
Chapter 123: Weights


Zhao Kai glanced at Fu Hua and said, don't pretend to be in front of me, just stay at this late hour.

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that Zhao Kai already knew about his staying here a few days ago. He blushed and said, "Uncle, do you know all about it?"

Zhao Kai said, this is my family, I don't know if I have become deaf or blind

Fu Hua's face reddened and said, I'm sorry, Xiao Ting and I...

Zhao Kai waved his hand and interrupted Fu Hua, saying, you don't need to explain, I also came here when I was young. Your house is still being renovated, and I want to wait for Master Wang to come back from the field to decide the date of the wedding. You two should find a time to register first, and you have an official title too.

Now that Zhao Kai said everything, Fu Hua didn't need to leave. He sat down and said, okay, I will discuss with Xiaoting in a while, and go and get the registration as soon as possible. Who is this Master Wang you mentioned, and why do you have to wait for him to come back to choose a date

Zhao Kai said that Master Wang is an expert outside the world, and he is proficient in the magic of the Qimen Dunjia. The house you bought last time was the Feng Shui he showed him. I have given him the eight characters of you and Xiao Ting, and he said that he would take it back and study it carefully to choose a good day.

Fu Hua smiled and said, what is Qimen Dunjia, is it amazing

According to Zhao Kai, the origin of Qimen Dunjia can be found in the collection of ancient and modern books. According to the book, Qimen Dunjia originated more than 4,600 years ago, when Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi fought against Chi You; at that time, our ancestors Huangdi and Chiyou started one in Zhuolu. In an unprecedented battle, Chi You created fog on the battlefield, causing the Yellow Emperor's troops to lose their way. One night, when everyone was sleeping, suddenly, Xuanyuanqiu heard a earth-shaking sound and a very strong light, which awakened the Yellow Emperor and everyone. Everyone ran over and saw that there was a colorful phoenix slowly descending from the sky; from the colorful phoenix walked out a bright fairy. The fairy held this jade box nine inches long and eight inches wide, the Yellow Emperor. I took it and opened it, and there was a book of Heavenly Seal Inscriptions Dragon Armor God Seal; Huangdi finally defeated Chi You by building a guide car based on the records in the book. In addition to recording the methods of building weapons, the Dragon Armor God Chapter also records many methods of warfare for marching and dispatching troops. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor asked his prime minister to translate the Dragon Armor God Chapter into 13 Chapters of the Art of War, 12 Chapters of the Art of Solitude, and One Thousand and Eighty Games of Qimen Dunjia. Later, it was passed to Zhang Liang after Jiang Taigong of the Zhou Dynasty, the old man of Huangshi in the Han Dynasty, and Zhang Liang simplified it to become the current Qimen Dunjia.

Fu Hua smiled and said, this is just a legend.

Zhao Kai said that of course there is a deified aspect of this origin, which is the ancients like to play mystery. However, I have read some books on Qimen Dunjia, which are very profound. They are based on the Book of Changes and Eight Diagrams, combined with astrological calendar, astronomy, geography, eight gates, nine stars, yin and yang, five elements, three odds and six yis, etc. They are the masters of my country's forecasting CIMC. , Is the highest level of predictive science in the Book of Changes, and has been called emperor science since ancient times. The politicians and military strategists of the past dynasties have used Qimen Dunjia for decision-making and achieved extraordinary undertakings. Nowadays, many people use it for business development, market operation, and management, and the effect is very significant.

Fu Hua smiled and said, so Uncle has verified it

Zhao Kai smiled and said that I had used Master Wang's fortune-telling for several major decisions in advance, and it proved to be smooth afterwards.

Fu Hua said that his uncle must have been thoroughly investigated and proved beforehand.

Zhao Kai said, of course I would not blindly believe in Master Wang's divination.

Fu Hua said, why doesn't my uncle think that the success of things is the result of your full investigation and argumentation

Zhao Kai smiled and said, ha ha, of course there are also factors in this regard. You are still skeptical of Master Wang. No wonder, when you were educated, you had already defeated all monsters, ghosts, and monsters, and you had broken off with the ancient Chinese culture. In fact, ancient Chinese culture is completely different from Western logical speculation. Western scientific culture is an empirical science, which can be recognized only after everything has been verified. The Chinese culture is different. Many aspects cannot be verified. Like the meridian theory of Chinese medicine, you can't find evidence in anatomy at all, but can you deny the existence of meridians? Can't it

Fu Hua smiled and said, of course not, otherwise the acupuncture and moxibustion of Chinese medicine would not have a foothold, but that doesn't mean that Master Wang is really so godly.

Zhao Kai said, I believe he was because of his experience in prison. Back then, he used Qimen Dunjia to set up a game and dried up a well in his village. The well in their village was just one sight. Someone reported him. As a result, he was sentenced to five years in prison, and some of his original Qimen Dunjia ancient books were all burned by the police.

