Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 36: Light and dark accounts


This time, Cheng Yun took the lead and divided the trainees into two groups, and entered each room to enter the carpet search.

Su Zimo, Jin Lei, Bai Man, Cheng Yun, Madman, and Wan Ling, who is attached to Dr. Jin, form a group, and Qi Xiaomin, Du Xin, Fang Qin, Liu Xu, and Xiaohuo form a group. The fighting power seems to be a little uneven, but Su Zimo's group has three oil bottles, including him, the lunatic and little sister Wan Ling, and the other group has the legendary fighting power of Xiaohuo and Liu Xu, which is also considered average.

Surprisingly, the lunatic, who has been sabotaging all the time, is willing to get up from the paralyzed sofa and set off at the back of the team.

Su Zimo was very interested in Cheng Yun's grouping. If Cheng Yun was fake, he would have grouped himself with all those who doubted him. Coupled with the madman's understanding of mice and beasts, he could almost Everyone who threatens him can be observed.

"What are we looking for?" This time, Cheng Yun took the initiative to ask Su Zimo.

"Captain Cheng, I don't have much experience either." Su Zimo turned around, the silver chain on the frame slid across the fair-white neck, "But if it's as we guessed just now, it might not be the case that the staff in the villa are slack at work. In a single case, other clues may be found. These clues may lead us to discover the identity of the villa owner."

"Of course, it would be better if you knew who was sick in the villa and what kind of sickness that person had." Su Zimo thought for a while, "I always feel that this patient is inseparable from the mission of this nightmare world."

"Looking now, it's just that the family doctor may be slack at work, it doesn't mean that other people are also slack at work, right?" The madman asked Su Zimo with drooping eyes while grabbing his messy hair, and his voice sounded very calm. Spirit.

Naturally, it was impossible for Su Zimo to tell the vase. After thinking about it, he said, "When there are no other clues, any reasonable guess may become a clue, right?"

"Let's take a look at the chef's room first?" Cheng Yun said, and was about to open the first door in the corridor.

"Go to the housekeeper's room first." The madman's voice sounded almost at the same time as Cheng Yun.

"The servant's room layout is exactly the same. It is true that the housekeeper's room needs to be searched more." Jin Lei agreed with the lunatic's suggestion, "We went in once before, and there were a lot of books scattered in it."

Su Zimo imitated Wan Ling to stand behind Jin Lei, because he found that his presence in front of Cheng Yun seemed a little too high.

Cheng Yun watched another group of people enter the gardener's room, and nodded in agreement. He led the five-person team straight to the depths of the corridor, pushed open the housekeeper's door and walked in.

The housekeeper's room is bigger than the maid's big room before, and it also has a side balcony, which is considered a very high treatment in this villa. It's just because the entire villa has been abandoned, the bookshelves originally nailed to the wall fell down, and the books were scattered all over the place.

As soon as the lunatic entered the door, he opened the cabinet in the housekeeper's room, and was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Others followed, and found that there was a large safe hidden in the butler's cabinet

Because there is not much modern presence in the villa, and even the simplest lamps have been damaged, so the practitioners all acquiesce that this is a relatively old era. Although they don't know the quality of the safes in this era, the quality of the safes owned by the housekeeper of the villa in front of them should not be top-notch. After so many years, they are rusted and the paint on the outside has also fallen off.

Only the door to the safe was still tightly shut.

"You have to open it." Cheng Yun tried to move the safe by hand, and found that even though the appearance was bad, the door of the box was still locked.

"Captain Cheng, don't you have that?" Bai Man has always been silent in order to cover up his emotions, but now he takes the initiative to say, "Can it be used?"

"What?" Cheng Yun was stunned.

A few seconds later, Cheng Yun took out a rusty and quaint key from the pocket of his jacket and said, "You mean this key? This key always works and sometimes doesn't work, but you can give it a try."

"..." When Cheng Yun took out the key, Bai Man's figure couldn't help shaking again. Even with Jin Lei's secret help, his face became pale.

[The Key to Stealing (One Star)]

[Price: 20]

[Description: An obsession left by a habitual thief, which can open all locks that have nothing to do with ghosts. The current nightmare world is limited to one use. ]

Ordinary practitioners can't see this kind of memo text, so for them, the key can only be explained as "not working when it fails". Su Zimo suddenly felt that the world really needs an excellent shop owner who can give ghost tools "instructions", so that all ghost tools users will no longer be confused... Cough!

Su Zimo took another look at Bai Man, who was not in good condition, and felt that this lock should belong to the real Cheng Yun's ghost weapon. Now that Cheng Yun is taking it out, I am afraid that Bai Man will have some bad associations.

"Let's try it first." Cheng Yun held the key in his hand, hesitated for a while, looked at the one-star ghost weapon that was indistinguishable from the ordinary one, and then looked at the safe with the knob-type combination lock in front of him. When the key and the lock do not match at all, it seems that some do not know how to start.

After thinking for a few seconds, Cheng Yun used the end of the ghost weapon key in his hand to touch the rusted and dilapidated combination lock in front of him. Perhaps it was because even the weakest one-star ghost weapon contained the power of the Specter. Although the combination lock in front of me was only touched, it made a sound in the next second—


The cipher dial, which originally needed to be twisted, actually turned without anyone touching it!


After four difficult creaks, the dust and rust-covered safe box door banged open, and the dust and some debris flew directly to the surrounding practitioners, while Su Zimo They also finally saw what was hidden in the safe.

"What is that?" Before everyone used the light of their mobile phones to illuminate the inside of the safe, what they saw was just a bunch of black things, which didn't look particularly precious.

