Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 22: Player Wu Qing


For a boy named Wu Qing, being a trainee is not a bad thing.

Therefore, he accepted the fact that he was in a nightmare world much faster than his nominal sister Gan Yuan, and even had a vague feeling of being in it.

Wu Qing was born in a very ordinary town. Although it is also very prosperous and close to the city, it must be a little different from the big city where the Gan family is located. At least in Gan Yuan's mouth, Wu Qing has always walked from the valley. Out of the wild child.

No matter how you explain it, the titular sister doesn't seem to believe that he has had a mobile phone and a computer to play since elementary school.

Originally, Wu Qing's life could be very ordinary. He could always be an ordinary boy who likes to play games and is good at playing games. Then he goes to an ordinary university, chooses an ordinary computer major, plays games for four years, and then comes out to find someone who is not free. Regular work that is not busy.

But the turning point of his fate was that his mother, who was the head nurse in the sanatorium, had a second spring and married a big boss who was said to be very rich. The first time I knew that there was something worse in this world than being guarded by a corpse and killed a hundred times in a row.

Wu Qing didn't know whether the relationship between her mother and her stepfather was pure or not at first, but since her mother's younger brother, Wu Qing's uncle, who was a warehouse watcher, became the logistics manager of her stepfather's company...

My aunt quit my job as a supermarket salesman, and I drove a new car to play in the warehouse since I was a child. Even the new clothes are only available for the new year and festivals. The little cousin went to learn the piano and ballet...

From my aunt's older brother and younger brother to eat and drink together with my uncle in the logistics department...

The child of his mother's old classmate graduated from an unknown secondary school and was sent by his stepfather to an elementary school as a teacher...

From... After many, many big or small things happened, Wu Qing's mother whispered to him in a place where no one was there, no matter what happened, he should please his stepfather and the eldest lady of the Gan family, no matter what happened.

Even if Wu Qing was slapped at the make-up wedding by Miss Gan, who looked down on him, even if he was bruised everywhere in private by Gan Yuan's boyfriend Xiao Yuyang and Xiao Yuyang's valet, his mother told him to endure it.

As long as they endure, they are members of the Gan family, they can continue to use the resources of the Gan family, and their future will be rich and noble.

It's as if Wu Qing was busy playing games in high school, and failed the college entrance examination, but was not admitted to university, but was put into a college famous by his stepfather for two or three years by his stepfather. He studied abroad in a school where he couldn't even pronounce the name of the university. After playing for a few years, he returned to China and joined his stepfather's company to work idle, marry a beautiful wife, and live a "happy" life.

Although he is always humiliated and beaten by Gan Yuan on weekdays, at least when Wu Qing takes the pocket money given to him by his stepfather, he becomes a big boss in the game world he likes, and when various servers are rampant, Wu Qing will take every The guy he stepped on under his feet was taken as Gan Yuan and her dog-legs.

It's been a long time... Wu Qing usually thinks that Miss Gan and Xiao Yuyang are nothing special.

Especially now, both Wu Qing and Gan Yuan are just newcomers in the nightmare world, and things like family background, blood, or money and appearance have no meaning to them.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Gan Yuan's suitor, Xiao Yuyang, turned out to be a goddamn senior, and once strengthened his body with Nightmare Points, Wu Qing would not have been beaten and scolded by anyone until now.

As far as Wu Qing's thin body has been facing the computer for a long time, he is simply unable to fight against Xiao Yuyang, who is much stronger than before because of the nightmare point.

So for Wu Qing at the moment, the nightmare world is a new game he entered.

It's just that there is no plug-in for this game, and there is no way to recharge. Wu Qing is a newcomer who has just entered the game at this moment, but behind Gan Yuan who wants to deal with it, there is already a veteran player who has entered the server for many days in advance, and neither character attributes nor equipment can keep up.

At this time, what will Wu Qing, a self-proclaimed game expert, do

He needs to do quests, he needs to fight monsters, and he's counting on quests or monsters to get some early-game nightmare points... and gear.

It's a pity that the first task Wu Qing and the others encountered was a little inexplicable. It turned out to make them sit in the subway for two full hours stupidly! In the two hours, the subway stopped at only three platforms in total.

The first platform was deserted with weeds and debris.

The second platform was originally empty, but when the subway was about to close, a human-looking "ghost" walked in.

The third platform was the one full of weird students and teachers just now. It seemed to be the most terrifying of the three platforms.

For Wu Qing, what he yearns most is the third platform, because the third platform has the most "ghosts". If he can eliminate them all, he may be able to obtain much more than other practitioners.

