
Chapter 104: Learn to be tempted


Fu Hua smiled and said, okay, okay, I'll make an appointment with her right away.

Zheng Lao said, don't do it right away, and bring her to lunch at noon.

Fu Hua thought that Zhao Ting didn't have any plans today, so he said, yes.

Near noon, Fu Hua and Zhao Ting bought gifts and arrived at Zheng's hometown. The old lady liked Zhao Ting very much when they met. She took Zhao Ting's hand and praised Zhao Ting's handsomeness, but instead made Zhao Ting embarrassed and her face was full. Red, a well-behaved look.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and it was time for dinner. The babysitter said that the food was ready. Old Zheng looked at the time and said that Xiaoli should also be back.

Zhao Ting was stunned for a moment, and took a look at Fu Hua inquiringly. Fu Huaxin said what you see me doing, I don't know Zheng Li is coming back today.

Fu Hua smiled and said, Zheng Li came back for dinner at noon

The old lady said, yes, Xiao Fu, she came back for dinner. In fact, we have something to follow up with you.

Fu Hua said, what do you want to implement

The old lady said that last time we went back, didn’t we say that we had to go back to repair Sister Hua’s grave by ourselves? We discussed it, and now we both need someone to take care of it when walking. Naturally, we can’t. Only Xiao Li can walk in the family. Open, so I want her to go back to help us repair the grave, so I ask Xiao Fu about Haichuan's situation, and we have to make some preparations in advance.

If this were before Zhao Ting lost his temper at Zheng Li’s clothing store, Fu Hua would have promised that he could accompany Zheng Li back, and he would indeed repair the grave for a revolutionary martyr. The local government should do some cooperation. , Especially for old cadres like Zheng Lao to do.

But in this situation, Fu Hua had to be taboo. He was afraid that Zhao Ting would be angry because of it, so he said, when will Zheng Li go back? I can let the city prepare in advance.

Mr. Zheng shook his head and said, Xiao Fu, we asked you to ask about the situation. We just don't want to alarm the place. If you want to do this, then I might as well call Cheng Yuan directly.

Fu Hua smiled and persuaded, Zheng Lao, I know that you have always been honest and don't want to cause trouble to the place, but the martyr Zhang Hua is also a revolutionary hero, and it should be done in the place.

Mr. Zheng said, you don't need to say that. Now that you know my personality, you can just talk about the situation in Haichuan.

Zhao Ting smiled and said, Grandpa Zheng, it would be inconvenient for you to let Sister Zheng Li go back to do such a thing as a girl.

Zheng Lao said that Xiaoli has been in the society for many years, and she should be able to do something like this.

Zhao Ting said, no, this time I have to hire workers and buy materials, which is what a girl does.

The old lady said, Xiao Zhao, you don't have to worry about her, the girls in our Zheng family are not so expensive.

Zhao Ting said, it’s always unsafe. How about letting Fu Hua go back with Sister Zheng Li

Now Fu Hua was taken aback. He looked at Zhao Ting and was about to say something. At this moment, Zheng Li stepped in and said with a smile, Fu Hua and Zhao Ting, are you here early

Fu Hua nodded, and Zhao Ting said, Sister Zheng Li, we have been here for a while, and we are talking about you with grandparents.

Zheng Li smiled and said, what are you talking about me

The old lady smiled and said, "You girl, what can we say about you? I'm asking Xiao Fu about your going to Haichuan. Xiao Zhao said that he was worried about you and asked Fu Hua to accompany you back.

Zheng Li smiled and said, how can that be possible, Fu Hua still has to work.

Zhao Ting smiled and said, it's okay, let him ask for a few days off, right, Fu Hua

Fu Hua smiled and said, I can take a few days of vacation.

Zheng Li said, how embarrassed to trouble.

Zhao Ting said, why is it troublesome? Grandparents are so kind to Fu Hua. He should run errands to help.

Fu Hua also said, yes, I should help too.

Mr. Zheng said, Xiao Fu, or you can just take a trip. To be honest, I don't worry about Zheng Li going back as a girl.

Zheng Li said, Grandpa, your granddaughter is so old, and you haven't seen any scenes before, what are you afraid of? Didn't you let Fu Hua busy

Zhao Ting said with a smile, Sister Zheng Li, since grandpa said so, you can agree.

Zheng Li looked at Fu Hua and said, I was really scared of you.

Mr. Zheng said, that's it. After dinner, I'm hungry.

After eating, Fu Hua sent Zhao Ting home, and secretly observed Zhao Ting's expression along the way. He couldn't figure out what medicine Zhao Ting was suddenly so generous in asking him to accompany Zheng Li back to Haichuan Gourd.

There was nothing unusual in Zhao Ting's expression, which made Fu Hua puzzled. When he arrived at Zhao Ting's house, Fu Hua stopped the car and asked, Zhao Ting, why don't you go back to Haichuan with me

Zhao Ting laughed and said, what's the matter, I'm afraid I won't worry about you

Fu Hua smiled and said, "No, I think you haven't been to Haichuan with me, so why don't you go together this time."