"It's money." The madman grabbed a stack of them with his hands, and used his mobile phone to look at the colorful bills, and laughed sarcastically, "These garbage may be the best preserved things in the entire villa, really Satire."

"It's just a housekeeper, how can there be so much money?" Su Zimo looked at the old banknotes that were no longer issued, "When the money was issued, the house price was not as outrageous as it is now, and the money should be able to The whole villa was bought."

"Indeed, if it is calculated according to a stack of 10,000, there are estimated to be about 2 million here." Jin Lei also squatted down and looked at the banknotes occupying two-thirds of the space of the three-box safe, and then her eyes lit up, "We may I found something good, you are a madman!"

Saying that, Jin Lei took out two leather notebooks that were better preserved than the diagnostic logs from the last slot of the safe! Because of the light, Jin Lei and the people around didn't take a close look, but after turning over a few pages, they found that the two notebooks contained a lot of things, and the words were easier to read than any doctor's cursive script.

"Let's go to the lobby!"

The practitioners kicked aside all the banknotes that gradually slipped out of the safe like garbage, stared at the two dilapidated notebooks like treasures, and couldn't wait to leave the housekeeper's room, which was poorly lit, and ran towards the hall.

For the practitioners, although the banknotes that are no longer issued can also be used, it is necessary to pay Nightmare Points to take each banknote away from the nightmare world.

And for Su Zimo... His thirst for money may be one of the least experienced people.

After watching the team led by Cheng Yun run back to the hall, the practitioners who were searching for other rooms also felt something, so they simply followed Su Zimo and the others back to the hall. Everyone gathered around the long dining table in the middle. Looking at the two notebooks that Jin Lei was flipping through at the same time.

Because the handwriting on the notebook is written in black pen, it is very well preserved, so it can be read and distinguished.

"Does any of us know more about the accounts?" Jin Lei looked at the accounts for a while, then looked up and asked everyone present, "I'm a little dazzled by it."

The trainees looked at each other.

"I can see it, but unfortunately I didn't wear presbyopic glasses when I came out for the morning exercise this time." Mr. Fang Qin was tired from standing, so he simply sat down with the Tai Chi sword in his hand, then looked at Su Zimo and said, "Mr. Su should be fine. Let him see?"

"..." Before Su Zimo said anything, he saw two notebooks being pushed in front of him, and Jin Lei made a cheering gesture to him.

"I learned a little bit." Su Zimo rubbed his temples and set his eyes on the two spread notebooks.

Jin Lei is right, most of the two notebooks are accounts, which record the daily expenses in this villa back then, and... The daily running water of the family a few decades ago is even comparable to that of the Su family. Current daily expenses - In the few days when he took over the affairs of the Su family, Su Zimo stayed up late and read all the accounts at an unimaginable speed.

It's just that such accounts, which are completely handwritten on ordinary notebooks, are not professional. In fact, there is no need for professionals to read them. Even if Su Zimo doesn't read them, someone else can read them carefully.

After flipping through the two notebooks one after another, Su Zimo once again found a breakthrough from the date of the accounts, and opened the two notebooks on the table at the same time, starting from the first page for a detailed comparison.

"Actually, this is just an ordinary ledger. You can understand it if you look closely. However, these two ledgers cannot be read separately. You need to read them together." Su Zimo pushed the two notebooks to the middle of the dining table, "From the From the first page, the date on each page is the same, but the flow of accounts recorded is completely different.”

"In the notebook on the left, most of them are relatively normal household expenses, that is, there is one more 'medical special' item than ordinary running water, and the expenses of this item are not small." Su Zimo said, pointing to the right again, "The notebook on the right has some strange items added."

"For example, this 'cosmetics (maid)', 'baijiu (chef)' and 'appetizers' are all expenses that are not in the notebook on the left, but these weird expenses add up to the 'medical special' item on the left Expenditure." Su Zimo said, paused, and continued to ask, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Bright and dark ledger." Mr. Fang Qin sat there and sighed with emotion while leaning on his Tai Chi sword.

"Light and dark ledger?" Du Xin and Qi Xiaomin looked a little confused.

"The book on the left is the open account book, which is mainly used for others to see and check, so it can't be used for any questions, and every project must be well-behaved." Mr. Fang Qin smiled, "The right side is the dark account book, which is this building. The real ledger of the villa is just because there are too many shady expenses, so it needs to be well hidden and cannot be seen by the inspectors."

"From the perspective of these two ledgers, at the beginning, it was only a little trick, and then it became more and more daring." Su Zimo directly turned the two ledgers to the back, "It's here, the open ledgers say that according to Sun The doctor's request was to advance a 'medical special' payment, but the dark ledger said 'car purchase needs (me)'."

"The housekeeper wants to buy a car?"

"It's just rejected." Su Zimo turned the page again, "I can see that the housekeeper is not happy. After knowing that the advance was rejected, the pen poked holes. From the beginning to the present,' The spending on the medical specials program is getting bigger and bigger, and the advance may be more than the payer can afford."

"The person who pays should be the villa owner. Don't they ever find out that there is a problem with the family's expenses?" Jin Lei squinted her eyes and thought for a while, "Unless... the owner of this villa doesn't live here at all!"

The owner of the villa does not live in the villa

Jin Lei made a new guess.

"It's not surprising that people who can afford such a villa will not only own one property." Su Zimo also thought for a moment, "but this villa is not empty, except for the family doctor and those who Besides the servants, there must be someone else living there."


"Of course it's a patient." Su Zimo's slender fingers landed on the words "medical special".