
Chapter 130: The opposite is true


Fu Hua smiled bitterly. Wu Wen is indeed too beautiful. Even if she wears the clothes of a peasant woman, it is difficult to conceal her pearly luster. It is almost impossible to find a man who truly loves her and does not covet her beauty. .

This may be another form of fateful confidant.

Wu Wen went on to say, not to mention that I am used to enjoying it. I am used to being the core of people's attention. If you let me live a normal life again, I am afraid that I will not accept it. This is one of the reasons why I have to land on the seaside promenade. I just want to know the difficulties. I just want the people of Haichuan to focus on me at once. Although I changed my position, I still To be the most watched person. In fact, it’s a whole life how I live. I prefer to make my life more beautiful and colorful. I just want to live wonderfully and happily. As for returning to the ordinary, wait for the day when I am old. Maybe by then, I will listen. Yours, wash away the lead blooms, find an old man to marry him, and live a simple life.

Fu Hua looked at Wu Wen with a smile, and said to his heart that this person really cannot be measured by a yardstick. Although Wu Wen's idea is somewhat paranoid, it cannot be said to be wrong. Besides, it is a person's freedom to choose what to do in life. One may succeed or fail. There are even more losers than successful ones, but you can't say that his choice is right or wrong.

People are making choices in real time. There is no right or wrong choice. The result may be success or failure, but sometimes the pleasure you get from failure is far greater than the joy that success brings. This is life, a stuff that you can only choose by yourself. We should find pleasure in it, instead of regretting our choice from time to time.

I'm here, I've experienced it, I'm leaving, this is the whole life, and it can be summed up in one sentence.

Fu Hua feels that he is not open-minded by Wu Wen. Life is about living wonderfully and happily. As for the future, as for the precautions, it is actually just a person’s wishful thinking, and no one can decide what the future will be. It's not dictated by people's will. He thought of an ancient joke, saying that a general was ordered to lead troops to fight. At the Oaths of War, he talked magnificently about how Chase attacked the city and conquered the enemy’s bullshit, and led his troops to the enemy line aggressively. As soon as he left the city gate, he was shot dead by the enemy with an arrow. God resets all this to zero, this is the impermanence of the world. This joke is actually telling people that what you think and what you plan may be totally different from reality.

People live in the present, not in the future.

Fu Hua said, maybe you are right, a good thing is a lifetime.

Wu Wen smiled bitterly and said, yes, there is no turning back in this world.

Fu Hua said, no matter what, you should be more cautious.

Wu Wen said, I know, I'm leaving, thank you Fu Hua, except for my parents, probably only you in this world really care about me.

Wu Wen said, reaching out and shaking Fu Hua's hand on the table, then stood up and left the coffee shop.

Fu Hua watched this beautiful stunner leave gracefully, feeling a trace of confusion in his heart. It took him a while to come back to his senses. He took out his cell phone, called Gao Feng, and told Gao Feng what Li Tao said.

After listening to Gao Feng, he laughed and said, it seems that Haitong Bus has become a sweet potato. Okay, you tell Deputy Mayor Li, when Haichuan wants to start negotiations, just call me. He knows my phone number. of.

Fu Hua felt that Li Tao might be self-defeating, and even this merger might break the game, but he couldn't help it, so he smiled and said, yes, I will tell him.

Gao Feng hung up.

After listening to Fu Hua's retelling of Gao Feng's words, Li Tao was stunned for a moment. He might also realize that things were not developing in the direction he wanted, but he could not show his failure in front of Fu Hua, so he said, okay, then Let's do this first.

Two weeks later, Wu Wen received a call from Wang Yan again, saying that all the land approval procedures had been completed, and she wanted Wu Wen to return to Haichuan to handle the follow-up matters.

Suddenly, Wang Yan was so quick to do things, which inevitably made Wu Wen suspicious. She had been dragged by Wang Yan for so long, why suddenly Wang Yan changed her style, and Fu Hua reminded Wu Wen that she could not help but feel something vigilance.

But no matter what, you have to read the approved documents first, Wu Wen said, then I will rush back right away.

Back in Haichuan City, Wu Wen went to Haiyi Hotel to find Wang Yan. Wang Yan immediately put together the "Decision on the Land Development of D12567 in the Middle Section of Haibin Avenue", "Opinions on the Recovery of the D12567 Parcel in the Middle Section of Haibin Avenue", and "About Documents such as the Decision on the Effectiveness of the Land Transfer Contract for the Middle Section of Haibin Avenue and the "Resolution on the Listing Announcement of the Middle Section of Haibin Avenue D12567" were presented to Wu Wen and said, look at it. This is all the documents concerning the land development of the central section of Haibin Avenue. After getting these documents and paying the land transfer fee, this land is yours.

Wu Wen looked at the documents and she couldn't see anything abnormal from the outside. These documents were all very regular red-headed documents, and the document numbers had everything. She couldn't doubt it, but she didn't dare to just believe it. .

