
Chapter 210: Ghost place


Seeing that Sun Yong continued to fool him, Xu Zheng couldn't help but become angry and said: "Yes, I am a participant, but I am innocent. I can avoid suspicion, but I don't allow some people to use this case to deliberately frame me. I told Your Sun Yong, don't think that Xu is a bully."

Seeing Xu Zheng turned his face, Sun Yong sneered and said: "Mayor Xu, where did you know that I was framing you? Do you have any basis for saying this?"

Xu Zheng was asked to stop. He couldn't tell his source, so he sold Jiang Ju. He said, "Anyway, I just know that you let that Yi Ren keep asking Xin Jie if the leading cadres indulged him. , What kind of intention is this, but he must say yes if he doesn’t? Isn’t this what is framed?"

Sun Yong was amused secretly in his heart. Xu Zheng said that, but it was substandard. He couldn't tell the source of the news, but he wanted to talk about it. First of all, there was no foundation to stand on. Without the foundation, he said no matter how fierce he was. , No matter how good it sounds, it is useless.

Sun Yong shook his head and said, "Mayor Xu, I don’t know where you learned these false news. It is said that our procuratorate’s reconnaissance activities are not public. The case is still under investigation. I don’t know these details yet. Well, how did you know?"

Xu Zheng became more annoyed and said, "Sun Yong, don't pretend. Didn't you arrange Yi Ren to ask Xin Jie to chase me? I can tell you that Xu Zheng is not a bully, you think Using this to make a big fuss and frame me Xu Zheng is simply a delusion."

Sun Yonghuo said, "Mayor Xu, let me remind you that this is the municipal party committee. I am the secretary of the municipal party committee of Haichuan. Please speak with respect. What are you talking nonsense? What did I arrange? Tell you about this. , You find him out and ask him to verify with me."

Xu Zheng naturally couldn't ask Jiang Ju out to confront Sun Yong. Only then did he realize that he was a little blind, and he shouldn't have known about this.

Although he knew that he was a bit blind, Xu Zheng couldn't back down at this moment. The brave wins when he meets on a narrow road. If he backs down at this moment, Xu Zheng may no longer be able to overpower Sun Yong.

If you bite the bullet, Xu Zheng said: "Sun Yong, you don’t have to pretend. I know exactly what is written in the transcript. It’s impossible for you to make a fuss with just one sentence. You want to use it. Yi Ren came to fix me, let me tell you, it was wishful thinking."

Sun Yong smiled and said: "Since you said you know the contents of the transcript, why are you so gaffe? What are you afraid of? Are you really involved in it?"

Xu Zheng said: "Nonsense, I'm innocent, don't bite people. Besides, if you investigate a provincial cadre without authorization, this is illegal. I can go to the province to sue you."

Sun Yong smiled and said: "Really? You are going to the province to sue, okay, I want to ask you, is there any basis for what you said? Besides, why do you, a mayor, interfere with the inspection department? Investigate in accordance with the law? Yes, you can sue if you want to. See who is right then."

Xu Zheng didn't expect that Sun Yong would have such a rhetoric waiting for him. It seems that Sun Yong has already calculated all this, so he is not afraid of making trouble by himself.

Although he knew that he had already lost for a while, Xu Zheng was unwilling to swallow this breath, and he was even more unwilling to watch Sun Yong continue to make his own articles on Xin Jie, and his heart became more and more annoyed. Pointing to Sun Yong's nose and said: "Sun Yong, you can do it, let's wait and see."

After speaking, he stood up, slammed the door and left.

A bang of the door slammed echoed in the corridor, and people from the nearby office looked out to see what was going on. They saw Xu Zheng walking down the corridor with a cold face. These people quickly retracted their heads for fear. Seen by Xu Zheng.

The news of Xu Zheng and Sun Yong's public breakup spread wildly in Haichuan City. People spoke vividly about Sun Yong and Xu Zheng pointing their noses to each other in the office, as if they were on the scene.

Wu Yi finally returned from Hong Kong and was immediately detained by the Beijing Procuratorate. He soon explained the transaction between Dong Sheng. He admitted that he entrusted Dong Sheng to handle the approval procedures of the Ministry of Commerce for foreign capital mergers, but that was only entrusted by law. He didn't know about the transaction between Dong Sheng and Cui Bo. Later, he did give Dong Sheng another red envelope, but that was because his company's listing results were really good. Dong Sheng offered to reward him, and he agreed. As for Wu Yi's meeting with Cui Bo and Qi Shen before the entrusted transaction, that was to make sure that Dong Sheng must have the ability to handle foreign mergers. As for whether there were other transactions between Dong Sheng and Cui Bo Qishen, Wu Yi said that he did not know exactly, but he only entrusted Dong Sheng, and did not make Dong Sheng bribe Cui Bo and Qi Shen.

