
Chapter 215: Restrain your hands and feet


Cheng Yuan already understood what he meant. He wanted Xu Zheng to take the initiative to apologize to Sun Yong and stage a general peace. It’s not that Xu Zheng didn’t understand, but he had already been miscalculated by Sun Yong this time. The fire was already in his forehead. It was only because of the respect for Cheng Yuan that it didn’t happen. He wanted him to spit and follow. Sun Yong apologized, that is absolutely impossible.

Xu Zheng said vaguely: "I see, Secretary Cheng."

Who is Cheng Yuan? I can see at a glance that Xu Zheng was unwilling to say this, and he said it because of his own pressure. It seems that although Xu Zheng is capable of doing something, he is suspicious, self-sufficient, and unable to listen to other people's opinions. He is really not a handsome talent.

Cheng Yuan knew that it was useless to say anything more. He looked at Xu Zheng and said, "Okay, you go back first. After you go back, you must cooperate with Comrade Sun Yong, and don't affect your work because of this incident."

Xu Zheng nodded and said, "Good Secretary Cheng."

Xu Zheng left, and Cheng Yuan began to think about how the team of Sun Yong and Xu Zheng's partner would adjust in the next step. He knew that Xu came back with emotion, and the relationship between Xu Zheng and Sun Yong in this manner was not good, even if Xu Zheng said it very well.

Haichuan is a big industrial city in Donghae Province. The work here is not chaotic. These two people have to make adjustments, but how do they adjust

Cheng Yuan knew in his heart that his days in Donghai Province could be counted. Should this trouble be solved in his own hands, or should it be left to the next leader to solve it

I have recommended Guo Kui to the central government to take over. The central government also recognizes Comrade Guo Kui. There is no big surprise, Guo Kui will inevitably take over as secretary. It seems that Sun Yong and Xu Zheng need to exchange opinions with Comrade Guo Kui on this matter to see what he wants to do.

Xu Zheng returned to Haichuan in frustration. He knew that he was fooled by Sun Yong this time. Although Cheng Yuan spoke very tactfully, he was already very rude to him and seemed very disappointed in himself. . It was obvious that Cheng Yuan was supporting Sun Yong in his dispute with Sun Yong, but he was very dissatisfied with his performance.

Xu Zheng knew that creating such a bad impression on Cheng Yuan would make his future work passive, and at least to a certain extent he would not dare to confront Sun Yong directly. Once a direct confrontation is formed, Cheng Yuan's first reaction at that time must be that he, the mayor, still has a misunderstanding of Sun Yong and refuses to cooperate with Sun Yong's work. At that time, he must be blamed.

Thinking of this, Xu Zheng also had to admire Sun Yong’s political wisdom and clever techniques. He even borrowed a case involving Xin Jie who had nothing to do with him to embezzle public funds. He cleverly changed the situation of Xu Zhenghaichuan into an instant. Passive, at least at the moment, Xu Zheng had to look at Sun Yong's face.

Let's put up with all this for now, anyway, Cheng Yuan's life in Donghai Province is not much, Sun Yong now has Cheng Yuan's support to be arrogant, then Cheng Yuan left? Governor Guo Kui, who may succeed Cheng Yuan, still has a very good impression of him. Will Sun Yong be able to be arrogant at that time

Sun Yong soon got the news that Xu Zheng was severely reprimanded in front of Cheng Yuan. Although the results were not entirely satisfactory to Sun Yong, this is a relatively gratifying step, at least with the provincial party committee. The momentum was severely set back, and Xu Zheng was no longer able to act recklessly in Haichuan City with his good performance.

Cheng Yuan's scolding of Xu Zheng also gave Sun Yong the confidence to challenge Xu Zheng. He knew very well that Xu did not have the capital to fight against himself at this point.

As people have said, it is advisable to chase the poor with the courage left, and not to be famous and learn from the overlord. Sun Yong knew that what he had to do now was to beat the drowning dog. Xu Zheng, the drowning dog, called pain, and it was best to force him to go to the provincial party committee. However, Sun Yong estimated that Xu Zheng did not have the guts to go to the provincial party committee. This time, no matter how hard he hits, Xu Zheng must grit his teeth.

So at the enlarging meeting of the Standing Committee, Sun Yong made a very harsh criticism of Xu Zheng and Li Tao, criticizing them for not carefully examining the strength of Baihe Group, and blindly reaching cooperation with Baihe Group just to pursue political achievements; criticizing them After reaching the cooperation agreement, I thought everything was going well, and did not supervise the implementation of the cooperation agreement at all, leaving the cooperation project between Haitong Bus and Baihe Group in a regulatory blank for a long time, which led to Xinjie's lover and misappropriation of public funds Bad consequences; criticize them for being blinded by the immediate short-term interests, ignoring the main business of Haitong Bus, and using the Haitong Bus Factory to develop some automobile city real estate projects, and blindly seeking big things. Now Haitong Bus and Baihe Group are cooperating The project ran aground, and the Auto City project is about to come to an end. The old problems have not been solved yet, but new problems have formed.

