Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 73: Leave the nightmare


"We are here to save you!"

It was raining lightly in the sky.

Except for Su Zimo, who was holding a black umbrella, everyone and Li Gui stood there quietly, letting the rain fall on their bodies and faces.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the practitioners, the scorched blackness on Li Gui disappeared with the rain, as if it was washed away by the water on this day, and gradually returned to the normal appearance at the beginning.

It's just that there seems to be a little sadness hidden in the seemingly calm expression, and there is no longer the dazed expression when they were walking on the road at first.

The recording in "Special Ghost Talk" has been played, and it fell into silence because it did not continue to play in a loop. However, the specters in front of Su Zimo and the others did not continue to riot, they still stood there so quietly.

[My child, gone. ]

After the two sides were silent for an unknown period of time, a voice suddenly came from the group of ghosts, and then the group of ghosts in front of them suddenly separated, and the lady pushing the stroller came out from the group of figures.

There were tears in the lady's eyes, red bloody tears, which were the tears of Specter when he was sad.

[Can you help me find my child? ] The lady asked again.

At this time, Su Zimo realized that although the stroller pushed by the lady was stuffed with quilts, she hadn't seen the baby from the very beginning!

"But..." An An and the others seemed a little dazed, because they hoped to find survivors from the "people" group, not to help find people.

[Help me find her! I can't find her anywhere! I've been looking for a long, long time and have not been able to find my child. ] The lady kept begging.

[You guys, what are you doing here? ! Get out of here, you can't go any further! ] Just when the practitioner was in a dilemma, the thick smoke that made people feel confused before rushed over from somewhere, and some anxious voices came from the thick smoke.

This cloud of smoke was the most strange thing for Su Zimo.

One is because Su Zimo can't see the other party's appearance clearly through the thick smoke, and the other is because when the ghosts gathered just now, the thick smoke didn't know where it was, and it didn't come out from the corner until this moment. Come.

It's as if the "people" in the thick smoke have a different resentment towards the driver that caused the accident than other specters.

"We all know." Aliu responded to the cloud of smoke this time, "There was a car accident ahead, but it has been resolved, so we still have to move forward."

[Has it been resolved? ]

The voice in the thick smoke suddenly calmed down, and the figure that had been so violent in the smoke gradually calmed down, and Su Zimo even began to distinguish his figure from the thick smoke.

[Our people, have they arrived yet? ]

The smoke around the figure began to dissipate slowly, revealing a... a firefighter in a fire suit!

And in his arms, he was holding a child who didn't seem to be one year old!

[Sorry, I couldn't do it well...]

In the thick smoke, the firefighter's face was charred black, but the fireman's uniform was a bit untidy.

"I think about it." Sister Ling, who was behind her, said with some shock after seeing the fire officer and soldier, "After the accident, a passing fire officer and soldier did not have any equipment because he was on vacation, and only took it from a nearby store. When I got to the blanket covered with water, I rushed into the fire, I wanted to check the outside, but I didn't know why I rushed in like crazy towards the fire."

"As far as I know, he never came out again."

This time, Su Zimo looked at the figure in the firefighter's uniform with a dazed look. The new-looking firefighter's uniform was completely different from what Sister Ling said. After all, Sister Ling said before that the firefighters rushed into the fire without any equipment during the vacation, but the person in front of her...

That feeling, like such a suit, has been carved into his bones.

But what really shocked everyone was the child who was hugged tightly by the fire officer.

Wrapped in a wet blanket, the child looked at the world around him with wide-eyed curiosity.

If Su Zimo remembered correctly, Sister Ling had said before that the fire officer was only going to check on the outside, but he didn't know why he suddenly rushed into the fire like crazy.

"Human, do you really not remember the survivors of that accident?" Su Zimo asked in a low voice.

"I should remember, but I don't know why, but I can't remember anything." Sister Ling's tone also sounded confused.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

It may be because Su Zimo is the closest to the fire officers and soldiers at the moment, and the fire officers and soldiers actually walked directly to Su Zimo with the child in their hands, and while carefully handing the child to Su Zimo, he said solemnly: [sorry to bother you. ]

Su Zimo was obviously a bystander, but at this time, he subconsciously took the doll wrapped in a wet blanket from the hands of the fire officer.

That is, when Su Zimo hooked the umbrella handle with his arms and reached out to pick it up, he felt something like a chain slipped into his hand, and then he hugged the doll entrusted by the other party tightly.

[thanks. ]

[Thank you… thank you… thank you! ] Another voice of thanks came from the young mother who asked the trainees for help before. The child held by the fire officers and soldiers should be the child she lost. ]

After all, Su Zimo was not a trainee, so he just handed over the child he was holding to Sister Ling, who seemed to be more secure, and then found out that the fire officers and soldiers handed him a chain with a silver pendant. The word "safe" is engraved on the tag.

Also, this is a ghost.

