Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 162: Extra Story Master of the Holy Mountain


The struggle against the nightmare world has passed for more than ten years.

Children born at the beginning of the struggle have also grown into teenagers. For them, the world they live in is bizarre. When they open the book, they will feel that the history before a certain turning point is as calm as a The ordinary world that can only be seen in TV dramas, and what caused this peace to be interrupted is an existence called "Nightmare World".

With the emergence of the Nightmare World, some people were selected as trainees.

In the history books of this world, there are many powerful trainers who led other trainees and even some ordinary people to win battle after battle.

These practitioners are heroes who are admired by teenagers who grew up in troubled times.

Such as Cheng Yun, such as Liu Xu, the stories behind these names are almost heard by these children since childhood.

It's not really a good thing to be a trainer, because every once in a while, the trainer will be teleported to another place to do the task due to the influence of the nightmare world. Most teenagers don't know what those mysterious places look like, they only know that there are very scary ghosts there!

Yes, ghost!

For teenagers, ghosts are another creature in this world, just like humans and demons in novels, most of the time they oppose each other or even go to war, but people are good and bad, ghosts are good and evil, it is a very complex 's knowledge.

Almost all teenagers have seen the battle between the Specter and the Trainer through the Internet, and they all know how terrifying the powerful Specter is, but even so... Becoming a Trainer is still the dream of this generation of teenagers.

Just like the teenagers who want to be scientists and astronauts.

Lin Shuguang is an ordinary high school boy who dreams of becoming a trainee. He has been born in Shengshan City since his birth.

When it comes to the holy mountain city, Lin Shuguang has to mention the landmark of his hometown, the holy mountain.

Lin Shuguang's home is very close to the holy mountain. As soon as he looks up, he can see the mountainside of the holy mountain, and even hear the crisp sound of golden bells ringing in the wind.

Dad Lin said that the voice would drive away ghosts and bring good luck to them.

"Little devil, do you know why that mountain was called before?"

Early in the morning, Lin Shuguang, who was rushing to school, sat in the breakfast shop near his house and drank porridge, and then a man with a beard and a dusty look sat opposite him and asked a question seemingly casually.

"Holy Mountain, isn't it the Holy Mountain?" Lin Shuguang was a little puzzled.

"Then why is it called the Holy Mountain?" the middle-aged man asked again.

"My dad said that the holy mountain has protected many people in the holy mountain city. If one day, if you accidentally encounter a ghost, you can be saved as long as you keep running to the holy mountain." Lin Shuguang always remembered his father's advice.

"Yeah, there has been such a thing, that place is like a refuge that can save lives." The man looked at the holy mountain, "That mountain used to be called Shoushan, and this place used to be called Shoushan City."

"I had the opportunity to become the owner of that mountain before." The middle-aged man suddenly pointed to his nose and said to Lin Shuguang.

"Hahahahaha." Lin Shuguang couldn't help laughing, "Uncle, stop joking, everyone here knows what the owner of the holy mountain looks like, and it's not your old look!"

"Really? Don't look at what I look like now, I used to be a strong practitioner at the top of the world." The middle-aged man stared at him, then shook his head, "But that guy's appearance is really Ordinary people can't compare."

"Before?" Lin Shuguang was a little curious, "Uncle, are you not a practitioner now?"

"I am, it's quite powerful." The middle-aged man put his hand behind the waist of his coat and touched the spear-shaped ghost weapon hidden there, "It's just... it's not the pinnacle of the world."

"Is the uncle a trainer? It's amazing!" Lin Shuguang's eyes changed when he looked at the man, "I will also become a trainee in the future!"

"Is it a good thing to become an experienced person?" The middle-aged man glanced at Lin Shuguang with a warm face, "It seems that I haven't been back for a long time."

"Of course, the one on the holy mountain once sent a message." Lin Shuguang said, and began to tell the middle-aged man in front of him, "Though it is difficult for the experienced person to move forward, he is carrying the whole world on his back. "

"The more trainees, the more new trainers the Nightmare World chooses, and the whole world will move forward smoothly. The fewer trainees, the fewer new trainers the Nightmare World chooses. When there are no trainers in this world, The whole world will become a stagnant wasteland."

"So becoming a new trainer is not to make oneself stronger, but to make oneself the inheritor of the fire of the whole world!"

