
Chapter 189: Very chilling


Xin Jie waited for a few days in anxiety, the expected Gao Feng’s revenge did not come. Haitong Bus's operation is as usual. The staff sent by Baihe Group in Haitong Bus still respect him so much. It seems that Gaofeng has forgotten Xin. The scene where Jie refused him, or Gao Feng had nothing to do with him.

Xin Jie thinks that Gao Feng should be taking as much as he can't help it. Baihe Group's Nuo big investment has already entered the account of Haitong Bus. If Gao Feng reveals the inside story of colluding with him, he is not the first one to endanger himself. It is Baihe Group. In addition to investigating and punishing itself, Haichuan City will strengthen the management and control of the cooperation between Haitong Bus and Baihe Group. At that time, because Haitong Bus holds a controlling stake in the cooperation project, without its own cooperation, what Baihe Group wants to operate, I'm afraid it will be difficult, let alone evacuating funds.

Gao Feng must be a wise man. It is impossible for him not to think of this. Then he should know that exposing himself is actually causing trouble for the Baihe Group, and naturally he would not do such a stupid thing.

Xin Jie's heart slowly eased. It seems that Gao Feng was unable to steal the chicken this time, and was eclipsed by a handful of rice. He was ruthless with himself that day, but it was a mere intimidation. Controlling his lifeblood by himself, he dare not retaliate. I believe that as long as I properly cooperate with the Baihe Group in other aspects, this time I refuse Gao Feng's matter, it will be considered vague.

After understanding this context, Xin Jie thought of Xiao Hong again. These days he was waiting for the disaster to come, and he didn't even have the mind to deal with Xiao Hong, and he didn't even answer Xiao Hong's phone calls. It's a little bit of a neglect of beauty. Thinking of Xiaohong, he suddenly had a passion to burn, and it seemed that he had to continue working overtime again.

Xiao Hong saw Xin Jie's reappearance, and said unhappily: "Where have you been these days, why didn't you show up anymore, and didn't answer my phone? Why, have you got a new love?"

Xin Jie smiled and said, "What's new? You are my dearest treasure. I have been too busy with my work these days. I won't answer your call, I'm in a meeting."

The red circles in her eyes are red, and her life these few days is not easy. She is parasitic on Xin Jie. If Xin Jie does not want her, she may need to find the next host.

Xiao Hong said, you simply didn't want to care about others, even if you had a meeting, you can call back later.

Said Xiaohong lowered her head and sobbed in a low voice.

Xin Jie was distressed, and he quickly explained to Xiao Hong. After explaining for a long time, Xiao Hong didn’t believe it. Finally, Xin Jie exclaimed: "Okay, let me be honest with you. I almost broke with Gao Feng these days. I don't have the mind to deal with your side."

Xiaohong actually learned about some of the quarrel between Gao Feng and Xin Jie that day, and guessed that Gao Feng had a conflict with Xin Jie, so she was always worried about this matter. Hearing this, Xiao Hong stopped sobbing and asked: "Have you handled this matter?"

Xin Jie smiled and said, "It's okay now. I have reached an understanding with Gao Dong."

Xiaohong is just a tool used by Gao Feng to buy Xinjie. She is not very aware of the specific content of the transaction between Gao Feng and Xin Jie. She just knows that she was contracted to win Xinjie. She didn't have much contact with Gao Feng, and Gao Feng didn't give her any instructions these days, so she believed Xin Jie's words very much.

Xiaohong said, "That's all right, I'm really worried about what might happen between you."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xin Jie said and sat beside Xiao Hong. Xiaohong was wearing a semi-transparent and sexy pajamas, and she leaned her whole body on him with a sigh of help, with a look that her soft bones were crisp...

The battle was over, Xin Jie and Xiao Hong cuddled together and panted. Xin Jie thought with pain that his wife could not bring him the happiness that Xiao Hong had brought to him. If it was really because of the trouble with Gao Feng. Abandoning it will be a great pain.

Thinking of this, Xin Jie's heart suddenly fell empty. After living to this age, the happiness he can get from life is getting smaller and smaller, and the more he wants to keep this fleeting happiness.

Xin Jie understands that the crisis between him and Gao Feng has not really passed. From the time he was in contact with Gao Feng, he can feel that Gao Feng is not a person who can be manipulated at will. On the contrary, Gao Feng likes to control others. . This time, even if Gao Feng was finally willing to swallow this breath, he would certainly have a grudge against himself, and one day he would retaliate against himself. Fear always looms over me, this kind of taste is uncomfortable.

He should think of a way to finally solve the problem and let Gao Feng achieve the goal he wants, so that he can enjoy his current happiness and even make more demands with Gao Feng.

But how can this problem be solved? Xin Jie thought for a long time but didn't come up with a clue, so she put it aside for a while and enjoyed the day.

