
Chapter 143: You have switched to fortune telling


Seeing Sun Yong’s artillery fire directly at Xu Zheng, Li Tao interrupted in his heart and said: "Secretary Sun, I want to review this matter. When Comrade Qu Wei was still in Haichuan, I was responsible for the negotiation of Baihe Group's merger of Haitong Bus. Responsible. Later, because the two parties had differences in the control of the company, the negotiations fell into a deadlock. As soon as Comrade Xu Zheng came, he was very busy with the new airport planning and Ronghong Group's affairs, and did not have time to deal with Haitong Bus So this matter was put on hold. To talk about responsibility, I should pay this responsibility."

Sun Yong said: "I don't want to hold that comrade accountable. I want to ask what kind of attitude our cadres should have towards the people. Is it important to solve the people's livelihood or to achieve political achievements? I think it is important to say two things. None of them can be ignored, but for us cadres, the people’s livelihood is the most urgently needed to solve. The problems of the new airport and Ronghong Group can be solved step by step, but the people’s life is difficult and they feel deeply. , If you don’t solve this problem, how do they think of our government and cadres like us?"

Sun Yongyue went online. Although Xu Zheng was very annoyed, he could only accept his criticism. In front of so many people, he had to look at Sun Yong and said, "Secretary Sun is very right. Our party cadres should put the people’s livelihood in the first place. The Haitong bus matter is indeed the negligence of the municipal government, and it is also the mistake of my work as the mayor. This responsibility should be borne by me and I shall review it with the municipal party committee."

Xu Zheng bowed his head and admitted his mistake, which made Sun Yong feel very comfortable, saying that I would kill you too, but on the surface he still said with a serious face: "Comrade Xu Zheng's attitude is quite correct. However, the current priority is not to hold anyone accountable. This is the responsibility of the municipal government, Comrade Xu Zheng, this is the responsibility of the municipal government. You can come up with a solution."

Xu Zheng thought for a while and said: "Yes, the problem should be solved first. In my opinion, let the finance first find a way to raise a part of the funds to raise wages for the workers of Haitong Bus to appease their dissatisfaction. At the same time, Haitong The problem of passenger cars also needs to be solved fundamentally. I think that in solving the problem of Haitong passenger cars, we need to let go of our hands and feet. Don’t get stuck with the control of any enterprise. We are now 100% in control of Haitong passenger cars, but we But there is no ability to save this enterprise. Secretary Sun, do you think that as long as the other party has the ability to save Haitong Bus, can we make some concessions in terms of control?"

Sun Yong was stunned for a moment. Xu Zheng asked him to express his support for the negotiation of Haitong Bus, especially if he may give up control. How does this look like a trap. Sun Yong believes that as long as he expresses his position, the merger of Haitong Bus will be released in the future. Whatever the problem, he bears the brunt of responsibility. But don’t say anything. I just said impassionedly that I want to solve the people’s livelihood, but I turned my head around but was noncommittal on the most critical issue. I turned into a tortoise with a shrunken head. The officials present were all human beings, and they looked like a mirror in their hearts. , This will make this meeting today a big joke.

Sun Yong secretly scolded Xu Zheng for being cunning, but he is a political veteran. How can he be stumped by Xu Zheng's little trick? He smiled and said, "Comrade Xu Zheng, Haitong Bus is a company directly under your municipal government. How to deal with it should be decided by the municipal government. Besides, I don’t know much about the specific situation of mergers, and I can’t judge blindly. But I think we should follow this principle, as long as it is in the interests of the people and beneficial to the solution of problems. You should do it. What do you think?"

Now it was Xu Zheng's turn to scold Sun Yong for being cunning. It was not that Xu Zheng hadn't thought about the problems faced by Haitong Bus, but if he wants to break the deadlock in negotiations with Baihe Group, the key lies in the control of Haitong Bus. This is not an asset of hundreds of thousands or millions or even tens of millions. This is an investment of more than one billion yuan in Haichuan City. Once there is something wrong, the responsibility must not be lightened. Xu Zheng himself did not dare to make this determination rashly. Therefore, he wanted to use Sun Yong's attack on him today to force Sun Yong to make a statement about control. As long as Sun Yong made a statement, he would either insist on or give up control. No matter what the result is, Sun Yong can take responsibility, even if it is not all responsibility, at least it is a joint responsibility.

Unexpectedly, Sun Yong is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After saying a few words that are not dry or wet, he solved the problem. Say that he has expressed his position, he did not agree with or opposed Xu Zheng's idea of letting go of his hands and making some concessions in terms of control; saying that he did not express his position, he also said that as long as it is in the interests of the people and solves the problem effectively, he will go. Do it, control the general direction of solving the problem.

