
Chapter 14: Don't make a statement


Ding Jiang had already determined in his heart that Fu Hua and Zhang Fan must have a great friendship, mainly because Fu Hua brought Ronghong Group to Haichuan. He didn't believe Fu Hua's reason to wait and see if things were so simple, Ronghong Group must have been taken away by some other place a long time ago. The reason why Fu Hua was able to succeed in the end, according to Ding Jiang's speculation, must be Zhang Fan's use of his upper-level influence, and Chen Che finally chose Haichuan. This is also the main reason why Ding Jiang and his sons jointly invited Fu Hua. The development of their Tianhe real estate company has encountered a funding bottleneck, and there is an urgent need to break this bottleneck through listing and financing.

Fu Hua said: "Don't be polite with Ding Dong. Ding Yi and I are both good friends. I should help with this."

Ding Jiang said: "I know that you and Ding Yi are good friends. Our father and son will remember this friendship. But my brothers will settle accounts. If we can go public at that time, I will reserve some original shares for my brother. "

Ding Jiang has always said something in the Haichuan business community. He said that if he wants to keep some original shares for himself, he will definitely keep it, and with the hands of the father and son, the amount of the original shares is certainly not low. However, a gentleman loves money and takes the right way. Fu Hua knows that Ding Jiang’s doing this is a kind of bribery to himself, and shook his head quickly: "Dong Dong, I dare not accept this. You came from officialdom. You should know this. It’s wrong to do it."

Ding Yi smiled and said, "Brother Fu, don't worry, we will take care of this, and we will not see it in the accounts."

Fu Hua smiled: "Ding Yi, I am not pretending to be noble. I will not take less of the money I should take, but I will not take any money I should not take. You should Know me, have you seen me take a cent of this kind of money over the years?"

Ding Jiang and Ding Yi looked at each other awkwardly, and Ding Jiang said, "Since my brother doesn't like it, then forget it."

Fu Hua saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and said, "Don't worry, I've fixed this line, but we are all friends and we are close to each other. Don't make our friendship change because of these interests. "

There was a smile on Ding Jiang's face: "Brother, your mind and tolerance are really admirable, but I made people small."

Fu Hua smiled: "Dong Dong, don't say that. You did this because of the situation in the world. I can understand."

Ding Jiang said: "My brother's words are on the point. Now in this society, it's impossible to do without this aspect of operation. Come, let's not talk about this, drink, today my brother will have to get drunk."

Suddenly, Fu Hua remembered that he had made a fool of herself with Sun Ying after being drunk in Beijing. He had a ghost in his heart, so he looked at Ding Jiang and his son unnaturally. Fortunately, the two were not paying attention to him, so he picked up the wine glass and said, "Come on, drink."

The three of them met their wine glasses and drank them in one go. When they put down their glasses, Fu Hua thought unconsciously, is Sun Ying back to Beijing at this time? What is she doing

In the VIP passage of Haichuan Airport, Qu Wei, Fu Hua and others were waiting for Chen Che. In ten minutes, Chen Che's flight was about to land.

Qu Wei looked around. Haichuan Airport was built in the 1980s. Although it was the most advanced at the time, it is a bit outdated today. Therefore, even though this is a VIP channel, the facilities are outdated and he frowned. Said: "What's the matter with the people in these airports, the VIP channel is so bad, how come the guests will have a good impression of our Haichuan City."

Fu Hua smiled and said nothing. He knew that Qu Wei was a very politically ambitious person who wanted to do a good job in Haichuan and lay the foundation for his future career development. Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with the current situation of Haichuan Airport. However, Haichuan Airport is a dual-use airport that is not under the jurisdiction of the Haichuan Municipal Government. Qu Wei can only complain here, and cannot do anything concretely.

Chen Che came out, Qu Wei, Fu Hua and others hurriedly greeted him, Qu Wei shook hands with Chen Che with a smile on his face, and said, "Welcome Mr. Chen to visit our Haichuan City."

Chen Che smiled and said, "Mayor Qu is too polite, and he has to work your boss to pick me up."

Qu Wei said: "It should be, it should be."

Chen Che saw Fu Hua behind Qu Wei and said with a smile: "Mr. Fu, we meet again."

Fu Hua quickly shook hands with Chen Che, smiled and said, "Welcome Mr. Chen to come to our Haichuan as a guest."

The entourage of the two parties shook hands with each other, and the group got on the car and left the airport. Chen Che was in the same car with Qu Wei and Fu Hua. Chen Che didn't talk about anything else, and asked directly: "Mayor Qu, my trip to Haichuan is only two days this time. Shall we go to your scheduled factory tomorrow morning?"

Qu Wei smiled: "Mr. Chen is really a workaholic, Fu Hua, please report the itinerary to Mr. Chen."

Fu Hua began to report on the itinerary that Haichuan City had made for Chen Che. Haichuan City arranged a one and a half day inspection trip for Chen Che. During this one and a half day trip, Chen Che could investigate three possible future Ronghong Group factories. area.

