
Chapter 188: It's really busy


Fu Hua smiled and said: "This is a very strange tradition of Chinese people. It is a bit funny to exaggerate some originally false people and things into gods or myths, and then to use this myth as an example of some truth. Some people who talk about the way of success have learned the way of success. Now how many people eat the Three Kingdoms?"

Zhao Kai said: "Now the whole society is in this kind of atmosphere. They are all learning domineering and wanting to take advantage of others. The kingly style like Sunan is not feasible. He used to be popular, in fact, there was his father behind him. He doesn’t need to use any hegemony for his own support. The shopping mall is actually a battlefield. A great man said at the beginning that we are not Song Xianggong, and we don’t want the kind of benevolence and morality like a silly pig. Seal them so that they can become blind and deaf, and make their commanders' hearts confused as much as possible, so that they can become lunatics to fight for their own victory."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "In fact, I like the style of Sunan even more, and the world will be much more harmonious if there are more merchants like this."

Zhao Kai said: "I also like his style very much. If you don't violate the rules, you can help him as much as possible."

The next day, Fu Hua took Zhao Miao to the Haichuan Building and led him to meet Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng had already received news from Zhang Min, and smiled and shook hands with Zhao Miao, and said, "I heard your sister said You, welcome to join the Haichuan Building."

Zhao Miao looked at Zhang Feng up and down. He was curious about this woman who was not much older than himself but could lead the entire Haichuan Building.

Seeing Zhao Miao looking up and down, Zhang Feng laughed, and said, "Why, what are you looking at? Not willing to accept the leadership of a woman?"

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "There, I also heard my sister talk about you. She said that you are very capable and I am very happy to have the opportunity to learn from you."

Fu Hua was taken aback when he heard Zhao Miao say this. It seems that this guy is not at all motivated. I am afraid that Zhao Kai disciplined him too harshly and gave him a rebellious mentality. This is not what Zhang Feng showed. Is it good

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Your sister is laughing at me with such a strong style, no one dares to marry, right?"

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "No, in fact, Sister Zhang Feng, you are very good. Didn't you meet the right person when no one married you?"

Zhang Feng scowled and said, "Okay, don't make me happy. I declare in advance that when you come to the Haichuan Building, you must abide by the regulations for everything. If you violate the relevant regulations, you will definitely be punished. Better than your father's Tonghui Group, do you understand?"

Zhao Miao stuck out his tongue and said, "Sister Zhang Feng, won't you be more severe here than my father?"

Zhang Feng couldn’t go down, smiled, and said, “No, as long as you abide by the rules. In public, you have to call me General Manager Zhang instead of Sister Zhang Feng, I know. ?"

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "Okay."

So Zhang Feng called in the office director and asked Zhao Miao to see the office. Zhao Miao followed the office director. Fu Hua looked at Zhang Feng and asked with a smile, "How is my brother-in-law?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Very cute."

Fu Hua said: "Since you said it's cute, then leave it to you. He is different from Zhao Ting. Zhao Ting can let her stay idle. He must have something to do."

Zhao Miao will return to Tonghui Group one day to take over. Fu Hua doesn't want him to stay in the Haitong Building and do nothing, just leave it here. At the beginning, Fu Hua promised him to help Zhao Kai and let him work in the Haichuan Building. In fact, it was not to help Zhao Miao escape, but he felt that Zhao Miao and Zhao Ting were not willing to stay with Zhao Kai. They must be between Zhao Kai and the siblings. There was a problem with the way of communication between the two. He helped Zhao Miao because he wanted to give Zhao Miao a different way of cultivating his ability. Shun Hotel Management Co., Ltd. is actually a relatively successful company. Its management method has its own unique features. Zhang Feng and Zhang Min's brothers and sisters are very young, and their ideas are those of young people. Zhao Miao followed them. At the same age, it is easy to accept this kind of thinking. It is also a good choice for him to learn management here.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "So you packed him into the Haichuan Mansion, do you want me to discipline him?"

Fu Hua laughed and said, "I came here by myself. Besides, I call you Sister Zhang Feng and you are excellent. Don't you think you are responsible for him?"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Fuck you, it seems that I bullied him."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Well, to be serious, I want to give Zhao Miao the title of vice president. No matter how big or small things are, let him take charge of some things. If he doesn't understand, you can find an old man to bring it with you in Shunda Hotel. He, do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Feng said: "I don't have any objection about this. I had this idea when Zhao Ting was there. However, Zhao Ting was unwilling to do something, so I couldn't force her, so I had to give it up."

The two discussed Zhao Miao's division of labor. After confirming, Fu Hua said, "Then I will go and see Zhao Miao. It is estimated that his office has been cleaned up by now."

Zhang Feng said: "Okay."

