Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 57: Pen fairy game


"Zhang Xiaoqing and those three friends secretly ran to the famous haunted abandoned building behind the high school when they were studying at night at school without a teacher watching. No one knows whether it is haunted or not, but that teaching building is already very dilapidated. The door is still the oldest piece of wood, so brittle that it can be broken with a kick, so the school replaced it with a locked iron door in order to prevent students from running in and playing."

"The only boy among the four smashed the windows on the first floor, took all three girls into the abandoned building while no one was paying attention, found the most terrifying classroom in the legend, and was going to play pen fairy in this classroom. game."

"Most of the walls of the entire classroom have fallen off, and there are old and rusted tables and chairs scattered around, and all kinds of debris and unreadable papers are thrown on the ground, just like those that appear in horror movies. Scenes."

"They found two seemingly complete tables to put together, and found four chairs to surround them. The girl who originally proposed this plan... We will call her the school flower, and the school flower has prepared the pen fairy game. But I just found a still usable pencil on the floor of the classroom, and after wiping it with the broken curtain, I was going to use this pencil to play Pen Fairy."

"To be honest, Zhang Xiaoqing was really scared at that time. If the boy hadn't invited her, she would never have stepped into the abandoned building. When the school girl and another girl... just call her the glasses girl, be the school girl and glasses girl. When he was the first to hold a pen, Zhang Xiaoqing was really not happy."

The fact that Xiaowan used "school flower" and "glasses girl" to describe the characters in ghost stories made Xu Yingying and Zhu Zhu a little stunned and unaccustomed, but the three people on the sofa did not dare to move around, deeply. I'm afraid of missing some important clues in the story of Xiao Wan's ghost.

When Su Zimo was sitting across from Xiaowan, she was also observing this girl. Her expression and tone were very natural. Except for occasionally saying some confusing words, there was nothing strange about her.


Su Zimo, who was sitting at the far end of the sofa, always heard some small movements from the corridor next to the living room, that is, the corridor where the female "person" with scattered hair disappeared from time to time.

Su Zimo quietly put his hands behind his back, grabbed the metal pen in the side pocket of his backpack, and then continued to sit there, listening to Xiaowan finish her ghost story with a smile.

He knows that this kind of nightmare world that completes tasks in stages will control the difficulty. The first task is basically the refuge for the practitioners, and it is a stage for them to understand the background of the nightmare world and prepare for it, so before the story is finished, they are temporarily safe.

"Zhang Xiaoqing didn't dare to hold the pen at all, but at this time the boy in the team of four suddenly said to her, 'If you hold the pen, I can hold your hand'. Because few people can refuse a crush The subject said such words to herself, Zhang Xiaoqing, like the other Huaichun girls, held the pen under the boy's gaze, and then watched the boy's hand wrapping her hand, she felt a trace of happiness in this terrifying environment sense."

"Zhang Xiaoqing and the boy held the lower half of the pencil, then the school flower held the upper half of the pencil, and finally the glasses girl held the school flower's hand, the four people grabbed the same pen from four directions, and let the pen He stood upright on the A3 white paper they prepared earlier, and took a deep breath for peace."

Listening to Xiaowan's story, Su Zimo originally thought that Du Lei's story was long enough, but did not expect Xiaowan's story to be longer, and added many details and descriptions of words to the story, as if she was when it happened. Just like on the spot.

Listening to Xiao Wan's story, Su Zimo's mind seemed to have a gloomy and abandoned classroom. The three high school students looking for excitement looked at a timid girl, and kept encouraging her to be the first one. Hold that pencil.

"Pen Xian's game has always been similar, either successful or unsuccessful. But this time Zhang Xiaoqing participated in Pen Xian should be a success, because she just watched the pen start to draw circles on the white paper, but her hand There was no force at all, and the three friends around were just asking each other blankly, and it was finally determined that there was a mysterious force pushing the pencil."

"Although they feel terrifying, they have long known the taboos of playing the pen fairy game, and they know that once the pen fairy appears, they cannot let go of their hands, otherwise there will be a worse thing, so although Zhang Xiaoqing feels that the hand holding the pen is shaking, she even feels Her hands were sweating non-stop, but she endured under the boy's comfort. Afterwards, Zhang Xiaoqing's other three friends gathered around and asked some questions related to their academic future, but she said a word out of fear. Don't send."

