Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 62: Start decrypting


[I need medium. ]

[Can I borrow your body? ]

When he heard the voice of the ghost umbrella ringing in his ears, Su Zimo once felt that he heard it wrong.


[This black umbrella is a medium. ] Ghost Umbrella seems to know the doubts in Su Zimo's heart, [but Black Umbrella's defensive power is amazing, and it has no ability to fight. If you want to fight, it is better to use a human body. ]

[Although I don't remember why, other ghosts' abilities will increase after entering the nightmare world, but my abilities will be limited after entering the nightmare world, and I can only rely on the medium to act. ]

Su Zimo only listened to what the ghost umbrella said, but he finally understood why when the ghost umbrella first appeared, even if he lost it, he still didn't shoot.

"What should I do?" Su Zimo asked immediately looking at the faceless man attacking them.

[Because I don't take away control of your body when I'm possessed, so you must relax your entire body. ]

[Imagine yourself lying on a comfortable, soft bed, relaxing your limbs. You may have some uncomfortable feeling after I enter your body, but it will be relieved when I try to move a little bit. At that time, no matter how I move, you can just continue to relax and leave everything to me. ]

"… "

I don't know why, although Ghost Umbrella explained the process of being possessed in great detail, but it always felt weird to say anything, and even wanted to take him out of the umbrella and beat him up.

Speaking of which, this umbrella seems to be quite awkward from the beginning.

"Shut your mouth and do as you say." Su Zimo said in a low voice, "Quickly fight and stop looking at some messy things!"

[… What did I do wrong again… ] Ghost Umbrella's tone was extremely aggrieved.

Then, Su Zimo felt a coldness spreading to his body along his arm, like being in an icy cold spring, but it didn't make people feel dangerous.

Seeing those faceless people and the dazed practitioners with the closed classroom door behind them having a headache, they suddenly saw "Ayu" walking past them, and then stood in front of the faceless person.

However, they somehow felt that the figure and posture standing there were unfamiliar, as if they were different from the previous "Ayu".

And after the other party walked in front of the faceless man, he said in a cold tone: "Back up! It's cold, let the faceless ghost rise to the sky quickly!"

The practitioners obediently stepped back, while thinking in their hearts—

This is not the Ah Yu we know, where is this cottage president from!


The black umbrella was opened again, and the moment "Ayu" held the umbrella up, all the faceless people rushed towards him frantically as if the switch had been activated.

"It's really strange, every time I show up in the nightmare world, all kinds of ghosts either run away quickly, or they all rush towards me as if they are going to eat me. Now it's good, even a kind of ghost in a dream. When the product sees me, I go crazy." The ghost umbrella attached to Su Zimo whispered to his boss about his grievances.

Su Zimo, who is experienced in lying flat in his body, feels that the "popularity" of Ghost Umbrella among Specter should be very bad. He heard him mention other Specters several times, and he could feel that he was excluded.

When Su Zimo first asked the ghost umbrella's name, he said that some ghosts he knew would shout "Run! That damn umbrella is here again!"

Then, the ghosts seemed to hate the singing of the ghost umbrella very much. But this point, Su Zimo can understand those ghosts.

And this time, it was Su Zimo who saw with his own eyes those faceless people rushing madly like hungry dogs who saw bones. There were more than 30 figures, but none of them cared about the practitioners hiding behind. All of them were crazy. Jump on him.

It's like attracting hatred without omission, completely guaranteeing the safety of the people behind.

Ghost Umbrella controlled Su Zimo's body and didn't move. After all the figures were gathered around him, he suddenly asked again, "Boss, let's solve it in a faster way, or we should use more ordinary people. way to solve it?"

That is to say, will the "faster way" be out of the category of ordinary people

Su Zimo still chose the latter.

Then I saw Ghost Umbrella closing the umbrella, turning the wrist and directly poking the tip of the umbrella into the faceless man's chest, watching the faceless man turned into soot.

Because he knows that the faceless person will not attack other people, the ghost umbrella moves with ease, even if he does not use a faster method, he does not appear flustered at all.

While attacking, Ghost Umbrella did not forget to protect the precious body of his boss. When a faceless man cracked a bloody mouth and bit it, the umbrella that was not fastened in Ghost Umbrella's hand was thrown directly outwards. The umbrella opened and fell back into his hands, instantly blocking the faceless ghost who wanted to sneak attack.

There is no doubt about the defensive power of the black umbrella, and the "ordinary hand" shown by the ghost umbrella is not bad, but in Su Zimo's view, the most powerful ability the ghost umbrella shows at this moment is actually "pulling hatred".

After a series of smooth fights, the practitioners, who were not even touched by the faceless man, all opened their mouths and stared blankly at "Ayu" who instantly turned into a master.

