
Chapter 193: Grandmaster


Fu Hua smiled and said: "He knew that our new airport was approved sooner or later, so he acted early. Mayor Xu, would you like to see him?"

Xu Zheng was very pleased with Fu Hua’s statement that it was sooner or later that the new airport was approved, and he smiled and said, “It’s not bad to see it. Since our new airport is going to be built sooner or later, I can touch it when I meet him. The market for airport construction. But you can tell Sunan, ****, don't be too ostentatious, just find a simple place to meet."

Fu Hua greeted Sunan, and said Xu Zheng's request, Sunan asked to come and eat some game, and came to pick up Xu Zheng and Fu Hua in the evening, and took them to a small western-style building in the suburbs. Although Xiaoyanglou is very inconspicuous, Fu Hua noticed that the cars parked in the parking lot of the courtyard were all with license plates of ministries and agencies. It was obvious that it was not as simple as it seemed on the outside.

After entering the lounge and sitting down, Xu Zhengtui said that at the meeting, he dared not drink, and Sunan did not force it, so they ate some wild vegetables and game together. During the banquet, it was to introduce each other, exchanged kind words such as long admiration to each other, and left contact information with each other.

The dinner was very brief. After some meals, Sunan sent Xu Zheng and Fu Hua back.

After Fu Hua sent Xu Zheng back to his room, he went home. As soon as he got home, he received a call from Sunan. Sunan smiled and said, "Thank you, brother, for your help."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I can only do it here. You can arrange the future things by yourself."

Sunan said, "Okay. I know how to do it."

The next day, Fu Hua went to Sun Yong to see what happened to him. Sun Yong saw Fu Hua, glanced at him, smiled and said, "Little Fu, what did you do with Mayor Xu last night?"

Fu Hua shook his heart, this Sun Yong was well-informed, and everything he did with Xu Zheng was under his watch.

Fu Hua didn't dare to hesitate, for fear of giving Sun Yong the impression of making a temporary nonsense, hurriedly said: "A friend in Beijing hosted a banquet for Mayor Xu last night. We went to eat some game."

Sun Yong smiled and said, "Not bad."

Fu Hua didn't know what Sun Yong's sentence meant. He still couldn't see through the face behind Sun Yong's smile, so he wanted to leave early, and hurriedly asked Sun Yong if he had anything to do by himself

Sun Yong said: "Little Fu, I really need you to ask me about one thing. Your father-in-law is an authentic Beijinger, right?"

Fu Hua nodded and said, "Is there anything Secretary Sun needs my father-in-law to do?"

Sun Yong said: "It's not an important matter anymore. I heard them say that there is a master of Yi Xue called Wang Ben in Beijing. You can ask him to find out for me. If possible, I would like to see him."

Fu Hua had never heard of such a person in his impression, so he said: "I have never heard of this person. I will help you to ask later."

Sun Yong smiled and said: "A friend of mine has seen this Wang Ben and said he is amazing. I am just a little curious and want to see what kind of person it is. This matter must be kept confidential and not casually telling others. talk."

Fu Hua nodded and said, "I understand."

Leaving from Sun Yong, Fu Hua called Zhao Kai and asked him if he knew a so-called master of Yi-learning called Wang Bi.

Zhao Kai said, "Isn't Wang Bi the same Master Wang I told you about before? Why are you looking for him?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It turns out that he is Wang Ben. I asked him because our municipal party committee secretary wanted to see him. Dad, can you arrange it for me?"

Zhao Kai said: "This Master Wang doesn't mean you can see it when you see it. You have to wait for me to ask."

After a while, Zhao Kai called back, saying that Master Wang had been invited out of Beijing by an entrepreneur, and this time he was afraid that he would not be able to see him.

Fu Hua relayed the situation to Sun Yong. After listening to him, Sun Yong thought for a while and said, “If you don’t see you this time, you won’t be able to see you. Please turn around and tell your father-in-law. Since he is so familiar with Master Wang, Let him make an appointment for me in the near future so that I can meet the master."

Fu Hua really thought that Sun Yong would be so eager to see Master Wang. He originally thought he would give up if he didn't see Sun Yong this time. After a moment of stunned, he hurriedly promised: "Okay, I must tell my father-in-law."

Sun Yong said, "You let him make arrangements as soon as possible."

Fu Huaxin said that this master is really so attractive? How could it make Sun Yong, a person who has always been very calm, feel a little bit unable to sit still, and I don't know what he has to do with this master.

Fu Hua said: "I understand."

