Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 48: Go back in time


The mirror records silently.

When you change into all kinds of gorgeous clothes in front of the mirror, when you type on the keyboard beside the vanity mirror or the bookcase with glass, when you slide your phone under the reflection of the window at night, these "mirrors" are watching you silently .

It feels like there's a "person" in the mirror that looks like your reflection, but it's possible that another being is imitating your every move.

Sometimes when you type faster, you may turn your head to find that the "people" in the mirror can't keep up with your speed, but still show the same smirk as you.

Sometimes you turn over on the bed with your phone in hand, but out of the corner of your eye, you may see yourself facing the window glass with your back to you.

The mirror, from the moment it appeared in the world, has carried all kinds of mysterious rumors, one of which is that it can record what the mirror once reflected.

This mirror in the villa hall should exist as a grooming mirror. I don't know how long it has been there, and I don't know where it is placed on weekdays. But in this nightmare world, this mirror seems to replace the old man with degenerated memory, faithfully recording what happened over the years.

Or happy, or lost, or sad, or ugly and ugly...

Su Zimo was standing right in front of the mirror, but he did not appear in the mirror, only countless pictures passed by like a hundred times fast forward, even the old man in a wheelchair didn't know when he appeared in Su Zimo. In the side-by-side position, just like him, he quietly looked at the mirror in front of him with a pair of black holes.

The screen stops again.

A lot of messy things were piled up in the hall. Three maids were sitting there holding mirrors, and they exchanged their makeup experience with a big brand of cosmetics. The black and fat chef was nibbling on a greasy pig's trotter. The family doctor was counting the funds for this month that they had just taken back from the host's house. There was only one servant in comfortable casual clothes, who soaked two compressed biscuits with water into a paste, and walked upstairs with a bowl casually. go.

[The old man is so quiet today. ] The housekeeper muttered as he counted the money, [Actually, we have already sealed the entrance to the second floor, so there is no need to work so hard to deliver meals every day, just you kid messing around every day. ]

[Anyway, I'll take the bowl back from the small hole at night, it doesn't matter whether I eat it or not. ] The servant paused, [There are a lot of metal cans in the food you prepared for him, and he can't eat it at all. ]

[Didn't he also eat the porridge you prepared? ] The doctor rolled his eyes, [It doesn't matter, the old man seems to have given up too. Usually there is always a bang bang bang upstairs, but today there is no movement at all. ]

The picture in the mirror began to fast-forward again, but this time Su Zimo found that the fast-forward speed of the picture had slowed down a bit. He could even see clearly what these people were doing around the dining table every day. They were as leisurely as villa owners. When you go out, you will discreetly wear the uniform of the servant, but when you return to the villa, you will try on all kinds of bright and beautiful clothes.

They spent the night in the hall to binge and get drunk, and then slept on the dining table until noon the next day.

They used the deducted money to build up a paper tower, which could last longer than anyone's paper tower.

They surround two ledgers every day, thinking about how to make the ledger more perfect.

At night, they often bring their quilts to the living room and lie down on and around the dining table. It seems that there is a deep sense of unease and fear behind the bustling and bustling scene, which only slowly manifests in the dead of night. come out.

But it doesn't make people feel poor.

[That old man, how long has he been silent. ] When the screen stopped again, everyone was sitting around the dining table a little tired, [Three days? Four days? Or a week? Why is there no movement on the second floor? ]

Listening to the butler's question, everyone was silent.

[Don't think about it, don't worry about it, don't care at all! ] The family doctor slapped the table directly, [You don't need to worry about what happened to that old man, as long as it's business as usual! ]

[Doctor Sun, what if… what if something happened? ! ] The most timid among the servants may be the one who delivered the "porridge" to the old man before, and now he is also showing a fearful expression in the mirror, [We have to tell the master he... ]

[Snapped! ]

The man's head was slapped directly, and then he heard the family doctor say with fierce eyes: [If something really happened, if you tell others, then all of us here will lose their jobs, and then you will lose their jobs. He is a poor gardener who can't even pay the tuition for his son to go to kindergarten in the city! ]

[I… ]

[But Dr. Sun, there is not much time left for us, we have to think of something, otherwise it will be too late. ] The housekeeper said, without waiting for the family doctor's response, he began to carefully check the ledger in his hand, and made some corrections with a pen. [I feel that they are not satisfied with the recent ledger, and it is not as convenient to take money as before. . ]

[I have thought about this for a long time. ] The voice of the family doctor came, [There are some things hidden in the old man's study that can be sold for money, haven't you always wanted to buy a good car for your wife? As long as we have a way to sell those things, we'll have everything. ]

[This… ]

Among all the servants, it seems that only the chef who is still in the big fish is the most calm.

But when the chef was holding a bowl of big meat noodles and eating non-stop, he suddenly noticed something and stopped, and then raised his head to look at the ceiling.

[Ahhh! ] The next second, the black and fat chef suddenly leaned back on the chair, the chair tilted to the bottom, and the chef's head also directly hit the tiles in the hall.

Before the chef could cry out in pain, he shouted, "It's blood! is blood! There is blood dripping down! ]

[Ahhh! ] The three maids also screamed in an instant.

Although Su Zimo couldn't see what was dripping, he seemed to feel a dark pool on the ceiling, drop by drop of blood falling from above and dripping into the chef's noodle bowl.

The scene began to fast-forward again, and Su Zimo found that the dining table that had been regarded as a base by those servants had become uninterested. Almost no one dared to sit at that dining table again. Will look at the ceiling.

From time to time, family doctors and housekeepers will throw some old books on the dining table like litter and take pictures of them with film cameras.

