Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 66: In Qin Yan Pavilion


Qin Yange is a restaurant that started in Yandu. It has been in business for decades before it opened a branch in Shoushan for the first time.

The restaurant is very famous in Yandu for the simple reason that the food is really delicious. It is said that the owner of Qin Yan Pavilion is a chef who has been praised by the great figures of Yandu. Not long after Qin Yan Pavilion opened, the restaurant became famous because of the dishes, but because it is a membership reservation system, it is in many famous restaurants. Also looks special.

I don’t know why Qin Yange chose to open a branch in Shoushan instead of the more prosperous Jiangdu, but since the branch opened, people from all walks of life have reserved seats through various channels. Because there are extraordinary abilities among those who gather.

"Wan Yu, who are you waiting for?" A young man in a suit, leather, and hair gel walked out of the door of Qin Yange and came to a girl in a purple cheongsam, "The number of people who have been ordered has already arrived. Done."

"There is another classmate who said that he might come, so I want to wait and see." Wan Yu tugged at the white gauze shawl on his body and looked at the entrance of the commercial plaza. Instead of the resolute style of his student days, he looked like a lady. , "Actually, the Duanfu buffet that I originally ordered was pretty good, and I could invite all my classmates to participate. There are a lot of delicious things, and it's quite free."

"Isn't it because I heard you said the number of students who decided to participate, and suddenly found that the seat here is just right?" The young man in suit looked at Wan Yu, who was slim, "One of my father's partners made a reservation after knowing the branch was opened. A room for 20 people, but I didn't expect to wait for two months to get it, but he himself couldn't come back from abroad, so I asked my dad to come over and make up a large membership fee."

"Everyone is still a student, I don't know about you, and the economy is not well-off." Wan Yu said with her back to the young man in a suit, "I didn't expect Qi Yang to be a successful person before you graduated from university."

"It's just that the family has done some real estate business in the past few years." Qi Yang combed his hair, "I know that everyone is not well-off, although it is agreed that it will be shared equally, but as long as you come at the price of the self-help next door, I just I just want to get together with you all.”

"Thank you." Wan Yu didn't seem very interested.

"By the way, which classmate were you talking about just now?" Qi Yang suddenly remembered what Wan Yu said before.

"Su Zimo, do you remember?" Wan Yu then turned around, "I found his old phone number on the school's contact list."

"He?" Before Wan Yu said anything, Qi Yang's face was a little unhappy, "Didn't he transfer school long ago, why did you suddenly think of looking for him?"

"I didn't think of it at first." Wan Yu frowned slightly at Qi Yang's attitude, "But didn't I post an intentional post on the forum of Shoushan No. 1 Middle School before? A classmate whose online name is 'Poison Snake' said , I want to meet Su Zimo."

"Poisonous snake? It's a strange name, but he shouldn't be here, after all, he's such a loner." Qi Yang even snorted coldly.

"But... it was Su Zimo who answered the call himself, and he said he might come over." Wan Yu shook the phone, "I was also surprised when I connected, I didn't expect that he never changed his phone number. I don't know why we haven't contacted him for so many years."

"Ah! Isn't that?"

Looking at Wan Yu's line of sight, Qi Yang really saw a clear figure walking out of the supermarket entrance in the commercial plaza. Except for the glasses that are a little different from before, the figure walking towards Qin Yange from a distance is not much different from the high school days, not weak, not ugly, not even fat, but looks like Even…

Qi Yang couldn't tell, anyway, he just didn't want to be with that guy.

But Su Zimo, who had just bought some junk food from the supermarket and walked to Qin Yange with his bag on his back, didn't have the word "class reunion" in his head. He was thinking about the invitation of Mr. Wan Qin, so Although he noticed who was standing at the door of Qin Yange, he didn't even recognize that the man and the woman had anything to do with him.

"Su Zimo!"

So when the girl in the purple cheongsam ran up to him and called his name, Su Zimo was stunned, tilted his head in confusion, and then hesitantly said, "Hello?"

"It's great that you can come, and there are still classmates who have been looking for you!"

Su Zimo looked at the smiling girl in front of him, and quickly reacted. He smiled back and said, "Long time no see, monitor Wan, but I happened to be here today to meet an elder, so I may not have time to attend the class reunion."

"Yes, is that so?"

Su Zimo only felt that the girl in front of him had a surprised expression for a moment, but he didn't know why. After all, the high school years had a very distant feeling to him. The girl in front of him had appropriate makeup, and it was difficult to remember it. The young students in China are linked together.

"Sorry, we'll get together again next time." Su Zimo nodded slightly, then walked around the two of them.

