
Chapter 175: Yin damage


Fu Hua invited Deputy Director Yu to speak. Deputy Director Yu smiled and declined. He said that he was only here to congratulate him. Mr. Zheng spoke on his behalf and he didn't need to speak.

Although Wu Yi made a donation, this donation was not what he was very willing to donate. In addition, it happened that the company had something to do, so he did not show up. This was convenient for Chen Lei. Chen Lei, as a representative of Haichuan City’s successful people in Beijing, took the stage and spoke. Chen Lei seemed to have made good preparations in advance and brag about his Leishi pharmaceutical industry vigorously. After Chen Lei finished speaking, Fu Hua announced the opening of the ribbon cutting.

A dozen guests lined up, each holding a pair of scissors, and cutting the colored silk together.

After cutting the ribbon, the guests were invited to the Haichuan-style restaurant in the Haichuan Building. The present guests took their seats according to the names on the seats, and the fraternity began.

Xu Zhengxian toasted to the guests present and thanked the guests for taking the time to support the Haichuan Building during their busy schedule. Mr. Zheng dealt with it and began to taste the Haichuan-style dishes. Small trash fish boiled out of the pot, and the pimple soup is also a kind of Donghai folk noodles. It is made by using cold water to beat the flour into gnocchi, and then add eggs and chopped green onion. These are all very simple foods, authentic Haichuan home-cooked flavors, which Mr. Zheng hasn't eaten for a long time. Mr. Zheng was full of praise for these two foods at Haichuan Restaurant, saying that he seemed to have returned to his parents' home a long time ago.

After eating for a while, Mr. Zheng said goodbye. The old man was not used to being so noisy anymore.

Zheng Lao shook hands with Xu Zheng and Deputy Director Yu, and declined everyone's farewell, but asked Fu Hua to send him downstairs. Fu Hua was worried and couldn't leave, so he arranged for Luo Yu to send Zheng Lao back. . Fu Hua knew about Zheng’s personality, so he didn’t prepare any expensive gifts. He gave him two cans of the prawn paste from the Haichuan Sea, which is also an authentic local product, made from the prawns from the Haichuan Sea, without impurities and nourishment. Rich, strong aroma, and the longer the storage time, the stronger the aroma, raw and cooked food can be used. It can be used to make many unique and delicious side dishes, such as egg steamed shrimp paste, chili steamed shrimp paste, shrimp paste stewed tofu, etc. Among them, egg steamed shrimp paste is a famous dish of Haichuan. The old man accepted it happily.

Fu Hua went back to have a toast with Xu Zheng. After the deputy director had two drinks, he said that he had work arrangements in the afternoon. Fu Hua knew that he was busy, so he sent him away with Xu Zheng. When he got in the car, Fu Hua Handed a paper bag to Deputy Director Yu, and said with a smile: "A little souvenir, don't dislike Deputy Director Yu."

Deputy Director Yu answered with a smile, got in the car and left.

After Deputy Director Yu left, the successive Deputy Director Zhang and several other leaders bid farewell one by one. Xu Zheng and Fu Hua sent them away again. When Jia Hao left, Fu Hua smiled and apologized and said, "Too busy today. I didn't take good care of my brother."

Jia Hao patted Fu Hua on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I know you can't take care of it, I'm fine. Not bad, you have roots in Beijing."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "We still need the support of seniors."

Jia Hao took the gift and left. Xu Zheng and Fu Hua returned to the meeting place. Although the important figures had already left, those who were still in Beijing were Haichuan. Xu Zheng was not good at favoring one another, so he could only socialize.

Zhang Min and Zhao Kai sat for a while, maybe they left first.

Chen Lei took the initiative to find Xu Zheng to toast. He introduced his company to Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng didn't know if he was a little excited or something. He even agreed to Chen Lei's invitation to visit his company.

The sorority ended at 3:30 in the afternoon. Chen Lei stayed until the end and wanted to take Xu Zheng to visit his Leishi Pharmaceutical.

Fu Hua secretly admired Chen Lei, the businessman’s ability to pierce the needle. This time Xu Zheng’s trip was very hurried. There were a lot of things in the city. In addition, the People’s Congress was about to be held. Xu Zheng needed to rush back tomorrow to deal with many things. , He will be a little free at this time this afternoon.

Fu Hua had been busy for most of the day and was already very tired, but Xu Zheng was very interested, so Fu Hua had no choice but to accompany him. When I arrived at Leishi Pharmaceutical, there was already someone at the door waiting to welcome Xu Zheng. It seemed that Chen Lei had planned for a long time. He had already prepared Xu Zheng to visit before attending the party.

Leishi Pharmaceutical is larger than Fu Hua expected. It has a high degree of mechanization. Many production processes are controlled by computers. It looks like a high-tech enterprise. Xu Zheng praised this.

After visiting the company, Chen Lei left Xu Zheng for dinner, so there was another noise. Xu Zheng and Chen Lei were very happy during the dinner. Xu Zheng said that Chen Lei should have time to visit Haichuan. Now there are more development opportunities in his hometown. Chen Lei said that Xu is coming to Beijing in the future. If he does not come to Leishi Pharmaceutical, he will look down upon him. The two men drank and drank happily, but they suffered from Fu Hua and had to deal with it hard.