After Sun Yong criticized this, he said: "This lesson is painful. If the Beijing Procuratorate did not discover Gaofeng’s other criminal acts in time, Gaofeng’s criminal attempt would have succeeded. At that time, Gaofeng would not only be able to invest all the capital of the Baihe Group. If you flee back, you can also get a share of Haitong Bus without spending a penny and control the operation of Haitong Bus. However, our city can only eat coptis and watch all this happen. If this happens, it will happen. , Will be a major loss of our Haichuan city’s state-owned assets. How will these comrades here face the general public of our Haichuan city? I don’t know what they think of other comrades. I know that as the secretary of the municipal party committee, I can’t tell the majority. The people accounted for it."

When Sun Yong said these words, Xu sat there with his head bowed in front of his face, looking angry. When Sun Yong saw Xu Zheng's appearance like this, his heart was refreshing, and he asked where did your usual arrogance go

After Sun Yong finished speaking, he looked at Xu Zheng and asked: "Is there anything Comrade Xu Zheng has to say?"

At this time, Xu Zheng was extremely frustrated and couldn't help himself to speak. He just said, "Secretary Sun criticized our city government very well. These problems do exist. We will definitely reflect on ourselves after the meeting. At the same time, we will strengthen supervision of related enterprises in the city to avoid incidents like Xin Jie."

Sun Yong smiled and said: "Comrade Xu Zheng's attitude is correct. If there is a mistake, we must correct it. The municipal party committee's criticism is also for the smooth progress of various tasks in our city and avoid further major losses."

The words Sun Yong said in a parental tone sounded particularly harsh in Xu Zheng's ears. His heart became more annoyed, but he was helpless, and his face became more and more ashen.

What happened at the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee quickly spread across Haichuan City, and sensitive people quickly noticed this change in the direction of the Haichuan Municipal Altar. While people are adding fuel to the political struggle between Sun Yong and Xu Zheng, most people tend to think that Sun Yong has a considerable degree of support from the provincial party committee, so they dared to criticize Xu Zheng so recklessly at the meeting. As a result, more people approached Sun Yong, and many people began to alienate Xu Zheng.

Wu Wen’s Xiling Hotel is also a frequent place for celebrities from both political and business circles in Haichuan City. It is a distribution center for Haichuan municipal government gossip. Naturally, it is easy to know Xu Zheng’s current embarrassing situation. She has always been grateful for Xu Zheng's help in obtaining land for her, so she is also anxious for Xu Zheng's situation.

That day, Xu happened to be socializing at the Xiling Hotel, but Wu Wen did not go to the construction site to handle some affairs in the hotel. When Xu Zheng was about to leave, the waiter notified Wu Wen, and Wu Wen came out to see off the guests.

Under the frustration of this period of time, Xu Zheng has long no longer had that kind of complacent publicity, and his face looked gray. It seems that this person is really lucky. Without this kind of luck, Xu Zheng seems to have a kind of unlucky image. Maybe it is to judge the rise and fall of a person based on this.

Wu Wen hurried to the front of Xu Zheng and said with a smile: "Mayor Xu, are you leaving now?"

Xu Zheng saw Wu Wen. Although he has been in a bad mood recently, he still feels a kind of joy when he sees this beautiful woman. Beautiful women are seductive whenever they appear.

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "I rarely see Mr. Wu recently?"

Wu Wen smiled and said: "Recently, things have been a little bit more on the construction site, and most of the time they are on the construction site."

Xu Zheng asked about the current situation of Wu Wen's construction site. Wu Wen said that everything was fine, and the two of them had some gossips. Xu Zheng became a little unhappy and was about to get in the car and leave.

Wu Wen sent Xu Zheng into the car. Just when Xu Zheng was about to leave, Wu Wen said: "Mayor Xu, some things are only temporary. I believe that Ji people have their own natural looks. These unpleasantness will soon be Past."

Xu Zheng glanced at Wu Wen, Wu Wen's face was full of smiles, and she knew that this woman had already known what had happened in Haichuan City and her current embarrassment. She said that she wanted to show her support.

Xu Zheng felt a kind of warmth in his heart, and the support given to him at this time was commendable. Xu Zheng smiled and nodded to Wu Wen, indicating that he knew what Wu Wen wanted to express and left.

A few days later, when Wu Wen was chatting with her godfather Liu Kang, she accidentally talked about this. She said: "Godfather, you say that this world is really true now. What a good person does is so difficult, a bad person. But always madly proud."

Liu Kang smiled and said: "This is natural. Good people have to abide by a lot of rules and are often blamed. They often tie up their hands and feet. But bad people don't use them. Many times they do everything they can do. Good people suffer. What's wrong, what has provoke you that makes you feel so emotional?"