
Chapter 15: Big murder


Chen Che, Qu Wei, Fu Hua and others devoutly offered incense, tea, fruits, flowers, and silk in front of Mazu. This ceremony is exactly the same as the worship ceremony of Taiwan’s Mazu. The Haichuan City Merchants Bureau has inquired about the Taiwan Affairs Office in advance. Just ready.

Fu Hua looked at Chen Che's piety from the heart, and he was a little puzzled. Is this Mazu mistress so effective? Could this Mazu Niangniang really bless Chen Che's Ronghong Group to develop? He is an atheist, and he is skeptical of all this. However, in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the top wealthy people do worship some gods and are extremely pious. It seems that these gods really blessed them to make a fortune. Just like Mazu in front of me, the god with the most followers in Taiwan, more than four hundred years ago, a group of Taiwanese ancestors who crossed the sea to Taiwan came to this beautiful island with the statue of Mazu on their backs. During this turbulent 400 years, only Mazu was the greatest support of the Taiwanese, protecting them forever. Therefore, in Taiwan, there are nearly a thousand temples dedicated to Mazu. For Taiwanese, Mazu is not a superstition but a deep-rooted belief, and people have long been accustomed to living around her. Taiwan’s Dajia Mazu tour is the most solemn and influential religious event in Taiwan every year. Every year in March of the lunar calendar, a team of more than 100,000 people to enter the incense will follow the majestic mothers who are on the tour, starting from Dajia and walking to the Xingang Chaotian Temple. After the ancestor worship activities are completed, they will come back on foot.

Since there are many believers, is there really a god in the world

After visiting the worship, Chen Che picked up the mazu fringe before the case, put it between his palms, worshiped in front of Mazu, and then threw it on the ground, making the fringe one face and the other reversed, which is the so-called "holy frieze."

Chen Che smiled: "It seems that the Seagod Empress has allowed me to ask for a spiritual sign."

The holy jewel represents the promise of the gods, and is the permission for the things that the thrower asks for. Usually the person who asks for a lottery will throw the lottery first to see if the gods allow him to ask for lottery. If a holy lottery appears, the lottery requested below is the will of the gods and is efficacious. Chen Che took the lottery before going to the case and began to shake it.

A bamboo stick quickly jumped out of the fortunet. Chen Che took the stick and walked to the temple, and handed it to the temple. He smiled and said, "Thank you, master, let me see it."

Miaozhu took the bamboo stick and looked at the numbers on it, his face turned pale in an instant, and he blurted out, "How come it is sixty-six?"

Fu Hua has been paying attention to everything about Chen Che, and now seeing Miao Zhu's behavior, he can't help but feel a panic. It seems that this sign is a big bad sign, otherwise Miao Zhu would not behave like this.

Fu Hua knew in his heart that the relevant departments would definitely go to the Matsu Temple to make arrangements in advance for scenes like today, and make arrangements in all aspects to ensure that there are no mistakes in today's scenes. Asking for a visa is usually a routine procedure for coming to the Matsu Temple. It is certain that someone at the temple has already greeted you in advance, and asks the temple to say more about it. Now that Miaozhu is showing this attitude, it must be the sign he felt that Chen Cheqiu, he was a bit unable to make a good point.

Wang Yin saw all this, so he had to go forward and say the temple wish. Fu Hua quickly reached out and stopped Wang Yin. He knew that Chen Che was not a generalist. At this time, if you go and say something to the temple wish, not only could it not be consummated, but even It will make Chen Che disgusted, thinking that all this is deliberately arranged to deceive his investment.

Let everything go with the flow, and let Miao Zhu explain whether it is good or bad, so that at least it gives Chen Che a real feeling.

Looking at the temple wish, Chen Che was indecisive, and said with a smile, "May I have a poem?"

Miaozhu could no longer cover up, nodded and said: "Yes, yes." So he found the 66th poem and handed it to Chen Che.

The signed poems were all printed in advance. Chen Che took it and looked at it and smiled: "It seems that the two sides of the strait are really of the same root and the same origin. Even the spiritual lotus of the Mazu Temple, which is thousands of miles away, is the same." Toru put the signed poem in his pocket.

Miao Zhu looked at the dignified officials in front of him. Knowing that this lottery was related to something very important, he wanted to turn the scene around with his three-inch tongue, and asked according to the routine procedure: "I don’t know the distinguished guest. What do you want in your heart?"

Chen Che smiled and said, "Thank you, Master, I have asked for this sign before, so you don't need to explain it."

Fu Hua and Wang Yin looked at each other, and it seemed that Chen Che didn't even give the opportunity for Miao Zhuyuan to say, this matter became more and more difficult.

Fu Hua looked at Qu Wei, but saw that Qu Wei's face was normal and natural, as if he didn't take this sign seriously at all. He couldn't help but secretly said ashamed. He still lacks experience and can't do it like Qu Wei. To the extent that there must be calmness in every major event.

Chen Che’s assistant stepped forward and handed a red envelope to Miaozhu. Chen Che said: "A little sesame oil money, please accept it."

The temple wish was received, and Chen Che turned to Qu Wei and said, "Mayor Qu doesn't ask for a sign?"