Zhao Ting smiled and said, fool, what do you think you are thinking I don't know? Don't worry, I won't be jealous of you and Zheng Li anymore. If I want to go to Haichuan with you, I will want you to accompany me wholeheartedly, so I don't want you to be distracted by others.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "If I go, I will come back as soon as possible."

Zhao Ting said with a smile, you always have to take care of other people's affairs, okay, I'm fine, just do whatever you want.

Fu Hua didn't say anything, and watched Zhao Ting go upstairs before leaving.

In the evening, Zhao Kai went home for dinner. He saw Zhao Ting sitting down at the dinner table and didn't eat much. He smiled and asked, "What's the matter, Fu Hua made you angry?"

Zhao Tingqiang smiled and said, it's nothing.

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "No, you have something on your face. Tell your dad what is it for?"

Zhao Ting said that Fu Hua would go back to Haichuan with Zheng Li to repair the grave of a martyr.

Zhao Kai said, don't you worry about them? This Fu Hua is also, who can't do this kind of thing? Why does he have to go

Zhao Ting said that it was none of his business. I wanted him to go. He also wanted me to go back with him, but I didn't agree.

Zhao Kai was confused and asked, why? Xiaoting, why don't I understand what you are thinking.

Zhao Ting said, I just give them a chance to get along, and want to try who Fu Hua really likes in his heart. I don't want to keep a half-hearted man by his side. If he really likes Zheng Li, then I will let go.

Zhao Kai smiled and said, Xiaoting, I learned how to be tempted. This is not your style.

Zhao Ting smiled bitterly and said that some people say that love makes a woman dumb, but I think love can make a woman mature.

Zhao Kai shook his head and said, it is wrong for you to do this. If you really love Fu Hua, you must trust him. Trying and trying will only make him disgusted with you.

Zhao Ting said, I just came up with this idea at the time, and I don't know what's wrong with it.

Zhao Kai smiled and said, seeing how you look now, have you already begun to regret it

Zhao Ting looked at Zhao Kai and asked, Dad, do you think Fu Hua really wants Zheng Li instead of me

Zhao Kai reached out and touched Zhao Ting's head lovingly, and said, you still have so little confidence in yourself

Zhao Ting said, I just can’t feel confident in front of Zheng Li. Her family and her talents are stronger than me. The only thing I am stronger than her is that I am younger than her. But will Fu Hua think I’m more naive

Zhao Kai smiled and said, you can't worry about gains and losses like this. Let me tell you, what family background, what talent, even beauty, age, these are irrelevant. The most important point is who Fu Hua really likes. I can help you pack the ticket for this. He must like it. It's you.

Zhao Ting's eyes lit up and said, Dad, do you really think so

Zhao Kai smiled and said, of course it is true, so put your heart in your stomach. You have been with Fu Hua for such a long time, do you see when the things he looked for have easily changed. Since he has publicly introduced you as his girlfriend to his relatives and friends, then he is looking for you, and this will not change.

There was a smile on Zhao Ting's face and said, this is true, Fu Hua is indeed a bit stubborn, and he won't change what he killed. Bad temper.

Zhao Kai smiled and said, Do you still like him with a bad temper

Zhao Ting smiled and said, you control me.

Zhao Kai said, I don't care about you, but can you eat well

Zhao Ting said, no problem. Just started eating happily.

After eating, Zhao Ting stopped again and said that she had known that she had promised Fu Hua to go to Haichuan with him, but I won't see him for a few days. Or when I turned around, I was telling him that I was going to Haichuan

Zhao Kai shook his head and said in his heart that you are so obsessed with Fu Hua that you still want to give up and not give up. It seems that I have to pay more attention to Fu Hua, don't let this guy really lose Xiao Ting.

Zhao Kai said, okay, if you go now and say you want to go, Fu Hua will feel that you don't believe him, but will be embarrassed. Since it's generous, let's be generous to the end.

Zhao Ting's mouth pursed, and she said, she had no choice but to do so.

The next day, Fu Hua went out to do errands, passing by Zheng Li's clothing store, he dialed a phone and asked if Zheng Li was in the store. Zheng Li said, "I am here, what am I doing?"

Fu Hua said, I happened to be passing by here, and would like to discuss the itinerary with you.

Zheng Li said, do you really plan to go with me

Fu Hua said, yes, I have promised Mr. Zheng, and besides, I am afraid that it is not convenient for you to go back alone.

Zheng Li said, come here.

Fu Hua parked the car and walked into Zheng Li's shop. Zheng Li was trying on clothes with a beautiful woman in her thirties. When she saw Fu Hua, she said, "Sit down first, and I'll be fine in a while."

The young woman looked at Fu Hua and asked Zheng Li, your friend

Zheng Li smiled and said, yes, we can be regarded as fellow villagers.

The young woman said, eh, wouldn't it be the same town as my old Dong, and old Dong's home is also in Donghai Province.

Zheng Li smiled and said, don't call old Dong so affectionately, okay, wait until he really becomes your family member.

The young woman smiled happily and said that it was a matter of time. Today I bought clothes to meet his parents with Lao Dong. Hey, your friend is handsome, you haven't introduced him to me yet.

Zheng Li said, well, I will just introduce it. This is Fu Hua, the director of Haichuan Beijing Office.