
Chapter 187: Quick success


At this time, Chen Xiao handed over a paper bag and said with a smile, "Director Fu, take it, Su Dong's meaning."

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment. Sunan would certainly not be stingy when he made a move. The weight of this gift can be imagined. But he usually doesn't accept this kind of thing. If he accepts him, then help Sunan, some of it is out of self-interest, and it is hard for him to refuse Sunan's further request, then he will lose ground. Fu Hua didn't reach out to pick him up. Instead, he looked at Sunan and said with a smile, "You make friends and know your heart. I don't think Su Dong is so tacky, right?"

Sunan smiled and said, "My brother, I made people small, Chen Xiao, put things away."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then Su Dong, there will be a period later."

Sunan said, there will be a period later. Just watched Fu Hua leave.

After watching Fu Hua leave, Chen Xiao said to Sunan, "Is this Fu Hua a little arrogant?"

Su Nan smiled and said: "Don't think he is arrogant just because he said a few words to you. How many times have I told you, and Zhendong Group and I have nothing to do. Don't feel like these are amazing. Fu Hua If it wasn't me who said today, would you also feel offended?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Of course not, but he should have a minimum of respect for Su Dong. He is the son-in-law of Zhao Kai of Tonghui Group, and he should know Su Dong you."

Su Nan smiled and said, "So what do you know? What do you want him to be in awe of? My father's background, or the wealth of Zhendong Group? Do you think these Fu Hua will be in awe?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "At least you and his father-in-law are friends, so he should respect this."

Su Nan smiled and said: "This person is different. When most people hear of my background, they instinctively have a sense of awe. This is a kind of awe of wealth and power. It is a customary psychology of people. Fu Hua actually has a right These are somewhat awe-inspiring, but he dislikes this kind of awe. The few sentences he said of you are his ambivalent reaction. He wants to find a psychological position equal to me."

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the case. It seems that Fu Hua is just pretending, and it's nothing."

Sunan shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate him. This person has almost no weaknesses. The influence of wealth on him is minimal. This kind of person is terrible, because unless he wants to, he will not. Probably for you."

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Isn't he used by Su Dong for you now?"

Su Nan said: "I can't actually control him. Whether to help me or not depends on his own wishes. Chen Xiao, I have to respect this person more in the future. This kind of pressure is not acceptable. It's not easy to buy, but if you give him a little more respect, maybe he will be willing to use it for you. The ancients said that scholars die for their confidants, in fact they are talking about this kind of person."

Chen Xiao said, "It's still Su Dong Gaoming. When I see this kid in the future, I will give him a little more high hat."

Sunan smiled. It was his driver who drove the car over. Chen Xiao helped him open the door. Sunan got in the car and left.

The next night, Zhao Kai asked Fu Hua to go home for dinner, and Fu Hua took Zhao Ting back.

Zhao Miao was also at home. He saw Fu Hua and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, my father agreed to go to the Haichuan Building. Thank you for helping me tell him about this."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I think my father may be reluctant in his heart."

Zhao Kai came out of the study and heard Fu Hua say this. He smiled and said, "Yes, I am very reluctant, alas, but there is no way, Xiao Miao and Xiao Ting are both grown up, and I don’t I can add my will to them again."

Zhao Ting smiled and said: "When we grow up, we will be father's sons and daughters. We will always listen to father's words."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Really? Will you really listen to me? Then you come back to the company and do things for me?"

Zhao Ting chuckled and said, "Just do something."

Zhao Kai said: ""It would be nice.

The nanny arranged the food, and the family sat down to eat. After sitting down, Zhao Kai said: "Fu Hua, I told Zhang Min about Xiao Miao. He agreed to let Xiao Ting withdraw and Xiao Miao would take over. Let him go to the Haichuan Building tomorrow.

Fu Hua nodded and said, "Okay, I will talk to Zhang Feng about this tomorrow."

Zhao Kai said to Zhao Miao: "Xiao Miao, what you go to Haichuan Building represents the face of our Tonghui Group. You are my son. Everyone there will look at you. I'm not by your side. You can do everything. Make up your own mind. If you can’t make up your mind, just ask your brother-in-law, don’t embarrass me, you know?"

Zhao Miao said, "Well, Dad, I will follow my brother-in-law and do my best."

