
Chapter 179: The energy is gone


Sun Yong shook his head and said, "This is something I can't figure out. Is this just a prank? No, who can be so boring now to do this kind of thing."

Qin Tun said: "I don't think it's a prank, Secretary Sun, do you see if it's such a possibility? It was Xu Zheng's own tricks."

Sun Yong was stunned for a moment, and said, "No, isn't Xu Zheng making trouble for himself?"

Qin Tun said: "I think Xu was the one who benefited the most in the whole incident. He was elected unanimously. What does this mean? It means that he is trusted by the Haichuan People’s Congress. As for what trouble he might cause him, it seems on the surface. This report letter attacked Xu Zheng, but a detailed analysis would not be the case. The provincial leaders have already read the letter, and everyone knows that there is no evidence for the above content, that is, it cannot be verified. Yes, when this letter is taken out again, someone is deliberately messing up with Xu Zheng, the provincial leaders will only think that someone wants to prevent Xu Zheng from being elected, and will not think that Xu Zheng has something wrong again. Secretary Sun, you I don’t see it. This is a very clever chess move. This letter makes you nervous too, and you have to make every effort to ensure that Xu Zheng is elected."

Sun Yong said: "You mean Xu is using the opposite approach? No, it's too risky. If you use it improperly, it will be counterproductive."

Qin Tun said, "Is there any other explanation? I can't think of other possibilities."

Sun Yong thought for a while, shook his head resolutely, and said, "Although I have no other explanation, I still don't believe Xu Zheng will do this. This bet is too big for Xu Zheng to dare."

Qin Tun said: "Anyway, I think this thing is evil."

Although Sun Yong did not believe that Xu Zheng would do such a thing, he was also very awkward about Xu Zheng's election this time. Although he was trying his best to escort Xu Zheng through this time, he was forced to do it by Cheng Yuan. , He was anxious that Xu Zheng would be destroyed, so he said, "Don't worry about this matter. Tell me if you have found any useful information about Xu Zheng?"

Qin Tun said: "There is something unusual about Haitong Bus. The Chief of the Finance Department, Shen Quan, turned out to be my subordinate. He told me about the situation. The funds that Baihe Group originally said to be used for the merger have come in. However, Gao Feng refused to use it. The workers in the factory originally planned to use the money to introduce new equipment."

Sun Yong said: "This situation is worthy of attention. What is the attitude of the factory director Xin Jie?"

Qin Tun said: "Xin Jie’s attitude is difficult to predict. Although he is from our Haichuan side, he blindly caters to Gaofeng’s Baihe Group. I dare not mention the issue of new equipment with Gaofeng. On the contrary, I agree with Gaofeng's vigorous development of the real estate industry in the automobile city. Haitong Bus focuses on this aspect."

Sun Yong said: "Does Gaofeng want to use real estate for arbitrage? If we want to develop real estate on the land of Haitong Bus, our city will develop itself. Why should we introduce Baihe Group?"

Qin Tun said: "Yes, Gaofeng is suspected of arbitrage in doing this. Our current investment promotion work is like this. Just look at how much the other party says you can invest, and you don't pay attention to the actual results. These merchants are all shrewd, how many of us are. If you don’t pay attention, they will make a profit."

Sun Yong said: “It doesn’t matter if you make a profit. It doesn’t matter if you don’t make a profit. People also want to make money when they invest. As long as he can help us practically, he’s afraid that he just wants to gouge our meat and don’t want to. Help us. You ask that Shen Quan to pay more attention to the dynamics of Baihe Group. If their funds come in, it will be several hundred million. Gao Feng can't put it there and don't know how to wait for the interest, he will definitely Something moved."

Qin Tun looked at Sun Yong and said, "What will he do?"

Sun Yong said: "I think he might misappropriate this fund for other purposes. I think Xin Jie is so obedient to Gao Feng's view. Maybe he was bought by Gao Feng a long time ago. If Gao Feng wants to transfer the funds then Xin Jie will definitely not object, so pay close attention. This project is one of Xu Zheng’s political achievements. As long as there is a problem, Xu Zheng will not be able to explain it."

Qin Tun said: "I know, I will talk to Shen Quan later."

Sun Yong said: "It is necessary for him to pay attention to collecting things related to Xu Zheng, and it is best to have information that can implicate Xu Zheng in it."

Qin Tun said: "Okay."

Xu Zheng in the office received a call from Wu Wen. Wu Wen smiled and said, "Congratulations, you have successfully been elected as the new mayor of Haichuan City."

Compared with the time when the National People's Congress was held, Xu Zheng is now a lot more relaxed, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Wu, this is the support of the general public of Haichuan for me."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "I originally wanted to invite Mayor Xu to our hotel. I will host a banquet for you to celebrate, but given the current situation, let's wait for a chance in the future."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "It seems that Mr. Wu also knows about the anonymous letter."