[Amulet in Fire (one star)]

[Price: 20 yuan]

[Description: When the flames and smoke rise, maybe you can't see me, but I can see you, and I can definitely find you. ]

[Special ability: This item has no luck bonus and cannot resist fire, but there will be a layer of controllable smoke on the holder. The seemingly useless ability may have unexpected effects in some places. ]

Su Zimo looked at the rare remarks in the one-star ghost weapon and found that although this one-star ghost weapon has the option of "special ability", it does not have much effect in the nightmare world, it looks more like a toy.

But as the remarks say, maybe this amulet will come into play when it will be of special use.

"Let's leave with this child." After Su Zimo handed the child over to Sister Ling, he backed into the dark with an umbrella, "Just don't forget our deal."

"When we find the exit of this road, we will fulfill our promise." Before they were sure that they could pass the customs, Lao Yan and the others could not easily hand over the life-saving ghost weapon to Su Zimo.

This time, those Li Gui, who were originally very angry, did not continue to attack the practitioners, nor did they continue to move forward along that road.

They just stood silently in place, watching the practitioners continue to move forward, and there was no extra movement.

The rain was still pattering, but the rain felt comfortable and gentle, like a washing rain that wasn't annoying at all.

Maybe it's because Sister Ling's arms have been very careful to hold the only survivors on this road. This time, the road that appeared in front of the practitioners was no longer endless, but a door that was hidden. Right in front of the trainees.

The door looked very ordinary, and behind the door came the sounds of various devices and some conversations from doctors.

Su Zimo doesn't know much about doctors and first aid.

But he could hear that there were many people behind the door trying to save them together, just to save a little life that existed like hope.

"It seems that our transaction has been established." Su Zimo was holding an umbrella in the light rain, pointing to the door in front of him, "Leave with that child, whether it is that child or you, nightmare. The world will say goodbye to living life after all."

Su Zimo does not deny that there are experienced members among the trainees this time, but he does not feel that he is slack in the transaction, and he can even say that he has participated a lot in this task.

And Lao Yan and the others obviously didn't want to deny it, but because Su Zimo didn't ask for the quality of the ghost weapons, Lao Yan and Sister Ling just handed over their "Nightmare daggers".

Su Zimo actually agrees with these two one-star products. After all, there are still no weapons that can be used to attack Specter on the shelves of "Satisfaction in a Corner".

As an additional price, in addition to handing over a dagger, An An also gritted his teeth and handed the two-star ghost weapon "blood-stained triangle" to Su Zimo's hands, although his expression seemed very hesitant and uneasy. Reluctant, but in the end he fulfilled his promise.

"I believe this is a successful transaction." Su Zimo also took the "blood-stained triangle", smiled at An An, and said, "If you have a chance to see you next time, maybe you can use a very favorable price. The price will buy this ghost weapon back."

"The appraiser must help preserve it well." An An looked really reluctant to give up the triangle.

"The customer's business is not something that this shop can say." This time, Su Zimo did not choose to make a promise.

"Then I'm the only one left now?" Aliu also took off the sunglasses that had been used to hide the ghost eye, and revealed the terrifying ghost eye that was raised and surrounded by blood vessels in front of all the practitioners.

Perhaps because of the imminent awakening, Ah Liu's ghost eyes began to move slightly in the eye sockets, and the blood vessels buried around them also wriggled from time to time, which seemed to make people feel panicked.

This is also the first time that other practitioners have seen the ghostly eyes on Ah Liu's face so carefully. Coupled with the contradictory impact of the other half of Ah Liu's face, it seems that they can't bear to look directly.

And Su Zimo nodded slightly, and said softly as if talking to himself, "I'll leave it to you."

Ah Liu didn't know why, but in the next second, he saw another black figure with an umbrella appear beside Su Zimo.

This figure was taller than Su Zimo, but before Ah Liu could see the other person's appearance clearly, he saw a hand hitting his right eye, and then there was a burst of unbearable pain from ordinary people. Outgoing from the right eye.

All Ah Liu had time to see clearly was the flying flower tattooed on the corner of his eye that suddenly appeared.

Although it was an unbearable pain for ordinary people, Aliu had been experiencing the torture of ghost eyes recently because of the imminent recovery of ghost eyes, so although the accompanying feeling was indeed painful, he could barely endure it.

The bright red world that he had seen through the ghost eyes had also turned into pitch blackness. The blood flowed from his right eye on his outstretched hand. The pain lingered, but Ah Liu felt a long-lost relief.

"Hahahahaha!" Ah Liu stood there and laughed loudly, "I don't have to die!"

"I remember you going to face the catastrophe next time?" Su Zimo suddenly poured a basin of cold water when A Liu was extremely happy.

"Gah?" The laughter stopped abruptly.

No matter what effect the practitioners think Su Zimo has played in this transaction, whether they think they can find a way to clear the nightmare world like Su Zimo just by holding on a little longer... But the fact is that their transaction has been established. .

Due to the observance of the transaction promise, or the fear of Su Zimo's ability, there was no accident in this transaction between the two parties. Su Zimo just watched the child in their arms and walked in step by step. The gate that appeared out of thin air on the highway.