But before Su Zimo walked into Qin Yan Pavilion, he heard the boy's voice behind him—

"Didn't it say that Su Zimo transferred school because he was so poor that he could only drop out of school to work? How could he come to see his elders in such a place?!"

"..." Su Zimo walked into Qin Yange silently. Although he didn't know what happened in the school after his car accident, he always felt that an invisible force of rumors had been around him since then.

Su Zimo could feel that the two old classmates, a man and a woman, were not far behind him, but when he reported his name and was taken upstairs by Qin Yange's people, the two classmates were still on the stairs on the ground floor. He whispered something about him.

The content is not important, it's just that the man thinks that Su Zimo is bluffing, while the woman thinks that he can't gossip behind his back.

But Su Zimo was just walking up the corner of the stairs when he heard a very unfamiliar voice born on the ground floor.

"Excuse me, are you classmates from Shoushan No. 1 Middle School? Is the class reunion held here?" It was a voice that Su Zimo had never heard before, but he asked again, "Su Zimo came Yet?"

"May I ask who you are?" Wan Yu's voice sounded a little confused.

"Don't you know your old classmates?" The unfamiliar voice had a particularly hoarse feeling, "I'm the fourth in the fourth row of the classroom."

"Ah?" Wan Yu couldn't react for a while.

"I also asked about Su Zimo on the forum of Shoushan No. 1 Middle School." The hoarse voice said again.

"Ah, so you are that poisonous snake?!"

Wan Yu's voice made Su Zimo step up.

"Yeah, isn't my new name particularly interesting?" There was an inexplicable smile in the hoarse voice, "Is Su Zimo here?"

"Come on, but..."

Su Zimo, who had already climbed to the second floor, no longer hesitated. After asking about the room that Mr. Fang Qin invited, he asked the staff not to disclose his whereabouts, and climbed to the third floor as quickly as possible, which is the highest floor of Qin Yan Pavilion. , dodged into the private room arranged by Mr. Fang Qin.

Qin Yange is the place where Mr. Fang lives, so there is no need for Su Zimo to confront him. Even if he hits hard, he doesn't bring anyone who can take advantage of him.

"Why are you panicking?"

When Su Zimo entered the private room, Mr. Fang was setting the table on the table, and after seeing him closing the door quickly, he asked a strange question.

"The poisonous snake may have come in." Su Zimo told the truth.

"That viper?"

"Well, that poisonous snake." Su Zimo nodded.

"It should be fine, guests without an appointment can't go upstairs." Mr. Fang's face also looked a little solemn. After all, poisonous snakes are experienced practitioners with the ability to disguise, so it is difficult to know which snake appears in front of them, and it is also difficult to know. Was the viper that appeared in front of them the real one.

"Master, I don't know if there is a convenient place to stay here." Su Zimo thought for a while, "Today we'd better stay here for one night, and then take a good look at the monitoring equipment of the restaurant."

"I see." Mr. Fang nodded, and then pointed to the delicious delicacies that had been prepared on the case, "This private room itself is specially made, and there is a direct passage to the office and lounge behind the collection cabinet, but Before that, let's try the old man's craftsmanship first, right?"

As Mr. Fang said, he walked over and locked the door of the private room.

"Your grandfather and I have known each other since we were young, but at that time he was the distinguished young master of the Su family. I am indeed the son of the cook. If I stayed in the Su family, I would probably only be the chef of the Su family at most." Mr. Fang With the help of Su Zimo, he sat down again, "So I left Su's house very early and went to Yandu to study art. At first I thought that I could be taught by such a famous chef because I had the ability, but I later found out that it was you. Grandpa asked the family to say hello."

"For this matter, I quarreled with your grandfather for a long time, saying that it was because of disagreement and personality, but now that I think about it, it seems that it was just a nonsense."

"In the end, that stinky old man in your family didn't eat the dishes I cooked well." Mr. Fang said, and looked at Su Zimo again, "These dishes will be cheaper for you."

Su Zimo poured a cup of tea for the old man, and then began to marvel at the old man's dish.

He can be considered to have seen many exquisite dishes. Even the Su family's usual lunch and dinner, the chef will play some bells and whistles. But Su Zimo seldom sees the meat is meat and the amount is the amount under the condition of impeccable presentation. The color alone can make people's appetite greatly increase, not to mention the tangy aroma.

"Today's cooks are too particular about it." The old man also said with a smile while drinking tea, "Actually, the ultimate purpose of the cook's cooking is to make the guests happy and full."