Wu Wen said, "Do the citizens of Haichuan still know about this? I really hate that these people repeatedly use me to cause trouble to Mayor Xu. Fortunately, you also confiscate any influence this time, otherwise I would really be embarrassed. Oh, now these people are thinking of dirty things in their minds."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "It's okay. This time I am in a hurry. Don't mind too much. What other people think is other people's business. We can't control it. Eh, your project is okay. Right?"

Wu Wen said: "It's the winter break, the workers are on holiday, and the project stops there, but there is nothing wrong with it."

Xu Zheng said: "Since that car accident, no one has ever troubled you, right?"

Wu Wen smiled and said, "No, everything is fine."

Xu Zheng said: "Anyway, you have to be more careful. It's not easy for a woman to be busy with such a large business."

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Thank you Mayor Xu for your concern. I'm going to hang up. Congratulations again on your victory.

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Goodbye then."

Wu Wen hung up the phone, and Xiao Tian, who was sitting at the side, smiled and said, "Mr. Wu, don't you need to tell Mayor Xu that it was Zheng Sheng's anonymous letter? I think he must really want to know this situation."

It turned out that the man who entered Zheng Sheng and Xiao Juan’s bedroom that night was this Xiao Tian. After he found out all the basic information of Zheng Sheng, he gave a report to Liu Kang. After listening to Liu Kang, he smiled and asked, "Do you have any? Sure to scare Zheng Sheng?"

Oda smiled and said: "What to scare him, according to me, just give him a hard meal, so that he will never dare to trouble Mr. Wu again."

Liu Kang denied Oda's idea, saying: "He will soon forget the suffering of flesh and blood. What we want him to remember is the feeling of fear, the feeling of fear when he thinks about it. "

Oda smiled and said, "Then do as you told Dong Liu."

Liu Kang said: "But you are very sure of this. If you do something wrong, don't think about the consequences. Your personal safety is not guaranteed. You have been with me for so many years, and I don't want you to be injured."

Oda smiled and said, "Dong Liu, don't you know my skill?"

Liu Kang smiled and said, "I know your skills very well, but I don't know the skills of Zheng Sheng with the two bodyguards, so I want to hear what you know about them."

Oda smiled and said, "Those two are ostentatious. I have seen their skills. I think if I shoot, they can't walk two rounds in front of me alone. If they both attack me together, I think five times. I can bring them down in the round."

Liu Kang thought for a while and said: "Five rounds are enough for Zheng Sheng to escape. You still don't want to confront them head-on. You can find this opportunity to avoid these two bodyguards and face Zheng Sheng directly. ?"

Xiaotian smiled and said, "This is easy to handle. I have observed that Zheng Sheng has a friend called Xiaojuan. With her, Zheng Sheng's defense is the weakest. I can go in and find Zheng Sheng in the middle of the night."

Liu Kang said: "That's fine, but pay attention, do it if you can, and don't force it if you can't."

Oda said, "I know."

Liu Kang said: "Finally, let him know that this incident was caused by Wu Wen, but don't tell him that you were sent by Wu Wen. Do you know how to do it?"

Oda said, "I know."

Liu Kang said: "Everything goes well. Zheng Sheng has a big life. Once there is a problem in the middle, just do him, don't leave any troubles, you know?"

Oda said, "I see."

So there was the scene of Xiaotian's night exploring Xiaojuan's house. Zheng Sheng was also lucky. The two bodyguards and Xiaojuan slept like a dead pig, so they didn't provoke the evil star of Xiaotian and saved their lives.

Wu Wen smiled and said, "Tell him what to do. If he asks me the source, how can I answer him? Did you tell Zheng Sheng with a knife in the middle of the night?"

Oda smiled and said, "You can also tell him what his friends said."

Wu Wen said: "Then there is no credibility, and it will not help Xu Zheng."

Xiaotian said, "That's true. It's just cheaper. Zheng Sheng is cheaper. Liu Dong will not let me move him. Mayor Xu can't tell him here. No one will take care of him anymore."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "O Tian, you were making trouble in the middle of the night. I think Zheng Sheng must be frightened. I guess he will go to sleep with his eyes open for some time to come. This is a lesson for him."

Xiaotian said, "Mr. Wu, you are kind-hearted. You have to change to the moment when I was with Liu Dong and kill him to relieve his anger. Liu Dong hasn't known what's going on in the past few years, and he has become so cruel."

Wu Wen smiled and said: "Godfather is the one who has lost his energy. His life experience has reached that point. After seeing many things, he naturally can't get up. Oda, you are still young. Wait until you get to the godfather. At that age, I think you would think like a godfather."