Fu Hua asked, is it true

Zhao Kai said that this is well-documented and he was sentenced for the crime of destroying the means of production.

Fu Hua said, why did he destroy the well? Isn't this using arithmetic to do bad things? I remember those books of this kind said that they should not be used to do bad things.

Zhao Kai said that he was to save people that time. At that time, a woman in the village became seriously ill and couldn't get medical help...

At this moment, Zhao Ting opened the door and said with a smile, what are you talking about

Fu Hua said with a smile, listening to his uncle talk about ancient times.

Zhao Ting walked to Fu Hua's side and said, it's already late and you should go back.

Fu Hua smiled and said, Uncle said I could stay, he already knew we were together.

Zhao Ting's face blushed, Zhao Kai smiled and said, no need to blush, anyway, you have reached this level, and your mother and I have no objection to living together with you. Just now I told Fu Hua that he would take you. Go ahead and get the marriage certificate.

Zhao Ting didn't say anything, and blushed and sat next to Fu Hua. She was still a little embarrassed in front of her father. Fu Hua stretched out her hand and held her hand. In order to cover up the embarrassment of the two, she turned the subject and said, Uncle, you should finish the story first. I am very curious about the situation.

Zhao Kai smiled and said that this person who was seriously ill happened to meet Master Wang, and Master Wang said that this person was secretly cursed. Have you seen the situation where a needle is used to pierce a villain on TV? Master Wang said that this person was cursed in this way by someone who knew her birth date.

Zhao Ting laughed and said, isn't that a little game played by girls? What is it called a voodoo doll? Is there such a curse? Does it work

Zhao Kai said that it is not that simple. It must be the exact birth date of the cursed person, and it must be a needle at a specific time, at a specific location, and enough days to be effective. When Master Wang saw that person, her life would be in danger in two days. After Master Wang saw all this, the man asked Master Wang to save him. The Master looked around and asked if there was any living water near her house. To break the curse, the living water must be destroyed. The person thought about it and only the well was in front of her house. The master made a round in front of this well, and then threw a peach tree into the well. The water in the well was gone after a while, and the person’s illness All right. At the same time, an old lady in the village suddenly lost one eye. Master Wang said that this was because the curse was broken, and the person who put the curse would definitely suffer.

Zhao Ting asked in surprise, is it true? Can you demonstrate it

Zhao Kai said, how can this be demonstrated casually, and Master Wang said that this kind of game cannot be set unless he saves people.

Fu Hua said with a smile, it is still hard to believe. Why did the old lady want this woman to die

Zhao Kai said that the old lady was a woman's mother, and she resolutely opposed a woman marrying her husband. As a result, the woman eloped to her husband's house and denied her the mother. The old lady was so angry that she wanted to kill her daughter.

Zhao Ting said, this story is more exciting than the storytelling, Dad, that Master Wang made it to lie to you, right

Zhao Kai smiled and said, who is Dad who would be deceived by him? This incident happened in a village on the outskirts of Beijing, and many elderly people in that village knew about it. Actually, I don’t take his words as a standard. Most of the time I ask him for advice, just to see if there is any disadvantage to doing something. Master Wang is very wise, and he can always tell his own judgment. Convincing truth. You don't know, many people in official circles regard Master Wang's words as a guide to their actions, and they are more convinced than I am.

Fu Hua smiled. He knew that people like Zhao Kai were the same as Chen Che. Chen Che asked for one in front of the Seagod Empress and signed, but in the end he only took the part that was beneficial to him. Big bosses like them can hardly be influenced by their will, even if they are a superb master. This is a game where everyone gets what they need. The master gets the money, and Zhao Kai is more confident to do something.

Zhao Ting said, I always feel that God is babbling, Dad, be careful he lied to you.

Zhao Kai said, well, I have my own judgment, and you don't need to remind me.

Fu Hua also knew that Zhao Kai was very shrewd and had his own opinions, and he was not so foolish, so he smiled and said, Xiaoting, uncle knows a lot.

Zhao Kai waved his hand and said, I have been talking to you for a long time, and I am a little tired. Go and rest.

Fu Hua and Zhao Ting went out of the study. Zhao Ting looked at Fu Hua and said, "Do you really want to stay tonight?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, Uncle agreed, what are you afraid of

Zhao Ting said, my parents are at home, it's always a little weird. Okay, no matter.

Speaking of Zhao Ting dragging Fu Hua into the bedroom, the two of them stayed together for a few days. There was a different kind of miss, and they soon got tired of each other.

Fu Hua and Zhao Ting went through the marriage registration formalities. Although the two did not hold the wedding ceremony, they are still legal couples. Fu Hua also lived in Zhao Kai's house just as well.

Xu Zheng returned to Haichuan. This time, although the follow-up investment negotiations with Ronghong Group officially started, it was not smooth. Guo Kui personally went on the move, adding weight to Chen Che's asking price.