
Chapter 191: Not satisfied yet


Wang Bing asked Xin Jie: "Director Xin, are you looking for something to do with me?"

Xin Jie smiled and said, "Wang Bing, what do you think I do to you?"

Wang Bing smiled and said, "Director Xin is very good at nurturing me. Without you, it would be impossible for me to become the deputy section chief."

Xin Jie said: "It's good if you understand this. Now it is like this. Mr. Qian needs to arrange a fund for Baihe Group in Haitong Bus for temporary use. You can help him deal with it."

Wang Bing said, "Okay."

Wang Bing agreed very happily, but Xin Jie hesitated for a while. He was worried that Qian Fei hadn’t really told Wang Bing what he was going to do. If Wang Bing knew the amount of the money, would he not dare to do it? He said: "But the amount of money is not small."

Wang Bing smiled and said, "As long as it is ordered by your director Xin, I will do it."

Xin Jie was very satisfied with Wang Bing’s attitude of unconditional obedience. It seemed that his worries were superfluous, so he smiled and said, “Okay, you and Qian will do it. There is something to be done. Pay attention, don't show it in the accounts first, wait for Baihe Group to return the money, you just secretly settle the accounts."

Wang Bing nodded and said, "I understand, I will take care of the accounts."

Wang Bingxin said that I would do it if you didn't order me. In fact, Qian Fei was very close to Wang Bing during this period, and they often ate, drank, and had fun together. Wang Bing had already taken advantage of this and was dragged into the water by Qian Fei. On the surface, it seemed that Wang Bing still obeyed Xin Jie.

So Wang Bing cooperated with Qian Fei to quietly transfer 100 million from Haitong's passenger car account to Baihe Group, and it was not reflected in the book. After Gao Feng got the money, he quickly completed a new acquisition. After acquiring this new company, he would play a game of capital and looted this new prey. He was very satisfied with Xin Jie's performance this time, and made a sum of money to Xin Jie's card. Xin Jie naturally laughed, but this time he didn't even say a thank you. He felt that he deserved it.

Beijing, on Friday night, Fu Hua received a call from Sunan. Sunan smiled and said, "Brother Fu, what do you plan to do this weekend?"

Fu Hua knew that Sunan intends to inquire about the progress of the approval of the new airport project. Since he has promised Sunan, he also wants to talk to Sunan about the recent situation, and said: "I don't have any plans yet. Let's rest at home. Su. Does Dong have any arrangements?"

Sunan smiled and said: "Spring has arrived, don't stay at home, come out and walk."

Fu Hua smiled and asked, "I don't know where Su Dong wants to go?"

Sunan said, "I want to go to Tanzhe Temple. I wonder if you have this interest?"

Fu Huaxin said that Sunan really likes to play a bit of sentiment, and even spy activities like inquiring about the news have to get an elegant package to go to the mountains and play, but Fu Hua also likes this sentiment, and Tanzhe Temple has also heard about it for a long time. Well-known, but I haven't been there yet, but I just happened to visit, and he smiled and said, "That's great."

On the weekend, Sunan went to Shenghuang Yashe to pick up Fu Hua, and Chen Xiao acted as a driver for them. Today's Sunan is dressed in sportswear, very casual, but the majestic temperament is still there. Although Chen Xiao was also dressed in sportswear, he still didn't dare to let go of his hands and feet. At first glance, he was a follower.

In the car, Fu Hua briefly talked about the recent approval of the new airport. Sunan nodded and said nothing.

Tanzhe Temple is located in Mentougou, Beijing. It was built in the Western Jin Dynasty. It is said to be the oldest temple in Beijing. It is said that there was Tanzhe Temple first and then Beijing City. In its heyday, Tanzhe Temple had 999 and a half houses, which seemed to be the epitome of Beijing's Forbidden City.

After running through a section of the winding mountain road, I arrived at the main entrance of Tanzhe Temple. The main entrance was covered by two unusually luxuriant Wolong Pines, and it was almost impossible to see the whole picture. Because the trunks were too bent and the branches stretched too arbitrarily, there were many steel pipes and wooden sticks underneath that supported the two trees to maintain their random growth posture.

Sunan and Fu Hua got out of the car. They set off very early, there were not many tourists, and there was a faint smell of morning coolness in the air.

Fu Hua looked at the mountain gate and said with a smile: "It's so stylish."

Sunan smiled and said: "This was originally a royal temple, the first royal temple in Kyoto, and the leader of the Rinzai sect of Mahayana Buddhism. Is it possible to be modest?"

Entering Deshan Gate is an arch bridge that crosses the abyss. After crossing the arch bridge, you face a small temple gate. A long plaque is hung on one side of the gate, with the words "Tantuo Temple" written from top to bottom.

Chen Xiao stopped the car and caught up with Sunan and Fu Hua, and the three of them walked inside together.

Sunan said: "I used to like to walk here when I was free. At that time, there were not many people here. I could calm down here and think about some problems quietly. Unfortunately, there are too many pilgrims now, and it is very lively. It's hard to say that this is a pure land in the bustling scene."

Fu Hua laughed and said, "The temples are all like this now, and the incense is flourishing. This is no longer a place for self-cultivation, but a place in Dafali City."

