
Chapter 22: The mood of drinking Irish coffee


Yang Jun and Guo Jing got into the car. Yang Jun's car was a black Mercedes. The large body looked calm and elegant, which was very suitable for Yang Jun's identity as a businessman. Yang Jun put down the car window, and the couple waved goodbye to Fu Hua and drove away.

Zhao Ting drives a miniCooper, which is stylish and compact. Fu Hua knows that this BMW car is not cheap. The minimum cost is more than 300,000 yuan. It is a pet of the urban trendy family. It seems that Zhao Ting's family background is not bad.

Zhao Ting parked the car next to Fu Hua and asked, "How are you going, do you want me to see you off?"

Fu Hua smiled: "I'm going to get in your car. I probably have to chop off a piece of my head first."

Zhao Ting laughed, "Why are you so tall?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I can't help it. Okay, I came by car. You can go first."

Zhao Ting said: "Then I'll go first, and I will go to play with you another day, ha, bye."

Fu Hua watched Zhao Ting drive away and shook her head secretly, saying that this woman is really interesting, what's so fun about being a broken office.

Fu Hua got in the car and drove onto Wangfujing Street. He wanted to rush back to the Beijing Office.

The night started to be quiet. Amidst the melodious music in the car, Fu Hua's mind came to mind that he was in Beijing during this period of time. There were hardships and gains. Although the time was short, it was full of legends. Fu Hua was dazzled. Beijing is the root of the imperial city, and the freshness and excitement it brings to Fu Hua are not comparable to the boring sea and river like a pool of stagnant water.

Boredom is one of the important reasons why Fu Hua chose to leave Haichuan. The days when he worked as a secretary for Qu Wei were basically a programmed robot, repeating what he did the day before every day. This is how his life and passion are. Was consumed in constant repetition and repetition.

This gave Fu Hua a feeling of suffocation. If it were not for his mother, he would have chosen to escape long ago.

People live their entire lives not for mechanical repetition and reproduction, but for making their mark on the annual rings of this era. Since he was a child, Fu Hua believed that he was by no means a mediocre person. He wanted to stand on the broader world of Beijing and make his own deeds.

Beijing is the heart of the whole of China, here are the unattainable high-ranking officials, here are the rich and the wealthy of the country, here are the beauties of the country and the city, here are everything that an ambitious man desires. More importantly, this place is full of all the qualities and opportunities that can make contributions and is a place where every man who thinks he is extraordinary wants to develop.

Thinking of the beauty, Fu Hua's shadow of Sun Ying in Wonderland appeared in front of him. After contacting Guangzhou, almost two months passed. Fu Hua was busy with investment negotiations with Ronghong, so he gave this head away. I don't know how Sun Ying is now.

Sometimes people need to get along with each other frequently. Only when there is a certain sense of familiarity between the two people can the relationship become close. Now that there has been no contact for nearly two months, the heat between the two has subsided, and it is not easy for Fu Hua to restart the relationship with Sun Ying.

It's funny to think about it, why would I care about Sun Ying? Is there a relationship between men and women with skin-to-skin relationship? I don't know how Sun Ying positioned this relationship, but it seems that Sun Ying still cares very much, otherwise she would not explain repeatedly to ignore herself on the plane.

On the plane! The image of Sun Ying leaning on the man's shoulder flashed in Fu Hua's mind, and he couldn't help but screamed. He understood why Yang Jun felt familiar with him. They had indeed seen it. At that time, Sun Ying relied on the person in his thirties. Yang Jun is the man full of extravagance! Because Yang Jun and Fu Hua focused on Sun Ying at the time, they did not leave a deep impression on each other.

This discovery made Fu Hua very annoyed. How could Yang Jun be like this? He already has such a good woman as Guo Jing, why is he still dazzling with flowers outside

Fu Hua took out his mobile phone impulsively. He wanted to tell Guo Jing of this discovery. He didn't want Guo Jing to be harmed by Yang Jun.

After dialing a few numbers, Fu Hua began to calm down. Can you do it yourself? How would Guo Jing react when he knew this? She will definitely not be happy.

Probably my old lover is the most unsuitable person in the world to inform Guo Jing of this situation, right? Would Guo Jing think that she was mocking her wrong choice

Besides, I just have a vague image in my mind, can I be sure that the man is Yang Jun? This is really hard to say.

Let's check with Sun Ying first. If it is indeed Yang Jun, then find a way to remind Guo Jing from the side and let her take care of Yang Jun's behavior.

Fu Hua found out Sun Ying's number and dialed it.

The phone was connected, and Sun Ying smiled and said, "It's Mr. Fu, why do I suddenly think of me, the little girl?"

Fu Hua said: "That's it, Sun Ying, I want to ask you one thing."

Sun Ying said: "Oh, think of me if you have anything, and forget me when there is nothing to do, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "No, how can I do it."

Sun Ying said: "Didn't you say that you should contact me when you come back from Guangzhou? How long has it been? It's almost two months, right? Why would you call me if you have something to do?"