After the end, Chen Lei personally sent Xu Zheng away, and Fu Hua was sent home by someone arranged by Chen Lei. When he arrived at Shenghuang Yashe, Fu Hua opened the door and got out of the car. He turned around and waved goodbye to the driver. The driver handed a paper bag to Fu Hua and said, "This is a small gift from President Chen. Director Fu must accept it."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Mr. Chen is really polite, how can I eat and take it again, or don't it?"

The driver said: "Chen Chen explained that you must accept it. If you don't accept it, I can't explain it."

Fu Hua was also a little drunk, thinking that Chen Lei would not give himself any valuable gifts. He took the paper bag, said thank you, and went upstairs.

After entering the house, Zhao Ting took the paper bag in Fu Hua's hand and asked with a smile, "What are you holding?"

Fu Hua said: "I don't know what the souvenir from Leishi Pharmaceutical is."

Zhao Ting opened the paper bag and it turned out to be a watch. Fu Hua laughed. The world is really interesting. She gave people a watch by herself, and others gave it to herself.

Fu Hua took it over and took a look. Although he was not one of the top ten famous watches, he had just bought a similar watch. Knowing that this kind of watch would also cost thousands of dollars, he didn't expect Chen Lei to give him such a heavy gift.

Fu Hua was a little embarrassed. He wouldn't be greedy for this kind of thing, but Chen Lei gave him such a watch, so what was it for Xu Zheng? Surely it will only be more valuable than one's own. If you hand in the father-in-law yourself, Xu Zheng will not do it, and it will be embarrassing for Xu Zheng to pass it on.

However, Fu Hua was unwilling to accept it so quietly. After thinking about it, he threw the watch into the paper bag again. He decided to hand it over to the Beijing Office for safekeeping. He didn't say what the origin was. Wait and see Xu Zheng. Besides, if Xu Zheng does not hand it over, he will find another opportunity to return the watch to Chen Lei.

Fu Hua probably guessed that Xu Zheng would not hand it in. From when Zhang Min communicated about the land of the Shunda Hotel, Fu Hua knew that Xu Zheng did not accept gifts.

Sometimes being a member of the officialdom is also very helpless. Even if you don't want to receive gifts and bribes from others, those who need to ask you for help will do everything possible to publicize you and try their best to overcome your defense. People have weaknesses, and anyone can be compromised if they find their position. There was a story about Zheng Banqiao’s gains by Yashou in the late Qing Dynasty notebook novels. It was said that a businessman couldn’t ask for Zheng Banqiao’s paintings, so he designed a person to pretend to be a hermit, and deliberately catered to Zheng Banqiao’s habit of eating dog meat, which led Zheng Banqiao to think. Meet a confidant, and finally the main action is drawn.

In this society, the officialdom controls most of the resources of the society. Many people are moving around the officialdom, trying every means to impress the officials, hoping to seek benefits. As a member of the officialdom, if you don’t have a very strong will, it’s really true. It's hard not to be corrupted. This may be an appendage in the process of rapid economic development, and it is also a black mark of this era that is not welcomed by the people.

The next day, Fu Hua escorted Xu Zheng on the plane. On the way to the airport, Xu Zheng did not mention yesterday's Leishi Pharmaceutical, as if nothing happened.

After Fu Hua returned to the Beijing Office, he gave the watch Chen Lei gave him to Gao Yue for safekeeping. He said it was a gift from someone else and put it in the Beijing Office first to see what it could be used in the future.

Fu Hua felt that there was no need to return it to Chen Lei. He had already sent it out anyway, so let it play a role for the Beijing Office.

By mid-January, the taste of the New Year slowly came out, and people lost their minds at work, and started busy preparing for the New Year. Seeing that the year will pass steadily.

However, those who are interested seem to not want to let the days pass so steadily. Suddenly, every department of the Haichuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government received a report letter. The report letter was for the Acting Mayor Xu Zheng. The content is nothing new. The full text of the letter reporting Xu Zheng to the province was copied. It just changed the name of the provincial leaders at the beginning to the leaders of various departments of Haichuan City.

Xu Zheng quickly obtained the report letter from Liu Chao. He took a breath after reading the letter. The content of the letter was the original report letter sent by Qintun to the province. The report above was not really evidenced. No one will seriously investigate. However, the National People's Congress will be held shortly after the Spring Festival. Such a letter will definitely affect his image as acting mayor. Moreover, looking at the target of this report letter posting, Haichuan is in the officialdom. The purpose of sending this report letter is not to ask the Disciplinary Committee to investigate and handle Xu Zheng, but to attack Xu Zheng’s image and affect the mayor this time. election. People who saw this letter at this moment must have been talking about it, and soon Haichuan will be rumored, and people privately don't know what he will say about the mayor who is about to become regular.

The opponent's move was indeed very damaging and vicious. Xu Zheng still had nowhere to fight back. He was not sure that this time it was Qin Tun's trick. He thought that Qin Tun did not have the guts to make waves and organize confrontations to disrupt the election.