Xiaowan's narration tone seemed to be very indifferent, even a little like she was holding the script and reading it without emotion.

"But later, the school girl among my friends suddenly asked, 'Pen Xian, does Zhang Xiaoqing have someone he likes?' At that time, Zhang Xiaoqing was stunned, and could only watch the pencil being pushed continuously, and finally began to ' Draw a circle around the ' sign."

"The school girl said with a smile, 'I may know who it is.' Then Zhang Xiaoqing asked another question when Zhang Xiaoqing's heart was almost jumping to her throat, 'Bixian, the person Zhang Xiaoqing likes, do you like her? '"

"At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqing's whole heart almost exploded. She suddenly pressed the pencil that she was holding tightly with her hand, trying to make the 'pen fairy' stop by force. Some people say that in fact, a large part of the happiness in secret love comes from self Satisfied, Zhang Xiaoqing would rather not know the answer from the beginning than to know an answer here that is not true or false."

"Maybe it's because Zhang Xiaoqing's movements are too hard, maybe it's because the pencil that has been dropped in the abandoned classroom has already become brittle. It was broken under the eyelids, and the entire pencil left the white paper, committing the first major taboo of the pen fairy."

"At that time, the air in the entire abandoned classroom was very quiet, and this weird atmosphere lasted for three or four minutes, and the girl with glasses suddenly screamed at the top of her voice, and shouted, 'We are going to die! We are going to die! Pen fairy! We'll all die if we're not sent away!', and let go of the pen."

"The one who let go was the school girl. The girl who had always seemed very thoughtful actually covered her face and cried, while saying to herself, 'Sorry, sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have proposed to play pen fairy, sorry !'"

"Then, even the boy let go of his hand and walked to the window with his back to the other three girls in silence."

"On the contrary, Zhang Xiaoqing, who was still holding the pen at the end, was puzzled, because she felt that the performance of the three friends was... very exaggerated. Yes, it was really exaggerated! Although the taboos of pen fairy are widely circulated, in fact, most of them are It's an unreliable ghost story, no one has ever dared to say that if you break the taboo of the pen fairy, you will definitely die, why can't you help two girls, even the boy she secretly loves, looks like she's in depression?"

"Zhang Xiaoqing couldn't figure it out, after all, the 'pen fairy' they summoned didn't even riot like in ghost stories, and didn't write a few words 'death' on white paper, why the spectacle girl screamed in her ear The sound is getting worse and worse, why is the cry of the school flower getting louder and louder?"

"Zhang Xiaoqing hadn't thought about these things, when the teacher heard the screams of the glasses girl from the abandoned building. Something bad happened, so she rushed in."

"But the teachers who rushed into the abandoned classroom only saw a few students surrounded by a piece of white paper, crying and screaming, and a girl sitting there foolishly holding a pen, completely unable to see what happened. What. When the teacher took Zhang Xiaoqing and the others away, the glasses girl was still shouting, 'Pixian, the pen fairy drama is wrapped around us, I saw it! It is going to kill us! It will let go according to us Order, kill us one by one! We are dead!'"

"Zhang Xiaoqing, who was sitting there stupidly, was also taken away by the teacher. When she left the seat, the pen in her hand fell on the white paper. She lay there quietly and could not see any mystery."

"'I'm sorry, but I'm really scared. Her eyes have been able to see some strange things since she was a child. Maybe she really saw the pen fairy!' Originally Zhang Xiaoqing wanted to chat with the school girl, but the girl Just leaned on her and cried for a while, and said that the glasses girl's eyes can be psychic, if she sees the pen fairy, it must be true."

"Up to this point, Zhang Xiaoqing still doesn't believe what the school girl and the glasses girl said. After all, if the glasses girl said the truth, wouldn't she be the first to let go of the pen?"

"Zhang Xiaoqing wanted to ask the boy she had a crush on, but for some reason, the boy kept walking with his head down since he left the abandoned building, without looking at anyone or saying anything."