As for the remaining half day, Fu Hua said with a smile: "We want to invite Mr. Chen to visit our Matsu Temple here."

Chen Che's eyes lit up and asked, "Is there also a temple for the Sea God Empress in Haichuan?"

Fu Hua said with a smile: "We Haichuan also has a long history of believing in Mazu Niangniang. The Mazu Temple here was built in the Yuan Dynasty. It is said that the shipmen in Fujian transported grain to Beijing at that time. In Haichuan, a temple was built for the sea god Empress they believed in. For hundreds of years, the incense has been constant, and the pilgrims have been endless."

Chen Che nodded: "The Sea God Empress must be worshipped."

Fu Hua and Qu Wei looked at each other and laughed. It seems that this arrangement of worshipping Mazu is the right way. In fact, this is the result of Fu Hua's detailed study of Chen Che's information. Chen Chezu was a fisherman on the island of Taiwan. Fu Hua guessed that Chen Che's house would definitely worship Mazu Niangniang, because this is almost a god worshipped by fishermen along the coast of Fujian. Only, I believe that Chen Che's family will be no exception, and it happens that Haichuan has a Mazu temple that is known as the number one in the north. Making this itinerary, I believe Chen Che will gladly accept it.

On the second day, Qu Wei personally accompanied Chen Che on the inspection, because if Chen Che's Ronghong Group settled in Haichuan, it would bring not only one enterprise of Ronghong Group, but also a number of supporting enterprises for Ronghong Group. This will be an industrial cluster, which will play a great leading role in local GDP and taxation. Therefore, Qu Wei has to attach great importance to it and cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy.

The wide six-lane road is deserted and deserted. This is a road specially built for the Haichuan Science and Technology Industrial Park, so there are not many cars running on it, and there are green crops on both sides. When Chen Che saw such an empty site, he couldn't help but sigh in secret, why didn't he think of going north before? If such a road and such a venue are changed to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, how much money will he invest in development? Now that he hasn't invested, Haichuan City put it in front of him.

When the car reached the top of a slope, Qu Wei smiled and said to Chen Che: "This is a small commanding height. How about we get off the car and see?"

Chen Che nodded, and the car stopped, and the group of people got out of the car one after another. Chen Che looked around at the top of the slope. No matter which direction he looked at, he couldn't see the crops on the edge. His mood was ups and downs, almost. He raised his hand and said that I wanted everything I could see. When Chen Che first went to Guangzhou to choose a site to build a factory, he was also excited by the undeveloped land at the time. Compared with Taiwan, the mainland was too big, and Chen Che actually had his share of the original creation of the Ronghong Group. Entrepreneurship passion. At that time, he waved his hand and said, "I want everything I can see."

However, don't rush to express your stance today. Qu Weiduan gave himself only one-third of the meal they prepared, and there are two places that have not been seen yet. Now Chen Che is also different. Compared to when he first arrived in the mainland, his power has grown a lot, and he also has a few cents more of the asking price than when he first arrived in the mainland.

Chen Che suppressed his excitement, and calmly said to Qu Wei, "This place is good, very good."

Qu Wei smiled and asked, "Does Mr. Chen think this piece can be used as the site of the new factory of Ronghong Group?"

Chen Che smiled and said, "Let's go and see the other two places."

Qu Wei was a little disappointed in his heart. This Haichuan Science and Technology Industrial Park is a municipal-level development zone in Haichuan, directly under the Haichuan Municipal Government. It is currently the development zone with the best geographical location and supporting facilities in Haichuan City. He hopes that Chen Chehui will choose a location here. . Compared with this, the other two development zones that can accommodate Ronghong Group belong to the county-level government under Haichuan City. The geographical location and supporting conditions are not as good as those of Shanghaichuan Science and Technology Industrial Park. Fancy, the other two places are even less likely to be fancy.

Qu Wei regretted that Chen Che shouldn't let Chen Che look at the Haichuan Science and Technology Industrial Park first, so that he would look at it in order, and his favor would be diminishing. It's all because of his selfish intentions that Chen Che wanted to choose the biological child of Haichuan Science and Technology Industrial Park.

However, it was useless to regret at this time. Qu Wei had to take a group of people and Chen Che into the car and rushed to the next development zone for inspection.

A day and a half passed quickly. Chen Che visited the three development zones and asked for information about the three development zones, but he did not make a statement about the development zone selected.

Haichuan Mazu Temple, the whole temple looks solemn and solemn under the cover of two hundred-year-old trees on the left and right; walking into the temple door, but seeing cigarettes lingering, Mazu wearing a golden crown and red robe sits upright; looking up, it is inlaid in each hall. The lintels such as "Protect the Country and Protect the People", "Blessing the Spirits", "Same Service with Heaven", "Sincerely Seek to Respond", "Compassionate Light" and other ancient plaques granted by the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties are glittering with golden light.

Because Chen Che was coming to offer incense, the Haichuan Municipal Government made arrangements in advance. There are only relevant temple personnel in the Matsu Temple. The believers were notified in advance that the Matsu Temple was temporarily closed and could not come to offer incense.