But Xin Jie wanted to shelve the issue, but some people didn't want him to shelve it. In the middle of the night, just as Xin Jie and his wife were in their sweet dreams, the phone at home rang. The ringtone was particularly harsh in the silent night, and soon Xin Jie's wife was awakened.

Xin Jie's wife murmured unhappily: "Who is this, what call are you calling in the middle of the night?"

Although she was upset, the wife got up to answer the phone. Seeing the number, the wife was stunned. It was the phone number of her son Xin Heng abroad. She said to her heart how the child had forgotten the time difference between the two places.

Although she was awakened, the wife was still a little happy. It was not easy for her son to make a phone call, and she missed her son who was in a foreign country very much.

The wife quickly grabbed the phone and said with a smile: "Xin Heng, why are you calling at this time? Do you miss your mother?"

Xin Heng on the other side of the phone didn't answer his mother's stubbornness, and said in a crying voice: "Mom, why did you answer the call, my dad?"

Xin Jie's wife heard that Xin Heng's voice was wrong, and panicked, and asked, "Xin Heng, what's wrong, why should I hear your voice wrong?"

Xin Heng said annoyedly: "Mom, don't worry about this, just ask my dad to answer the phone, I have something to ask him."

Xin Jie's wife said, "Okay, I'll call him right away. When she said that, she awakened Xin Jie who was still sleeping on the side."

Xin Jie, who slept hazily, was pushed awake very upset, and said, "What are you doing, most of the night."

The wife said, "Hurry up, my son is looking for you."

Xin Jie heard that his son was looking for him, so he got energetic, so he quickly answered the phone and asked, "Xin Heng, what's the matter?"

Xin Heng said in a crying voice: "Dad, what have you done at home, why do people tell me to drive me back to China, and ask me to return the tuition and living expenses to them, saying that if I don't pay them back, they will Let me go back and forth. Dad, how did you offend others?"

Xin Jie was a little dumbfounded, Gao Feng still shot, he still chose his most deadly weakness.

Xin Jie was stunned. Seeing that Xin Jie hadn't spoken for a long time, Xin Heng asked urgently, "Dad, you are talking, what did you do?"

Xin Jie’s wife was still listening to her son’s speech. Seeing that Xin Jie was silent for a long time, she was anxious. She pushed Xin Jie a bit and said, "What's going on? Talk to me."

Xin Jie was pushed awake and thought about it and said to Xin Heng: "Son, don't worry, I will find a way to solve this problem."

Xin Heng said: "Then you hurry up, today the crowd of menacing people almost hit me."

Xin Jie felt a pain in his heart. He was such a precious son. How could he be willing to let him suffer? He quickly said, "Son, don't worry. Dad will find a solution right away. If those people come to you again, you should deal with them first. The money is already being pooled, and it will be returned to them soon."

Xin Heng said, "Dad, do you have so much money at home?"

Xin Jie said, "Don't worry about that. Dad will find a way to solve this problem."

Xin Heng said, "Okay, I'm going to hang up, and the group of people said that I need to take care of my living expenses in the future, and I want to save some money."

Xin Jie said: "Okay, hang up."

Xin Heng hung up the phone. Xin Jie’s wife looked at Xin Jie and asked, “Old Xin, didn’t Xin Heng’s study abroad expenses be settled by Baihe Group? What did you do to make Baihe Group regret it? "

Xin Jie said irritably, "Okay, you can leave these things alone."

The wife said, "My son is going to be driven back, can I just leave it alone?"

Xin Jie said: "It's okay, Gao Feng wants to show me some color, and I will figure out a solution."

The wife said: "Then hurry up, don't make your son suffer."

Xin Jie said, "Okay, I get it."

The two of them managed to get through until dawn. Xin Jie hurriedly ate dinner and hurried to the Haitong Bus. In his office, Xin Jie dialed Gao Feng's number.

As if competing with Xin Jie, Gao Feng's delay in answering the phone made Xin Jie angry. After dialing several times in a row, Gao Feng finally got through and Xin Jie said angrily, "Gao Feng, are you not so mean?"

Gao Feng smiled in his spare time, and said, "Who, how could there be such a big anger so early, be careful, it hurts the body so much."

Xin Jie shouted: "Gao Feng, don't pretend to be confused, I'm Xin Jie."

Gao Feng smiled and said, "It turned out to be Lao Xin, I can't tell it anymore. I remember you used to call me when you called me Gao Dong. Why has the name changed now?"

Xin Jie exclaimed: "Don't pretend, you know what you did to my son, but you offered to help him go to study abroad, why do you want to stop his tuition and living expenses now?"

Gao Feng smiled and said, "Oh, you are looking for me for this matter, I know, yes, I took the initiative to help your son pay for the cost of studying abroad, but at that time I felt that you He is a person who knows his gratitude, and if you help your son, you will definitely help me. I don’t know how to help you, but you don’t know how to be grateful. This makes me very chilling.