
Chapter 199: typical


When everyone got in the car and was about to leave, the old man suddenly called out: "Zhao Dong, you stay a step ahead, I have a few words to say."

Zhao Kai got out of the car again suspiciously and approached the old man. The old man walked a few steps into the door and said: "These few words are about Ling son-in-law. As far as I see his face, there is a faint black pattern in the hall. I calculated a little bit. He may suffer a little bit of hardship in the near future, but it should be fine. You tell him for me that as long as he settles down, there should be no problem. I originally wanted to say this to him, but You can also see that he doesn't really believe in Yi Xueyi, so I want you to tell him it's better."

Zhao Kai heard that Fu Hua might have something, and asked with some concern: "Is it really nothing?"

The old man nodded and said, "This time it was Chiyu's panic, and it was just a little frightened, so my son-in-law is a person with profound Fukuze, and it's fine."

Zhao Kai asked, "Is there any way to avoid it?"

The old man said: "No, the disaster has already happened and it is impossible to avoid it. But you can rest assured that Ling son-in-law is just being circumvented and will be fine in the end.

Zhao Kai apologized and said, "You helped him with his attitude towards you. Thank you, Master. I will talk about him when I look back."

The old man smiled and said: "It doesn't matter what attitude you have towards me. This is related to the education that Ling has received. Education has restricted him from believing this by his outlook on life. However, Ling is a very upright person in the world. I admire people like this very much. Okay, let's go quickly, those people will have to wait in a hurry."

Zhao Kai expressed his gratitude again, got in the car and left the old man's house.

At noon, Zhao Kai hosted a banquet for Sun Yong. During the banquet, Sun Yong had been thinking about what the old man said to him, but there were many things he didn't understand, so he was not thinking about drinking and eating.

Zhao Kai could see that Sun Yong was absent-minded, so he didn't try to persuade him. The banquet was a bit boring. Sun Yong himself realized this. When the banquet was dismissed, he apologized and said, "Dong Zhao, thank you very much for your help. , And treat me so graciously, but I was in a hurry this time and rushed back. I didn’t have the heart to drink with you. I’m a little sorry. Next time, next time we meet, we won’t be drunk or return, okay?"

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "I understand, then Secretary Sun, we will meet next time."

Sun Yong smiled and shook hands firmly with Zhao Kai, and said, "Then it will be next time."

After the banquet, it’s almost time to see that Fu Hua is about to send Sun Yong away. Zhao Kai said: "Fu Hua, send Secretary Sun well. After sending Secretary Sun, you will bring Zhao Ting home for dinner. I have something to follow. You talk."

Fu Hua agreed and drove Sun Yong and Feng Shun to the airport. Along the way, Sun Yong was still in deep thought. He was still thinking about what Wang Bi said, especially the character Wang Bi wrote on the table. What is the mystery in this orthographic character

Sun Yong could only think about it all by himself. He didn't dare to tell others about it, even Feng Shun, who was very close at ordinary time, couldn't say it.

In the evening, Fu Hua took Zhao Ting back to Zhao Kai's house. During dinner, Zhao Kai came back. Zhao Kai looked at Fu Hua and said, "Have you done something illegal with someone recently?"

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment and said, "No wow, what's the matter?"

Zhao Kai said: "Master Wang said that there is a faint black line in your Yintang. He estimated that you might be a little troublesome recently."

Zhao Ting became unhappy and said, "Dad, just listen to the nonsense of the masters and gods. Isn't this cursing Fu Hua?"

Zhao Kai said: "Xiaoting, what do you know, the master said so naturally there is a reason for him to say so."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Dad, what did he say when he called you over?"

Zhao Kai said: "Yes, that is to say. He thinks that you don't believe in his style. He is afraid that you are not serious. So let me tell you. He said that this time the disaster has been done, but you It’s just that you are involved in it, there is nothing to do with you, as long as you are determined."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "This old man is really interesting. He knows that I don't believe this, so he wants to get this set again."

Zhao Kai said: "The master actually admires you very much. He said that you are doing things with integrity. Anyway, he is always kind. You should be more careful these days."

Fu Hua said: "Okay, I just pay attention to it."

Zhao Kai said, "It's better to pay attention. Hey, why hasn't Miao come back tonight?"

Zhao Ting’s mother smiled and said, “He said that he had a lot of things at work, and he ate at the hotel.”

Zhao Kai smiled and said, "How come this kid has become so active now? Fu Hua, is there anything that attracts Xiao Miao in your Haichuan Building?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I know what attracts Miao, but I dare not say."

Zhao Kai glanced at Fu Hua and said, "Is there anything you dare not say? Okay, don't make me boring, say."

Fu Hua said: "Hehe, there is nothing in Haichuan Building that attracts Miao more than Tonghui Group, but one less thing will attract him."

