
Chapter 111: The new mayor


Xu Zheng said, then where do experts think it will be built

Li Tao said, the prosperous town of Haidong County.

Speaking of Li Tao, he walked to the Haichuan map behind Xu Zheng and pointed out the location of Xingwang Town. Our Haichuan City connects the Yangtze River Delta, the Southwest and the Northeast Economic Circle, especially the construction of an efficient ecological economic zone in Donghai Province implemented throughout the province. China is a strategic central city. Haidong County is at the center of the coastal economic and industrial belt, and is an important node city in the sea area and even in Northeast Asia. The construction of a new civil airport here has a relatively large aviation radiation radius, which can effectively improve the transportation conditions of the city and boost the development of the coastal economic and industrial belt in the north of Haichuan.

Xu Zheng nodded his head again and again, saying, "This plan is very good, and the idea of Xingwang Town is also very good. It means that Haichuan is prosperous and prosperous. How much money is expected?"

Li Tao said that experts initially argued that it would cost six billion.

Xu Zheng said, it’s a lot, but we can take a three-step process. We can raise a part by ourselves and ask for a part from the province. We will try to win the support of the National Development and Reform Commission and include the reconstruction of the airport in the national development plan. Then the state will subsidize part of it. funds. Wouldn't the funds be resolved in this way

Li Tao said with a smile, this task is very onerous. At that time, Mayor Qu Wei and I thought it was not suitable for the start.

Xu Zheng said with a smile, sitting and talking about the Tao, it is better to start and act. I think this plan is feasible. You are ready to prepare, and I will send it to the Standing Committee.

Li Tao said with a smile, Mayor Xu, I have convinced you, you are really quick and resolute.

Xu Zheng found Sun Yong and told him that he wanted to start the relocation and reconstruction plan of Haichuan Airport. Sun Yong expressed his support, saying that this is a dream of our Haichuan people and it is time to start.

Immediately at the Standing Committee, the plan to formally start the construction of the Haichuan New Airport was approved by a vote. At the meeting, Sun Yong expressed his strong support for Xu Zheng, which played a key role in passing the plan.

At the end of the Standing Committee, Sun Yong asked Xu Zheng to go to the office to talk with him.

When he arrived at the office, Sun Yong said with a smile, Mayor Xu, when this airport plan is launched, your burden will be heavy, and you will have to run more in the province and Beijing.

Xu Zheng said, let's go step by step, thank you Secretary Sun for supporting this plan.

Sun Yong smiled and said, "You are welcome, we need to support each other to form a team together.

Xu Zheng said with a smile, yes yes.

By the way, Sun Yong seemed to remember something inadvertently and said, yes, Mayor Xu, someone mentioned to me some time ago that they are optimistic about the land in the middle of Binhai Avenue and want to use it to develop villas. Look at you. Whether the city government can release the land to him is also good for economic development.

Xu Zheng took a look at Sun Yong. He doubted that Sun Yong had raised this matter at the moment because he wanted to give back to him for supporting the airport plan. He couldn't help feeling a little disgusted, but Sun Yong had just supported him, so he didn't want to contradict him. So he smiled and said, Secretary Sun, I am not very familiar with the situation you mentioned, but you can rest assured that I will take note of this matter. Let's go back to our city government to study it and give you an answer as soon as possible.

Sun Yong felt awkward in his heart. He said that this guy was afraid of going with Qu Wei. It seemed that he wanted to get him to agree to this matter while he was not familiar with the situation. Sun Yongqiang smiled and said, okay. , You can research it as soon as possible.

Xu Zheng said, since the city has passed the new airport plan, I want to go to Beijing as soon as possible to report to them the ideas of our city and solicit their opinions. Seek their support.

Fu Hua received a notice from the municipal government office saying that the new mayor is coming to Beijing. He was disturbed. He had already learned about Xu Zheng’s situation from the Beijing Office of Yangcheng City and knew that this was a very strict one. The leader had to deal with it carefully.

One day later, Fu Hua picked up Xu Zheng and his secretary Liu Chao at the airport, and arranged him to stay in the hotel. He said, Mayor Xu, you have a rest first, and I will accompany you to dinner later.

Xu Zheng smiled and said, don't rush to go, sit down, I want to talk with you.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Don't you need to take a break after flying for so long?"

Xu Zheng shook his head and said, "I'm not tired because it's only an hour on the plane for such a long time." Director Fu, I have a general understanding of your situation. You did a good job some time ago, especially in the part of attracting investment for the city. You have achieved great results.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's okay, I just happened to find a few investment merchants."

Xu Zheng said, you don’t have to be humble, it's really good. However, to say that the Beijing Office is not lacking at all, the communication between you and the ministries and commissions in Beijing needs to be strengthened.

Fu Hua said with a smile that Mayor Xu criticized that the Beijing Office is strengthening its work in this area.

Xu Zheng said, maybe you have also heard that the municipal party committee and government have just approved the plan to relocate and rebuild Haichuan Airport. This plan has a huge investment. If it is to be implemented smoothly, it will be inseparable from the support of the State Civil Aviation Administration and the Development and Reform Commission. In the first stage, the Beijing Office must shift its focus to this.