Before Su Zimo's body was strengthened a little, his sports performance was very good, and he had also learned sports such as fencing. Impossible to complete, and some are even very extreme.

After most of the faceless people in the classroom were cleaned up, Ghost Umbrella could also feel Su Zimo's body that was being possessed and controlled, and began to feel double fatigue, so the movements of his hands began to slow down.

And the three practitioners who have been protected behind them at this moment seem to have finally recovered from their shock, and rushed towards the few faceless people left.

Although Du Lei and the others are all one-on-one roles, they will inevitably be injured when attacked by other faceless people. But because there are only a few faceless people left in the classroom, and "Ayu" is still slowly cleaning up, even if the trainees are injured, it is not a big problem.

But after fighting all the way, I don't know why Du Lei, who is the most powerful, is the one with the most injuries.

I don't know why, there are always some faceless people who are thrown directly in front of Du Lei by Ghost Umbrella, and suddenly scratch their paws on him or take a bite.

Looking at another faceless man who rushed towards him, Du Lei didn't know whether it was because "Ayu" trusted him, or when he offended someone...

Just thinking about it, the ghost umbrella not far away kicked another faceless person in front of Du Lei.

I don't know how long it took, all the faceless talents in the classroom turned into soot!

"There's still one hour left." After counting down the tasks on her right arm, Xu Yingying clutched the bitten spot on her arm and rested by the classroom window.

Ghost Umbrella also obediently returned to the umbrella after the battle. His physique is not suitable for casual appearance in the nightmare world.

Su Zimo dragged his tired and sore body, leaned next to him like the others, and watched the red moonlight rest in a daze.

At this time, they suddenly heard a rustling sound from outside the window.

Following the sound, Su Zimo and the other trainees looked out the window together. He thought he would see an ordinary campus, but he did not expect that the scenery outside the classroom window looked like a small forest, with three familiar strangers. The face people are standing together with a shovel, digging a hole in the ground with the shovel.

"Is it the school girl and the glasses girl?" Xu Yingying quickly identified the three people who were digging a hole outside the window from the characteristics of their clothes. They were the three pranksters she had seen upstairs.

"Why are they digging holes?"

As soon as Zhu Zhu finished asking, Su Zimo and the others saw Hua Xiaowan and the three of them threw something into the hole, and then began to fill the hole.

"What is that?" Maybe it was because the thing thrown into the hole was too small, and Du Lei didn't recognize it either.

"Maybe it's a cell phone, Zhang Xiaoqing's cell phone." Su Zimo only saw the outline, but felt that his guesses should be closely related.

"..." The practitioners present also began to splicing the outline of the story like Su Zimo did in their minds, so they all fell into silence.

"Are we going to continue going downstairs?" After what happened just now, the expressions of all the practitioners looking at Su Zimo became a little strange, the feeling of wanting to get closer and away, at the same time respecting and afraid .

After going back and forth in the red corridor for so long, the practitioners have gained some immunity to the dizzying red corridor at first, especially when they found themselves staring at "Ayu", the kind of The nausea will go away faster.

And when Su Zimo saw the strange expression on Du Lei's face, he couldn't help but think of Du Xin he met before...

In fact, not only Du Lei and Du Xin, but Su Zimo actually haunted many similar people, but most of them did not leave any clear impression. What I remember most clearly is that Du Lei and Du Xin have not had time to forget only people.

So before answering Du Lei's question, Su Zimo, who was somewhat exhausted from being possessed by a ghost umbrella, leaned against the railing of the red corridor and asked abruptly, "Do you have a brother named Du Xin?"

"Ah?" Du Lei didn't seem to have thought that Su Zimo would ask this question, and was stunned for a moment.

"It's nothing." Su Zimo shook his head, then stood up against the support of the stair railing, "Let's go down and have a look."

The four of them walked downstairs again. The influence of the red stairs seemed to be gradually being immune to the practitioners. Then they saw a completely different door appeared on the next floor, and the door was open. The closer you get, the more you can hear the sadness and music coming from the door.

This time Su Zimo no longer intends to enter the door, because they found that the door seemed to be a funeral hall, and a pair of middle-aged people with swollen eyes stood there, with a black and white photo of Zhang Xiaoqing on the stage.

The middle-aged pair had clear facial features, and they could even see the similarities between Zhang Xiaoqing and them, so Su Zimo felt that they might not suddenly attack the practitioners.

[Uncle, auntie, I'm really sorry. ] Hua Xiaowan's voice came from the door.

