
Chapter 211: Nothing to say


When the two got into the car, Zhao Ting reversed the front of the car and drove back. Fu Hua said: "Dad must be worried about me these days, right?"

Zhao Ting smiled and said, "Of course Dad is worried about you, but he is really crushed by me these days. I asked him to find people everywhere to ask for your news."

Fu Hua said, "Then I will tell him quickly that I am out."

Fu Hua dialed Zhao Kai's phone, Zhao Kai quickly connected, and asked, "Is it Fu Hua?"

Fu Hua said: "It's me, Dad, I'm fine, and you have made you worry about me these days."

Zhao Kai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine, where are you now, have you notified Xiaoting?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I'm in Xiaoting's car."

Zhao Kai said, "Well, now Xiao Ting doesn't need to rush me. How are you? You didn't suffer much in it, right?"

Fu Hua said: "I'm fine. I stay in the hotel these days, but I don't have freedom of movement and can't communicate with outsiders."

Zhao Kai said: "It's fine if you don't suffer. I will bring Xiaoting home tonight, and I will be shocked."

Fu Hua said: "Okay."

Zhao Kai hung up the phone.

Fu Hua said to Zhao Ting: "Dad said that he would let us go home in the evening, and he wanted to shock me."

Zhao Ting said: "Okay."

Mini continued to move forward. Zhao Ting turned her head to look at Fu Hua from time to time. Fu Hua was embarrassed by the look of Fu Hua and said: "Okay, I am fine, you will have a lot of time to look at me in the future, so you don't need to stare at me like this. Right?"

Zhao Ting smiled and said, "My husband, I feel calm after seeing your heart."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I will show you every day from now on, so concentrate on driving now."

Zhao Ting said, "My husband, can I discuss something with you?"

Fu Hua said, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Ting said: "Will we stop doing the director of the Beijing Office?"

Fu Hua asked in surprise: "What's the matter, I, the director of the Beijing Office, provoke you?"

Zhao Ting said: "You see that the director of the Beijing Office has had two different things. Every time it is scared, is it worth it?"

Fu Hua said: "I haven't thought about whether it's worth it, but this is my profession, and I prefer to work in the Beijing Office."

Zhao Ting said: "I really don't know what you like to do in Beijing? An official is not an official, and there is nothing to be proud of in business."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "This is finally my career. He still gave me a sense of accomplishment."

Zhao Ting said: "If you want a career, it's simple. I will ask my father to manage it from Tonghui Group, or if you don't want to work under him, I will ask him to give you a sum of money and start your own business. It's okay. Don't be the director of the Beijing Office, okay, I really don't want to worry about you anymore."

Fu Hua knew that Zhao Ting felt sorry for him, and was very touched. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently stroked Zhao Ting's cheek, and said, "Xiao Ting, I know you are for my good. This time I also want to be inside. It’s a lot. Compared to you, the director of the Beijing Office is nothing. But I can’t say that I don’t want to do it. It’s not me whether you talk about working with my dad or starting my own business. What I like."

Zhao Ting said unhappily: "In your eyes, the Beijing Office is more important than me."

Fu Hua said: "I dare to say that no one is more important to me than you. I can resign from the post of Director of the Beijing Office for you. It's just my personality that you should also know. I'm not the kind of person who is willing to sit down or do nothing. People."

Zhao Ting heard Fu Hua say this, with a smile on her face, and said, "You guys are indeed too. If you ask you to do nothing every day like me, you can't stand it. Okay, if you still want to be the director of the Beijing Office Then do it, just don't provoke things like this anymore."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Thank you, my wife, for your kindness."

Zhao Ting said: "I am not Kaien, I just don't want to see you upset."

Zhao Ting took Fu Hua home. Fu Hua changed his clothes. After lunch, he went to the Beijing Office of the Haichuan Building.

As soon as I entered the floor of the Beijing Office, I ran into Gao Yue head-on. Gao Yue said in surprise, ""Director Fu, you are back. Are you OK

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's okay. I just went to help the procuratorate investigate something. Now that the investigation is over, I'll be back."

Gao Yue said happily: "Just come back, Luo Yu, come out soon, Director Fu is back."

Luo Yu poked his head out of the office, saw Fu Hua, and greeted him happily. He smiled and said, "Director Fu, you are back."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Roman, are you okay these days?"

Luo Yu nodded and said, "I'm fine."

When Fu Hua was talking, he walked to his director's office. Luo Yu saw Fu Hua walk to the director's office, his face changed, and he said, "Director Fu, you just came back, don't you know something?"

Fu Hua stopped and asked, "What happened, Ronaldinho?"