A series of questions made Fu Hua feel uncomfortable, so he said: "You have misunderstood, you listen to me to explain."

Sun Ying said lightly: "Forget it, you don't need to explain, let's talk, what do you want to ask."

Sun Ying said that, on the contrary, it made Fu Hua feel that it is not good not to explain. Besides, it is not appropriate to ask Sun Ying on the phone what man to accompany Sun Ying to Guangzhou. She said: "This phone is not very good. Where are you? Meet me?"

Sun Ying said: "It's quite mysterious, okay, come on, I'm on the left bank of Shichahai."

"What is the left bank?" Fu Hua asked because he was not familiar with the land in Beijing.

"I don't even know the left bank? Standing in the river, facing downstream, your left bank is the left bank."

"Okay, stop kidding, I asked what kind of place the left bank is and how to get there?"

"You really don't know the left bank?"

"Well, I admit that I am an old man from the country, what is the left bank?"

"The bar, it's in Shichahai, but you might be hard to find if you haven't been."

"It's just a bar. I went to Shichahai and looked for it slowly."

"Let me tell you, you walk westward from the big stone with "Yinding Guanshan" engraved beside the Yinding Bridge, and walk down the lake until you think there will be no more bars in front of you, the "Left Bank" is almost there. "


Fu Hua inquired along the road, and finally found the Left Bank.

There is a yard in front of the "Left Bank", facing the small island in the center of Qianhai Lake. The small yard is enclosed by iron fences. There are open-air seats in the yard, bamboo is planted around, and the floor is covered with marble shards, and it is spotlessly cleaned. In the yard, there is a thick ancient tree branch with luxuriant leaves, which immediately gives people a refreshing feeling.

Walking into the small courtyard shaded by the bamboo forest, you are faced with a large transparent and bright room. The red goldfish in the blue and white porcelain tank was slowly swimming, the old English typewriter was silent, the candle shadow was swaying, the white lily was in full bloom quietly, Richie chanted "SayYou, SayMe" in a low voice...

Fu Hua almost suspected that he was in the wrong place. There was a calm and virgin calmness here. It was like two spaces with the hustle and bustle of the world outside. There was a romantic atmosphere and a nostalgic atmosphere. It was really not like a bar. It's more like a study room. Fu Hua fell in love with this place almost immediately, and he felt that the hard work of searching was not in vain.

Sun Ying saw Fu Hua, beckoned him to pass, and sat on the wide bamboo chair opposite her, smiling and saying that the environment here is so elegant.

Sun Ying smiled faintly, what would you like to drink

There was a trace of laziness, a trace of decadence, and a trace of beautiful weakness in this faint smile. In this bar full of nostalgia, in the shadow of the swaying candles, Fu Hua felt a kind of glamour, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of heart. Shen Yao, Xin said that Sun Ying is worthy of being one of the four biggest names in the Fairyland Nightclub. The word charming is probably what describes her.

Fu Hua calmed his mind and pointed to the goblet in front of Sun Ying: "What are you drinking?"

Sun Ying smiled: "Irish coffee."

Fu Hua was taken aback. It was the first time he saw coffee drunk from a goblet, and he smiled and said, "Then I'll have a cup too."

Sun Ying shook her head gently: "You shouldn't be suitable for this coffee."

Fu Hua smiled: "Why?"

Sun Ying said: "Drinking this kind of coffee requires a state of mind. You don't have one, so you can't drink the essence of this kind of coffee."

Fu Hua said: "What state of mind?"

Sun Ying said: "There is a very long story in it, but I am not in the mood to tell it to you now."

Fu Hua also noticed that Sun Ying was in a bad mood, so he didn't press on, and said, "Then you can recommend a drink for me. I'm here for the first time, and I don't know what to drink."

Sun Ying said: "Forget it, I don't know what you should drink, whatever you want, don't you have something to ask me, hurry up and leave after asking."

"Then I will have a cup of Irish coffee. I would like to see what mood is in it," Fu Hua said.

Sun Ying smiled unsurely, and the waiter left with the list.

Fu Hua said: "Because I have to deal with some business affairs in Haichuan City, I went from Guangzhou to Haichuan City. I didn’t expect things to be very verbose. I have been busy for more than a month. I just returned to Beijing these days, so I haven’t talked to you. contact."

With a smile on her face, Sun Ying looked at Fu Hua and said, "Do you have to explain it to me?"

Fu Hua said: "It is necessary. We are friends. I don't want you to misunderstand me."

Sun Ying tilted her head to look at Fu Hua and asked: "I have been confused for a question. You know what I do, and you don't want to get my body. You are so good to me. What do you want to do?"

Fu Hua said: "When you interact with people, do you have to get something from the other person?"

Sun Ying smiled and said, "Isn't it?"

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "If you define a friend in this way, then we should stop talking."

Sun Ying sneered and said, "You think I'm rare."