The moment the practitioners walked in, Su Zimo heard the loud cries of babies and the excited shouts of medical staff—"Saved! Saved!"

It was only at this time that Su Zimo started to step back, holding the doorknob behind him and preparing to leave the nightmare world. But just before he left, he heard a familiar shout again.

[Rise the coffin to make a fortune-raise the coffin to make a fortune-]

Then, a figure pushing an oversized coffin appeared in front of Su Zimo.

The mysterious businessman wearing a white mask covered his mouth and nose with one hand, stood far away from Su Zimo, waved his other hand to Su Zimo, and said, "Don't come here, old man. Can't stand the smell of sauerkraut. ]

[The old man sees that you are different from the previous one, so he wants to do business with you reluctantly. ] The mysterious merchant took another step back, [I want to ask you to buy ten birthday flowers, okay? Barter, you can pick five items of belongings in this coffin book, this old man is enough for you to return to the book. ]

"Ten?" Su Zimo was in a trance, "I remember that you don't seem to like the smell of longevity flowers."

[The old man has his own way, you can say whether you are happy or not. ] The mysterious businessman fanned his nose again.

Strange to say, although Su Zimo knew that he was dyed with the smell of longevity flowers, he felt that the smell was very mild.

But this mysterious businessman seems to have a layer of toilet water on his body and his own fan.

"Sorry, although this deal sounds good, the longevity flowers in my store haven't opened yet." Su Zimo looked at the mysterious merchant's coffin and felt a little regretful, not to mention what the function of longevity flowers was. .

Just from the name "Shouhua", I can guess a little bit.

[Not a single one? ] The mysterious businessman's tone sounded a little surprised.

"Sorry." Su Zimo always felt like he had done something wrong.

[So shabby...] The mysterious businessman muttered to himself, and then he could only say helplessly, [Then you save first, and you can save ten flowers for the old man when you are free. When you meet next time, the trading conditions of the old man are also not good. will change. Hey, today's young people still have to work hard...]

"Okay." Su Zimo nodded slightly, "If this deal really won't make the store suffer, it won't be too late to discuss it later."

[Rise the coffin to make a fortune-raise the coffin to make a fortune-]

[Living the coffin to make a fortune—]

Leaving a verbal transaction promise, the mysterious businessman chanted like this again and disappeared on the other side of the road.

Su Zimo also put away the black umbrella in his hand, and retreated back to "being in a corner".

The bright light in the store is like daytime, and the door of the store, which was locked because all the members of the store left, is now unlocked with a "click".

The fact that the store will be automatically locked was discovered when Ghost Umbrella took Peng Peng to the next bookstore to buy "One Hundred Courses of English Practice Questions for Xiaoshengchu". As long as all the members of the store leave, the glass door of "being in a corner" will be closed. It will be automatically locked, and no one except the members of the store can open it, and the lights in the store will be turned off instantly, forming the appearance of a closed store.

As long as a member of the store returns to the store, the lights will be bright as day, and the store door will be unlocked immediately.

So Su Zimo just returned to the store and didn't recover when he saw a pretty figure in a white dress appearing outside the store.

"Hello, I see the lights are on here." The daughter of the proprietress of the flower tea garden next door appeared at the door of the store. Her name seemed to be Su Yi. Although she wasn't particularly delicate in appearance, she had a southern grace in her bones and voice. garrulous.

Su Zimo remembered that this girl was from the same university as Xu Yuan, who had visited "An Yu Yi Corner", and only relatively free college students were able to appear here on the morning of the special opening day on Monday.

"Xu Yuan said that your store has a lot of unimaginable products, so I thought of coming over to pick a birthday present for my father." Su Yi's voice was soft, brushing her fine hair from time to time.

"Sorry, I'm afraid there are no products suitable for birthday gifts here." Su Zimo clearly remembers that ordinary people can't see the products on the second shelf, and the products on the first shelf... Obviously not suitable for valuables Gifts are sent out.

But Su Yi didn't know the meaning of Su Zimo's words, she just shook her head and said with a smile, "My father's identity is quite special, in fact, it's not appropriate to send some ordinary things, I just want to send something special. gift to him."

Having said that, the girl named Su Yi walked into the store in disbelief, and looked at every corner of the store.

It was the boy named Xu Yuan who told Su Yi that the shop was unusual. Su Zimo still remembered very clearly how he forcibly sold the bottle of diluted holy water. Judging from Su Yi's "feedback", the boy should be very satisfied with the effect of the product.

"This is… "

After Su Yi walked around the store in disappointment, she saw "Notes of Lonely Mountain: Postscript" on the counter.

Before leaving for Nightmare World, Su Zimo just framed this page of manuscript paper with a custom calligraphy and picture frame. The original handwriting on the manuscript paper is very beautiful. The quality produced is indeed a very pleasing work from the outside.

"Sorry, this is not for sale." Su Zimo directly picked up the calligraphy and picture frame on the counter.