"I also prepared snacks in advance, you can take them home to eat slowly when you leave." The old man pointed to the super huge food box on the side, "I just accidentally made more, so you have to eat it quickly. But you This kid looks so thin, he can hurt himself when he falls on the ground, he still has to eat fat."

"Thank you, old man." Su Zimo didn't have any taboos himself, so it was just a big mouthful of meat, which was extremely satisfying.

"If there is no nightmare world or something, it will be fine." The old man said, after thinking about it, he actually took out the Taiji wooden sword from the corner that he had been carrying before, "This sword was also obtained by the old man by accident. , maybe it would be more appropriate to stay by your side than to stay by my old man's side."

Then, the old man grabbed the blade of the wooden sword and pulled it out, as if pulling out the scabbard, revealing the sharp rapier hidden inside the wooden sword!

Before that, Su Zimo never felt that there was anything special about the sword in the old man's hand, but when the rapier was unsheathed, he couldn't help but hold the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the rapier appearing in surprise. The remark text of -

[Broken Evil · Imitation (Three-star)]

[Price: 200 yuan]

[Description: It was imitated by the excellent craftsmen in the nightmare world who sacrificed and refined the ghosts. The ghosts in the sword were scattered, leaving only a layer of warding off evil spirits to cover the sword body, which can cause greater damage to ghosts, also known as 'killing ghosts'. ]

[Restriction: The power of destroying evil is proportional to the willpower of the holder, and those with unscrupulous minds are at risk of being accidentally injured when holding this sword. ]

Su Zimo will be surprised, firstly because he has never seen a ghost weapon with so few descriptions, and secondly because this is the first three-star ghost weapon Su Zimo has ever seen that does not hide a ghost!

"In the nightmare world, this sword has helped me a lot." The old man handed the sword to Su Zimo without hesitation.

Su Zimo shook his head, and decisively refused to say, "Father, I have the good intentions, but I can't take this sword. Please be sure to bring this sword when you enter the nightmare world."

"Also, even without this sword, I still have the ability to protect myself." Su Zimo stretched out his hand to hold the sword and pushed it back carefully, "However, I am also Su Heng's grandson, at least I never speak big words. "

Mr. Fang Qin looked at Su Zimo for a while, and then put the sword back.

"I'm happy today, eat more meat." The old man turned to fill Su Zimo's bowl with public chopsticks, "Your grandfather thought the food at home was not delicious when he was a child, so he always came to the kitchen and asked me to stew meat for him. But I think that the chef of the Su family is my father, and his craftsmanship should be better than that of me who can't even put seasonings. Maybe the smelly old man lost his sense of taste since he was a child."

Su Zimo smiled and didn't speak. He just took a bite and felt that the old man's craftsmanship must be many times better than when he was a child.

"Most of the people who can eat in this country are ordinary people, so I don't like to cook with ingredients that ordinary people don't eat very much, but the advantage of big meat is that it is enough, and you can cook it any way you want."

The old man and Su Zimo chatted for a while about the past between him and Grandpa Su. Although the two of them drifted apart after getting married and starting a business, Su Zimo felt that the ties between the two had never been broken, and they They both knew this before.

Su Zimo's stomach was rarely more than 80% full, so he accompanied the old man to the office to watch the surveillance for a while, and found that Wan Yu and the others were talking to a man whose face was so ordinary that he couldn't say anything special, although he started asking people to investigate the surveillance video. The people inside did not think that this was the real face of the viper.

After I told Su Hewen that he was going to stay here with Mr. Fang Qin, the other side of the conversation responded. It seemed that the old man was very trustworthy.

Early the next morning, the car Ye Ning prepared was parked under Qin Yan's attic, and Su Zimo left with the oversized food box prepared by Mr. Fang. If Su Zimo stuffed the food box into the mountaineering bag, it might be enough for the experienced practitioners in the entire nightmare world to sit down and eat from morning to night, and have a luxury camping that they don't want to leave.

After seeing Mu Feng and learning that he was a lunatic from the nightmare world, Mr. Fang exchanged the communication numbers with the same enthusiasm, saying that he would send a car to Qin Yange every few days to bring Su Zimo with him. When ordering food and dim sum, it is said that the old man always makes a bunch of it for no reason. Because they are all dishes that are not on the menu, it is not easy to solve.

But in Su Zimo's view, it was just the kindness of the old man.


It may be because the old man's kindness is indeed a bit "heavy". When he entered the nightmare world again, Su Zimo really stuffed a lot of snacks in his bag.

There are also various drinks that Su Zimo must wear after the ghost umbrella is bottled.

After making sure that everything was brought, Su Zimo officially set off for camping... No, he entered the nightmare world.