
Chapter 171: It hurts him


Wu Wen had nightmares again and again that night. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw a dirt truck coming straight to her. She woke up screaming and woke up, and fell asleep dimly just before dawn.

In the morning, the traffic police came to investigate and asked about the situation at the time of Wu Wen’s accident. Wu Wen told the traffic police about the situation at the time of the accident, and insisted that the matter was not as simple as a traffic accident, and that the dirt truck simply wanted to be direct. Hit her to death, but fortunately she was responsive and passed the front of the car to escape the disaster.

The traffic police were dubious about Wu Wen’s statement. There were no witnesses at the scene. The driver who caused the accident had escaped. The dump trucks Wu Wen saw were unlicensed and unlicensed. Now Haichuan City is doing construction projects everywhere. There are many unlicensed and unlicensed vehicles like this one. , The traffic police couldn't find the vehicle that caused the accident, so they had to make a record for Wu Wen first, and leave it to look it up slowly.

Wu Wen wanted the traffic police to notify the criminal police to investigate the accident as a criminal case, but when the traffic police saw that she had no evidence, they said that there was no way to do so for the time being.

At this time, Wu Wen had settled down. She knew that it would be useless to tell the traffic police more. The police needed evidence when handling the case, and the person who wanted to harm her designed it ingeniously and chose a place where no one was around. She couldn't find evidence of the crimes committed during the same period.

Wu Wen was unwilling to let this matter become an unsolved case, but she recalled the people around her, but she couldn't find any clues about the people who wanted to harm her, and she couldn't figure it out.

While thinking about it, the phone rang. Seeing that it was Godfather Liu Kang's number, he quickly connected.

Liu Kang asked hurriedly, "Are you nothing wrong, Xiaowen?"

Wu Wen smiled and said: "It's okay, godfather, but my head is a little dizzy. Why did you know that something happened so soon?"

Liu Kang said, "Qian Feng called and told me. Tell me, what is going on?"

Wu Wen talked about the incident, and told Liu Kang about her suspicion. After listening to Liu Kang, he pondered for a while, and then said: "The situation you are talking about is obviously that the dirt truck is about to hit you. , It seems that you have offended someone in Haichuan."

Wu Wen was a little confused and said, "I didn't provoke anyone? I'm doing the current project, and it's still just beginning. Who will be provoke?"

Liu Kang smiled and said: "Sometimes in the market, it hurts other people's interests inadvertently. To damage other people's interests is to offend him. It's just that this guy has done too much, and it will take your life. Ah. Xiaowen, don't rush to leave the hospital. I will send you two people immediately. You have been spotted, and you must be careful when you travel."

Wu Wen was frightened and said, "Godfather, then you can send someone over quickly. I was really scared to death last night."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "You don't have to be afraid. The other party will miss a hit, and you won't dare to provoke you again in a short time. Wait, I will let Xiaotian take someone over this time and let him check it for you. Will handle this matter well."

Xiao Tian was the young man who helped Fu Hua catch Shao Bin. He was originally a special police officer. Later he made a mistake and was forced to retire. Liu Kang received his subordinates to do things. Wu Wen knew his skill and Liu Kang had many important things. Everything was left to Oda, so I felt a lot relaxed and said, "Thank you, godfather."

Liu Kang said: "You don't have to be polite with me, you guys too, I have asked Qian Feng to help you, why are you still on the construction site so late? Qian Feng is very reliable, don't worry."

Wu Wen said: “I’m not worried about Manager Qian. I just think that if I want to do this business, I have to understand all the things in this business and do my best. I also want to do something to show you, who Know that the guy came back to ambush me."

Liu Kang said: "Oh, well, you will be fine. Then you can rest in the hospital for a few more days to get your body restored."

Wu Wen said: "Hey, godfather still loves me."

Wu Wen is also a high-profile figure in Haichuan. The news that she was hit by a dirt truck quickly spread in Haichuan. People were whispering and guessing who the man who had conspired against Wu Wen was, and some were jealous. The scenery of this beautiful woman in Haichuan city secretly gloated.

In the evening, Xu Zheng also learned of the news. He knew that everyone was watching his reaction at this time. He wanted to come to the hospital to see Wu Wen. Later, after thinking about it, he dispelled the idea. At this time, going to the hospital seemed too caring. , On the contrary, it will give people the truth.

Xu Zheng dialed Wu Wen's phone. Wu Wen connected. Xu Zheng asked, "Mr. Wu, I heard that you were hit by someone?"

Wu Wen was moved a little bit. At this time, Xu Zheng's phone call made her feel a little warm, and she smiled and said, "Thank you Mayor Xu for your concern. I'm fine."

Wu Wen said about the situation. Xu Zheng heard it and suspected that someone was deliberately hitting Wu Wen. He asked, "Have you offended anyone recently?"

Wu Wen said: "No, I thought about it for a while, I really can't figure out who did this thing."

