
Chapter 13: An improved version of Stand Alone


The next day, Chen Che’s assistant called Fu Hua, saying that Chen Che had arranged for a visit to Haichuan City in a week. He was expected to stay in Haichuan City for two days and hoped that Haichuan City would be ready for reception.

Fu Hua notified Qu Wei of the news. Qu Wei thought about it and said, "We will return to Haichuan City immediately and arrange to receive Chen Che and his party. Fu Hua, don't go back to Beijing, and come back to Haichuan with us. "

Fu Hua glanced at Qu Wei and asked, "Mayor Qu, my role as a facilitator has been exhausted. I can't do anything next. Is it necessary to return to Haichuan with you?"

Qu Wei said: "The key to the problem is that Chen Che has been in contact with Haichuan through you. In order to avoid errors, you should go back to Haichuan with me. After Chen Che finishes the inspection, you will return to Beijing."

Fu Hua understood that the establishment of such a large project of Ronghong Group must be the focus of Haichuan's current investment promotion work. Qu Wei's desire to be perfect is also normal. It seems that it is inevitable to return to Haichuan with him, so he nodded: "Well, I'll go back to Haichuan with you."

Immediately Qu Wei and his party booked the air tickets, greeted Chen Che, and met in Haichuan, and flew back to Haichuan the next day.

Back at home, Fu Hua saw that the empty room was covered with dust everywhere, and felt a little sad. If his mother was there, he would never allow dust in the room, so he washed a rag and started wiping it. .

The phone rang, and Fu Hua checked the number. It was Ding Yi, the deputy general manager of Haichuan Tianhe Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the phone was connected.

Ding Yi asked, "Brother Fu, you didn't say a word when you returned to Haichuan."

Fu Hua smiled: "This time I came back with Mayor Qu to do something, and it was decided temporarily, so I didn't tell you about it. Did something happen to me?"

Ding Yi said, "I can't get together with you if I have nothing to do?"

Fu Hua smiled, yes, how can't. However, who told you that I am back, your news is well-informed.

Ding Yi laughed haha: "Brother Fu is really smart, my news is not so well informed. It was my old man who knew that you are back and asked me to make an appointment with you."

Ding Yi’s father, Ding Jiang, is the chairman of Tianhe Real Estate Co., Ltd., which was originally a subsidiary of Haichuan City, but was later transformed into a private enterprise. Ding Jiang was originally an official of the Haichuan Municipal Government and was later assigned to the general manager of Tianhe Real Estate Co., Ltd. When Tianhe was restructured, he naturally became the chairman of Tianhe Company. Because Ding Jiang came from the Haichuan Municipal Government, he was familiar with many people in Haichuan’s officialdom. He had a particularly good relationship with Qu Wei. Because of Qu Wei's relationship, Ding Jiang and his sons got along well with Fu Hua. The father and son have always been cautious in doing things. Although they can be regarded as the richest people in Haichuan City, they have always been low-key and belong to the category of people who make a lot of money.

Fu Hua asked, "What is Ding Dong looking for?"

Ding Yi said: "I didn't say anything specifically, just let me make an appointment with you."

Fu Hua had a good impression of the father and son, especially with Ding Yi. Because they were about the same age and had similar ideas, they could talk very well together. They were considered to be good friends of Fu Hua in Haichuan.

Fu Hua said: "When and where?"

Ding Yi said: "Just tonight, at seven o'clock, Haichuan Hotel."

At 6:45, Fu Hua arrived at the Haichuan Hotel, Ding Yi was already waiting for him in the lobby. Fu Hua shook hands with Ding Yi and asked with a smile, "How is it, do you have a girlfriend

Ding Yi smiled, not yet, Brother Fu didn't even look for it, what's the hurry for me. "

Fu Hua smiled and said, "You are the fifth best of the diamond king. How many beautiful women in Haichuan look at you. I can't compare with you."

Ding Yi shook his head: "These women actually don't have eyesight. Men like Brother Fu are worthy of relying on. I just have a good father and have a little more wealth."

Fu Hua patted Ding Yi on the shoulder. He knew that Ding Yi was not just relying on his father's shade as he said. He was a very talented and smart man. Tianhe Real Estate Company was in charge of him and his father Ding Jiang. The sound and colorful under the management of development can basically be said to be a leader in the real estate industry of Haichuan. There have been rumors that Ding Jiang wants to step back and give Tianhe Company to this young man who is less than 30 years old. This shows how much Ding Jiang recognizes this son.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "My brother, don't be humble in front of me."

Ding Yi smiled: "The old man is already waiting in the lounge, let's go in."

Fu Hua walked into the Honghu Hall of the Haichuan Hotel with Ding Yi. Ding Jiang was already present. When he saw Fu Hua, he smiled and stood up and shook hands with Fu Hua: "Brother Fu, I haven’t seen you for many days, and I lost a lot of weight. what."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "The Beijing Office is waiting to be thriving. I had to work a little harder when I first went there. I'm sorry Ding Dong, I'll be a step late, and you have to wait for me."

Ding Jiang said: "You are polite, my brother, I'm here early. Sit down, sit down."

Fu Hua sat next to Ding Jiang. Ding Jiang looked at the waiter and said, "Waiter, you can serve food."

Fu Hua smiled: "Dong Dong, just the three of us?"

