
Chapter 197: Waist gold dress purple


Destiny moves forward in this way. Most people don't know the final result beforehand, but they want destiny to develop according to their own expectations. This is an important reason why many people are eager to find masters to help them analyze their lives. People want to be the first to know their future destiny development, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so that they can make early arrangements for their behavior.

Everyone, who doesn't want to predict the future? But who can really predict the future? Especially those in official careers, everyone wants to climb up, and everyone is afraid of being calculated by others. Once someone says that he can predict the future, and it is proven to be very effective, it is normal to be eager for it. This is also Wang Fan. The reason why Master Wang is busy.

Master Wang Bi's efficacies are widely circulated in some hidden ways. People may still be suspicious of a certain science that is publicly promoted, or they may think that this science is not credible in some respects. However, I am convinced of the gossip that circulates in hidden channels, especially the mystery of this gossip, which makes the people who get the news stunned. They are the first to be able to learn the news that others may not know. Excited, there is no doubt about the mysterious and mysterious part of the news, and I want to meet the protagonist in the news in person.

Fu Hua wanted to see Wang Ben because of Sun Yong’s confession, and asked Zhao Kai about Wang Ben several times. The people from the land asked to go, saying that the day of returning to Beijing was delayed repeatedly, and the anxious Sun Yong was a little impatient.

In the seven bowls of tea and tea art house, Xu Yun and private detective Xiao Huang sat in a private seat again. Xiao Huang handed Xu Yun a stack of photos and said with a smile: "Sister Xu, as you ordered, I will again I followed this guy named Dong Sheng for a while, this is the photo you want."

Xu Yun took the photo and looked at it. It was all photos of Dong Sheng and Cui Bo leaving the hotel after drinking together. Several men were red-faced after drinking. They crossed their shoulders and looked very affectionate.

Xiao Huang said: "The men who appeared in the photos are all well-known. I have checked their backgrounds and prepared the information for you. But unfortunately, I can't enter their box, so they I can’t take pictures of the situation inside the hotel.”

Speaking of Xiao Huang, he passed a few pages of information to Xu Jun. Xu Jun looked at the content written on it, nodded, and said with a smile: "This is already pretty good, Xiao Huang, your information is very sufficient. , I am very satisfied, thank you."

Xiao Huang smiled and said, "Sister Xu is polite. We rely on this to eat. Of course, we have to do a better job. Only when our customers are satisfied will our business be better."

Xu Yun smiled and said, "You guys can really talk, okay, I'll give you the balance."

Xu Yun took out his wallet and ordered a stack of money to Xiao Huang. Xiao Huang smiled and took the money. He looked at Xu Yun and said, "Sister Xu, I don’t understand. You want these men to be together. What's the use of drinking photos?"

Xu Yun glanced at Xiao Huang, and Xiao Huang smiled and waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, I shouldn't ask this, Sister Xu, just treat me as if I didn't ask."

Xu Yun smiled and said, "Curiosity can kill people, especially if you are in your business."

Xiao Huang said, "Yes, I won't ask any more. If you have no other instructions, Sister Xu, I will leave first."

Xu Yun nodded, said nothing, smiled and watched Xiao Huang leave. After Xiao Huang left, Xu Yun did not check out immediately. She was drinking tea while looking at the photos one by one. Dong Sheng in the photos smiled wildly, seeming to mock Xu Yun and said, "You see me without you or me." How freehand it was.

Xu Yun gritted her teeth and said, "Dong Sheng, just laugh. I see when you can laugh."

Fu Hua was in the office and received a call from Zhao Kai. Zhao Kai said: "Tell your Secretary Sun. Master Wang will return to Beijing tomorrow. This time he will stay at home in Beijing for about a month. See when your Secretary Sun will be able to Come here? The master said, you have been dating for a long time. He is very moved by Secretary Sun's sincerity and will do your best to arrange his other itineraries."

Fu Hua said: "Okay, it's finally on the list, you don't know, Secretary Sun has urged me many times."

Zhao Kai said: "Okay, you can report quickly. After Secretary Sun confirms the itinerary, you will tell me immediately and I will let Master Wang make arrangements."

Fu Hua hurriedly called Sun Yong. Sun Yong was very happy after hearing this. He smiled and said, "Master finally came back."

Fu Hua said, "Then Secretary Sun, when can you come to Beijing?"

Sun Yong said: "I will make arrangements for the city to fly to Beijing tomorrow. Tell the master that I will visit him the day after tomorrow."

Fu Hua didn't expect that Sun Yong would be so rushed. It seems that Sun Yongpan is also looking forward to this day, so he said: "Okay, I will arrange it now."

Fu Hua told Zhao Kai about the situation. Zhao Kai had a phone call with Wang Bi, and Wang Bi agreed to see Sun Yong the day after tomorrow.