Although Qu Wei was nothing on the surface, he asked Chen Che for a bad lottery, but he was very awkward. He should have been politely asking for a lottery with Chen Che, but he was afraid that he would also ask for a bad lottery like Chen Che, and it was broken. Yitou smiled and said, "In the evening, Secretary Sun Yong will host a banquet to see Mr. Chen off. Now the time is almost up. Forget it, I won't delay this time, next time."

Chen Che smiled and said: "The time is almost up. It will be no good if Secretary Sun Yong waits for us, then we will go back."

The group followed Chen Che and Qu Wei. Fu Hua deliberately slowed down and stayed behind. He asked Miaozhu for a poem for the 66th lottery. At first sight, he felt dumbfounded. It reads: Song No. 66, Tai Gong went down to Zhouying, and Cao Cao's Chibi was burned. Behind it is a four-sentence poem. The spring under the mountain will never pass, and the three rivers will always return to the east. Once the river flows directly into the river, you can see how the rainbow is reflected in the morning.

Perhaps Fu Hua didn't understand the meaning of the allusion about Taigong going down to Zhouying. He didn't quite understand the four signed poems, but he knew that Cao Cao was burned by the fire. Cao Cao was burned by the Sun and Liu coalition forces in Chibi, and suffered a big defeat. Literally, this lottery is a wicked lottery.

After returning from Mazu Niangniang Temple to the downtown area of Haichuan, Chen Che wanted to go back to the hotel to wash up. Qu Wei broke up with him and met at the evening banquet.

Fu Hua followed Qu Wei to his Haichuan Hotel, where Qu Wei had a rest room. Entering the room, Qu Wei asked, "What kind of lot did Chen Che draw?"

Fu Hua handed the signed poem to Qu Wei, smiled bitterly and said: "The sign is fierce, it seems that this time it is likely to fall short."

Qu Wei looked at the contents of the signed poems, his expression became serious. He knew in his heart that although this kind of lottery trick is a very contingent thing and cannot truly predict the future, the merchants in Hong Kong and Taiwan are very superstitious. They, and regard them as the norms of action.

Due to historical reasons, some traditional Chinese things have been preserved in Hong Kong and Taiwan, such as feng shui, fortune-telling, divination, and lottery. Some of the rich and powerful believe in these traditional things, and even have dedicated numerologists and feng shui masters. Hong Kong’s Xiao Tian Tian Gong Ruxin is said to be able to win the property dispute with her father-in-law, but behind her, a famous Feng Shui master made a Feng Shui formation for her.

Qu Wei also knows a widely circulated story. It is said that Li Ka-shing dropped a two Hong Kong dollar coin at the entrance of the hotel at a time. Unfortunately, the coin rolled down under the manhole cover on the side of the road. So Mr. Li Ka-shing asked the secretary to notify someone to come and uncover the manhole cover, carefully looking for the coin underground. After about ten minutes, the coin was finally found, so Mr. Li Ka-shing "rewarded" the service staff with 100 Hong Kong dollars. Some people are puzzled, thinking that the coin that "falls in the well" has a special identity, but it is actually an ordinary coin.

Mr. Feng Shui analyzed it like this: a coin is also wealth. If you ignore it, it “falls”, and if you don’t save it, then the God of Wealth will slowly leave you, so Li Ka-shing is right to retrieve this coin. Respect for wealth, and from the perspective of feng shui, wealth will take care of you only if you respect wealth; and 100 Hong Kong dollars is Mr. Li Ka-shing’s satisfaction with the service and the reward that the service personnel deserve.

Qu Wei doubts the authenticity of this story. Since Li Ka-shing respects wealth, he should know that the value of the wealth of 100 Hong Kong dollars should be greater than the two Hong Kong dollars. If he chooses the big and takes the small, he does not conform to the law of wealth accumulation. Disrespect for wealth. But the fact that this story can spread so widely shows that traditional things like Feng Shui are in the minds of Hong Kong and Taiwan wealthy businessmen. Qu Wei saw that Chen Che put the poem in his pocket very solemnly today. A huge man so solemnly shows that he values this result very much, which means that he believes that the signing is very serious.

Looking at Qu Wei, Fu Hua remained silent, so he asked, Mayor Qu, this is also our one hundred secrets, and we didn't arrange the lottery in advance. What do you think we should do next

Qu Wei smiled bitterly and said, how do you make arrangements in advance? All the lotteries are replaced by the last lottery? Well, we have done all the hard work we can do. If Chen Che does not choose our Haichuan, it is God's will, and we can only accept it.

Fu Hua looked at Qu Wei with a feeling of loneliness in his heart. Seeing that he had racked his brains to get all this, he couldn't escape a failed ending in the end. He was really unwilling. But what can you do if you are not reconciled? Could it be possible to change the sign for him

Obviously it can't.

In the evening, Sun Yong, secretary of the Haichuan Municipal Party Committee, saw Chen Che off, and the mayor Qu Wei attended to accompany him. The first and second leaders of Haichuan City came forward together, fully demonstrating the importance they attached to Chen Che. This is because since the reform and development, economic development has been closely linked to the performance of officials. For an official to be promoted smoothly, a good GDP report is a must. And now if Chen Cheken invests in Haichuan, his investment scale and annual output value will bring a great boost to Haichuan’s GDP, which is a great political achievement for Sun Yong and Qu Wei.