Fu Hua patted Zhao Miao on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Miao, I believe you can do it well."

Zhao Miao nodded and said nothing.

Zhao Kai was a little sad and said, "Now these kids, why don't they like working with their parents?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Maybe Zhao Miao is under more pressure by your side. It will be fine when he becomes more mature."

Zhao Kai shook his head, not talking. Everyone was eating with their heads down, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

Fu Hua said without a word, "Dad, guess who did I see yesterday?"

Zhao Kai said, "Who?"

Fu Hua said: "I have met Sunan from Zhendong Group."

Zhao Kai was a little surprised, and said, "Sunan, what is he doing with you?"

Fu Hua talked about Sunan's treat last night. Zhao Kai smiled and said, "It seems that Sunan can't sit still."

Fu Hua smiled and asked, "Why does Dad say that?"

Zhao Kai said: "According to the former Zhendong Group, Sunan didn't need to take part in this kind of thing personally. As long as he showed what he wanted to do, the project might fall into his hands. But the current situation is a little different. Now, his father has retired from politics for a long time, and his influence has been declining. Sunan and his Zhendong Group are not as good as before, and it is absolutely impossible for other powerful companies to stand idly by for such a large project. It will be a situation where a group of heroes are competing, and everyone is doing their part. Sunan met you, and is also doing a foreshadowing, so that he can seize the opportunity in this project. Besides inviting you to dinner, he has done something to you. Thing?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "He still wants to give me a gift, but I will confiscate it."

Zhao Kai nodded and said: "The things he gave you can't be collected, so you will be passive if you do. I think the companies that will join the competition for this project in the future will be companies with strong capabilities. Then, in order to win the project, these The company may do everything. If you take things from southern Jiangsu, you will be subject to southern Jiangsu, and secondly, it may become a target for other companies to launch attacks in order to win projects."

Fu Hua said: "I think so too, so I told Sunan that there is no need to make it so tacky. Sunan is pretty good, and it's not too difficult for a strong man."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "I know a little bit about Sunan. He has such an aristocratic temperament, although we Chinese cannot say that there are nobles at present."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I also feel that he seems to be that kind of core figure, very much like a leader."

Zhao Kai said: "He is a very intelligent and strategic person, but the good point is that he does things in a kingly way, not overbearing, and will not force you to do anything. This is a very good advantage. It is also his fatal shortcoming. When his father still has a great influence, many people will appreciate this, and will cooperate with his Zhendong Group because of his father. Now, his father's influence has faded. However, companies with domineering social behavior abound, and his advantage has become a fatal flaw."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I don't quite understand what Dad meant. Don't everyone like to treat others with sincerity and not be a humble gentleman?"

Zhao Miao also smiled and said, "Yes, Dad, I read a lot of business publications, and it says that many successful people have moved his talents with sincerity to achieve success."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Xiao Miao, don't take the things in the newspapers and magazines as reality. Many times it is a kind of propaganda, know? The success stories in those magazines and publications are mostly after the success of those people. You only talked about it after going through the whitewashing and packaging. You can't let him say how bad he is, right?"

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "Of course it won't."

Zhao Kai said: "Throughout the ages, benevolence, justice, and morality have been used as the banner. In fact, they have been practicing the way of strategy. This is especially true in today's society where interests are first. The story tells how he succeeded in benevolence, justice and morality. In fact, he The key part of success is often unspeakable and shameful. Why are books such as Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms so popular? People want to find strategies that can be used for themselves. ."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Are these books really so useful?" Zhao Kai said, "I don't think it is necessarily. Sun Tzu's art of war is okay. That is the ancient military theory summarized by Sun Tzu. It conforms to the laws of war and is scientific. The Thirty-Six Strategies is nothing more than a stall. Some people compiled several war history stories together, and added a few specious words, and they became classics. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is even more ridiculous. It was originally Luo Guanzhong based on the big historical framework. The fictional novels, such as empty city schemes, serial schemes, and borrowing the east wind, are completely absent, but they have become classics that many people now regard as the standard. Zhuge Liang, who is inadequate in Chengdu, talked about it and analyzed it from head to toe. , I really don’t know how funny it is. In fact, a large part of the first demise of Shu was Zhuge Liang. But why these things are so popular is that people nowadays are eager for quick success and quick success and want to find a quick way to success from it."