
Chapter 1: The iron hole broke straight


Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what flavor you will have next.

This classic line comes from "Forrest Gump", when Fu Hua first saw it, he had just arrived in Beijing to study. At that time, he was only nineteen years old, young and ambitious, the whole world was colorful in his eyes, and he still couldn't understand the true meaning of this sentence. So I saw it and passed it, and didn't leave a deep impression. Now that the star is moving, the twelve heat and cold have passed, and thinking about this sentence after looking back, my heart is a little bit more sour.

In the second semester of her senior year, a serious illness suddenly knocked down Fu Hua's mother. She became weaker and weaker in the past. When Fu Hua graduated, she could only be in bed and completely lost the ability to work. Fu Hua's father died of illness in his early years. It was his mother who supported the family and worked hard to make money to raise him up for his education. Now that his mother looks like this, Fu Hua understood that it was time for him to feed back. He completely dispelled the idea of continuing to study for graduate school, packed up his luggage and returned to his hometown of Haichuan.

Even though Haichuan City is a prefecture-level city, for the first time in so many years, students from Jinghua University have been assigned to work here. At that time, Qu Wei, who had just arrived in Haichuan City as the deputy mayor, heard that the secretary just assigned to the Secretariat was from Jinghua University, so he specifically named him to be the secretary. Fu Hua is a top student of Jinghua University, student union cadres, party members, and all abilities are outstanding. Qu Wei is naturally handy in using it, so he appreciates Fu Hua very much.

Eight years later, Qu Wei became the Deputy Mayor of Haichuan City and then became the Mayor. Fu Hua has always been his secretary. During the period Qu Wei also felt that it was a bit talented to keep Fu Hua by his side as a secretary. He had the idea of letting Fu Hua go, but when he exchanged opinions with Fu Hua, he refused. Fu Hua understands that his current life is not focused on work, but on treating his mother’s illness, and staying with a leader who appreciates him can get a lot of blessing, which is much more beneficial to him than being released as a petty official. .

In the past eight years, Fu Hua tried every means to treat his mother's illness, but he still couldn't stop the deterioration of the disease. Finally, it was time for her mother to run out of oil.

When she was dead, her mother knew that the deadline was approaching, and she grabbed Fu Hua's hand and said, "Hua'er, I'm leaving now. I'm the one who drags you down."

Fu Hua looked at his mother and shook his head: "Mom, don't say that. It's the luck of my life to be your son."

The mother's other hand reluctantly reached out and stroked Fu Hua's cheek: "My child, when I'm there, you can find a wife."

Fu Hua smiled bitterly. Although he is a talented man and a well-known filial son, many people praise him when he comes to it. But when a woman is really going to face the situation of serving a bedridden patient immediately after marriage, many people, especially those with outstanding conditions, naturally retreat. Fu Hua had a high self-esteem, and refused to give in to some relatively poor conditions, so after a year of standing, he is still alone. Haichuan City is different from some big cities. The marriageable age is 25 or 6 years old, and after 30, even men are considered older young people.

"Mom, don't worry about this, take care of your body, and I will find you a good daughter-in-law." Fu Hua's voice has already brought out the cry of crying.

The mother shook her head: "Child, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it anymore. It's a relief when I go. Remember, you don't cry after I'm gone. No matter what happens in the future, don't cry, laugh, laugh like me. ."

Mother touched her hair and felt that her hair was a bit messy, so she smiled and said to Fu Hua: "Hua Er, help me comb my hair again?"

Fu Hua nodded with tears, picked up the comb and combed her head. The mother's gray hair turned into pure white like snow under his combing, and her face turned blue now. After she was as white as jade, the lines on her forehead opened up, and she left with a kindly smile.

Fu Hua sat and watched his mother's smile slowly dimmed, and finally realized that the person who loved him the most and loved him the most had gone forever, and couldn't help crying bitterly.

After his mother was buried, Fu Hua felt lost. Taking care of his mother was the focus of his life in the past, but now that focus has not dropped, and his heart has suddenly become empty. The mother's hearty laugh seemed to be echoing in the house, and the mother's smile seemed to be right in front of her eyes, but the sight that was within reach before was so illusory, the illusion was like a soap bubble that would burst when touched. Without the most familiar person in the space, everything seems strange and repressed.

At the beginning, Fu Hua chose to enter politics because this profession has a stable income that can support the lives of both him and his mother. Now that the only reason is gone, Fu Hua feels that he should reconsider his position.

Fu Hua walked out of the house. The depressive atmosphere here is not suitable for his calm thinking. He needs to change place. Before he knew it, he walked to the area of the Great Temple. This is the second-hand market in Haichuan City. People often sell some old books and periodicals here. Fu Hua likes to buy some old books here. It is Fu Hua who is working and serving his mother. The only place to breathe.

