
Chapter 136: Someone who can speak


Wu Wen nodded and said: "Godfather, you are too right. I originally wanted to borrow Fu Hua's relationship to develop my business. I didn't expect that although he introduced me to the mayor's secretary Yu Bo, he did not agree with me. It's useless, it can only help me a little. It seems that I was wrong at the beginning."

Godfather smiled and said: "Your current state in Haichuan is very much like a duckweed without roots. It can be said that anyone can shake you. In fact, you originally wanted to fight the world by yourself. It's good in itself, but unfortunately you didn't take environmental factors into consideration. Even if it is your hometown, you can't do anything without a foundation."

Wu Wen smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, I thought it was simple at first. I thought that if I took a large sum of money back, I would be regarded as a guest. I don't know that people don't take me seriously. I do things innocently, but even the secretary of the municipal party committee covets my body. God really likes to make jokes, but it doesn't make you want."

The godfather smiled and said: "You still don't know enough about the human nature of the Chinese. Where do you see this society do not need to rely on relationships, and where are people not playing in circles?"

Wu Wen looked at her godfather and said, "Then what do you think I should do?"

The godfather said: "Don't rush to do something earth-shattering, but first lay a solid foundation before talking. I thought about it for you. There is a Xiling Hotel in the western suburbs of Haichuan City, with a mountain back. The sea, with beautiful scenery, is a good summer resort, but due to the problem of the operator, the business has not been good in recent years. I think you will contract it and use it as a base for you to truly establish contacts with Haichuan."

Wu Wen said: "You let me run the hotel? Can I do it?"

The godfather smiled and said, "I think you are a great oiran. It's your strength to welcome and meet good people. Don't tell me that you can't do this."

Wu Wen's face sank and she said, "God father, I really don't want to be Feng's wife again. You said that, but I still haven't forgotten my past."

Godfather smiled and said, "I want you to be the master, not to let you go back to your old business. You can do that."

Wu Wen said, "Will Xiling Hotel give it to me?"

Godfather said: "I told you that, I have a certain plan. The Xiling Hotel is affiliated to the Donghai Provincial Personnel Department and is their cadre training base. The relationship between me and their director Zhou Tie is okay. We roughly talked about the matter, and Zhou Tie agreed in principle."

Wu Wen looked at her godfather and said: "So godfather you have already made plans."

My godfather said: "I originally wanted you to let go of your hands and feet to toss it by yourself, but now it seems that your choice is a bit wrong. I will help you plan this, and I will also establish a contact with the political and business circles of oceans and rivers. Platform, I hope you can make a difference."

Wu Wen said: "Goddaddy, you are still the best to me."

The godfather stretched out his hand and gently stroked Wu Wen's hair, and said, "Xiaowen, it is a fate for godfather to meet you. You make godfather feel a lot younger."

Wu Wen leaned in her godfather's arms obediently. She thought of the first encounter with her godfather. At that time, she was already a well-known oiran, and was booked by a guest to receive her godfather in advance. At the Wonderland nightclub, she saw this figure surrounded by people at the core. He was sitting on the sofa and chatting with people around him, but he was not attracted by her name as an oiran. When the people around told him Liu Dong, the oiran came. He turned his head and looked at himself. At that moment, he was also moved by his amazing beauty, and he looked at himself intently all night. Later, he came out with him. In the room, when he unbuttoned his clothes and showed him his beautiful body, he was completely stunned. His hands couldn't help walking around with her beautiful skin, just when she thought he wanted to possess In his own time, he repeatedly said, violent against the heavenly things, violently against the heavenly things. He even picked up the clothes and covered her body.

At that time, Wu Wen was very surprised. No man could manage his desires in front of her beautiful body. It seems that this man has great control ability, or she has something wrong with her. Can't help but ask, Liu Dong, is there something about me that makes you unhappy

At that time, the godfather sat upright and said: "You are so beautiful, I can't own you, I will lose my life if I own you."

That night, the two slept for one night without anything happening. When Wu Wen was about to leave the next day, Godfather agreed to give her money, but she resolutely pushed the money back and said: " Since you respect me and refuse to own me, then I can't collect this money."

The godfather was surprised at that time and said: "I took up your time, so it is okay to pay you, otherwise you will definitely get income this night with others."

Wu Wen smiled and said at the time: "I know what I do. There is a deal between you and me. You pay to buy me, I pay for my body, and I buy and sell a fair deal. But now since you think you can value me, Treating me as a person, then I myself have no reason to belittle myself and sell myself as goods."

