
Chapter 203: The fool's side


The thin prosecutor smiled and said, "Gao Feng, you must know that we will never wrong a good person, and of course we will never let a bad person go. You are the chairman of a large enterprise group, and you are very beautiful. We have social status. Normally, the two of us might not be able to see you just because we want to see you. No one like you dares to provoke casually, so you should know that we will not come to you without sufficient evidence."

Gao Feng's arrogance came up again and said, "This is true, if you are not for official business, you would never see me if you want to see me at all times."

The thin prosecutor didn’t mind Gao Feng’s arrogant attitude, but rather catered to him. He hoped that Gao Feng could show his feet unconsciously in his pride, and he smiled and said, “You’re a smart man, I’ve always liked it. When dealing with smart people, a smart person understands that it does not require me to spend too much time, so you can quickly explain it, you explain, everyone is relaxed, okay?"

What Gao Fengxin said is good or not, the key is what you have mastered. I don't know if you can say anything you have mastered.

Gao Fenggan smiled and said, "Comrade Prosecutor, I am really willing to cooperate with your work, but I really don't know what I did wrong, so let me give you some hints."

Seeing Gao Feng deliberately pretending to be confused, the fat prosecutor smiled and said, "That's OK, you just think about bribery."

Gao Fengxin said that if you said it, you didn't say it. I have given gifts to many people. If you say it, it will scare you to death.

Gao Feng said: "Comrade prosecutors, sometimes our company will give a small gift to the relevant departments in order to operate normally. This behavior may be irregular, but you also know the current operating environment of the company. Looking for trouble, our business is difficult to maintain."

The thin prosecutor laughed and said, "Gao Feng, you can really avoid the importance and neglect the importance. Will we bring you for a little corporate violation? You need to know how much your company will be under review. The impact, how much impact will it have on society, can we carelessly consider it? Will it be such a small matter?"

The fat prosecutor said: "I can tell you Gao Feng, my patience is limited. If you dare with me like this, I will be rude to you. Then you just want to say that I'm afraid I won't listen."

The thin prosecutor said: "Yes, if we reveal your criminal behavior one by one, then you will be stubborn. When the sentence is sent, you will be unrepentant and have a very poor attitude toward confession. The punishment will be aggravated. So Gao Feng, I advise you to take the opportunity we give you, don’t regret it when you go to court."

Gao Feng is a technical expert. He has developed a career in recent years and has become accustomed to being dignified. When he has seen this kind of battle, he can no longer hold his breath. He thinks I will first explain some minor crimes. Maybe. Fool the past.

This is the fool's side of Gao Feng. How can he be fooled when he gets here? How many criminal suspects like him have been seen by these prosecutors, who are smarter and more cunning than him, how can he be fooled by him? However, when people come to this kind of occasion, they panic first. Unless they have great wisdom, it is difficult for anyone to settle down and seriously consider their own situation. In other words, few people can say that this kind of situation is better than Gao Feng. Things are handled better.

Gao Feng said: "Okay, okay, I said, our Baihe Group has just acquired a washing machine factory. In order to successfully complete the acquisition, I gave the accountant of the finance department of this washing machine factory a card. The card contains For one hundred thousand yuan, he revealed to me the financial information of the washing machine factory, allowing me to fully grasp the situation of the washing machine factory. Comrade prosecutor, I was wrong. I shouldn’t just do this for the sake of a little profit of the company. This is an illegal act of bribery."

The fat prosecutor asked about the details of the incident and recorded them one by one. He was amused in his heart. Gao Feng thought he was smart and wanted to confess that he had deceived the prosecutors by a trivial matter, but what he explained was not the prosecution at all. The agency knows the situation. Needless to say, this guy still has a lot of crimes that he hasn't explained. He looked at Gao Feng, smiled, and asked, "This is only a part, what else?"

Gao Feng shook his heart. It seems that the prosecutor still has other things in his hands, so what is it? No, I can't say any more.

Gao Feng said: "No, I have done such a wrong thing."

Seeing that Gao Feng wanted to return to the position of stubborn resistance, he must get rid of Gao Feng’s fluke. The thin prosecutor shook his head and said, “No, according to what we know, it’s far more than that, Gao Feng, it’s here. At that time, you still want to get through. I can tell you that if you want to get away by explaining one or two trivial things, not only is it impossible, but it will make us think that his attitude is extremely bad. Don’t be smart and be mistaken by your cleverness. ."

Gao Feng was panicked once, and he hurriedly said: "Oh, I remember, I have done one more..."