Su Zimo also noticed that the black and fat cook seemed to be frightened and stupid because of what happened before, and only when he was stupid and crazy would he dare to sit with an empty bowl in the place where he sat before. As if trying to catch the rain from the sky, he kept moving the bowl he was holding.

Occasionally there are servants, and everyone looks very pale and has some scary dark circles under their eyes. Even if the three maids use the whitest foundation to cover the dark circles, they only make themselves pale and scary.

[I hear voices! I hear the sound! ] When the scene ends and fast-forwards again, Su Zimo sees a servant kneeling on the dining table with a pale face, [I hear voices from the second floor, he is still alive!] still alive! ]

[Really? We do not sin? Are we not murderers? ] The maid also showed an ecstatic expression, flashed through the mirror, and walked out, [We can see the light... ]

[What's wrong? ] found that the voice of the maid stopped abruptly, and the figure of the housekeeper also appeared on the edge of the screen.

[The door... can't be opened! ]

[how is this possible? Get out of the way, let me try! ]

[Bang bang bang! ]

Although Su Zimo couldn't see the picture, he could easily hear from the sound that a group of people were trying their best to break through the door, but it was useless for a long time.

[Hahahahahaha! ] There was a sudden burst of laughter in the mirror, [It's retribution! It's retribution! We locked that old man, and now we are locked, hahahaha! Retribution! ]

[Another crazy one... I don't give in so easily! ] The butler's voice also became a bit vicious, [It's not easy, I finally got the money, how could I just admit defeat! Break the window for me! ]

The sound of bang, bang, bang, came from the mirror constantly, and sometimes there was the angry roar of the housekeeper and the others because they failed to break the window.

At this time, the time in the mirror began to advance slightly. Although the speed was not particularly fast, Su Zimo could clearly feel that the light in the hall changed from day to night, and those servants who kept breaking windows even forgot to light the candles. The picture in the mirror is almost pitch black.

Seeing this, Su Zimo wanted to understand something.

When the housekeeper said for the first time that the old man upstairs had disappeared, the ghostly man sitting in the wheelchair beside him may have passed away, maybe because of his old age, maybe because of what happened on the second floor, but more Because he is blocked on the second floor and has no one to take care of, he can only live on some unnutritious food... even he may not be able to eat those food.

After that, the reason why the servants heard the movement from the second floor again was probably because the old man had returned to the villa in another form of nightmare.

As a reward for being trapped and locked, or even imprisoned, he blocked the doors and windows of the entire villa, leaving the housekeeper and other embarrassed people completely locked in the villa, with no way out.

This is why Su Zimo and the others could open the blockade on the second floor before, but they couldn't open the blockade in other parts of the villa, because there was a difference between humans and non-humans.

[The phone is completely dead, asshole! ]

[Chef, chef, fool, you still don't cook, do you want us to starve to death? ]

[Housekeeper, since the chef was stupid, he hasn't gone out to buy vegetables, and the food in the villa doesn't seem to be enough. ]

[There is always a way to get out, the big deal is that we will smash the walls of this villa! ]

[It's useless, Steward. I tried it, and it didn't even leave a pothole, it was like a ghost! ]

[Pooh! ]

Su Zimo listened to the voices in the mirror. He didn't plan to move the mirror to find those who spoke, because he felt that he didn't need to remember the faces of those people.

The light and shadow in the mirror began to change again, and Su Zimo knew that every change of light and shadow represented the past of the day.

When the picture stopped again, the housekeeper, the family doctor and other servants returned to the table in a long-lost way. Except for the stupid black fat chef, everyone seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and they stared blankly. Sitting around the dining table, in front of everyone was a small bowl filled with a batter of compressed biscuits.

The cheap food originally prepared for the elderly eventually became the only life-saving straw they could find in this island-like villa.

[What the hell are you trying to do. ] The housekeeper didn't move the spoon, just looked up at the ceiling, as if he wanted to have a conversation with someone on the second floor, [If you want to take revenge on us, come and take revenge on us! Why just trap us here, why do nothing? ]

[Bang! ]

As soon as the housekeeper's voice fell, there was a sudden movement in the utility room deep in the corridor on the other side.

The pale and bloodless family doctor left the table stiffly, and then retrieved a banner from the direction where the sound came from, which read: Happy twelfth birthday to the little princess!

[Hahahahahaha! Yeah, it's almost May 15th again! ] The housekeeper laughed and cried, [Do you know when this banner was? It was two years ago! It's been two years! Those of your family haven't been here for two years! You 'beep-' but you force us to prepare a banquet every year, even if we die, do you not let us go? ! ]

The housekeeper and the others did not move, just let the banner stand there, and sat around the dining table for a whole day without lighting a candle. It's a shadow hidden in the dark.

Just like the shadows that the trainees saw when the hall was darkened.

After a few days of the picture, I don’t know if it’s May 15th. The housekeeper and others seemed to have gone crazy all of a sudden. They put on their cleanest and most decent clothes, and the maids painted themselves the most exquisite. Even the driver wore his long-lost uniform and hat, and everyone had a weird smile on their faces, and they started to dress up the villa that had been closed for some time.

They put the most precious china in the villa on the dining table, and the silver candlesticks were wiped by the maids as if they could glow.

There shouldn't be a lot of food left in the villa, but they still put the final meat on various china plates, and then use the paste of compressed biscuits to re-press into various shapes of pastries stacked together, plus some actually The snacks that are not on the table seem to be similar to the banquet prepared by the trainees at the end.

However, they opened the house and poured them into four exquisite glasses.

They lit many more candles in the hall than before, making the whole hall look brighter than the usual daytime, as if Su Zimo and other practitioners saw the hall.

After everything was over, the housekeeper took everyone away from the mirror, so calm that Su Zimo, who was watching, felt terrible.

He could feel that no matter how broken these people were before, at this moment, they were really crazy.