[It is we who trouble you. ] Zhang Xiaoqing's mother's voice was crying, [I heard those rumors too, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble to you after my daughter left! ]

[Don't say that, we are Zhang Xiaoqing's best friend after all. ] Hua Xiaowan's voice was a little sad, as if she was born with a talent for lying, [Can we go to her room? ]

[Go, her room is still the same as it was, that is, the things brought back from school are all piled up there, it may be a bit messy. ]

[It's okay, we just want to see her room. ]

After Hua Xiaowan finished speaking, there was no sound other than sadness and joy in the door. The originally open door was completely closed in front of Su Zimo and the others, and no faceless men were released to embarrass them.

"Did they take Zhang Xiaoqing's mobile phone at this time?" Zhu Zhu, who was studying and editing on the side, pushed his glasses, "It seems that no one has investigated Zhang Xiaoqing's mobile phone, so the three took advantage of this time to take the mobile phone away."

Su Zimo also doesn't know why the most crucial evidence "mobile phone" has not been investigated. It seems that no one has investigated Zhang Xiaoqing's call records. He can only watch three people take Zhang Xiaoqing's mobile phone away, leaving the whole incident only Instead of messing with speculation and legends, the truth of the matter was completely covered up.

If he is Zhang Xiaoqing, the resentment in his heart may not be light.

"Are we really going to continue going downstairs?" After reading the stories told on these floors, although the faceless man's attack is a little scary, the feelings of the practitioners are very complicated, even the simple-minded Du Lei Somewhat sentimental.

"Forty minutes left." Looking at the countdown on the right arm, the practitioners felt that there was no hope for the future.

Su Zimo, who had already walked halfway down the corridor, glanced down, then raised his head and said to the other practitioners with a serious expression, "Why don't we change our thinking?"

"Change your thinking?"

"The requirement of the mission is to leave this building, right?" Since nothing is displayed on Su Zimo's left arm, and there is no countdown on his right arm, he only remembers the most basic mission requirements.

"Yes, but there is more than one way to get out of this building."

As Su Zimo said that, he came back to his senses and turned to walk upstairs.

In fact, when she first left the apartment, Su Zimo kept thinking about what Zhang Xiaoqing said. She said—

[If you want to live, escape from this apartment. ]

[You will know, the feeling of desperation at the time. ]

[Come on, there's no time. ]

If you simply analyze these three sentences, Zhang Xiaoqing means that the practitioners will experience the feeling of despair she felt at the beginning. So when was Zhang Xiaoqing the most desperate

Is it when Zhang Xiaoqing jumped off

Su Zimo shook her head secretly, Zhang Xiaoqing was probably not desperate when she jumped down, because she had already made a decision and thought that her decision could save Lin Zhe.

So when Zhang Xiaoqing was really desperate, it should be the time when she was standing in front of the rooftop and was suffering and tangled, right

In any case, there is only one correct answer that Su Zimo can think of—

Go to the rooftop!

"More than one? Then how do we get out of this building?" Although Du Lei asked, he subconsciously followed Su Zimo upstairs with his feet.

"..." Su Zimo paused, then said briefly, "Jump off the building."

Before going downstairs, Su Zimo actually considered this possibility. From the beginning, going down the seemingly endless stairs was just an unsolvable trapped beast situation, and those faceless people were just a means to eliminate trapped beasts. That's it.

The real way out is to go up from the beginning.

Su Zimo followed the practitioners downstairs just to find more products. Although he only found two mobile phones in the abandoned classroom, Su Zimo remembered that the two were hidden in his backpack. His mobile phone ability is not bad, and it also provides him with a very important clue.

[Phone of the Admired · Pseudo (One Star)]

[Price: 20 yuan]

[Description: Disposable items. Use this ghost device to call a human, you can ask the human to complete a request. ]

[Restriction: The degree of completion of the request made by the holder is related to the willpower of the recipient. ]

[Fake psychic's mobile phone · Fake (one star)]

[Price: 20 yuan]

[Description: Disposable item. Using this ghost weapon, you can channel a random ghost, and you can ask the ghost to answer five questions. ]

[Restriction: Specter's correct rate of answering questions is related to Specter's own strength, and violation of taboos may trigger backlash. ]

Although the two ghost weapons are both low-level one-star weapons, the price range of one-star products should range from ten to twenty yuan, so these two are considered the best of one-star ghost weapons. In addition, the products with the "restriction" option in the remarks seem to be very strong in Su Zimo's view.

If these two ghost weapons were not disposable, Su Zimo felt that their star rating would continue to improve.

While thinking about it, Su Zimo found that they had gone up a few floors before they knew it, and the original apartment door appeared in front of them again, and behind that door was where this nightmare world began.

Su Zimo found that the door that was originally closed was half-closed, so he tried to push it, and then pushed the apartment door open very easily.