Sunan nodded and said, "That's true. Now the locals regard this as a tourist resource."

The center of the first courtyard is the Hall of Heavenly Kings. In the Hall of Heavenly Kings, there is a statue of Maitreya and a statue of Wei Tuo on the back. On both sides, there are four statues of heavenly kings about 3 meters high. The three of them chatted and walked past the Palace of Heavenly Kings, and came to the Daxiong Hall at the back. The Daxiong Hall was five rooms wide, with double eaves on the roof, yellow glazed tiles and green edges, and the upper eaves inscribed "Quiet and solemn" and the lower eaves inscribed " Fuhai Zhulun".

Sunan pointed to the giant green objects at each end of the main ridge of the main hall, and smiled and said, "Do you know what it is called?"

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "This is my first time here and I am not familiar with it."

Sunan said: "This is called a kiss, made of colored glaze. According to legend, it is one of the nine sons of the dragon. It belongs to water and resists fire, so it is placed on the roof to prevent fire. Did you see the golden gilt chain on it? It is said that When Emperor Kangxi came to Tanzhe Temple for the first time, he saw the kiss eagerly, and it was very likely to fly away, so he ordered someone to make a gold chain to lock it, and insert a sword. The gold-plated sword light kiss belt was Kangxi's place. Thanks."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Is it really that amazing to fly away through the air?"

Sunan said: "It's hard to tell. In many cases, it is just a story made up in the temple to increase the attraction of the temple. However, according to old legend, Tanzhe Temple is the most effective in Beijing, and it is also said that the entire Beijing city All of the imperial spirit is here. There is an emperor tree behind the Daxiong Hall. Let's take a look."

The three of them arrived at the back of the Daxiong Hall, and a very tall tree appeared in front of them. It took six or seven people to come together. It was planted in the Liao Dynasty and has a history of thousands of years. It is said that every new emperor takes the throne, this tree New branches will grow from the roots, and then gradually merge with the tree's body, so it is named the imperial tree.

Fu Hua stretched out his hand and stroked the big tree, and said with a smile: "The wind is always blown away by the rain and the wind. The big tree is still there. The emperor has nowhere to find it."

Sunan smiled and said, "I don't think Brother Fu is very poetic."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Su Dong laughed, just ranting about it."

Sunan smiled and said, "Brother Fu, don’t be self-effacing. You can tell you how to be nonsense. Speaking of poetry, there is a place in Tanzhe Temple that is suitable for poem writing. I also like that place very much. Go, I'll take you to see."

Sunan led Fu Hua and Chen Xiao to the east. There are courtyard-style buildings on the east. Along the way, there are quiet and elegant, biwazhulan, flowing springs, and bushes of repaired bamboos, which are quite the artistic conception of gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. When he arrived in the palace courtyard, Fu Hua saw a small pavilion named Yigan Pavilion, with bamboo forests, accompanied by ancient pine, and a quiet environment. The ground was paved with huge white marble and engraved with meandering water troughs, cleverly formed. A pattern of southern dragons and northern tigers. The spring water spit out from the stone carving dragon mouth in the northeast corner of the pavilion, and flows into the pavilion along the stone trough waterway, turning back and forth, turning left and right, slowly flowing through.

Sunan smiled and asked Fu Hua: "Do you know what this is for?"

Fu Hua shook his head, and Sunan smiled and said, "Qu Shui Liuzheng knows, right?"

Fu Hua said: "I know that ancient people are a game of poetry. Everyone sits on both sides of a river and places wine glasses on the upper stream. The wine glasses go down the river. Whoever stops in front of them will take the glass and drink. Wang Xizhi's Lanting Preface Isn’t it the preface to the collection of poems that was formed for the sake of the game of melody

Sunan said: "This is the Qushui Liuzou, which was specially built by the Emperor Qianlong for the fun of Qushui Liuzhang. Come, let's sit by the pavilion and experience the elegance of the ancients.

Sunan was in high spirits. First, he sat down by the pavilion, and Fu Hua and Chen Xiao also sat down with him. However, the four pillars of the pavilion were surrounded by iron chains. Facing this, Fu Hua really It is hard to imagine how the ancients chanted with great interest. "

After sitting for a while, Sunan also felt boring, stood up, and said, "Let's go, now it's hard to find the kind of elegance before."

Fu Hua could see that although Sunan took the initiative to introduce the scenery in the temple along the way, he seemed to be very interested, but in fact he had to make a gesture because he was the master, and he could never invite people to visit Tanzhe. In the temple, the owner looks gloomy and unhappy.

Fu Hua followed Sunan out and said, "Su Dong seems to have something on his mind."

Sunan smiled and said: "Sometimes I think about it, if I could really chant poems and make the moon like Wang Xizhi's Jin people, and not be disturbed by the world, how good it would be, but I am always a layman and always have mundane affairs. Reasonable."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "How many people yearn for Su Dong's life."

Sunan also laughed and said: "I admit that this kind of life brings me a lot of happiness, but sometimes it makes me very upset. Maybe I was wrong at the beginning. I can live without going into business. Very good."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "What's the matter, Su Dong's Zhendong Group is so famous. Isn't it satisfied with such a success?"