If this matter is transferred to another friend, Xu Zheng may have to order the public security department to conduct investigations within a time limit, but this happened to Wu Wen, and he is not good at doing anything with fanfare, so he said: "Then you should be more careful in coming and going in the near future. "

Wu Wen smiled and said, "I know, thank you."

Xu Zheng said: "You don't have any evidence now, and I can't get involved in asking the police to do something, take a good rest and get treatment, and get well soon."

Wu Wen said: "I understand, I will take a good rest."

Qin Tun also quickly learned the news. He immediately guessed that it was Zheng Sheng's trick. He was only a little frightened and hated Wu Wen. He said that Zheng Sheng was also useless, so he didn't dare to move Xu. It's just that, even if you go to ambush a woman and you don't do things to your advantage, what's the use of being so scared, it seems to be to remind Xu Zheng and Wu Wen to tell them that someone is going to murder you.

Xu Zheng and Wu Wen don't know how to react. Will they see that this is aimed at Wu Wen? Will they take retaliatory action? Qin Tun became nervous. He thought that Wu Wen was not that simple. The so-called is not a strong dragon but Jiang. If Wu Wen has no strength, she can't be so beautiful in Haichuan. It seems that her revenge is inevitable, but she just doesn't know. Will she find Zheng Sheng's side? Qin Tun is very afraid of being affected by the opponent's retaliation, and it seems that he should stay away from Zheng Sheng in the near future.

Oda rushed to Haichuan from Beijing with people the next day. Oda did not show up in the hospital, but asked his brother to go to the hospital to protect Wu Wen, and told Wu Wen that he was also there. Oda didn't show up because Liu Kang had explained in advance. Before he came, Liu Kang explained that he had two tasks in Haichuan, one is to protect Wu Wen, and the other is to find out the real culprit of this crash. He doesn't show up and can do some necessary investigations secretly.

Liu Kang gave Xiaotian the idea of investigating the real culprit of the crash. He believed that Wu Wen hadn't done much on the ground in Haichuan, and the one that could offend people is the piece of land that he has just obtained. It is probably something. People originally thought that this piece of land was in their bag, and Wu Wen had taken it from their mouths, and felt uneasy, so they took retaliatory measures. In this way, the scope of the enemy he was looking for was very clear, and anyone who had contended for that piece of land would be suspect. Besides, dump trucks are not owned by any company. Most of them are owned by some real estate companies and construction companies, which is also in line with the situation of these people fighting for land. Therefore, Oda needs to check this clue more.

Oda Xin understood, and began to investigate several real estate development companies that were interested in winning Wu Wen's land. After several companies were checked, Haisheng Real Estate soon came into his sight. The boss of this company was originally a gangster. They often do things like killing, killing, looting, and looting construction sites. Such people are lawless and are likely to crash and kill people.

Oda went to Haisheng Real Estate to inquire about it again, and found out that there were six dump trucks in the company that were in normal use. Suddenly one of the cars had a problem these days and was sent for repairs. The driver of that car was also on vacation. Back to my hometown.

When Oda heard this, he guessed something in his heart. At night, he went to the garage of Haisheng Real Estate to take a look. Sure enough, when he opened a locked garage, he found a car that had crashed. The traces of the bumped parts of the local car can still be seen in the paint of Wu Wen's BMW car.

At this time, Oda can basically confirm that the person who designed the collision with Wu Wen is Zheng Sheng of Haisheng Real Estate, so he summarized the situation and reported it to Liu Kang.

After listening to Liu Kang, he said angrily: "Fuck, this guy is tired of life, dare to move Xiaowen's hands and feet."

Oda asked, "Dong Liu, what do you want me to do?"

If Liu Kang used the means and fierceness of cutting melons and vegetables to cross the city of Beijing, it would have been possible to do Zheng Sheng, but that era has passed, and now everything is about the rule of law, Liu Kang himself has an age and is very important to life. With some new knowledge, he knew that the trouble was not good for Wu Wen's development in Haichuan, so he did not rush to express his stance.

After pondering for a long time, Liu Kang said: "Don’t do anything in a hurry. You can find out Zheng Sheng’s daily whereabouts, his family situation, whether he has a lover, and what he likes to do. The more detailed the better, the investigation Report it to me clearly, and then I will decide how to do it."

Oda said: "Okay, I'll go to investigate right away."

Xiaotian hung up the phone, and Liu Kang began to think about how to deal with Zheng Sheng. He knew very well that he should not let go of a rogue like Zheng Sheng, otherwise he would think that this side is a bully, maybe there will be further actions to deal with Wu Wen. . At the same time, to hit him, it must be painful, accurate, and ruthless. It must be hit accurately. It must be hit on the seven inches of it. It must be hit hard. The shot must not be taken lightly. If you hit him, you must hit him once. Let him remember for a lifetime.