After looking inside the door, Su Zimo found that the apartment inside was still the same as it was, except that the balcony door that was open was now closed, and the thick curtains were drawn, which looked like It's like stopping Su Zimo and the others from jumping directly from that balcony.

Su Zimo had never thought about opening the balcony door. After all, in this world, as long as Zhang Xiaoqing did not agree, it was impossible for them to open any door at all.

"When I came back here, I suddenly felt a sense of reassurance." Xu Yingying looked at the soft and comfortable sofa and the gentle lights, and she was relieved, but when she turned her head, she saw Su Zimo moving further into the corridor. He walked towards the closed bedroom door, "Ayu, isn't there a ghost in that room...?"

"It's not a ghost, it's just an illusion." Su Zimo explained briefly, then easily opened the bedroom door, and relying on the light from the living room, he found a third mobile phone on the bedside table of the bedroom in the dark.

[Liar's Phone · Pseudo (two-star)]

[Price: 50 yuan]

[Description: Gain three minutes of talk time every Monday and clear it every Sunday. When the holder uses the 'liar's mobile phone' to talk to others, if the recipient is lying, the holder can hear the recipient's voice. ]

When he saw this phone that should belong to Hua Xiaowan, Su Zimo couldn't help but raise his attention. This phone is not only a higher two-star, but also has no restrictions and is not a one-time use. In Su Zimo's opinion It is a sign that this ghost is more powerful.

Although it is still not a combat-type ghost weapon, it can also have some strange effects in some strange occasions.

[The ghosts of this world are very powerful. ] The voice of the ghost umbrella rang in Su Zimo's ears, [It's really amazing that something built just from a dream can become a ghost weapon. ]

"Let's go upstairs." After Su Zimo exited the bedroom, he glanced at the apartment where nothing useful was left, and then left the apartment with the other practitioners and continued to walk up.

This time, Su Zimo didn't stop anywhere.

What surprised the trainees was that when they walked up the red corridor, although the feeling of nausea and dizziness returned again, and it became more and more serious, they did not see any signs upstairs. A door, it seems that only the upward turning stairs need to be climbed.

"The task will not be so easy to complete." Su Zimo looked at the practitioners who were parked in the corridor with their eyes closed and gasping for breath. Although he felt a little tired, he still said, "Everyone, hold on, this road should be It's not as complicated as it looks."

At this time, Zhu Zhu grabbed the cloth strip in her hand again, then handed the other end of the cloth strip to Xu Yingying, gritted her teeth and said, "Yingying, when you hold this cloth strip, you will feel nauseated. Much better. If it doesn't work, close your eyes and I'll pull you up."

Saying that, Zhu Zhu, who had been carried by Xu Yingying all the time, began to climb up with Xu Yingying.

At the beginning of the nightmare, when Xu Yingying introduced instead of Zhu Zhu, Su Zimo thought that the relationship between these two friends was like the school girl and the glasses girl in Zhang Xiaoqing's story, one being the other's leader.

But after learning about the characters of the three trainees, Su Zimo felt that the relationship between Xu Yingying and Zhu Zhu was not bad, but much better than he imagined.

It's just... Zhu Zhu really doesn't know how to use cloth strips at all.

Su Zimo reluctantly glanced at the remarks on the cloth strip on Zhu Zhu's hand, and did not know when Zhu Zhu, the master, would know its true function.

[Ghost Eyes of the Blind (2-star)]

[Price: 50 yuan]

[Description: The blood on the cloth came from a deceased blind man who had never seen the light before his death. After his death, he still carried the obsession of wanting to see the world. When the holder wraps the cloth around his eyes, he can open his eyes and see a special world in black and white through the cloth. ]

[Special ability: Please note that you are seeing the world through the eyes of a ghost, so you may see a few things that ordinary people can't see. ]

Such a special white cloth strip was used by Zhu Zhu as a guiding rope, and it was impossible for Su Zimo to take the risk of telling Zhu Zhu the real use of this cloth strip. In fact, Su Zimo feels that he can still carry out some appraisal business in the future, and even collect appraisal fees to make up for losses.

But Su Zimo's ability to identify these ghost tools comes from the glasses on the bridge of his nose, so if he understands the truth of "Huaibi is guilty", Su Zimo will not rashly identify ghost tools for anyone.

"I saw it, it's the ceiling of this building!" Du Lei saw that the two girls were working so hard, and he also gritted his teeth and climbed up step by step, even faster than Su Zimo, who was thinking.

When Du Lei climbed to the top, he shouted in surprise.

If he really saw the ceiling of this building, it means that they are about to reach the top floor of this building, and it means that the rooftop that Su Zimo is looking for is getting closer and closer to them.