"Zhang Xiaoqing and the others have their homes nearby, so they all went home after their evening self-study. Although Zhang Xiaoqing didn't think there would be any sequelae from the matter of the pen fairy, she couldn't help but her heart beat faster. Wait for eleven o'clock. Duo, when Zhang Xiaoqing was about to fall asleep, the small group established by their class suddenly received a message from the glasses girl."

"The message said 'I saw it, it's here, the pen fairy is here, I'll be taken away!' Zhang Xiaoqing and other classmates used their mobile phones to contact the glasses girl, but all the calls in the past didn't work. When someone answered, Zhang Xiaoqing felt a very bad feeling in her heart again."

"The next day, the glasses girl didn't come to school. The teacher actually got the news from the glasses girl's parents in advance. When asking Zhang Xiaoqing and their friends, she said that the glasses girl didn't go home after school yesterday, and she can't find it until now. trace."

"After knowing the news, Zhang Xiaoqing was stunned. She could only hear the cry of the school girl beside her who couldn't stop crying."

"She can't figure it out, it's just a game, why did the glasses girl really disappear? Did she disappear, or did she really meet the pen fairy? Zhang Xiaoqing's head was a mess, and it was at this time that the school flower suddenly hugged She, then cried in her ear and said 'It's true, it's my turn next!'"

"Zhang Xiaoqing doesn't want to die, no one wants to die."

"The family conditions of Zhang Xiaoqing's three friends are very good, and there are at least a few houses in the first-tier cities in their hands. Unlike Zhang Xiaoqing's family, in order to make her feel at ease for the college entrance examination, they can only rent an old and poor school near the school. The house in the suburbs is also a self-built house that my family has built for decades, and I can’t get it at all. She finally worked hard to get admitted to this high school, and with Zhang Xiaoqing’s grades, she has already got a university admission book in her hand. It's impossible to want to die."

"After entering high school, the biggest change for Zhang Xiaoqing was that she met three friends. When other classmates said she was a 'countryman', she was willing to smile and communicate with her friends. Especially the boys that Zhang Xiaoqing had a crush on were not only the school She looks like a grass, and she treats people very gently, always smiling, just like you sitting across from me."

When Xiaowan said this, she suddenly mentioned Su Zimo, who was sitting opposite her.

"Actually, I'm also... tied to the grass." Du Lei muttered.

"You don't have any boys, right?" Xu Yingying also muttered, and then looked at Su Zimo from the corner of her eyes, "Ayu's face and yours are indeed not on the same level."

"… "

Su Zimo found that Xu Yingying and the others were even more relaxed than when Du Lei told ghost stories before. This may be because the story Xiaowan told was longer and more conventional. Almost everyone has seen horror stories. People in the film have heard of several similar versions, and they really don't hear anything new.

But Su Zimo, who has been listening all the time, feels that there are many suspicious things in Xiaowan's story. Just as the protagonist "Zhang Xiaoqing" said, the games they have experienced are too common. The disappearance also seemed inexplicable.

But thinking about it from another perspective, Su Zimo felt that even if Zhang Xiaoqing was suspicious at first, after knowing that the glasses girl was missing, the whole person might panic.

"In short, she learned to dress herself up, learned to go to KTV to sing those popular songs, learned to save all the lunch money given by her parents, just to have a cup of Internet celebrity coffee with her friends, just to be able to see the boy she likes. Warm smile, she's addicted to it and can't quit."

"Zhang Xiaoqing originally planned, after she gets the admission letter, she will hold the admission letter from the same famous school as that boy, then comb the most delicate hair, wear the best clothes, and confess to him with the most beautiful smile. When Zhang Xiaoqing thought of the smile when the boy looked at her, she felt that she might not have a one-way crush, she felt that she would be able to confess successfully and complete the most hopeful counterattack in her life."

"But, the glasses girl is missing."

"The boy kept his head down, no more talking, no laughing."

"At this time, Zhang Xiaoqing concealed her fears and continued to use words to comfort the school girl and the boy, but one was still crying while the other was silent."