Fu Hua left, and Sun Yong felt a little regretful. Originally, he was full of hope to see Master Wang this time. He heard the name Wang Bi from the secretary of a deputy governor of a neighboring province. This secretary is a relative of his wife, or a close relative, the son of his wife's uncle, he should be his cousin.

This cousin came to visit Sun Yong when he passed through Haichuan City when he had something to do. Sun Yong talked about his current situation during the chat. He felt that his career in recent years was very unsatisfactory. On the one hand, he could not see the room for improvement. Although he is the secretary of the municipal party committee of a city, he should be the leader in Haichuan City, but the two mayors he met were powerful people. Not only did he not look at him as the secretary of the municipal party committee, but also the two mayors. The performance is eye-catching and threatens his status from time to time.

After listening to the cousin, he said that he might be stuck in a certain predicament of life development, and he needs to find someone to help him solve it.

Sun Yong smiled and said, "Is there a solution?"

The cousin said: "Of course there is a solution. Do you know the leader I am talking to now? He was originally the last deputy governor. The governor didn't want to see him, so he was not worried in the province. Many people They all thought that he would survive until retirement, and it was even rumored that he would go to the National People’s Congress or the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference to serve as a deputy. But now, people have become the executive vice governor, and the provincial party committee and the provincial government value him very much. It’s the same day as before. Do you know how to become like this?"

Sun Yong shook his head and said, "Why did it become like this?"

The cousin smiled mysteriously and said: "The reason why he became like this is because he found a master, who analyzed his natal chart comprehensively, and then made some Taoist secrets about his natal chart. , Changed his destiny."

Sun Yong smiled, said, nonsense: "How come there is such a thing. Why have I never heard of such a person."

My cousin said: "I followed him since the vice governor was out of ambition. I knew everything about him. When he went to Beijing to find the master, I was right by the side. This is what I saw and heard. Listen, are you saying it is true or not?"

Sun Yong said, "Is it true?"

The cousin said: "Really, that master is called Wang Bian. He is very famous among the wealthy circles of the capital. Many people are willing to listen to the guidance of this master. The deputy governor knows that he was introduced by a rich man."

Sun Yong's heart moved. Now Cheng Yuan will definitely leave the provincial party committee due to his age in the middle of this year. The political situation of Donghai Province will inevitably undergo great changes. This is also a great opportunity for himself. Can you just leave it here? Getting out of the current predicament, or taking this opportunity to rise, is an issue for Sun Yong to consider.

Sun Yong then asked: "Then can you help me also introduce me, let me visit the master."

The cousin shook his head and said, "This is not good. You have to see yourself. I can only provide you with this information. I can't be the referrer."

Sun Yong was stunned for a moment and said, "What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

The cousin said: "This matter is a big secret for our vice governor. If we are not relatives, I would not talk about it in front of you. Besides, this person is our vice governor. I personally contacted him, I just know that there is such a person, and there is no way to contact him directly."

Sun Yong said, "What should I do, I really want to get to know him."

The cousin said: "Actually, it is very easy for you to get to know each other. Do you have no friends among the richest in Beijing? It shouldn't be difficult to find an introducer

Sun Yong immediately thought of Fu Hua’s father-in-law Zhao Kai. Tonghui Group is also a well-known company in Beijing. Zhao Kai must have had a lot of contacts, and he might have known Wang Wei.

So Sun Yong took the opportunity of the two sessions to come to Beijing and asked Fu Hua to inquire about this master named Wang Wei.

After acquiring this new laundry factory, Baihe Group has recently received three washing machine factories. Gao Feng wanted to use these three washing machine factories to merge and form another group company, so he found Cui Bo.

After listening to what Gao Feng said, Cui Bo smiled and said, "Gao Dong, your information is a bit irregular. It seems not easy to pass."

Gao Feng smiled and said: "I asked Director Cui to find out what irregularities are in it, and help me give some pointers."

Cui Bo said with a little embarrassment: "This is not something that can be said clearly in one sentence or two sentences."

Gao Feng smiled and said: "Then you can tell me which aspect is not standardized, so I can go back and modify it."

Cui Bo said: "The main reason is that there are many irregularities in the law."

Gao Feng said: "Oh, it's like this, but the original company's consultant lawyers reviewed it, and they said that there is no problem in law."

Cui Bo smiled and said, "Does Gao Dong think I am not professional enough?"

Although Cui Bo said this with a smile, Gao Feng still heard his dissatisfaction. He must get Cui Bo's approval for this merger to be passed, so he hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that, Cui Si, Did you make it more specific, so I can go back and modify it."

Cui Bo smiled and said: "You are not a professional. I am afraid you can't understand it when I tell you this, but there is an easy way to help you solve this problem."

Gao Feng said: "What method?"