
Chapter 144: The good things are all yours


Fu Hua was taken aback, and said, "Why did they really reconcile? So fast? You and Zheng Li are going to have a way to persuade Old Dong to reconcile with Xu Yun. You know, Cui Bo and I were on it yesterday. Persuade him."

Zhao Ting said: "What did Zheng Li and I do? It's not our business at all. Old Dong took the initiative to admit his mistake to Xu Jun this morning. In order to save Xu Jun, he kneeled down for Xu Jun."

Fu Hua felt a little weird again. He was at the scene last night. Dong Sheng's determination seemed to be impossible to change. But why did his attitude change so quickly after a night

Looking at the confusion on Fu Hua’s face, Zhao Ting smiled and said, “You can’t figure it out, do you? The hands are raining, and my nerves are a little abnormal."

Fu Huaxin said that if there is no external force in it, Dong Sheng's such a big change may only be explained by an abnormal nerve. However, Fu Hua doubted what role Cui Bo played in it. Depending on the situation, Cui Bo was very unwilling to break up with Xu Jun.

Why did Cui Bo do this? Is there anything he is afraid of Xu Yun

Fu Hua looked at Zhao Ting and said, "You have known Xu Jun for so long, do you know what Xu Jun does?"

Zhao Ting said: "I'm not very clear, but I heard Zheng Li said that she is in business. Looking at Xu Yun's house, it seems that she is very rich. Her house is about the size of mine, and she wants to buy a house like that. The value cannot be lowered."

Reminiscent of Xu Jun growing up in a compound with Zheng Li since childhood, Fu Hua guessed that Xu Jun must have a certain background, and this background might make Cui Bo feel intimidated, so he didn’t want Dong Sheng to anger Xu Jun. , He was afraid that Xu Yun would be annoyed, and they could not bear the consequences.

Zhao Ting looked at Fu Hua and said, "What did you ask Xu Jun doing?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just want to find a reasonable explanation for Dong Sheng's change so quickly."

Zhao Ting said, "Have you found it?"

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "Still not."

Zhao Ting laughed and said, "Don't think about it. What's not easy to explain is that Dong Sheng is not normal. You said that Xu Yun is also not normal. People have already done that to her, and she forgives her in a blink of an eye. Cheap bones."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I understand this point. There is no reason to talk about feelings. Xu Jun really likes Lao Dongcai. For the person he loves, a person may make something more. Stupid things."

Zhao Ting smiled and asked, "Can you do this?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Of course."

Zhao Ting said: "I will say it nicely." Although she said so, a sweet smile appeared on her face. She was still very satisfied with Fu Hua's reply.

Fu Hua thought of going on the other side. People are really unpredictable. This Dong Sheng has a simple and honest look, but he can change easily when he does things, and his temperament is erratic, and he is very unreliable. , Now Wu Yi has entrusted him to handle the merger, but don't have anything betrayed by this guy.

For the first time, Fu Hua felt a little uneasy about helping Wu Yi catch up with Dong Sheng. He has slowly tasted some tastes. The relationship between Dong Sheng and Cui Bo is not a simple former colleague relationship, Dong Sheng said. Cui Bo must have a purpose, and Cui Bo always defends Dong Sheng, which also shows that the two are a kind of alliance of interests. Although he is not very clear about the specific operation between the two, he smelled it. A hint of illegal smell.

But Wu Yi’s listing operation has already started. He called a few days ago and said that he had acquired 19.7% of the shares of a Hong Kong penny stock company. He did not disclose the name of the acquired penny stock company. He said that this is all Jiangning operating, the company name is not convenient for too many people to know, otherwise, which company leaked out, other people will take the opportunity to absorb, thereby increasing his cost of buying shells. The reason for the 19.7% acquisition is that in accordance with the relevant provisions of Hong Kong Securities, if the acquisition of a company’s shares reaches 20%, the shares need to be suspended and the acquisition must also be approved by the shareholders’ meeting. It takes a lot of work to approve the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders, which is less than 20%, but to avoid this trouble, this is one of Jiang Yu's important financial skills in the merger of the company.

Now that the first step of the acquisition has been taken, there is no turning back arrow in the bow. At this time, Wu Yi can no longer look back, otherwise he will suffer a heavy loss. Although Fu Hua had some worries in his heart, he had to wait and see the development of the situation.

Fu Hua was worrying about Wu Yi. The phone rang and saw that it was Li Tao's phone number. He hurriedly connected: "Hello, Deputy Mayor Li, do you have any instructions?"

Li Tao smiled and said, "Fu Hua, this is the case. The city wants to resume negotiations with Baihe Group. Can you inform Gao Feng Gao Dong?"

