Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 3: door behind


There is an extra set of toiletries in the oversized mountaineering bag, but Su Zimo doesn't feel that the light luggage behind him shows any signs of becoming heavier, and he doesn't know if the set of toiletries is not heavy enough, or the oversized mountaineering. The bag has some hidden effects that he doesn't know about.

Su Zimo also discovered an important thing.

The reason why he was able to see the small notes on the toiletries was not because he suddenly had a special function, but because of the pair of chain glasses from the store hanging on the bridge of his nose. As long as Su Zimo takes off his glasses and hangs them around his neck, he can't see those small words that are easily distracting.

It's like the unwrapped paper that Su Zimo is holding in his hand. Only when he wears glasses can he know that this is a "nightmare brand high-grade paper" priced at 1 yuan. It has an excellent feel and an international brand perfume. General light fragrance.

"..." After Su Zimo silently threw the rolled paper into the bag, he helped his glasses and was about to leave the bathroom.

But just as Su Zimo was about to turn around, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the still blurry mirror in front of him!

"What is that?" Su Zimo held the glasses with his left hand, and rubbed his eyes with his right hand as if he felt dazzled.

He seemed to have seen in the mirror just now that there was... a translucent and looming door behind him!

Su Zimo immediately turned to look, but there was nothing behind him except the closed bathroom door.

Did he see it wrong

Su Zimo turned to look at the mirror again, and saw the looming door again.

He picked up the old towel that had wiped the mirror before, and after trying to turn on the faucet to no avail, he could only wipe it hard on the mirror for a long time. The translucent door that appeared in the mirror seemed to be clearer, and it looked a bit like "An In a corner" the white frosted door in the store that he pushed open.

Su Zimo used the mirror in the bathroom to try for a while. He tried to turn around in all directions, and picked up a mirror fragment from the washbasin. After many attempts, he was sure of an incredible thing—

There was a translucent sliding door behind him all the time!

The door only appeared behind him, so without the help of a mirror, no matter how much he turned around, it was impossible to find it.

Su Zimo also tried to walk backwards, but he didn't bump into anything except the wall of the washroom, as if the door was just a phantom.

After trying several times and still not knowing the usage and purpose of the "door", Su Zimo temporarily gave up studying this matter. After all, the shelter's time was limited. He had to find a way to protect himself and buy as much as possible. .

Otherwise, he may always be trapped between "Nightmare World" and "Ayuyuyu"!

After taking a deep breath, Su Zimo opened the door of the bathroom and walked out.

Although there is no instruction on how to use the "door", Su Zimo feels that the door that has been following behind him must be beneficial and harmless to him!

After leaving the washroom, Su Zimo found that the atmosphere in the refuge was a little silent. Whether it was the two self-proclaimed senior practitioners or the two rookie practitioners, they seemed to be thinking about their own thoughts and didn't talk.

Su Zimo knew that he might not be a trainer like them, because there was no bloody lettering on his arm to issue him a task, and there was no bloody engraved twelve-hour countdown.

He was just a guy who came to buy goods and "backed" a strange door.

However, the way out is also unclear.

"Son... Mr. Su." Qi Xiaomin, who was wearing a sports suit and tied a ponytail, asked concernedly after seeing Su Zimo come out, "Are you alright?"

Common sense, there are only two reasons why you can't wait to lock yourself in the bathroom for so long in a dangerous nightmare world. Either you are too nervous, or you are not feeling well.

"Well, it's fine." Su Zimo was a little uncomfortable when he was suddenly called "Sir".

After all, four years ago, he was still a little short of graduating from high school, and he still feels like a teenager. Holding his glasses, Su Zimo felt that he had to start adapting to this slightly different world.

"Thank you just now." The young woman who had her foot crippled before leaned against the wall and walked to Su Zimo's side. She was in pain because of her injured ankle, but she still pulled the corners of her mouth and thanked Su Zimo and Qi Xiaomin, "My name is Han Ling. , is a public relations manager."

Han Ling was hot with beautiful big waves and a tight black skirt. Even if she took off her high heels, she did not hide her tall figure.

When he was escaping in the corridor before, Zheng Ming, who took the lead, regarded her and Su Zimo as a nasty oil bottle, but after hiding in the shelter, Zheng Ming's eyes kept wandering up and down on this Miss Han's legs. .

"Thank you for helping me." Han Ling moved in the direction of Qi Xiaomin and Su Zimo, trying to get out of the middle-aged man Zheng Ming's line of sight, "If no one helped me, I might be like the beginning. That person was eaten by the darkness like that."

"Don't worry." Qi Xiaomin felt Han Ling's rejection of Zheng Ming, so she lowered her voice and said, "The number of people who survive in each nightmare world will also affect the nightmare points everyone gets, so as long as it's not the last desperate situation, I and that Mr. Zheng will work hard to keep you safe."