Zhao Ting smiled and said, "What's missing?"

Fu Hua said: "Without the strict discipline of his father."

Zhao Kai laughed and said, "My children are older, and I don't like what we parents are talking about."

Fu Hua said: "In fact, Xiao Miao is very active and serious. Maybe his father is too strict with him. Sometimes it may be better for him to let go."

Zhao Kai said: "Maybe so, okay, he went to your place, I can be regarded as letting go, let's see what he can develop into."

Fu Hua sees that Zhao Kai is still unwilling. It seems that this person has his inexhaustible intelligence. Zhao Kai is very wise in the market and looks at things very wise, but he is very mentally retarded in the education of his children. Neither son nor daughter developed a good interest in shopping malls.

On the weekend, Fu Hua was asked by Jia Hao to play golf, along with Pan Tao, the CEO of Summit Securities. Fu Hua hasn't seen Jia Hao for some days. Jia Hao is very busy now. His "Sound of Autumn" is now becoming more and more prosperous. He has toured in more than a dozen major cities across the country and received unanimous praise from the public.

Although he was out for leisure and entertainment, after Jia Hao smiled and greeted Fu Hua, his expression became very solemn, and Pan Tao didn't have the sticky expression he used to have. Something seemed to be affecting him. They cannot be happy.

After the kick-off, Jia Hao walked to Fu Hua and said, "Little brother, have you heard of Delong?"

Fu Hua nodded and said, "I've heard some."

The collapse of Delong is the most influential economic event in the recent period. Since 2000, the Chinese stock market has entered a long bear market. The collapse of the stock market has led to the successive collapses of Zhongke Entrepreneur and Yi'an Technology. This has made Delong's customers The smell of danger has been smelled one after another, and the exposure of Yinguangxia's financial fraud has also awakened those who once believed in the story of Tang Wanxin's industrial integration. Delong, known as China's No. 1 village, felt the tension that it had never experienced before, and the undercurrent of the pressure of the run was one after another inside Delong.

In order to maintain this situation, Tang Wanxin had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a month to protect the market, hoping that the Chinese stock market would reverse. However, God made a big joke with Delong. The bear market has continued. After three years of using the acquisition of financial assets to plug the hole, Delong finally can’t hold it. In early April this year, Delong Pledge all the legal person shares of listed companies it holds to banks located in Xinjiang. Companies and banks in other places sued Delong and kept their assets everywhere. Delong carried out a series of asset transfer operations, backfilling part of Delong's unlisted assets into five listed companies controlled by Delong. However, these measures did not save Delong. On April 13 this year, the famous Delong stocks Hunan Torch, Alloy Investment and Tunhe shares began a thrilling full dive. In fact, the decline of Delong's stocks began in August 2003. The three stocks of Hunan Torch, Alloy Investment and Tunhe Co., Ltd. have changed from rising for many years and began to fall for a long time. By the present May, the market value of the Deron Group’s stock has evaporated by more than 16 billion. The two brothers Tang Wanxin attacked everywhere and asked some banks and financial institutions for help to save Delong, but they were rejected one after another. Helplessly, the Tang and Tang brothers fled abroad.

The collapse of Deron, the behemoth, happened almost instantaneously, which made the domestic economic circles amazed.

Jia Hao said: "According to the analysis of the trading situation of accounts controlled by 46 operating entities of the Delong Department by the Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges, it is shown that more than 40,000 accounts controlled by Delong were held between March and April 1997 and April 2004. Throughout the entire manipulation process, a large number of long-term trading in Hunan Torch, Alloy Investment and Tunhe shares, using their shareholding advantages, continuous trading, self-buying and self-selling, buying high and selling low and other irrational transactions and repeated ex-rights and filling of rights and other methods to influence and manipulate The stock prices of Hunan Torch, Alloy Investment, and Tunhe have caused the stock prices to deviate seriously from the fundamentals of listed companies and the broader market. The China Securities Regulatory Commission was shocked by this and believed that the current stock market must be severely purged."

Pan Tao was beside him at this time, and he said: "It looks like a storm is about to arise."

Jia Hao said, "Old Pan, you should pay attention to Summit Securities. You must not commit crimes against the wind during this period?"

Pan Tao smiled and said: "You can rest assured that our Summit Securities is the peak of the highest peak, not the top wind of the top wind. Under the guidance of your Director Jia, our operations have always been very standardized."

Jia Hao said: "Be careful not to cause serious problems. You should also go back and clean up your interior. By the way, Fu Hua, you should also call Ding Jiang from Tianhe Real Estate and ask him to pay more attention to the operation of listed companies. This incident is typical of being caught."

Fu Hua said: "Okay, I will tell him."