Fu Hua also estimated that the municipal government’s negotiation on the acquisition of Haitong Bus by Baihe Group would not be delayed for too long. Therefore, he was not surprised by Li Tao’s call. He smiled and said, "Okay, I will contact Gaofeng immediately."

Li Tao said: "There is a situation that I need to tell you. Just now, the workers of Haitong Bus blocked the door of the Municipal Party Committee. Secretary Sun Yong was very unhappy about this and instructed the municipal government to solve the problem of Haitong Bus as soon as possible. So this time You need to try to get Baihe Group back to the negotiating table, you know?"

Fu Hua heard the seriousness of the situation and asked: "Why do the workers of Haitong Bus block the door of the Municipal Party Committee?"

Li Tao said: "The workers have not adjusted their wages several times, and they have a lot of opinions on the city government. They are also pitiful. The city pays great attention to negotiations this time and believes that the Haitong bus must be resolved. Question, Mayor Xu Zheng decided to supervise it himself. Fu Hua, I hope you take this matter seriously."

Fu Hua said: "Okay, I will take it seriously."

Li Tao hung up the phone and Fu Hua checked the time. It was noon. At this time, it was untimely to call Gao Feng, so he found a restaurant with Zhao Ting for dinner.

In the afternoon, Fu Hua dialed Gao Feng's cell phone. After Gao Feng connected, he smiled and asked, "Director Fu, are you coming to me, are you planning to resume merger negotiations with our group in your city?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I was right by Dong Gao's guess. After evaluation, our city felt that Baihe Group was more powerful. Therefore, we rejected the merger offer of Junli Group and wanted to resume the merger negotiations with Baihe Group. I don't know Gao. Where is Dong now? Can negotiations be resumed right away?"

Gao Feng smiled and said, "My brother, I'm sorry, I am in Fuzhou now, and I am negotiating cooperation with a washing machine factory in Fuzhou. First, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out."

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment. Suddenly it was difficult for him to judge whether Gao Feng was really running out of time, or whether it was because Haichuan had proposed a Junli group to provoke Gao Feng, and Gao Feng deliberately found a cause to make it difficult for Haichuan.

Fu Hua was in trouble. He had promised Li Tao that he would try his best to get Gao Feng back to the negotiating table. At this moment, Gao Feng's attitude was obviously not a willingness to return to the negotiating table.

Fu Hua decided to test Gao Feng's falsehood and half-truth, and said half-truth: "Gao Dong, you are a bit stingy like this. Did you have some opinions on our municipal government because of Junli Group's intervention?"

Gao Feng smiled and said, "No, I'm really in Fuzhou. Or Director Fu will tell the Deputy Mayor Li and ask him to wait a while. I will go to Haichuan right away after I have dealt with the affairs in Fuzhou."

Fu Hua became more and more suspicious that Gao Feng was deliberately embarrassing himself. He said: "Gao Dong, I don't know what important affairs you are dealing with in Fuzhou. Is he more important than your car dream? Did you forget that you want to get through the bus? Has the production upstream and downstream formed an ambitious plan for the industrial chain? How do I feel that you are not so urgent now?"

Gao Feng smiled and said, "Director Fu, why do I sound like you are more anxious than me?"

Fu Hua felt that it should not be covered up at this time. He thought it would be better to be open and honest, so he said: "Yes, Gao Dong, let me tell you the truth, I am indeed more anxious than you. Now the workers of Haitong Bus Because we are dissatisfied with their poor treatment, we have already rioted to the city committee. Our city government is eager to solve this problem. I think this is a great opportunity for negotiation for Gao Dong."

Gao Feng smiled and said, "It's not as simple as workers making trouble, right? I heard that your municipal party committee secretary patted the table for this matter."

Gao Feng's message was so fast. Sun Yong held the meeting in the morning. Just after lunch, Gao Feng even knew the details of the meeting. Fu Hua said in surprise, "How do you know?"

Gao Feng laughed and said: "The merger of Haitong Bus may involve more than one billion assets. How can I do it without any eyes and ears in Haichuan?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It seems that you have seen through my little cleverness a long time ago."

Gao Feng said triumphantly: "That's natural."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "It seems that you have been paying attention to the trends of Haichuan, which shows that you still want to merge Haitong Bus. So, can you put things in Fuzhou first? Since you have some in Haichuan Ears and eyes, I must understand that our new mayor really wants to solve this problem. Can I trouble you to move to Haichuan now?"

Gao Feng smiled and said, "Fu Hua, when your municipal government doesn’t want to talk about it, you can form a Junli Group for me. When you want to talk, you want me to return to the negotiating table immediately. The good things are yours, right? ?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Gao Dong, you and my father-in-law are partners. Naturally, I feel that there is a kind of intimacy with you. So I think I can talk to you frankly, but you have no objection. Right?"