Ding Jiang nodded: "Only the three of us. You know that our father and son have never liked to join in the fun. I invited you today to catch the wind for you, and secondly, I want the three of us to sit and talk together."

Fu Hua knew that Ding Jiang's appointment was not as simple as a chat. The father and son showed up together, and they must be discussing something important with them. Otherwise, Ding Yi could just talk to himself about a simple matter.

Fu Hua didn't pick it up, so he smiled and said, "Thank you Ding Dong for his love."

Ding Jiang smiled and said: "Don't be so polite, my brother. I heard that Mayor Qu said that as soon as my brother, the director of the Beijing Office, he invited Chen Che from Ronghong Group to our Haichuan City for inspection, it was really not easy. "

Fu Hua smiled: "It's nothing, I just used a stupid method."

Ding Yi smiled: "Brother Fu, what stupid way can you please Chen Che, I really want to hear."

Fu Hua said: "To put it bluntly, it's very simple, just wait for the rabbit. I am the farmer and Chen Che is the rabbit."

Ding Yi laughed: "Chen Che would be so stupid, he would take the initiative to bump into your tree."

Fu Hua said: "Chen Che is certainly not difficult or stupid, but I have also improved the farmer’s method. My tree can be moved. I moved it to a place where Chen Che often haunts. He didn’t want to hit it. It’s hard to get there."

Ding Jiang laughed loudly: "Brother, you can really learn and use."

Ding Yi said: "I see, Brother Fu, you used the method of Chen Che waiting for other salesmen at the gate of a large international factory, and you can treat him in his own way, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and glanced at Ding Yi: "Brother, it seems that you are like me and have studied Chen Che's family history."

Between talking and laughing, the waiter had already served a few dishes. Ding Jiang filled Fu Hua with wine himself, and then smiled and said, "Come on, this first cup will be cleansed for my brother."

Fu Hua smiled and touched the glasses with Ding Jiang and his son. After saying thank you, the three of them drank it in one go.

The three of them chatted and talked about some interesting anecdotes on the officialdom of Haichuan City. After chatting, Ding Jiang suddenly turned the topic to Fu Hua: "Brother, I only heard that you are a famous domestic economist Zhang Disciple Fan, why haven't you heard that before?"

Zhang Fan’s fame in the domestic economics circle is a matter of recent years. Fu Hua also mentioned his teacher to others in the past few years, but no one cares about this or remembers this. In recent years, because Zhang Fan became famous, Fu Hua On the contrary, he rarely mentioned it in front of others, because he didn't want to use the teacher's reputation to show off. On the other hand, he also felt that he was an unsuccessful disciple of Zhang Fan, and he was ashamed to mention the teacher.

Fu Hua smiled and asked, "Why is Ding Dong suddenly interested in my teacher?"

Ding Jiang laughed: "It's a long story, my brother, can I beg you for one thing?"

Fu Hua said, "Don't be polite, Ding Dong, let's talk, what's the matter?"

Ding Jiang said: "I want to beg you to help me introduce a person, who is considered to be your senior brother."

"You mean Jia Hao?" Fu Hua asked while looking at Ding Jiang.

Ding Jiang smiled: "The old man is really a smart man, he can see through it at one point."

Jia Hao was the first batch of postgraduates led by Zhang Fan. After graduation, he was recommended by Zhang Fan to serve as a secretary to a senior leader in the economic field of the central government. In 1992, in order to strengthen the supervision of China’s securities market, the National Securities Commission ( The establishment of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Securities Commission) and ********* (hereinafter referred to as the China Securities Regulatory Commission) marked the beginning of the formation of a unified regulatory system for the Chinese securities market. The National Securities Commission is the state's competent authority for unified macro-management of the securities market. The China Securities Regulatory Commission is the regulatory enforcement agency of the State Securities Commission, which supervises the securities market in accordance with laws and regulations. Because Jia Hao is an economic professional, he was transferred to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and directly participated in the initial work of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. He is a veteran of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, although he is still very young. At present, Jia Hao is the director of the issuance supervision department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and he is a hot and powerful figure in the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

However, Fu Hua had never dealt with Jia Hao even though he had been in the same school. When he was studying with Zhang Fan, Jia Hao had already gone to work as a secretary. After graduating, Fu Hua went back to Haichuan, which is far away from Beijing. There is no intersection between the two, so they are just famous and do not know each other.

Fu Hua said: "Dong Dong is intending to list the company. This is a great thing. Unfortunately, Jia Hao and I don't have a close relationship. I'm afraid I won't be able to help Ding Dong."

Ding Jiang glanced at Fu Hua and said with a smile: "Brother, you can't help, not necessarily your teacher can't help, I heard that Jia Hao has always been very grateful to your teacher, saying that if there was no recommendation from Professor Zhang , He would not have the situation like today."

Fu Hua said: "If you need Teacher Zhang to come forward, then I have to discuss with Teacher Zhang. I can't promise you at the moment."

Ding Yi smiled on the side and said, "Brother Fu, I don't want you to promise anything right away, I just hope you will bother for us."

Fu Hua smiled: "I am now in charge of the Beijing Office, and I should serve our enterprises in Haichuan City. When I look back, I have finished the affairs of Ronghong Group, and I will find my teacher the first thing I do when I return to Beijing. This is all right. Right?"

"It's enough to have a brother, I would like to thank you first," Ding Jiang said with a smile.