It's a pity that Wu Qing didn't dare to leave the subway because of the task.

And... even if Wu Qing was able to leave the subway, he didn't even have a folded trekking pole by his side. The entire trekking bag was filled with heavy things and water that Gan Yuan didn't want to carry, and there was nothing that could be used.

In the case that his body is not strengthened, he needs a weapon.

Then, Wu Qing saw the black umbrella in the hand of the "ghost"!

It is an umbrella that looks very "expensive". The silver tip, handle and even the ribs give people a delicate and heavy feeling. Falling on the carriage can make Wu Qing determine the kind of silver. Definitely not plated.

Coupled with the carvings of skeletons and bones, Wu Qing was even more sure that the umbrella was a treasure. Otherwise, that "ghost" would carry it with such caution

That must belong to the "ghost" equipment, at least the equipment that Xiao Yuyang can't get!

Grab the black umbrella, leave the subway, eliminate the ghosts that may exist on the platform, clear the mission, and get nightmare points. These are all the plans Wu Qing can think of in an instant. As long as his plan can succeed, he will no longer have to bow down to Gan Yuan!

He will be stronger than Gan Yuan, stronger than Xiao Yuyang, and even stronger than all the practitioners!

In order to achieve his goal, Wu Qing guessed that the "ghost" would not do anything to him for a while, so he took the The idea of "seeking wealth and wealth at risk" actually followed the "ghost" to the next compartment, and sat opposite the "ghost".

During the whole process, Wu Qing's heart beat fast.

He is now sitting opposite the "ghost", the place that Xiao Yuyang and Gan Yuan dare not approach at all, which is the most dangerous place in this nightmare world.

After sitting quietly for more than ten minutes, Wu Qing suddenly felt that the "ghost" sitting across from him was expressionless, but his eyes were kind and friendly, at least he looked friendlier than Gan Yuan and Xiao Yuyang in the next car. .

Moreover, seeing Gan Yuan and Xiao Yuyang hating and being unable to get close, and chanting, cursing, and mocking in their mouths, Wu Qing really felt a little refreshed.

To be honest, the "ghost" sitting opposite Wu Qing looks several times better than Gan Yuan, who thinks she is beautiful, and her face is clean, unlike Gan Yuan who has to paint her face every time she goes out. several times.

Once Wu Qing accidentally saw Gan Yuan wearing makeup after the rain, and she looked even scarier than a ghost.

After Wu Qing and the others had endured abruptly in the subway for two hours, he suddenly felt another tingling pain in his left arm, and then watched as the bloody words originally engraved on the inside of his arm slowly disappeared, replaced by The other two lines of blood.

[Task 2: Choose a platform, leave the subway, and survive for two hours. ]

Looking at the new task that appeared in his hand, Wu Qing trembled with excitement, and even the corners of his mouth showed a smile. The content of the second mission was completely within Wu Qing's expectations, and the reason why the first mission made them stay in the subway for so long was probably to allow them to observe and choose the three stations they passed by before!

Everything didn't deviate from the plan. Wu Qing even found that the "ghost" sitting opposite him didn't know when to close his eyes and rest, and the black umbrella that looked very precious was placed on the seat next to him so casually.

What a godsend!

Feeling that the subway started to slow down slowly, Wu Qing clenched his hands tightly, and looked at the "ghost" with his eyes closed for a while, and then looked at the platform that was about to appear outside. If there is a choice, Wu Qing wants to play a big one, and wants to choose the platform full of ghost students!

He can be sure that Gan Yuan and Xiao Yuyang will never choose the platform that looks terrifying.

Three... Two... One...

Wu Qing turned his head to look out the subway window, and he could only see the platform in front of him.

When the countdown in his heart ended, Wu Qing actually saw the platform he wanted and the figures of the students who were still standing there with weird smiles!


The moment the subway door opened, Wu Qing, who was fully prepared, moved his hands and feet first, and when his head was blank, he had already stole the black umbrella placed on the seat by the "ghost" on the opposite side. Then he rushed out without stopping for a second.

Saying that you are not afraid of the ghosts on the platform is definitely a lie, but when Wu Qing rushed out of the subway door, he raised a black umbrella that was much heavier than an ordinary umbrella, and opened the umbrella like a shield. Ah!" he shouted, rushing into the group of ghosts!

Many so-called game masters have the mentality of "gamblers".

Especially before they realize that they are playing games with their lives, they are more likely to be manipulated by their inner gambling and make some incomprehensible behaviors.