Lin Shuguang spoke passionately.

"It's like the next successor to the world, very cool, very handsome!"

"One day, I will get the permission of the master of the holy mountain and get the first ghost weapon! If I can become a trainee, it will be even better!"

"It's really different." The middle-aged man said, he couldn't help coughing, and there was even blood flowing between the fingers that covered his mouth.

"Uncle, are you alright? You're a trainee... Shouldn't it be a ghost attack?" Lin Shuguang couldn't help but be a little anxious when he saw the middle-aged man on the opposite side looked very bad.

"Little devil, you even know the backlash of ghost weapons?" The man was a little surprised.

"Yeah, isn't this something that everyone knows? If the ghost weapon is close to backlash, send the ghost weapon to the holy mountain, and the master of the holy mountain will exchange the new ghost weapon with the trainer, and the trainer himself You need to pay a very low price.”

"Uncle, hurry up to the holy mountain!" Lin Shuguang hurriedly urged again.

"No need." The middle-aged man shook his head, "I won't go back there again, I have nothing to do with it anymore."

"Then throw away the ghost weapon quickly!" Lin Shuguang didn't understand why the uncle who claimed to be a powerful practitioner was so disobedient. It was obviously something he knew, so why didn't this uncle understand

"No." The man shook his head secretly.

From the moment he knew that he could never go higher than Su Zimo, he finally discovered one thing, that is, if he didn't want to live in the shadow of Su Zimo, he should go farther and farther. it is good.

This time, he came back to Shoushan to pick up his elderly father and mother. They lived well under the care of the Su family, but when they got older, they no longer had the energy to think about some things that they didn't have. They just wanted to be with him. Live together and dream about whether you can hold a grandson before your death.

In the end, wealth and power seem to be nothing.

In order to protect the elderly at home, he still needs this ghost weapon in his hand, and even looks for more ghost weapons that can be used as bullets.

"What's your name?" The middle-aged man, Su Zixiang pressed his dusty coat and asked.

"My name is Lin Shuguang."


Su Zixiang was stunned for a while, then said with a smile, "The hero you admire and the master of the holy mountain may not like this name very much."

"No! I saw the Holy Mountain Master with my own eyes when I was a child!" Lin Shuguang opened his eyes, as if Su Zixiang had said something bad, "He is a very good name, even the Holy Mountain Master's partner, the most powerful The ghosts laughed!"


Su Zixiang had heard about that ghost. At first, he only thought it was some subdued trash fish, but he never thought that he would stay by Su Zimo's side for so many years, and was even evaluated as "the best friend with kindness towards mankind". Strong ghost".

Thinking about it this way, he didn't even know how high Su Zimo had reached at the beginning, and he even boasted that he stood taller than him, or even stood at the top of the world

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Now that I think about it, he may be the only one who would say those words to Su Zimo.

Su Zixiang turned to leave, and after walking for a while, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing behind him.

When he turned to look, he saw two "human" figures standing at the foot of Shoushan Mountain not far away.

The two "human" figures are still the same as they were more than ten years ago. One of the guys floating there kept staring at him with knife-like eyes. As for the other...

His hair seemed to be a little longer than before, and it was tied at random on his shoulders, and he was wearing the pair of glasses. He still had that familiar smile on his face, as if he was saying goodbye to him at the end.

Su Zixiang actually recalled that when he was very young, the first time his father took him to see Su Zimo, he saw the boy sitting in the garden quietly reading a book, his cousin smiled when he turned his head.

In an instant, he was amazed at that time.

He is dirty, but when he is standing in front of the real Su Zimo, he can't even look him in the eye.

Don't look at him like that!

Don't look at him like that!

Su Zixiang didn't have the courage to continue to look at the two figures, turned around and ran away without turning his head.

"I seem to have seen someone." Lin Shuguang, who had just finished drinking the porridge, rubbed his eyes, feeling that he had just seen those two "people" who were always inseparable and unbelievable to them.

But when Lin Shuguang finished rubbing his eyes and looked over, the holy mountain was still the green mountain, the morning sun shone in the forest, and the light reflected from the golden bells could be seen.

There is nothing there.

But Lin Shuguang knew that the two figures must be somewhere in the holy mountain.

One on the left and one on the right, one in front and one behind, never separated.

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