Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 27


On the platform of the Central Square Station, there was an embarrassing confusion for a time.

So embarrassing.

Xiao Yuyang wanted to prove his identity, but he successively revealed the secret of the president Hu Lie borrowing an online loan and his friend Xia Xiaofeng pretending to be rich, which made the two people who were disclosed the secret extremely embarrassing.

"Don't be provoked by the impostors." Xiao Yuyang, who looked very calm on the other side, said immediately after seeing Hu Lie and Xia Xiaofeng's unkind eyes, "Everyone stay calm, time will pass soon."

"Yeah, we won't believe what the counterfeiters say." Gan Yuan had already regarded that Xiao Yuyang as her lifeline, so she had already hid behind him and catered to his words. He was comforting Hu Lie and Xia Xiaofeng, but he looked at them strangely.

Tu Huanhuan, who was told that Xia Xiaofeng might not be the son of the returning boss, that is, the female roommate of Gan Yuan among the trainees, also stared at that Xia Xiaofeng hesitantly, saying that it would be a lie if he didn't believe it.

"Yeah, it's all fake." One of them, Hu Lie, suddenly half-squinted his eyes, "After all, Xiao Yuyang I know is addicted to online gambling, and he probably doesn't even have 200 yuan around, let alone lending money to others. "

"Also, the Xiao Yuyang I know pursues Miss Gan's eldest there, but at the same time fights hotly on the Internet with the juniors from the school next door, and even stays out for several days a month." Xia Xiaofeng also said with a sneer. .

The other Hu Lie and Xia Xiaofeng standing on the other side actually kept silent at this time.

"Enough, are you talking about real or fake!" Another Tu Huanhuan took a few steps back, wanting to be farther away from these ignorant practitioners, "I don't want to play with you, we Let's separate some distance from each other and wait for two hours to pass, okay?"

"I also think this is the best." After listening to Hu Lie and Xia Xiaofeng's words, Gan Yuan also moved further away from Xiao Yuyang, "Actually, I have heard some things about Xia Xiaofeng and Hu Lie, so it's hard to say whether it's true or not. "

"You know?" Tu Huanhuan, the roommate on the other side, showed disbelief, "You know that you are still helping Xia Xiaofeng to deceive people? He even asked me to go to the hotel with him at night..."

Everyone's astonished eyes immediately fell on the two Tu Huanhuan, and they didn't know whether the leaker was the real Tu Huanhuan or the fake Tu Huanhuan.

"What are you all looking at me for?! How can the Miss Gan over there be any better?" Tu Huanhuan pointed at the two Gan Yuan opposite and said, "I've been helping her hide it all the time. Concerning the problem of Gan's company and business, even if we can pass the customs and go back alive this time, do you think that eldest lady will be able to make a fortune as before? of!"

"You... you eavesdropped on my phone!"

One of Gan Yuan's eyes instantly flushed red, and she rushed over regardless of whether it was true or false, and directly pinched the wrist of her former friend Tu Huanhuan.

"Hahaha, Xiao Yuyang thought he could really get the eldest lady, lol... ah!" As soon as Xia Xiaofeng, who was snickering on the side, turned around, he was hit on the nose by Xiao Yuyang's strengthened fist.

In such a small mountaineering club, the problems that college students often have today appear one by one. Even plots that don't happen to ordinary college students seem to have happened.

Su Zimo only watched for two or three minutes, and considered the possibility of removing the TV screen. The real and fake trainers on the platform actually scuffled like this, just because these trainers were carrying what kind of weapons regardless of whether they were real or fake. , so it looks like a fight with elementary school students.

Even Xiao Yuyang, who had experienced nightmare point reinforcement, didn't act ruthlessly when he was worried that the other party was an acquaintance in reality.

This should be the biggest difference between the real fragments and the music of the dead.

When the experiencer is affected by the music score of the dead, the most terrifying situation is to lose his mind and become an inhuman beast, hurting people everywhere in a way that does not care for his life.