Since it is not a weekend, there are few stalls in the temple, and there are not many customers, so it seems a little deserted. Fu Hua habitually strolled in front of a few limited stalls, flipping through the old books on the stalls one after another. The books on the bookstand were mixed. Fu Hua had seen a few stalls, but there was nothing that caught his attention. He was gloomy and wanted to leave. After a glance, he saw a pile of slaps on the last bookstand. The big thread-bound book walked over, reached out and took a copy, and saw the cover written in small seal script with the words "Gang Jian Yi Zhi Lu, Volume 3 and Volume 4, Volume 2". The handwriting is ancient and strong, and there are seven in my heart. , Like eight points.

Turning over the cover and title page, you can see the inscriptions on Ju Mu Tang Gang Jian Yi Zhi Lu Juan three, tiny prints, clear calligraphy and painting, and you can see that it is a lithograph at a glance. I was overjoyed, this is a set of books I have long heard of. It is a general history compiled by Qing Shanyin Wu Chengquan. It was first engraved in the Kangxi period, and it was widely circulated and very famous.

Fu Hua picked up all the thread-bound copies and read them carefully, and found that this was a block-printed copy from the twelfth year of Guangxu, and it was incomplete, and the first one was missing. Although there are some shortcomings, Fu Hua still feels that this set of books is rare, so he decided to buy this set of books, and asked the vendor how much the set of books cost

The boss is a slightly wretched man in his fifties. Seeing Fu Hua asked for a price, he stretched out two fingers: "Twenty hundred."

Fu Hua smiled: "It's not worth it. This book is of poor quality, and the first book is missing. Two hundred is a bit expensive. Tell me the real price."

The boss glanced at Fu Hua: "How much do you say."

"I'll take it at fifty," Fu Hua said in a counter-offer.

The boss said: "You killed too hard, so let's go, one hundred, can't be lower."

This price was basically the same as Fu Hua's psychological price. He took out a hundred yuan and handed it to the boss. He picked up Gang Jian Yi Zhilu and turned around and left.

A man's voice came from behind: "Young man, don't hurry, let's talk."

Fu Hua didn't turn around, and continued to walk forward. The voice behind him screamed again: "Say you, young man."

Fu Hua realized that the people behind might be calling himself, so he looked back and saw a thin old man in his sixties, with a few locks of beard, smiling at him, and asked: "You Are you calling me?"

The old man's sharp eyes swept Fu Hua behind the lens and nodded: "I just called you."

Fu Hua laughed self-deprecatingly: "I'm sorry, I haven't been called a young man for a long time. I'm not used to it at first glance. Have we met, Master?"

The old man shook his head: "We don't know each other, but I just have a few words to tell you."

At this time, Fu Hua had noticed a sign standing on the table in front of the old man, with four words written on it: The iron mouth is broken. Knowing what this old man does, he has never believed in these godly things, so he smiled and said, "Master, I don't believe this."

The old man smiled: "Young man, I don't want to lie to you for money, I just have a few words to talk to you, no other meaning. Anyway, you have nothing to do at the moment, so why don't you talk to me? "

Fu Hua thinks about it, too, now that he is going back, it's just that he's back to that empty home, it's better to talk to the old man. He always respected the old man, so he sat down opposite the old man and smiled: "Master, do you have any suggestions?"

The old man pointed to the filial hoop on Fu Hua's arm: "I don't know who passed away?"


The old man nodded: "Although Lingtang has not enjoyed a high life, passing away at this time is also a relief for her. It seems that she died of illness and died for a long time. Am I right?"

Fu Hua glanced at the old man in surprise: "How did you know?"

The old man didn't answer Fu Hua, but he said to himself: "Do you mean to travel far?"

Fu Hua was shocked again in his heart. Yes, he wanted to leave Haichuan City. Fu Hua lost his father since childhood, and his mother worked hard to raise him. When he was a child, he and his mother depended on each other to prepare for the hardships. After finishing school, his mother fell ill again. He had to stay in Haichuan to serve his mother. Therefore, he has more memories of suffering for Haichuan. Now that his mother has passed away, his last nostalgia for Haichuan is gone, and he is planning to resign as secretary and leave Haichuan.

Fu Hua wondered how the old man saw his thoughts, and nodded, confirming the old man's guess.

The old man then asked: "Can you tell me where you are going?"

"Beijing," Fu Hua said.

"Our Haichuan City is located in the east, and the five elements belong to wood. Beijing is in our north. The five elements belong to water. It is a place of mutual growth. This is very conducive to your development." The old man twisted his long beard, shaking his head and said.

Fu Hua read many books, and he knew a little bit about the five elements. Water-bearing wood is the intergrowth relationship among the five elements, which is true.

Although the old man came up and said that his mother was dead and he was going to travel, Fu Hua still felt that the old man's words were nothing new, so he stood up and said, "Master, how much do you need me to pay here?"

The old man smiled: "I'm telling you that you don't need money, so be safe, okay, I haven't finished my words yet."

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