Wu Wen wanted to take the file first and then find a chance to verify it before speaking, so she smiled and said, thank you Sister Wang, she didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

Wang Yan smiled and said, I told you, Secretary Sun Yong has come forward, what can't Haichuan do? Okay, here is the account of the Haichuan Land and Resources Bureau. You can sign up all the land transfer fees agreed in the contract, and you can apply for the land certificate with the documents.

Wu Wen looked at Wang Yan, Wang Yan was flustered, her face twitched unconsciously, and said with a dry smile, I hope this thing will be completed sooner so that I can get my reward.

Wu Wen smiled and accepted the account, and said, Sister Wang, don't worry, as long as I complete the formalities, I promised that you won't be less rewarded.

Wang Yan said, then you can do it as soon as possible, and quickly put the funds into the account of the Bureau of Land and Resources, and everyone will get what they want.

Wu Wen smiled and nodded, and said, I will make arrangements immediately when I go back.

Wu Wen left the Haiyi Hotel and immediately called Fu Hua in Beijing and said, Fu Hua, you want to do me a favor. Do you have any acquaintances in the Land and Resources Bureau

Fu Hua said, wow, what are you going to do

Wu Wen said, I'm in Haichuan now, and Wang Yan gave me some documents, saying that the land in the middle section of Haibin Avenue was approved and asked me to pay the land transfer fee in order to apply for the land use right certificate. I want to find someone to verify the authenticity of these documents.

Fu Hua said, okay, I have a good relationship with Qian Gang, the chief of the office of the Land and Resources Bureau, let me tell him, you go find him.

Fu Hua contacted Qian Gang to Wu Wen. Qian Gang said that Wu Wen could go to the Bureau of Land and Resources to find him. Wu Wen took the documents to the office of the Bureau of Land and Resources.

After reading the documents, Qian Gang immediately said that the documents are all fake. Where did you get them

Wu Wen took a breath and said that fortunately, Fu Hua repeatedly reminded herself that Wang Yan could not do this thing. Otherwise, if you really believe in Wang Yan and put tens of millions into the account she gave, then these few Ten million yuan of funds may be run away by Wang Yanjuan.

Wu Wen said, a friend of mine said it helped me do it.

Qian Gang looked at Wu Wen and said, "You have been cheated. We haven't studied the transfer of the land in the middle section of Haibin Avenue in the recent period, and as far as I know, there is no intention of such a transfer." Does your friend ask you for money

Wu Wen nodded and said, yes, she said that it would cost some money to do this.

Qian Gang said, needless to say, he just wants to defraud you of the money, you quickly find a way to find him to get the money back.

Wu Wen left the Bureau of Land and Resources, so she called Fu Hua and said, Fu Hua, I was really hit by you and I was deceived. What should I do next

Fu Hua said, can you confirm it

Wu Wen said that it can be confirmed that Qian Gang has confirmed that the documents are fake.

Fu Hua said, there is no other way. You can report to the Criminal Police Team as soon as possible. Wang Yan is a fraud.

Wu Wen hesitated. She realized that she entrusted Wang Yan to do this matter itself is not necessarily legal, so she said, Fu Hua, do you think I am responsible for this

Fu Hua said, don't worry about that much, first think of a way to get the money back.

At this time, Wu Wen thought of Wang Yan copying the video for her. This is a secret weapon. It can be used as a threat to force Wang Yan and Sun Yong to spit out all the money. There is no need to really take Wang Yan. Sent to prison. When Wu Wen thought of this, her mind was set a lot, and she said to Fu Hua, OK, I know what to do.

Fu Hua said, then you go quickly, don't let Wang Yan know the machine and run away.

Wu Wen said, OK, I know.

After hanging up Fu Hua’s call, Wang Yan did not go to the Criminal Police Team. She went back to the Haiyi Hotel. Wang Yan saw that she had returned so soon, she was taken aback and said, you put the money into your account so soon

Wu Wen sneered and said, Sister Wang, if I put money into the account, can you run away with the money

Wang Yan's face twitched and said, Mr. Wu, what do you mean by that

What do you mean? Wu Wen took the documents out of her bag and fell down in front of Wang Yan severely, saying, "The Land and Resources Bureau said that none of these documents are true, so you dare to lie to me."

Wang Yan lowered her head and said, you all know

Wu Wen sneered and said, Sister Wang, you are really not clever at this trick. If you want to pay such a large sum of money, can I give it to you without prior verification

Wang Yan glanced at Wu Wen and asked, what do you want to do now that it has been dismantled by you

Wu Wen said, originally my friend wanted me to report to the Criminal Police Team, saying that you were a fraud, but I took into account that everyone is a woman, and it is not easy to gain a foothold in this society. What about you, as long as you withdraw the money honestly, I can treat it as nothing like that.