After all, revealing the truth is only a very small part of the ability of the deceased's musical score, and its most important ability is to fully release the desires of those who hear the sound of the piano.

Even Su Zimo didn't know how powerful "The Music Score of the Dead" could do!

As for the "real fragments", judging from the remarks and the reactions of the practitioners on the platform, they should only be able to peer into the hearts of those with weak willpower, so whether they are real practitioners or fake practitioners, they will know some basic facts. A secret that people know.

It's just that even if the secret is revealed, the practitioners present will not become irrational beasts because of this, so the lethality of this ghost weapon is far less than that of "The Music Score of the Dead", which is one star higher than it.

To say that it is a subordinate of "The Music Score of the Dead" is somewhat inappropriate.

"Sorry, two hours are almost here. It's better to continue the personal grievances between the trainees after leaving." Although there is no countdown engraved on Su Zimo's arm, after taking over the Su family this time, Su Hewen will give it to him. I have prepared a new smartphone, the number is still Su Zimo's high school number, and even the address book has been imported.

So when the time is uncertain, Su Zimo will take out the phone from the other side pocket of the backpack and take a look.

As for those trainees who were scrambling or slapping each other, they were stunned the moment they heard Su Zimo's voice, because they had been "monitoring" their "ghost" on the subway before they saw it. went out.

"Who are you and what do you mean by that?"

Su Zimo's attention has always been on the screen that continues to broadcast the weather forecast.

"I'm just an ordinary store owner, coming to pick up some things in the store."

Su Zimo nodded lightly, looked at the upper screen that he couldn't reach at all, took out the pen-shaped swing stick he used before from the right side pocket of the schoolbag, and after reaching out and throwing it away, he was still broadcasting the weather forecast directly upwards. The screen was thrown over.

The TV screen itself is not easy to disassemble, but the name of this ghost device is called "Real Fragments", and the text of the remarks says that the fragments can be embedded in ordinary mirrors.

So Su Zimo can be sure that the body of this ghost weapon is not the entire screen.

The fact was as Su Zimo had expected, when the stick that could injure ghosts hit the TV screen, some terrifying currents suddenly flashed around the screen, followed by station announcements and female weather forecasters on the screen. All the staff disappeared and turned into snowflakes that lost the signal. Finally, a "whoosh" sounded like a short circuit and the entire screen went black.

At the same time, Su Zimo caught the metal pen that fell from the sky, and watched as a small piece of debris at the corner of the screen landed on the ground with a "pop", and some debris was smashed due to the collision with the floor tiles.

At the same time as the fragments fell, the two teams of trainers who were originally indistinguishable from the real and the fake on the platform were instantly reduced by half.

Only at this moment did the practitioners realize that most of the people who had conflicted with them just now were true. Only Xiao Yuyang, who broke the news about the embarrassing affair between Hu Lie and Xia Xiaofeng at the beginning, was false.

"Welcome everyone to become an experiencer. If you have time, you can find a shop called 'An Yuyi Corner'. Maybe you can buy some unexpected things from the store." The customers who think of ghost tools are generally experiencers, Su Zimo Even though he knew that the store door could not be opened yet, he still smiled and advertised to the few practitioners in front of him.

Compared with the "novice level" that Su Zimo first experienced, this team of trainers composed of mountaineering clubs is really much happier.

Picking up the "real fragments" from the ground, after confirming that there was no change in the remarks and impressions on the ghost weapon, Su Zimo walked in at the fastest speed while a few practitioners were pondering. In the dark without anyone noticing.

Open the door of "being in a corner" and retreat away from the nightmare world.

[This place can be empty like this. ]

After Su Zimo returned to "being in a corner", the ghost umbrella in the shape of a human appeared in front of him again, even if he was indoors, he was still holding the big black umbrella mysteriously.

