
Chapter 155: Resignation


Wu Wen smiled bitterly in her heart. God gave her a beautiful face. It is true that in many cases she got convenience that others could not get, but it also caused her a lot of trouble that others would not encounter. She truly understood what the so-called confidante meant.

Wu Wen stretched out her hand to put the bank card away, and said with a smile: "That's how I treat a gentleman like a villain."

There was a smile on Xu Zheng's face, and he said, "I really want to help. If I collect money, this matter will change."

Wu Wen nodded and said, "I understand. Then I won't disturb Mayor Xu's office."

Wu Wen has maintained a mindful attitude towards this matter. She has no intention of dedicating herself. Now that she has left the industry, she doesn't want to do such a thing anymore. If Xu Zheng really had that kind of thought about himself, he would definitely express it. At that time, even if he didn't do this project, he would refuse it. Thinking of this, she felt a trace of sorrow in her heart. Why is it so difficult for me to do something

Xu Zheng noticed the disappointment in Wu Wen's expression. He had been in officialdom for a long time, and naturally knew what Wu Wen was thinking. She must have thought that she would not accept the bank card because she didn't want to really help. Sometimes things in this world are so funny. People often think that if they receive a gift, they will do their best to help, and refusing to accept a gift is to refuse to help. This is probably also a popular support for corruption now. People all hate corruption, but they all want to seek benefits through corruption.

Xu Zheng shook his head secretly. In fact, he really wanted to help this beautiful woman, so he smiled and said, "Alright, you go back first. This project will be released soon. Go back and prepare the information. Right."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Okay."

Wu Wen left, Xu Zheng sat back at his desk and dialed Zhou Ran, Director of the Bureau of Land and Resources. Zhou Ran answered the phone and asked with a smile, "Hello Mayor Xu, what can I do? "

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Old Zhou, when do you plan to release your plot?"

Xu Zheng talked about the land that Wu Wen talked about. Zhou Ran said: "It will be released soon, why may Mayor Xu have any instructions?"

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "No instructions, just now Wu Wen from Haiwen Real Estate, Mr. Wu came to my office. Talking about this piece of land, she is interested in participating, so I want to help her inquire about this piece of land. The specific situation of the land. Oh, it will be released soon, yes."

Zhou Ran knew Wu Wen, and he had also been a guest at Xiling Hotel. Xu Zheng said this vaguely, which made Zhou Ran a little unclear. So, what does Xu Zheng mean? Want to say hello to Wu Wen to win this piece of land? It's just a general question.

However, the words of leaders usually have very deep meanings, and it is unlikely to ask general questions.

Zhou Ran smiled and said: "Yes, the preliminary work of formulating the work plan and preparing the bidding documents has been completed, and the bidding announcement will be issued soon. Tell Mr. Wu, if she is interested, come and buy the bidding documents. "

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "Okay, I will tell her. By the way, Lao Zhou, this time the bidding must be legal and fair."

Zhou Ran said: "You can rest assured that our Land and Resources Bureau will strictly, legally and fairly handle this bidding behavior in accordance with laws and regulations."

Xu Zheng said: "Okay, so be it."

Xu Zheng hung up Zhou Ran's phone and dialed Wu Wen's phone and said, "Mr. Wu, I just talked to Director Zhou of the Bureau of Land and Resources. He said that the tender announcement will be issued soon. You have been in the past few days. Pay attention to the movement of the Land and Resources Bureau."

Wu Wen didn't expect Xu Zheng to move so fast, she was still a little grateful, and said, "Thank you so much, Mayor Xu."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "It's okay, don't be so polite."

After Zhou Ran hung up the phone on the other side, he began to ponder Xu Zheng's words. Although Xu Zheng did not explicitly say that he wanted to help Haiwen Property to get the land, his intention to say hello was very obvious. Leaders are very skillful in speaking. Even if they help others to greet, they must emphasize the practice of acting in accordance with the law and being fair and open. The specific understanding depends on the political wisdom of the subordinates.

Zhou Ran realized that his political wisdom was not low.

It seems that this time this land is going to be released to Haiwen Property. The deputy mayor Qin Tun had already greeted Zhou Ran and wanted to take this land, but now that Xu Zheng has intervened, Zhou Ran can only satisfy Xu Zheng first. Requirements. Firstly, Xu is his top boss, who is in direct control of him; secondly, he is also very clear about Xu Zheng’s style of doing things. If he is upset, he will definitely find a way to retaliate. Some time ago, Fu Hua was a good example. At that time, the land use right of the Shunda Hotel was investigated because Fu Hua provoked Xu Zheng.