The next day Fu Hua picked up Sun Yong and his secretary Feng Shun at the airport and sent them to the hotel. Sun Yong asked Fu Hua: "Little Fu, are everything arranged?"

Fu Hua nodded and said, "It's arranged. I will pick you up tomorrow morning to Master Wang."

Sun Yong said: "Tomorrow you can come by yourself, you have to keep it secret, you know?"

Fu Hua said: "I understand."

Early the next morning, Fu Hua picked up Sun Yong and Feng Shun, met with Zhao Kai, and went to a courtyard house in the suburbs of Beijing together. After knocking on the door, a man in his fifties came out and opened the door. He saw Zhao Kai and laughed. He said: "Dong Zhao is here."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "I brought some friends to see the master, is your father at home?"

It turned out that this man was Wang Bi's son. He smiled and said, "My father is already waiting for you."

The man led a few people into the house. In the living room of the main house, an old man with white beard and hair and a ruddy face was sitting there. He couldn't tell how old the old man was when he looked at it. Anyway, it gave people a childish look a feeling of.

Seeing everyone entering the house, the old man stood up, folded his hands together, and said with a smile, "Happy meeting, happy meeting."

Everyone put their hands together, which was regarded as a return. Zhao Kai looked at the old man and said with a smile: "Master, it has been a long time since you are still present."

The old man smiled and said, "Zhao Dong is still so young."

Zhao Kai introduced: "These are my friends, this is Mr. Sun Yong, this is Mr. Feng Shun, and this Fu Hua is my son-in-law."

Zhao Kai didn't introduce the identity of Sun Yong and Feng Shun because he was afraid that Sun Yong would be taboo. He only told the old man that some of his friends from other places wanted to ask him for advice. He did not state the identity of Sun Yong's municipal party committee secretary.

The old man shook hands with Sun Yong, and Sun Yong smiled and said: "Recently, I have made a special trip to ask the master for advice, please give me more advice."

The old man smiled and said: "I dare not give pointers. The old man is just a little research on Yixue, but I can refer to Mr. Sun for more details."

The old man shook hands with Feng Shun again, then looked up and down Fu Hua, smiled and said to Zhao Kai: "Ling son-in-law is a talent."

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "Master can give him some pointers when he is free."

The old man smiled and said, "Although Ling's son-in-law is a rough boy and his parents are weak, he is talented and filial. This kind of person is blessed by heaven. Zhao Dong doesn't have to worry about anything, even if he has something, he will be evil. Hua Ji’s."

Although Fu Hua heard from the old man about his frustration in his youth and poor relatives, which fits his situation well, when he got married, he had already looked for this old man to choose a life, and thought that Zhao Kai must have told him about his situation. So I don't think there is anything. On the contrary, he thought that the old man deliberately said this in front of everyone, as a cover to make others believe him.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Master, I haven't thanked you for choosing auspicious days for me."

The old man smiled and said, "You are polite, young man."

Zhao Kai seemed unwilling to accept the old man's words to Fu Hua, and then asked, "Master, what should Fu Hua pay attention to in the future?"

The old man smiled and said: "Zhao Dong, your children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, so don't worry too much."

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "I know that the master cherishes words like gold, but today is the right time, so you can point him to a few words."

The old man said: "Dong Zhao, it's not that the old man refuses to say it. There are actually some things that need to be said to those who believe it. If you don't believe it, it's useless to say it, so my son-in-law, haha."

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment, and said that the old man's eyes were very sharp, and he could see that he didn't believe him very much. He smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Master, today our Mr. Sun made a special trip to ask for advice, please show him a good look."

Sun Yong looked at the old man expectantly, and said with a smile: "Master, I am sincerely asking for advice, and I am still looking for advice."

The old man glanced at Fu Hua with a smile and shook his head. Then he pointed to the Grand Master's chair next to the Eight Immortals Table and said, "Mr. Sun, please sit down."

Sun Yong went over and sat down. The old man sat down in the seat opposite him and asked, "Mr., does he know his birth date?"

Sun Yong did not speak, but looked at Feng Shun, Fu Hua, and Zhao Kai with his eyes.

Zhao Kai is a smart person, and he immediately understood that Sun Yong didn't want the three of them to know the fortune-telling process, especially if the old man told Sun Yong's secrets, not only would Sun Yong be embarrassed, but everyone here would be embarrassed.

Zhao Kai looked at the old man's son, and said with a smile: "I remember that there are a few paintings hanging in your wing, which are not bad, can you take us to see it?"

The old man’s son knew the situation, and he smiled and said, “Since Zhao Dong wants to see it, let’s go take a look.”

The old man’s son took the three of them to the wing after he finished speaking. Sun Yong saw that everyone had left, and then he told the old man about his birth date. After listening, the old man reached out and counted, and said, “Mr. , If I have a good calculation, sir should be a man with a gold waist and purple clothes."