"After school that day, the school flower stopped Zhang Xiaoqing and said she wanted to chat with her. When the two sat down by the lake in the park, the school flower told Zhang Xiaoqing that she was really scared because she grew up with the glasses girl, so The eyes of the glasses girl can really see ghosts, the pen fairy is really coming to claim her life, and she is the second person who will disappear."

"In the sobbing sound of the school flower covering her face, Zhang Xiaoqing spoke words for more than half an hour and comforted her for more than half an hour, and then the school flower gradually calmed down and leaned on Zhang Xiaoqing's shoulder and said, 'A man is about to die and his words are good. , In fact, I am really glad that I have a friend who is like you at this time. Although I don't talk about it on weekdays, you are really an angel among the four of us, and you have helped us a lot.'"

"Zhang Xiaoqing always feels that the relationship between herself and the school beauty is detached, and she has never had a heart-to-heart with the school beauty, so when I suddenly heard her say this, I was really moved."

"Then, Zhang Xiaoqing heard the school flower say, 'From today until I disappear, we are best friends. If I can see the sun tomorrow, I'll invite you to drink a year's worth of coffee, okay!' Zhang Xiaoqing While feeling warm in my heart, I comforted the school flower for a long time, and then I heard her say, 'Since we are good friends, I will tell you a secret, in fact, the person you like has always liked you.'"

"When Zhang Xiaoqing heard the news, she froze there."

"'He doesn't really know how to express himself, but he told me secretly before that, if what happened this time is true, then his biggest regret is that he can't do anything, even one step ahead of you.' The school flower said After finishing these words, I leaned on Zhang Xiaoqing and slept for a while as if I was sleepy."

"Zhang Xiaoqing stared at the lake at night in a daze for a long time, and she also thought about many, many things in her heart. After a long time, she came back to her senses, shook the school flower leaning on her body, and then supported her back without saying a word. In the community, it was not until she saw the school flower walk into the door of her apartment that she turned around and went back to her house. At that time, Zhang Xiaoqing's heart could not calm down. "

"What's even more disturbing is that..."

"The next day, the school flower disappeared. Everyone who knew about it was rumored that the school flower and the glasses girl were not missing, but were found by the pen fairy! The story of the pen fairy is true, and there are really ghosts in this world. !"

"This time, Zhang Xiaoqing couldn't help crying, because she lost the girl who said they were best friends last night, because she regretted not sending the school girl into the house last night, and then watched her directly into her bedroom. "

"What Zhang Xiaoqing needs to face even more is that since everything is true, the person who will disappear tonight... is the boy she has always had a deep crush on."

"And now, Zhang Xiaoqing's only life-saving straw is that shortly after she sent the school flower home, she received a message from the school flower on her mobile phone. The school flower said in the message that there is actually a way to crack the curse of the pen fairy, but this method requires Some people took the initiative to sacrifice to break the law of killing pen immortals, so that those who are still alive can survive. The school flower also said in the message that this method was sent to the girl before she disappeared. If she herself is not the second target, Zhang Xiaoqing will definitely be rescued."

"Hiding on the roof of the school and watching this news, Zhang Xiaoqing cried even more to the core. The pen fairy's targets are disappearing one by one in the order they let go, first the glasses girl, then the school girl, and then the boy she secretly loves. , and finally herself."

"According to the school flower, if breaking the order of 'death' can save people, then the only way for her to save the boy is for her to 'die' first!"

"Just when Zhang Xiaoqing was gradually breaking down, a call suddenly came from her cell phone, and the person who called... was the boy she had a crush on. This is also the first time the other party called Zhang Xiaoqing. If you change the time for another environment, maybe she'll be ecstatic about the call."

"Zhang Xiaoqing answered the phone, and there was a boy's anxious voice on the other end of the phone. Although the boy is usually gentle to her and the people around her, when Zhang Xiaoqing heard this anxious tone, she suddenly felt that she was with the boy. The distance between them is closer. She only heard the boy say on the phone, 'Zhang Xiaoqing, where are you? I have something very important to look for you, I'm outside the teaching building now, come out right now, I really I have something very important to tell you! Don't bring other people with you, just come out alone, only you can know about this!'"