Zhou Ran felt a little irritable, and he still needed to explain to Qin Tun, otherwise Qin Tun would definitely anger himself and think of a way to put on his own shoes. It is really difficult to be the director of myself, sandwiched between their leaders, like a pissed little daughter-in-law.

Zhou Ran dialed Qin Tun's phone and said with a smile: "Deputy Mayor Qin, do you have time?"

Qin Tun said, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Ran said: "It's a bit difficult now about the piece of land your friend wants. I want to explain it to you in person."

Qin Tun said: "I'm not in the office now, what is going on? Has anyone intervened in this matter?"

Zhou Ran said: "Yes, Mayor Xu Zheng just called and said that this time the bidding must be carried out in an open, fair and legal manner. Do you want your friends not to participate this time."

Zhou Ran spoke very skillfully, and didn't even mention which company Xu Zheng helped to say hello, but Qin Tun immediately understood his true meaning. He will also emphasize this when he greets his subordinates. When the fat in his mouth was about to be thrown out, Qin Tun felt very awkward, but he did not dare to challenge Xu Zheng's authority, nor could he be angry at Zhou Ran. He knew that Zhou Ran was also difficult to do, so he forced a smile. , Said: "Well, Lao Zhou, I know, just do as you said."

Zhou Ran said, "Thank you, Vice Mayor Qin for your understanding."

Qin Tun smiled and said, "Can I not forgive me?"

Zhou Ran gave a dry smile, and Qin Tun hung up.

Two days later, the land tender announcement of the Land and Resources Bureau was released. Wu Wen's Haiwen Real Estate bought the bidding documents and participated in the site survey organized by the Land and Resources Bureau. And within the time specified in the bidding announcement, the bid application form, a copy of the business license, the real estate development qualification certificate, and the copy of the legal representative's ID card were processed and the bid bond was paid.

Soon, the Bureau of Land and Resources reviewed the bidding qualifications of Haiwen Real Estate: confirmed that Haiwen Real Estate's development qualifications and integrity records meet the requirements of the bidding documents, approved their bidding qualifications, and notified them to participate in the bidding activities. Haiwen Property carefully prepared the tender and put it into the tender box.

During this period, Wu Wen has been waiting for Xu Zheng to make any request to her, because at this moment when the situation is not clear, it is the most suitable moment to make a request for the other party to fulfill it. Once the situation becomes clear and then make a request, it is lost. It's hard to say if the other party's advantageous position can be threatened.

But Xu Zheng hasn't been moving, or even making any phone calls. This quietness made Wu Wen lose confidence, and she didn't know if she would win the bid this time.

In the middle of the night, the mobile phone rang sharply. Wu Wen was so frightened that she quickly grabbed the phone, and when she saw that it turned out to be the godfather's call, she was connected.

"Are you asleep?" The godfather's voice was astringent and faint, as if it were coming from far away.

Wu Wen checked the time. It was already one o'clock in the morning, and she smiled bitterly and said, "God, it's one o'clock in the middle of the night, who won't sleep."

Godfather laughed and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaowen, I'm so bored, I want to find someone to talk to, so I didn't see the time to call you."

Wu Wen slowly became more sober at this time, smiled, and said, "You miss me, or don't stay in Beijing all the time. Come to the small place of Haichuan and see me."

Godfather laughed and said: "Let's live some time, I have something here now."

Wu Wen said: "Then I will go back to Beijing to accompany you for two days?"

The godfather said: "Forget it, haven't you already started to do the project? You should stay in Haichuan and win the project."

Wu Wen said, "Hey, godfather, this time I don’t know what to do. Although Xu Zheng said he wanted to greet me, he didn’t ask for the money, nor did he ask me anything. I really don’t know about this project. Can you take it down."

The godfather smiled and said: "Don't be impatient, godfather has summed up an experience over the years, that is, as long as you can do everything you can do, you can only resign yourself to the outcome."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Goddaddy, this is not your style. I think you have always been proactive in doing things. How can you have such negative thoughts as resignation?"

Godfather said: "Xiaowen, you are still young and don't understand what is going on in this world. When you reach the age of godfather, you will know that many things in this world can be changed, but destiny cannot be changed. Throughout the ages, how many heroes have been crushed by the wheel of destiny. Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, you know, Liu Bang is a villain who doesn’t care about anything, and can be abandoned in order to escape, but such a villain defeated the hero Xiang Yu. , This is why, this is because of fate."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "Godfather, why don't you talk about those who have overcome fate?"

Godfather smiled and said, "Who is it? Who has overcome destiny?"

Wu Wen said: "For example, Beethoven who wants to choke fate."

Godfather laughed and said, "Have you heard Beethoven's Symphony of Destiny?"