In the final analysis, Sun Yong meant that even if something went wrong in the future, the responsibility should still be borne by the municipal government. He didn't want to take responsibility. He actually avoided making a clear statement.

But Sun Yong can evade the problem, but Xu Zheng cannot evade it. After all, Haitong Bus is an enterprise directly under the Haichuan Municipal Government. The problem is already there and he must solve it.

Xu Zhengxin said that I don’t care whether you avoid it or not. I can’t solve such a big problem independently. Anyway, you said your opinion. Why should I bring you into this matter? Anyway, you said that as long as it conforms to the people. The interests of the masses and the solution of the problem can be done. Then I will assume that you are supporting me to let go, so I smiled and said: "Since Secretary Sun has made important instructions, the Haitong bus issue must be dealt with by the municipal government. We will study it carefully and ensure that the problem is well resolved within the spirit of Secretary Sun’s instructions."

Sun Yongxin said, what important instructions did I give? You guy just wanted to drag me into this muddy water, but he couldn’t tell that he didn’t give instructions, so he said, "Well, I hope your city government will come up with a solution sooner. However, I have made promises to the comrades of Haitong Bus, and I don’t want to see them appear at the gate of the municipal party committee. The meeting ended."

After Sun Yong finished speaking, he picked up his own things and left the meeting room. Xu Zheng and Li Tao also packed their things and left the meeting room together. Back to the office of Xu Zheng of the city government, Xu Zheng did not let go of the responsible persons, but brought them together.

Xu Zheng first asked the finance department how much money could be squeezed out. The Director of Finance gave a report. After hearing this, Xu Zheng felt that the money that the finance could squeeze out was not enough, so the Bureau of Finance allocated 800 from its Mayor’s Fund Wan, first think of a way to adjust first-level wages to workers. After making arrangements, Xu Zheng kept Li Tao and sent everyone else away.

Seeing that everyone else left, Li Tao looked at Xu Zheng, smiled and said, "Sun Yong came straight to you in this battle today."

Xu Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way, this time he caught the reason, I can only let him have a seizure. Lao Li, the problem of Haitong bus has indeed reached the time to be resolved, the Baihe Group. Is there anything happening right now?"

Li Tao said: "Some time ago, Fu Hua, the director of the Beijing Office, called back and said that Gao Feng wanted to resume negotiations with us, but at that time we were all busy with the new airport planning and the second phase investment of Ronghong Group. I don’t have time to take Haitong Bus into consideration. I also want to improve our bargaining power. I told Fu Hua that the Junli Group in the province also wants to merge Haitong Bus. The municipal government is still evaluating which aspect of the merger is more beneficial, and I don’t want to restore it temporarily. negotiation."

Xu Zheng laughed and said, "Old Li, you are not clever in this trick. Gao Feng must know whether the Junli Group has the strength to acquire Haitong Bus."

Li Tao smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Yes, Gao Feng heard this reply. At that time, he said that when we wanted to restart the negotiation, let me go to him directly. They didn't take the Junli Group seriously. ."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "These businessmen are better than monkeys, you can't play with them. At the moment we can't find other better buyers, we still have to resume negotiations with Baihe Group.

Li Tao said: "Okay, I can lower my head to call Gao Feng and say that we are willing to restart negotiations with them. "

Xu Zheng shook his head. He was worried that the things that Fu Huayue Chen Che was rejected last time would happen again. Then the city government was afraid that it would have to pay a higher price, so he said: "Don't make this call. Let Fu Hua do it. Tell Fu Hua that the city has arranged for him to inform Baihe Group that we are willing to resume negotiations with them."

Li Tao smiled and said: "I'll fight it, it also seems that we are sincere."

Xu Zheng said: "It is not a question of sincerity or insincerity, but if you come forward, Gao Feng will feel even more psychologically superior. Let Fu Hua arrange it. Anyway, Gao Feng also used Fu Hua to spread the word to us."

Li Tao said: "Then what if Gao Feng is unwilling to resume negotiations?"

Xu Zheng said: "Don't just let Fu Hua do the work of spreading the word. You should emphasize the urgency of the matter and ask him to find a way to facilitate the resumption of negotiations between Baihe Group and us. This comrade Fu Hua sometimes takes the initiative to work. Sex is still a bit short, if you don't emphasize it with him, he will just play with you."

Xu Zheng thought about what he wanted to visit Chen Che at the beginning. He still thought that Fu Hua didn't try his best to get things done at that time.

On the construction site of the Haichuan Building in Beijing, Zhao Ting met Fu Hua and said with a smile: "Do you know what happened just now?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Looking at your uncomfortable look, wouldn't it be Xu Jun and Lao Dong who made up?"

Zhao Ting punched Fu Hua and said, "You have changed to fortune-telling. Did you really get it right?"