At that time, the godfather looked at Wu Wen seriously, and said with a smile: "I can't imagine you still have your own morality."

Wu Wen smiled and said, I didn't expect another man to stop in front of my body.

That time the godfather finally took the money back. Later, he often came to the fairyland nightclub. He didn't do anything when he came. He just sat with Wu Wen and chatted with Wu Wen, drinking and drinking at will, and leaving when he was exhausted, without taking it. Wu Wen came out, and Wu Wen was also very well-behaved. Every time her godfather came, she would push away other social entertainments. When the godfather left, she also cleaned up and got off work.

Slowly, Wu Wen learned about the deeds of her godfather from the chat, and knew that he was originally a boy in Beijing's courtyard. His father had experienced the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. Back then, the godfather was bloody, he was not afraid of the sky, and he dared to fight and kill. He was the famous stubborn eldest brother in Beijing at that time, and he participated in several big stubborn shopping fights. Later, he became an intellectual young man who went to the mountains and the countryside, and made a lot of achievements in the vast rural world. After that, he was the first group of people to go to the sea to do business, using his family relationship and his reputation as a stubborn lord. Head, went to Shenzhen, rushed to Hainan, and approved the letter, and became the first person to make money. This is a man who has gone through vicissitudes of life. He has seen bloody life and death, experienced failure, and started to create the current situation again. Although he is only more than 50 years old, his heart is already very old.

Godfather gradually regarded Wu Wen as a place where he could talk freely, and the two became a kind of confidant who couldn't explain clearly. At first the godfather also brought some people over, but later he became himself. Every time she came, Wu Wen always listened to him quietly, and sometimes leaned on him and confided her troubles to him. Godfather was very restrained in front of her, at most he touched her hair lovingly. The relationship between the two seemed to be confidants and relatives, a little ambiguous, but they didn't do anything really ambiguous.

Finally one day, godfather said to Wu Wen: "When did you prepare for this?"

Wu Wen smiled bitterly at the time and said: "What else can I plan to enter this business? I want to make more money while I'm young, and I will go home when I am old.

The godfather said: "You can't think like that. You should make plans when you are young. You really have to wait for someone to be old. You can only sit and eat."

Wu Wen said: "I have already saved a sum of money on hand, and I have a plan to do something, but I haven't made this determination."

Godfather smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

Wu Wen smiled and said: "I have limited money and can't do a big business. It's okay to open a supermarket or something."

Wu Wen does not have much savings on hand. Her money comes and goes fast. Buying a house, buying a car in Beijing, and maintaining a decent life, these all require huge expenses, so she only has a few million yuan on hand. In addition to maintaining a living, she estimated that she might only be able to open a decent supermarket, and she might not be able to do a bigger business.

Godfather laughed and said nothing.

Wu Wen became a little embarrassed and said, "I know that compared to you, I don't have enough money to look at, so I can't make up my mind to leave."

Godfather said: "If I cooperate with you, what do you want to do if I give the bulk of the money?"

Wu Wen was stunned for a moment, then looked at her godfather and said, "I don't want it anymore. I have no reason to use your money to do business."

At that time, my godfather laughed loudly and said, "You can, but you don't even want to pay. In fact, every time I come to chat with you and see that you are still doing this business, I feel very uncomfortable and always want to persuade you. Leave this business. If you really want to do something, I really want to help you."

Wu Wen shook her head and said, "No way."

Godfather said: "You just treat me as if I want to do business, and you want you to help me, okay?"

Wu Wen did have the intention to withdraw at that time. After several persuasion, she finally accepted the kindness of her godfather, agreed to cooperate with him in business, and withdrew from the happy scene.

Seeing the bright prospects of real estate, the two agreed at that time that Wu Wen returned home to register and set up a real estate development company, which would be run by Wu Wen, but major decisions must be approved by her godfather.

That night, after finalizing the details of the cooperation, Wu Wen once again stripped out Luoshan in front of her godfather, insisting on dedicating herself to her godfather. I remember that at the time the godfather was still determined to let Wu Wen put on the clothes. He said: "To be honest, this is the first time in my life that I have done such a good deed. Don't let this kind of thing change its flavor."

Wu Wen was a little annoyed and said, "I think you dislike me for doing that."

My godfather laughed at the time and said, "Don’t think that I’m so beautiful and dog-like. In fact, the things I do are not much cleaner than you, and even more dirty. Don’t be like this, I can sleep. There are many women, but I want to find a woman who can talk to me. At present, you are the only one. If I possess you, the relationship between us will change. I may not get along with you anymore. I don’t want to connect. You who can speak are lost."