"Hearing what the boy said on the phone, and thinking about what the school girl said before, at that moment Zhang Xiaoqing fell into the self-satisfaction of secret love again. She felt that she knew what that person was going to say, and she knew that it might be between her and him. The last conversation, but instead of both disappearing from this world, Zhang Xiaoqing still hopes that the gentle big boy can live well."

"So Zhang Xiaoqing hung up the phone... closed his eyes, with a smile, and jumped off the rooftop."

"At the moment when she was about to land, she seemed to have hallucinations in front of her eyes. She saw the boy, and even the school girl and the glasses girl. Zhang Xiaoqing felt that the two of them were picking her up."

"But why are the expressions on their faces so shocked, so scared?"

"… "

"This is my story." Xiaowan ended the long story, still sitting calmly on the single sofa.

Xiaowan's story is very detailed and detailed, but if it can be summed up in simple words, it is that four high school students played dead pen fairy together, and they committed the taboo of the pen fairy. The world evaporated.

The high school student named Zhang Xiaoqing was supposed to be the last person to "die", but in order to save the boy who was the third target, she took the initiative to jump off the rooftop to commit suicide, breaking the order of "killing" people by the pen fairy The man who "died" survived.

This is Su Zimo's brief summary of the story.

"I never thought..." Du Lei couldn't help but sigh, "How could someone tell such an old-fashioned story for such a long time..."

"Hey!" Xu Yingying couldn't help but nudge Du Lei with her arm to tell him not to talk nonsense, and looked at her left arm, she probably wanted to know if the first task was progressing, and then continued to sit upright Waiting for the next ghost story.


Just when the atmosphere was a little silent, Su Zimo suddenly saw the screen of the tablet computer on the coffee table light up again, as if someone had sent another message in the group with only one chat bubble.

Su Zimo still remembered that the last message seemed to be—

[Come to my house at night for a ghost story convention? I'm ready with snacks waiting for you! ]

And now another message jumped out and said: [What time is it, I fell asleep when I saw the news, let’s talk about it next time. ]

The sender is Wen Xiaoyu.

Su Zimo thought that the lady "Hua Xiaowan" who was sitting opposite would lean over to reply to the message, but she didn't expect... A message from "Hua Xiaowan" popped up on the tablet's message prompt, saying: [I also I went back to my room to sleep, and now I'm lying on the bed playing with my phone. ]

Go back to sleep

play cell phone

Hua Xiaowan

Su Zimo's originally relaxed body suddenly stiffened. He remembered the person who was just sitting on the balcony and was regarded as a ghost by them. If the person who went back to the room from the balcony to sleep was "Hua Xiaowan"...

So who is this "Xiao Wan" sitting across from him now


Wen Xiaoyu: [It's not your style to go to bed so early, did you go on a date with handsome Lin Zhe again today? ]

Hua Xiaowan: [Ignore him, I feel a little scared now, I always feel that there is always a sound outside the door. ]

Wen Xiaoyu: [Don't talk, we agreed not to talk about this kind of thing, I also fell asleep. ]

Hua Xiaowan: [Yeah. ]

The messages on the tablet jumped one after another, and even the three practitioners sitting beside them began to feel a little strange. It's just that they don't seem to be looking at things as fast as Su Zimo, so only Xu Yingying asked in a low voice, "Well, don't you need to reply?"

"No, I'm not in the group anyway." Xiaowan's face that had been looking straight ahead suddenly turned to Xu Yingying, squinting her eyes and smiling.

"… "

"By the way, do you think the story I tell is scary?" "Xiao Wan" turned to look back at Su Zimo and asked with a smile.

"Terror." Su Zimo nodded solemnly.

"Really? Can you tell me where the horror is?" "Xiao Wan" seemed to be very interested in it. "I don't think other people seem to think this story is scary."

Indeed, when Su Zimo said the word "horror", the doubts in Du Lei's eyes overflowed. From Du Lei's long ghost story before, it can be seen that he has a desire to show himself with good things in his heart, so he can't understand the horror of the previous story of the pen fairy.