Luo Yu said embarrassingly, "Dr. Fu, that's it. It hasn't been long since you were taken away by the procuratorate. The city announced that Lin Xi will temporarily act as the director of the office. Now this office is in use by Lin Xi. ."

Fu Hua felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Lin Xi was too impatient. Even if he was appointed as acting director, there was still no clear conclusion on his organization of affairs. So why did he move into his office in such a hurry? ? This guy is crazy about the director, and he doesn't care about the friendship of colleagues. But now that he has come out, I want to come to Lin Xi as the acting director for a few days, let's see how long he can be arrogant.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's okay, Xiao Luo, since Lin Xi has acted as the director, I should tell him when I come back."

Gao Yue smiled and said, "Director Fu, you don't have to be familiar with him."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I'm fine."

Fu Hua stretched out his hand and knocked on the door. Now that the magpie nest is occupied, he needs to knock on the door when he enters his office, and he feels a little different in his heart.

Lin Xi's voice in the door yelled to come in, Fu Hua opened the door and walked in. Seeing Lin Xialielie sitting behind his desk, Lin Xi was taken aback when he saw Fu Hua, his face flashed. After a trace of embarrassment, he dared not look at Fu Hua's eyes. However, Lin Xi quickly calmed down, smiled dryly, and said, "Director Fu is back, are you okay? Comrades are all anxious for you these days, so I can find out what's wrong with you."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I'm fine, thank you comrades for your concern."

Lin Xi said, "It's all right, it's all right."

Lin Xi stood up, greeted him and shook hands with Fu Hua, and said, "There is something to explain to Director Fu. After you were taken away by the procuratorate, the city said that the unit should not be left alone, so I appointed my agent. Director. Please forgive me for this."

Although Lin Xi said to please Fu Hua for forgiveness, his expression revealed a bit of pride that he couldn't hide, and a bit of panic caused by the accident Fu Hua came out.

Fu Huaxin said: "You look like a villain, do you think you can sit in this office? I believe that as long as the city knows that I'm back, your acting director will do it."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Director Lin is polite. Since it is an organizational meaning, I have no right to forgive me."

Lin Xi smiled and said, "Director Fu understands it."

Lin Xi led Fu Hua to the sofa and sat down, then turned around to pour tea for Fu Hua. Fu Hua looked at this familiar environment. Some personal belongings that belonged to him were gone. They replaced some Lin Xi's things. It seemed that Lin Xi's movements were really fast.

Lin Xi poured the tea, handed it to Fu Hua, and said with a smile: "Director Fu, don't worry, I will put all your things in the warehouse for you, and you can't throw them away."

This distraction made Fu Hua laugh secretly in his heart. Isn't he just a director of the Beijing Office, or an agent? Is he so enthusiastic? He looked at Lin Xi and said with a smile: "Director Lin, I'm back now, do you think you should report to the city?"

Lin Xi's face twitched inadvertently. What he was most worried about was that Fu Hua did not come back from the procuratorate. His director was acting temporarily. Fu Hua came back and didn't know what he would be like. Most likely he was acting director. Just do it.

However, Fu Hua just came out of the prosecutor's office safely, which made Lin Xi feel uncomfortable. Is this acting director really so short-lived? However, he couldn't stop reporting Fu Hua's return to the city, so he smiled and said: "It should be reported. Director Fu, do you think I will report it or you?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then I will tell the city."

Lin Xixin said that everyone reported the same results, so she said, "Okay."

Fu Hua dialed the mayor Xu Zheng’s cell phone. The call was connected. Xu Zheng’s secretary Liu Chao answered him. Liu Chao smiled and said, “It’s Director Fu. It’s coming out. There’s nothing wrong, right?”

Fu Hua said: "Liu Mi, yes, it's me. I came out. The procuratorate asked me to assist in the investigation. Now that the investigation is over, I'm fine. Where's Mayor Xu?"

Liu Chao said: "Mayor Xu is in a meeting, are you okay?"

Fu Hua said: "Nothing else, just want to tell Mayor Xu that I'm out."

Liu Chao said: "Okay, I will tell him after Mayor Xu."

Fu Hua wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he said thank you to Liu Chao and hung up the phone.

Without contacting Xu Zheng, there was no way for the city to clarify what the city had said about being assisted in the investigation this time. Fu Hua would have no interest in sitting down, so he stood up and said, "Then Director Lin, I will go back. "

Lin Xi was also embarrassed, and wished Fu Hua to leave quickly, so he stood up and said, "Okay, you can go back and rest for a few days. If there is any news here, I will notify you."