"You mean this store?" Su Zimo's backpack was still the things he brought when he came here. The only gain from this nightmare world turned out to be a triangular screen fragment in his hand.

[Yeah, this place used to be very big, with more than a dozen shelves placed together, and countless ghosts for anyone to choose from. Not only is the store huge, but it is also very lively. There must be a lot of clerks to be busy. ]

As Ghost Umbrella said that, he walked to the store's most-filled shelf No. 1, and looked at the rolls of paper and stationery on the shelf and fell into contemplation, as if he couldn't bear to see the desolate appearance of "being in a corner".

"Have you seen the 'An Yu Yi Corner' before?" Because of some details found in the store before, Su Zimo knew from the beginning that he was not the first owner of the "An Yu Yi Corner".

I just don't know what kind of person the previous owner was.

[uh-huh. ] Ghost Umbrella responded speciously, and turned to the upright piano with the music score.

Seeing Ghost Umbrella, Su Zimo didn't want to say anything, and didn't continue to ask. He just put the "real fragments" in his hand into the middle of the second shelf.

[Real Fragments (2-star)]

[Price: 50 yuan]

Seeing the first price tag appearing on the second shelf, Su Zimo was relieved. This is the first star-rated product that can be used for sale in "Being in a Corner", and now it can be said to be a memorable moment.

After staring at the price tag repeatedly for a long time, Su Zimo reluctantly left the shelf and walked to the front door of the "An Yu Yi Corner" store, but after trying several times, he found that the "An Yu Yi Corner" store was still there. cannot be turned on.

[There are too few ghosts in this shop. ] Ghost Umbrella hinted at the side.

"You have to wait two days before you can enter the nightmare world again." Su Zimo sighed, and turned to the ghost umbrella while saying, "Mr. Umbrella, you go back to the umbrella to rest for a while, I will go back once, and I will help bring you when I come back. Some information about the housekeeper."

Su Zimo didn't forget to let the ghost umbrella be the housekeeper for a period of time.

After exhorting a few more words, Su Zimo put down the backpack behind him, took the convenient and easy-to-use pen-shaped throwing stick with him, and pushed aside the back of the "comfortable corner" to make sure that he was behind the door. After the Su family's bedroom, he walked in.

"Don't worry." Before closing the back door, Su Zimo suddenly turned around again, his eyes behind his glasses curled up, and with a smile, he assured Ghost Umbrella, "One day, this store will become prosperous again. look, for sure."

After that, the back door closed gently.

One purchase, and it came to an end.

Ghost Umbrella watched Su Zimo push open the back door of the store and leave, and then chuckled lightly.

Looking at the closed shop door, he looked down at the piano cover that he had just reached out and stroked, his left hand tapped on the piano cover again, but his right hand threw the black umbrella he had been holding out, letting it go. The umbrella gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared in the air.

Ghost Umbrella, who showed her true face for the first time but no one appreciated her eyes, finally lowered her head and whispered in a voice that was no longer ethereal: "Compared to musical scores, really, umbrellas are more practical?"


At that moment, the piano whose cover was not opened suddenly made a loud noise, as if the person playing the piano was angry.

Ghost Umbrella silently made a face, turned to walk to the back door where Su Zimo left just now, pulled it gently with his hand, and even opened the back door of "An Yu Yi Yu"!

Looking at the bright and empty bedroom at the door that had been there for a while, Ghost Umbrella turned around and said hello to the upright piano behind him, then walked straight to the door and closed the door in one go. Sneak out of the store!

"Where will the kid go?"

While talking about the children, Ghost Umbrella opened Su Zimo's bedroom door and walked out, but in the corridor, he ran into a young man in a suit with a fierce face.

"Who are you?" The other's frown looked even fiercer.

Ghost Umbrella tilted his head, remembering that the other party seemed to be Su Zimo's little brother's brother, but he didn't remember the name.

"I'm..." Ghost umbrella pondered for a while, then said uncertainly, "Housekeeper?"