
Chapter 134: It is the master who knows when to leave


It is full of simple and elegant demeanor and heavy-tech demeanor. At the same time, it does not lack novel and flexible structural concepts. It can be regarded as one of the best bank buildings in the world.

To the east of HSBC is the Bank of China Tower. The Bank of China Tower is the headquarters of the Bank of China in Hong Kong. The architectural design is from the Chinese architect I.M. Pei. The Bank of China Tower he designed is like a bamboo, implying the rising of the Bank of China. The triangular geometric shapes at the top of this building are like blue crystals stacked on top of each other.

Fu Hua boarded the free viewing platform on the 43rd floor of the Bank of China Tower, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Hong Kong Central.

Fu Hua is very interested in traditional Chinese culture. He has heard many feng shui legends about the Bank of China Tower. Some people say that the triangle at the top of the Bank of China Tower is like a sharp sickle waving outwards. Great lethality! Therefore, the buildings near the Bank of China Tower have some Feng Shui designs. For example, the appearance of Li Ka-shing’s Yangtze River Group Center and the Citibank Tower. The Yangtze River Group Center is like an armored man in a metal protective suit, while the Citibank Tower It's like a samurai holding a giant shield.

What’s more interesting is the former Hong Kong Governor’s Mansion. Although the governor Wei Yixin was a British, he also went to the village to follow the customs. He planted six willow trees on the side facing the Bank of China Building in the Governor’s Mansion. It is said to be the guidance of a Feng Shui master. Ke Jin, to dissolve the murderous spirit of the Bank of China Tower.

Even because of this feng shui dispute, there was a diplomatic anecdote. It is said that the ambassador to the United Kingdom Ji Chaozhu and his wife passed by Hong Kong on vacation. Hong Kong Governor Sir David Wilson and his wife hosted a banquet. After dinner, the Governor and his wife took a walk in the garden with the ambassador and his wife. The Governor said that the Bank of China building was facing us like a knife, so we planted a few trees to block the knife. The ambassador's wife Wang Xiangtong said jokingly to Wilson that it was not a knife, it was an ancient coin (a knife coin during the Warring States Period). You did this to block Chinese money. These words were a pun, invisibly resolved a certain kind of hostility, and also allowed Wilson to learn the wisdom of Chinese diplomats.

Different people have different opinions on feng shui. Standing on the observation deck of the Bank of China, Fu Hua felt very interesting when he saw the intriguing designs of several buildings.

After seeing the Bank of China Tower, Fu Hua went around in Central again. There was a dazzling array of top brand names, which was dizzying. He spent a long time around, bought a bottle of brand-name perfume for Zhao Ting, and went back home.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, Fu Hua received a call from Wu Yi and asked him to wait in the hotel. He and Jiang Yu came to pick him up and go to the gambling boat at night.

Soon, Wu Yi and Jiang Yu came over, picked up Fu Hua, and went to the Star Ferry Terminal. At the Star Ferry Terminal, they boarded a barge, and then sent the three to a large oil tanker, the Emperor Star.

The gambling boat is really a small entertainment complex. There are Chinese and Western restaurants, entertainment venues, karaoke nightclubs, saunas, massage rooms, beauty centers, duty-free shops, and so on. The waiters on the ship knew Jiang Yu, and they quickly completed the embarkation procedures for Wu Yi and Fu Hua, and led the three into the VIP room. Jiang Yu said, let’s eat something casually, and there will be nine bets. After the point.

Jiang Yu ordered some food, and after a while the waiter brought it in, and the three of them sat down to eat. Jiang Yu smiled and asked Fu Hua: "What did the little brother do today?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I went to take a look at the Bank of China Building."

Jiang Yu said: "What's so interesting about the Bank of China Tower?"

Fu Hua said: "I think the Feng Shui design of the Bank of China Tower is very interesting. The features of Feng Shui are very Chinese culture."

Jiang Yu shook his head and said, "In fact, many people have misunderstood I.M. Pei. They think that the Bank of China Building was designed with Feng Shui, so the design is intended to demonstrate to the Governor's Mansion. In fact, some famous Feng Shui masters in Hong Kong think that The most lacking feature of the Bank of China Building is the Feng Shui design. This may be related to Pei’s Western education background. He may not have the Chinese concept of Feng Shui in his mind. Therefore, the Bank of China Building itself is very beautiful in Western architectural geometry, but it does not conform to it. Chinese Feng Shui Theory."

Fu Hua froze for a moment, and said, "This is the first time I have heard of this."

Jiang Yu smiled and said: "In fact, Feng Shui is closely related to Chinese culture. What do you think Chinese culture is most particular about, little brother?"

Fu Hua thought for a while, and said, "The golden mean is harmonious, right?"

Jiang Yu smiled and said: "Yes, the doctrine of the mean is the foundation of our national culture. People do not offend me and I do not offend others. Chinese people like to assimilate others instead of attacking others hard. Just like the Bank of China Tower. It's so blatant, like a few knives slashing at the surrounding buildings, where does it conform to our traditional doctrine of the golden mean?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "This is also true."