Wu Yi is not different from Gao Feng. He has experienced all these years of falling, beating and beating. This set of rhetoric is very satisfactory, and the prosecutors can't help him. After all, the confessions of Dong Sheng and Cui Bo Qishen were there, and Wu Yi did not express anything directly to Cui Bo and Qi Shen. This culpability can only be borne by Dong Sheng, and can not be borne by Wu Yi.

When the prosecutor asked if Fu Hua had accepted bribes, Wu Yi smiled and said, "Why do you suspect him? That person is too orthodox, so why would you accept bribes from me? To be honest, among these people, Fu Hua is a person who really helped me, and a person I really want to thank, but this guy just refused to accept my gold card. Later he said that the Beijing Office helped me to be listed. Donate the gold card to the Beijing Office. There are accounts for this. Why would you still suspect him? It's really funny."

So far Fu Hua's suspicion was clearly explained by Wu Yi, and Prosecutor Liu informed Fu Hua that he could leave.

It was the first time that Fu Hua had walked out of the hotel room in the past ten days. The sun outside seemed so violent and dazzling that he couldn't help but stretch his hand to cover his forehead. The air has been fresh for a long time, and Fu Hua took a deep breath. This man, it is better to have freedom.

The phone was returned. Fu Hua turned on the phone and quickly dialed Zhao Ting's phone. After a while, Zhao Ting connected. Fu Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Ting, it's me."

There was no response from Zhao Ting for a long time. After a while, Zhao Ting asked cryingly: "Is it really you, Fu Hua?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Of course it's me, why can't you even hear my voice?"

Zhao Ting started sobbing, and Fu Hua said, "Okay, Xiaoting, don't cry, I'm fine, come pick me up, I'm in a hotel in the suburbs of Beijing."

Zhao Ting stopped sobbing and said, "Okay, okay, I'll be over right away."

Fu Hua stood at the door, waited for nearly half an hour, and watched a mini-mini drive quickly, and stopped in front of Fu Hua. Zhao Ting got out of the car and ran to Fu Hua in a few steps. , Took Fu Hua into his arms, leaned his head on Fu Hua's shoulder and started sobbing.

Fu Hua knew Zhao Ting’s heartache these days, and he missed Zhao Ting very much, and hugged Zhao Ting tightly. He obviously felt that Zhao Ting’s body was much thinner than before, and he knew that Zhao Ting was all these days. In some state, she whispered in her ear: "Well, Xiaoting, I know you are suffering, stop crying, am I okay?"

Zhao Ting began to beat Fu Hua on the back and said, "I was scared to death by you. It has been more than ten days since you were taken away. I thought you really had something wrong."

A few days before Fu Hua was taken away by the procuratorate, Zhao Ting was able to wait patiently because of Wang Wei’s prediction, but as time slowly increased, Zhao Ting became more and more worried, and became more and more unable to sit still. She started Forcing Zhao Kai to look for people everywhere, and then to Zhao Kai to find Wang Bi to make sure that Fu Hua has something to do with him? It's okay why not come out for so long.

Although Zhao Kai knew that Fu Hua’s affairs were not as urgent as Zhao Ting thought, and although the time was in the past, Fu Hua was always assisting in the investigation rather than turning into criminal detention, but he could not hold back Zhao Ting’s repeated urging. He didn't look for people around, but he found all the relationships that he could use. Wang Bi also called and asked Wang Bi what he thought of the matter. Wang Bi's view is still consistent with the past. He believes that Fu Hua is okay and will come out soon.

All the methods were exhausted, but Fu Hua still didn’t come out, and the news inside couldn’t be found out. Zhao Ting felt like he was going crazy, and even said fiercely that he was going to smash Wang Bi’s place, what a master, he always said. It's okay, but people just haven't been released.

Just when she was about to collapse, Fu Hua called. Zhao Ting could not believe that Fu Hua was calling back when she saw this number. She was afraid that someone from the procuratorate would tell Fu Hua what measures should be taken. Therefore, I didn't dare to answer the phone for a long time. After Fu Hua said the words Xiaoting, it's me, Zhao Ting's tears suddenly shed. After these days, she finally heard Fu Hua's voice again. So he put down the phone and drove over immediately.

Fu Hua stroked Zhao Ting's back and smiled and said, "Well, Xiaoting, am I okay?"

Zhao Ting cried and said, "You are all right now, but do you know how I spent the past few days?"

Fu Hua said: "I know you must have a hard time outside, and I also want someone to notify you, but they want to keep it confidential and refuse to inform me. There is no way to make you suffer."

Zhao Ting said: "Why are these people so bad, and they refused to give any notice."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "They also have discipline."

Zhao Ting said: "What kind of discipline, there is no human touch."

Fu Huaxin said that the procuratorial agency is originally an agency of dictatorship, how can there be too much human touch when dealing with the objects of dictatorship.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Okay, Xiaoting, let's go, I've stayed enough for this ghost place."

Zhao Ting said: "Yes, yes, we don't stay in this ghost place."