"I'd better tell my story." Su Zimo shook his head, not wanting to say too much to disrupt the rhythm of the tasks of the practitioners, "My ghost story is very short, it's about an abandoned hotel full of mirrors …”

"No, I'd rather hear from you about the horror of the story of 'Bixian'!" "Xiao Wan" suddenly became sharper, but softened after speaking, "Just use this instead of what you want to tell. The ghost story is ready, after you finish speaking, the ghost story conference can end."

"Ayu, talk about it." Even Xu Yingying urged when she heard "Xiao Wan". The ultimate goal of the trainers is to complete the task, so Xu Yingying feels that only by meeting the requirements of the NPC can they complete the first task in this nightmare world.

Su Zimo thought for a few seconds, then sighed secretly before looking at "Xiao Wan" sitting opposite and said, "The horror of this story is that only one person died in the whole story."

"One person?" Du Lei corrected blankly, "Ayu, three died, the glasses girl, the school girl, and Zhang Xiaoqing, right?"

"No, only one died." Su Zimo shook his head, "Both the glasses girl and the school girl are alive, only Zhang Xiaoqing is dead, this is the horror of the story, because the whole story of the pen fairy is fake, only Zhang Xiaoqing's death is real."

"At the beginning of the story, a few friends agreed to do some exciting things before the college entrance examination. I think the so-called exciting things are not playing 'pen fairy', but a few rebellious students who made up 'spiritual things' The topic is 'running away from home without the knowledge of family and school, and by the way, fake death to frighten the girl named Zhang Xiaoqing, and played a so-called 'prank' that cost her life."

"During the time when the glasses girl and the school flower disappeared, they might have been hiding somewhere to rest, or they might have gone to other places to play. Anyway, they lived well, but their skills were so great that parents, schools and even relevant departments couldn't find them. There it is."

Su Zimo didn't have the habit of talking nonsense, so he just briefly summarized his guess.

After hearing what Su Zimo said, the three practitioners who had always subconsciously regarded the story of "Pen Xian" as a cliché, suddenly figured out what was wrong in the story of "Xiao Wan"!

Why is the pen fairy game in ghost stories so calm? Obviously nothing happened, why did the glasses girl suddenly scream loudly to attract the teacher

Because the whole pen fairy game is fake, it may even be just a scene where the school girl, the glasses girl and the boy collude to perform! The purpose is to deceive people! The purpose is to seek stimulation before the college entrance examination! The purpose is to prank!

"What else do you know?" Xiaowan gradually lowered her head and her tone gradually became low.

"It's all a bad prank, but before Zhang Xiaoqing jumped off the rooftop, I got a call from the boy." Su Zimo has already held the metal pen in his hand, "I guess the boy didn't plan to make a phone call. I confessed to Zhang Xiaoqing, but I wanted to tell Zhang Xiaoqing the truth of the prank, tell her that everything was fake, and tell her not to take the prank seriously. Unfortunately, it was still a step too late."

"How could this be?" Zhu Zhu, who had been sitting there silently, took off her glasses and wiped them, and said in a distressed tone, "Why didn't the boy tell Zhang Xiaoqing the truth on the phone? In that case, Zhang Xiaoqing would not You did something stupid!"

"Maybe it was the idea of the school girl and the glasses girl?" Su Zimo also sighed, "At the end of the story, Zhang Xiaoqing seemed to see the boy, the school girl and the glasses girl in a hallucination. But I don't think it was Zhang Xiaoqing's hallucination, but It was the school girl and the glasses girl who followed the boy to find Zhang Xiaoqing, and wanted to witness Zhang Xiaoqing's shocked expression when she saw that they were still alive, right?"

"That's why they don't let boys explain things clearly on the phone." Su Zimo said, looking at "Xiao Wan", "Am I right?"

Xiaowan didn't speak.

On the other hand, after hearing the truth of the story, Du Lei suddenly pointed and said, "Although it sounds miserable, in this way, this is not a ghost story, right? Is it against the rules?"

As soon as Du Lei finished speaking, a strange smile appeared on the face of "Xiao Wan" who was sitting there with his head down.