that there were some strange things in the place surrounded by those people, Su Zimo also paid special attention to it.

These practitioners who have stayed in the white space for an unknown period of time seem to have been divided into teams, and each "camp" really seems to be standing or standing around something.

There was a large-looking camp in the middle that attracted Su Zimo's attention, because each of them wore a badge like a small sun, which was the symbol of the Dawning Organization.

In the "camp" organized by Dawning, there were relatively few people watching the fun, so most of them sat on the ground, which also allowed Su Zimo to see through them what was hidden behind them—

A very delicate looking doll house!

The so-called doll's house is a toy made after a certain building has been reduced in proportion. Although it has been reduced, although it is called a toy, it is also much taller than most five- or six-year-old children.

One side of the doll house is exactly the same as the main building, but the other side can be opened. The inside looks like a section drawing of the building, and there will be all kinds of toy furniture, toy stairs and various toys representing the family. Toy dolls.

Su Zimo has always felt that this kind of doll's house is generally very expensive. If you look closely, it will make people feel panicked.

Especially the doll's house in this nightmare world, even if there is nothing, it is covered with a mysterious and ominous color, not to mention that the doll's house that Su Zimo sees is as delicate as a real residential building. Exactly the same, even the staleness of the exterior walls and the glass texture of the windows are exactly the same.

This is also the first time Su Zimo has seen a doll's house that is scaled down with an old or even dilapidated residential building as a template. With his current eyesight, he can even see clearly that the glass on a certain window has been broken, and he can even feel it early. Rusted metal window frames.

Just when Su Zimo was about to close his eyes and look elsewhere, out of the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see a figure flashing past the window of the doll's house.

When Su Zimo looked at it again, he found that there was nothing there.

The more he observes, the more Su Zimo feels... It seems that this kind of scaled-down building cannot be called simply by the name "Doll's House".

[There is a lot of ghostly breath. ] Although Ghost Umbrella did not appear near Su Zimo, his voice entered his ears.

Sure enough, no matter how odd the start of Nightmare World is, Nightmare World is Nightmare World.

"There are many such buildings here." Mu Feng, who was on the side, seemed to have finally calmed down and said softly, "Most of them look like residential buildings, but some look like streets, schools or even hospitals."

"Although these people have always been around those buildings, they don't seem to have exclusive intentions. The people from the Dawning Organization over there have been greeting us all the time." Liu Xu said, but frowned.

"Brother Liu doesn't like the Dawning Organization?" Speaking of which, Su Zimo really rarely sees people who don't like the Dawning Organization.

I thought Liu Xu would deny it, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't, and just whispered: "It's just an organization of unknown origin."

"But we still need someone to guide us at this time." Su Zimo nodded to the Dawning Organization that waved at them, "Although we don't know the origin of this organization, if we want to know more about it There is nothing wrong with asking a good person from the Dawning Organization."

After the three reached an agreement, they walked to the "camp" of the Dawning organization together.

To Su Zimo's surprise, he actually saw another familiar person behind the group of people in the Dawning Organization, that is Su Zixiang who had just met not long ago.

When the two cousins saw each other face to face, they couldn't help but be taken aback, especially Su Zixiang's inner activity at the moment, even if Su Zimo couldn't hear it, he knew that it must be very rich and exciting.

"There are fewer and fewer people coming in recently. Everyone who is willing to come in is a person with courage."

A person in the Dawning camp reluctantly smiled at Su Zimo and the others, but soon a person from the camp next to him sneered and said, "It's nothing to come here, it's the courageous people to leave here, stay here. Humans are just cowards."

The person from the Dawning Organization also had a stiff expression, and soon turned himself around again, and said as Su Zimo expected: "You must think this is very strange, and it is different from other nightmare worlds, but in fact..."

"Actually this is hell, where is it still a nightmare." Another camp on the other side came with a sneering tone again.

"What's going on here?" Su Zimo looked at Su Zixiang, who claimed to be at the top of the world, obediently standing among a group of people who were even more peak than him but called themselves cowards, and pretended not to know him at all. He looked like Su Zimo didn't even look at him, so Su Zimo tacitly didn't try to expose him.

"My name is Wan Hao, you can just call me Lao Wan." The members of the Dawning Organization who received Su Zimo and the others wore a standard old and nice smile, but there was an undisguised tiredness and reluctance in the smile, and the spirit didn't look very good.

"This is just the starting point of the nightmare world." Wan Hao sighed, "It's like the login interface of the game, you can choose any mini building here, and then walk into the building, you can enter the real nightmare world."

"Go in?" Su Zimo looked at the toy building slightly higher than his waistline, and was still a little puzzled about the specific operation.

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you can walk in or not, as long as you keep moving forward, you can leave here and go to the nightmare world." Wan Hao said and raised his left arm, "The blood inscriptions such as mission prompts have disappeared. It's gone, this method of entering the nightmare world was also figured out by people before."

"What about you guys? Don't you want to go in?" Hearing Wan Hao's words so lightly, Su Zimo felt even more strange about so many people staying in this white space.

"..." Wan Hao paused for a moment, did not answer Su Zimo's question, but said, "Every time a new person comes in, we will ask them a question, but it's just too many times, we are a little confused now. Dare to know the answer."

"What's the problem?" Su Zimo asked.

"When you came in, did anyone survive the twentieth nightmare world?" Wan Hao asked with a wry smile.

Su Zimo and Mu Feng looked at each other and couldn't help being silent.

They really hadn't heard of anyone getting out of the Twentieth Nightmare world alive.

Although Su Zimo and the others didn't answer, Wan Hao who was standing over there already knew the answer, and he still said with a wry smile, "Shouldn't it be? After all, the answer is the same every time."

"And the people who entered these buildings... have never come out." Wan Hao glanced at the miniature of the dilapidated building behind him, his body trembled slightly, "None of the people who stay here can know, after entering there What will happen."

"Let's stay." An unfamiliar trainee on the other side said, "You won't feel hungry or dangerous if you stay here. Although it's a bit boring, someone brought cards and some books."

At this moment, Su Zimo understood. Although the trainees who stayed here were all trainees who had entered the twentieth nightmare world for various reasons, they were all counseled at the last moment of entering the nightmare world.

Looking at the faces that were numb, tired, sleepy, and even a little desperate, Su Zimo really felt that the most torturous thing was the nightmare world itself, compared to Specter.

Put people in a nightmare, and they can't wake up no matter what.