When Han Lingxiao breathed a sigh of relief, Qi Xiaomin said mysteriously: "The weapon that Mr. Zheng is holding is probably a weapon brought from another nightmare world, otherwise he wouldn't be too precious to let go."

When Qi Xiaomin was talking, Su Zimo was looking around. He noticed a very strange thing. There were all kinds of modern supplies in the bathroom, but there were no TVs or phones in the whole room, and the surroundings were gray and old. There was no price or note on the furniture, but the price tag appeared on the dirty-looking ordinary white porcelain vase on the bedside table.

[cheap vase (no star rating)]

[Price: 1 yuan]

[Description: A very low-quality cheap vase, contaminated with the breath of a nightmare world, but no mutation has occurred. ]

1 yuan again

When Su Zimo felt a little strange, he heard Qi Xiaomin mention Zheng Ming, and subconsciously looked at the strange wooden stick that Zheng Ming was holding in his hand. Unexpectedly, Su Zimo actually saw the remarks related to the stick.

[Stick (one star)]

[Price: 10 yuan]

[Description: The pine sticks that have been simply processed come from a pine tree planted next to the tomb of the ghosts. They are stained with a little grievances of the ghosts. They can attack ghosts to a certain extent, but they are easily damaged. ]

[Damage: 86%]

This is the first time Su Zimo has seen a "one-star" product. Qi Xiaomin calls it a "weapon", but in Su Zimo's view, it is just a piece of extremely damaged and the same price. "Commodities" that are not high, just belong to others.

Su Zimo took a serious look at the high heels that Han Ling had thrown on the ground, and the schoolbag held in his arms by the male student who didn't know his name. These belongings belonging to the experienced practitioners did not appear as commodities like the wooden stick. Remarks text, which also proves that the stick is different.

Qi Xiaomin should be right, that stick was brought out by Zheng Ming from other nightmare worlds.

After all, he was the only person in the room who had experienced three nightmare worlds.

"It's been almost twenty minutes, we have to get out of here quickly!" Zheng Ming glanced at the time engraved in blood on his right hand, and slowly got up from the bed.

"No... Isn't there more than ten minutes?" The male student holding the schoolbag looked wide-hearted and fat, but now he was timidly crowding in the corner of the room, with no intention of leaving the shelter. .

"The senior in Nightmare World said that the longer you stay in the shelter, the more dangerous the situation will be, so leaving the shelter a few minutes early is the safest option." Qi Xiaomin explained patiently.

"If we continue to stay in the shelter, what will we encounter? What is hidden in the darkness of the corridor outside?" Because the explanations of the two seniors were very vague, Su Zimo asked very directly, and Frowning, "Is it... a ghost?"

Although the existence of ghosts is somewhat unreasonable, this is the most reasonable explanation Su Zimo can think of at this moment.

"This is a nightmare world, anything can happen." Qi Xiaomin paused before saying, "But in most nightmare worlds, the dangers we encounter really come from all kinds of ghosts, and now is no exception. "

There was another moment of silence in the sanctuary, and the three newcomers all needed time to digest their new worldview.

"Aren't you seniors?!" After a few minutes, the male student said in a panic, "Aren't you supposed to be very powerful? Can't you kill ghosts?"

"Fatty, everything outside has already turned into a ghost, can you be killed again?" Zheng Ming smiled sarcastically, "Don't blame us seniors for hiding things, there is only one way to leave the nightmare world, That is to find where the ghost is hiding, find the weak point of the ghost, take advantage of that weakness, and hide in absolute safety until the end of the mission. Now the ghost is hiding in the dark, so we can only stay away from the dark ,understand?"

"Actually, it's not impossible to kill ghosts." Qi Xiaomin shook his head, "The senior senior once said that there are some powerful guys in the nightmare world who can kill ghosts, and they even deliberately stay in the shelter until In half an hour."

"I remember you said that a shelter that stays for more than 30 minutes will become the most dangerous place in the entire nightmare world." Su Zimo thought about the connection and seemed to think of something.

"That's right, at that time, 100% Specter will show up in the shelter!" Qi Xiaomin nodded solemnly, "For us, that is the most terrifying situation. But for those guys, it is It's the best time to hunt down the ghosts!"

"Don't think about it, the sanctuary will only appear in the nightmare world where newcomers appear." Zheng Ming kicked the male student up from the corner with an unhappy expression, and then walked towards the door with the other's collar, "You don't have any. So lucky to meet that kind of strongman, accept your fate!"

After speaking, Zheng Ming pushed open the door of the shelter and rushed out.

"Mr. Su, we also..."

Qi Xiaomin wanted to call Su Zimo, but was surprised to see this young man with the same outstanding appearance and temperament walking to the bed at a very fast speed, and threw the ugly and old broken vase on the bedside table into the mountaineering bag.

"… "