Jiang Yu said: "The Bank of China Building has been built like this, and the neighbors are disturbed. It is said that HSBC has even pressed a few cannons on the top of the building, and the guns rushed directly to the Bank of China Building, and they wanted to push back the murderous spirit of the Bank of China. Other buildings around. They also made some counterattacks, and these are also bad for the Bank of China Building."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Yes, the murderous spirit is returned, and it is not good for himself."

Jiang Yu said: “A Fengshui master said that the triangular design of the roof is also problematic. The pointed triangle is not stable, which symbolizes that the high-rise buildings of Bank of China Hong Kong are unstable. Hehe, of course this is also a family statement.”

The three talked and laughed, and it was nine o'clock before noticing that Jiang Yu smiled and asked Fu Hua: "Little brother, do you know how to play poker?"

Fu Hua smiled and shook his head, and said, "I have seen it in the movie, but I haven't played it."

Jiang Yu smiled and said: "In fact, it's not bad not to play. Gambling is all ten gambles and nine loses."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Many people know that gambling money, ten gambling, nine losses, but still can't control themselves. I don't know whether Jiang Dong will lose or win in this game

Jiang Yu laughed and said, "Little brother, you want to say that I may also be a loser, right? Haha, you guessed it wrong, tell you, I am the one of ten bets and nine losers, and I am the winner.

Fu Hua smiled and asked, does Jiang Dong have any tricks? "

Jiang Yu smiled and said: "In fact, if you have a knack, you really have a knack. The bet is actually the same as your stock trading. Knowing when you should stop trading is a master. Well, I have read the almanac. Today is a busy day. There is going to be a big battle".

The young lady exchanged chips for Jiang Yu and Wu Yi. Wu Yi took a stack of chips and put them in front of Fu Hua and said, "Brother, just follow along."

Fu Hua wanted to decline. Jiang Yu glanced at him and swallowed it back when he reached his mouth. He felt that if he didn't play with anything, others would think that he was a character, and he said that I would just play a little bit, don't do it. Everyone had a bad time.

So Fu Hua also took the chips and followed Wu Yi and Jiang Yu to sit down in front of the poker table. This is the VIP room and opened a poker table for Jiang Yu alone. Wu Yi has been on a gambling boat before and is very clear about how to bet on poker. Fu Hua didn't know how to play poker, the first few were just sitting around and watching.

Slowly, Fu Hua also saw a little bit of the doorway, knowing that poker basically means that the dealer gives two cards to the player and himself. Whoever is close to nine is the winner.

Jiang Yu seems to be very careful in betting. Several of the hands are not a lot of chips, but the hand is very smooth. After a few hands, he has already won a little bit in front of him. It seems that this guy is very careful in playing, and try his hand style first.

Fu Hua couldn't help but feel itchy, so he tried to place a bet with Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu saw that his hand was very smooth, and his bets started to grow bigger. His bets were very characteristic. He only bet on banker and player, never bet on tie. This meant that the winner must be distinguished, but it fits him very well. The characteristics of the courage to fight. Fu Hua just followed Jiang Yu and threw a few chips at random, which meant to participate.

A few hours later, the bargaining chips in front of Jiang Yu had increased a lot, and Fu Hua followed him in a bet, and it was a small win. Only Wu Yi lost a lot.

Jiang Yu yawned, looked at Fu Huahe Wuyi, and said, "I'm a little sleepy, do you want to continue?"

Fu Hua used to play casually, so he smiled and said, "I'm a little sleepy too, don't you?"

Wu Yi lost a lot of money, and he didn't want to give up. Fu Hua smiled and pushed the bargaining chip in front of him to him, and said, "Okay, okay, let's stop here.

Wu Yi smiled and said, you should be counted if you win, don't push it to me. "

Fu Hua said: "This was originally your bargaining chip, you just take it back."

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Wu Dong, this little brother doesn't seem to care about this little money, you can take it back."

To settle the bargaining chips, the waiter asked Jiang Yu if he wanted to take a rest. Jiang Yu checked the time and said, "Forget it, there are two more hours before the boat docks. Let's go on the deck and blow the air."

The three of them went on the deck. There was no one on the deck except for the three. Everyone gathered at the gaming table. The vast sea could not be seen from all sides, the sea breeze was blowing, and the sea breeze with the salty taste was blowing. Fu Hua felt a refreshing feeling.

Jiang Yu took a deep breath of the sea breeze and said with a smile to Fu Hua, "Little brother, you are not bad. You know how to bet with the winner, and you are not confused about winning or losing. You can say that you stop and stop. You are in this state and you are very capable of becoming a gambler. Qualifications to be a winner.""

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Actually, I followed Jiang Dong. I really admire Jiang Dong. You can stop in time if you win so many.

Jiang Yu laughed and said: "In gambling, not knowing when to leave is the biggest weakness of gamblers. You see, the lights here are bright all night, as bright as daylight, just don't want to give gamblers a sense of time. There is a saying on the stock market. A famous saying, knowing when to enter the market is an apprentice, knowing when to come out is the master, and gambling is the same. In fact, every time I leave, I set myself a preset goal. I will force myself to win or lose as much as possible. Stop it by yourself. Today I won 5 million and reached the goal I set, and my mind is already a little dizzy, I can't calculate it very clearly, so I will stop immediately."