Fu Hua said, yes, we must start work in a targeted manner.

Xu Zheng said, do you have anyone familiar with these two departments now

Fu Hua said that I can still find a relationship with the National Development and Reform Commission. I know a director inside. As for the Civil Aviation Administration, I really don't know anyone.

Fu Hua has always been in contact with Director Liu Jie, whom Jia Hao introduced to him, and they often make appointments to play golf together. As for the Civil Aviation Administration of China, because of its professionalism, Fu Hua rarely has the opportunity to contact the people inside.

Xu Zheng said, can you find someone to see if you know anyone in the Civil Aviation Administration of China

Fu Hua said, should I ask Mr. Zheng, maybe he has subordinates working in the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

Xu Zheng said, yes, in order to complete the airport relocation and reconstruction plan, the city must mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized. You make an appointment with Zheng Lao. I will visit you tomorrow and report to him about our plans.

The two talked about work again, and before they knew it was time for dinner, Xu Zheng and Fu Hua had a light meal in the restaurant of the hotel.

Fu Hua had a good impression of the new mayor. His style of work was very similar to Qu Wei, and even a bit more active than Qu Wei.

Early the next morning, Xu Zheng and Fu Hua went to visit Mr. Zheng. Mr. Zheng was very happy to hear Xu Zheng's plan for the airport and said that this is a great thing and should be done.

Fu Hua smiled and said, Zheng Lao, we want to report this matter to the leadership of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, but we have nowhere to go. Where do you have any acquaintances

Old Zheng said with a smile, there is a subordinate there, surnamed Yu, now he is the deputy director.

Xu Zheng said, can Mr. Zheng help us to contact us

Old Zheng said, okay.

So Mr. Zheng called this Deputy Director Yu, and Deputy Director Yu said that it was enough for them to find him, and he would make arrangements.

Xu Zheng and Fu Hua chatted with Zheng Lao for a while before they left. The old lady took Fu Hua aside and said, Xiao Fu, when would you go to see Xiao Li, she fell ill after coming back from Haichuan. Although the disease was cured later, she couldn't keep her energy up. This child is also to blame for the poor.

Fu Hua felt a pain in his heart. He knew exactly why Zheng Li was sick, but he couldn't do anything practical for Zheng Li, so he nodded to the old lady and said, okay, I will visit her.

In the afternoon, Xu Zheng took Fu Hua to the State Civil Aviation Administration of China and found Deputy Director Yu. After hearing Xu Zheng's explanation, Deputy Director Yu said with a smile, "You want to build an airport?"

Xu Zheng said, yes, we want to relocate and rebuild Haichuan Airport.

Deputy Director Yu said with a smile, then wait for you to lose money. I have been working here for more than ten years, and I have never seen an airport as a whole profitable. Did you know that of the ten airports that were newly built and put into use last year, nine of them were at a loss.

Xu Zheng said, I also know a little bit about this situation, but we are focusing on the overall driving force of the construction of the airport to the Haichuan economy.

Deputy Director Yu smiled and said, I know, this is a big boost to the gdp in your place. Wait a minute, I will call you from the Planning and Development Department, and you can talk to them.

Speaking of Deputy Director Yu made a phone call, a middle-aged man walked in after a while. Deputy Director Yu introduced that this is Deputy Director Zhang of the Planning and Development Department. You can talk to him about the situation. He knows the specifics. What should the program do.

Deputy Director Zhang led Xu Zheng and Fu Hua to his office. After hearing Xu Zheng's intentions, Deputy Director Zhang smiled and said, "You want to get some funds from us, right?"

Xu Zheng nodded and said, this investment is too great, and it is difficult for us to solve it on our own.

Deputy Director Zhang said that the Civil Aviation Administration of China does have funds in this area, which come from the civil aviation infrastructure construction fund and airport construction fees. However, the amount of this fund is limited, and it can usually only be given to airports with huge investments listed in the national airport construction and development plan.

Xu Zheng said that we also want to participate in the national airport construction and development plan, and don't know what to do.

Deputy Director Zhang said, you apply for a look.

Fu Hua asked, how do I apply

Deputy Director Zhang said that Haichuan Land belongs to the East China Bureau of Civil Aviation. Let the Development and Reform Commission of your province first apply to the East China Bureau. After the East China Bureau agrees, it will submit your application to the General Administration. It's a bit early for you to come to the General Administration.

Xu Zheng said that we ourselves are not very clear about the specific procedures, but just want to come over and report to the leaders of the State Administration of Taxation.

Deputy Director Zhang said with a smile, you should start fighting from the province first, and only then can you talk about us with your support in the province.

Xu Zheng smiled and said, let's go back and try to have a look. Thank you, Deputy Director Zhang. do you have time at night? Have a meal together.

Deputy Director Zhang smiled and shook his head, and said, go back and take a look. If the province is done, we will have time to eat together.