When he arrived at Zhao Miao's office, Zhao Miao was placing the personal belongings he had brought. Fu Hua smiled and asked, "How is it, are you satisfied with your office?"

Zhao Miao said, "It's okay."

Fu Hua said, "This will be where you fight from now on. What do you think of Zhang Feng?"

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "It's good, Sister Zhang Feng is very easy to get along with."

Fu Hua said: "This part of the hotel is managed by Shunda, and you will be led by Zhang Feng in the future. I think everyone is the same age, and it will be easy to get along with each other."

Zhao Miao nodded and said, "Okay, I have no objection."

Fu Hua said: "I discussed with Zhang Feng and thought it would be more appropriate for you to have the title of deputy general manager. Don't be idle, but also participate in the management of the hotel. The specific division of labor, etc. Zhang Feng will follow. If you don’t understand, you can ask Zhang Feng."

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "Wow, I will ask Sister Zhang Feng for anything."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "How do I think you are so happy to leave Tonghui Group and go to Haichuan Building? Is this really better than Tonghui?"

Zhao Miao said: "The conditions here are a bit worse than Tonghui. However, brother-in-law, you haven't been in that kind of environment. You can't realize my feelings. My father is very strict with me. The employees below treat me. It's very respectful, but the kind of respect that seems to be flattering is because my father is the boss of Tonghui Group. You can't make mistakes there. Whenever you make a mistake, your father will severely criticize you. Other employees will see you. The look in my eyes will be different, it seems that I cannot match the identity of Zhao Kai's son."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Miao, do you think too much?"

Zhao Miao said, "Can you not think about it?"

Fu Hua nodded and said, "That's true. Your status as the prince of the Tonghui Group will bring you a lot of burdens. Okay, you will be more free when you come here. I won't interfere with your affairs. , Cooperate with Zhang Feng more."

Zhao Miao nodded and said, "Okay, I will cooperate with him."

In the Seven Bowls Tea House, Xu Yun sits in the lounge drinking tea. On the wall of the room, there is a picture of the seven bowls of tea poems written by the tea fairy Lutong: One bowl of throat kisses, two bowls are broken and lonely. Three bowls of search for dry intestines, only five thousand volumes of text. The four bowls sweat lightly, and all the troubles in his life are scattered to the pores. Five bowls of muscle and bone clear. Six bowls of faeries. Seven bowls can’t be eaten, but the two armpits are acquainted with the breeze.

This is probably why this tea house is named Seven Bowls of Tea.

Xu Yun has been waiting for a while, and looked at her watch a little anxiously. It has been half an hour beyond the scheduled time. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone. The other party was connected. She came up and said apologetically, "Excuse me. , I'm sorry, Miss Xu, I'm on the way, and I will be there soon."

Xu Yun said: "You said that you would be here soon more than half an hour ago, why are you still on the way?"

The man smiled and said: "Beijing is a broken road, and it's very blocked. You don't know Miss Xu."

Xu Yun said, "Okay, hurry up."

Ten minutes later, a man wearing sunglasses entered Xu Yun's lounge, smiled and said, "I made you wait a long time."

Xu Yun said: "Just come, sit down."

The man sat down, Xu Yun poured him a cup of tea, and then said: "How is your investigation for me?"

The man smiled and said: "I, Xiao Huang, never come back empty-handed. This time I can say that the results are fruitful. The man you asked me to check is really amazing, suave, and you might not have guessed that he will do it during this period of time. Hook up with how many women."

The man originally called Xiao Huang was a private investigator invited by Xu Jun, and she asked Xiao Huang to help her investigate Dong Sheng's private life. Hearing Xiao Huang talking about Dong Sheng with envy, Xu Yun's face turned blue, and it seemed that Dong Sheng had a lot of women with whom he was dating.

Xu Jun said: "Stop talking nonsense, you can show me the information from the investigation."

Xiao Huang took out a thick pile of photos, handed them to Xu Yun, smiled and said, "These are all the women who had a tryst with Dong Sheng during this period, look at it."

Xu Yun took the photos. They were all pictures of Dong Sheng and other women. There were two people eating together, two people kissing, and two people hugging. Xu Yun simply counted them. There were thirteen different women who had a tryst with Dong Sheng, and Xiao Huang was photographed in the picture. Dong Sheng, the bastard, was really busy during this time.

Xiao Huang said: "I have written all the women's names, when and where and when I opened the room with Dong Sheng. You can take a look at them."

Xu Yun flipped through the back of the photo. Xiao Huang's work was still very detailed, and he marked them clearly.

Xu Yun put the photo in his handbag, took out the wallet, counted some money and handed it to Xiao Huang, saying, "This is the balance, thank you."

Xiao Huang smiled and took the money, and said, "I am very happy to serve you. You have my phone number. If you need to find me any more."