Just say one thing, deny for a while, and then say another thing, like squeezing toothpaste. Under the squeeze of the prosecutor, Gao Feng slowly explained the illegal acts he had done over the years. , Including those who paid bribes to the staff of the other side for mergers and acquisitions in recent years, played with the empty glove white wolf trick to falsely register, and listed companies falsely turned losses. However, he never said about the misappropriation of 100 million yuan by Haitong Bus. He felt that this incident occurred in Haichuan City, East China Sea. If this happened, the Haichuan Procuratorate should come to him instead of now. The Beijing Procuratorate. And although he told Xin Jie very lightly, saying that embezzling one hundred million is not a big deal, but in his heart he understands that this matter is probably the most serious of all his crimes. He is less than a last resort, so he can’t say it. of.

The interrogation lasted a long time. It was late at night, and Gao Feng's mind was already muddy, and he just felt buzzing. No matter what the two prosecutors said, Gao Feng said there would be no more.

The two prosecutors looked at each other, and they knew very well in their hearts that although Gao Feng Lin Lin always confessed so much, the crimes that were caught first were not accounted for. They both felt that Gao Feng's possible crimes were far more than these. Look. I need to give Gao Feng a period of time to think about it, and Gao Feng confessed that so many criminal acts need to be implemented to see if this guy is talking nonsense in order to get rid of the prosecutor's questioning.

The thin prosecutor said: "It's already late, everyone is tired, so Gao Feng, you go to the prison first, and then think about it carefully to see if you have missed anything."

Gao Feng was so tired that he couldn't beat his energy. He smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't have any, Comrade Prosecutor."

The fat prosecutor said in his heart that this guy is still dishonest. As far as I know, there is one more thing you did not explain. You were invited in because of this. He smiled and said, "Is there any more talk about it? Go back first. have a rest."

Gao Feng was sent to the prison. He was interrogated for a day. In order to save himself, his head was very nervous. At the moment, he was too tired. He did not think about where he was, and he did not think about what will happen tomorrow, even though the prison environment is very difficult. Poor, far less comfortable than his villa, but he fell asleep anyway.

When Fu Hua met the prosecutor, he was chatting with Zhang Feng and Zhao Miao in Zhang Feng's office. After passing through the work of the Haichuan Building for a while, they sat together and chatted about some relaxed topics. Zhao Miao talked about some of his suggestions for hotel management. Fu Hua appreciated it very much and said, "Miao, you are very quick to get started."

Zhao Miao smiled and said, "This is the good leadership of President Zhang. After I came to the hotel, I learned a lot from President Zhang."

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Don't flatter me, you did a very good job. Fu Hua, Zhao Miao is really talented in hotel management, and he knows many things without telling me." Fu Hua laughed He said with a smile: "It seems that you two appreciate each other."

Zhang Feng glanced at Fu Hua and said, "Fuck you, what a joke, Zhao Miao is still a child, why appreciate each other."

Fu Hua also wanted to continue teasing them. This is Gao Yue knocking on the door and coming in, saying: "Director Fu, two prosecutors are going to the office to look for you, and I will bring them here."

Fu Hua looked at the two prosecutors behind Gao Yue with a little surprise, and asked, "Is there anything you two have to do with me?"

The main prosecutor said: "Comrade Fu Hua, we would like to ask you to go back with us to assist in investigating a case. This is our certificate."

Fu Hua looked at the documents. The two were staff members of the Anti-Corruption and Bribery Bureau of the Beijing Procuratorate. The one who spoke to him was named Liu and the other was named Li.

Fu Hua returned the certificate, but he still didn't know what was going on, so he said, "What is it?"

Prosecutor Liu said: "You are involved in a case. We need to find out some information from you. Please come with us."

Zhang Feng stood up and asked, "Mr. Prosecutor, what is Fu Hua involved in?"

Prosecutor Liu said: "Sorry, it is not convenient for us to disclose. Don't worry too much. Just ask him to cooperate with the investigation."

Fu Hua felt that he had not done anything illegal, so he smiled and said to Zhang Feng and Zhao Miao: "It's okay, I'll go to the procuratorate to see what's going on."

Fu Hua was not taken to the procuratorate. The two prosecutors took Fu Hua to a hotel in the suburbs of Beijing. In the hotel room, the prosecutor surnamed Li poured Fu Hua a glass of water. Prosecutor Liu smiled and told Fu Hua sat down and said, "Comrade Fu Hua, I am looking for you. There are some situations that need to be consulted with you. I hope you can cooperate."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "What's the matter? As long as I know, I must cooperate."

Prosecutor Liu smiled and said, "Do you know Dong Sheng?"

Fu Hua froze for a moment and said, "I know him, lawyer Dong, what's wrong?"