
Chapter 228: uneasy


Fu Hua said: "This is no way. After all, China has experienced two thousand years of feudal society, and its worship of power is deeply ingrained. In fact, the reason why the predecessors and martyrs made the revolution was to fight for equality, but they waited for them to succeed. , They have become rights holders again, and people turn to worship them again, that is, what privileges they oppose, they are still more or less owner privileges. This seems to be a reincarnation."

"Reincarnation, what kind of reincarnation?" Xiao Fei finished picking up her friends and walked back again. After hearing Fu Hua's last words, she asked.

Su Nan smiled and said: "Fu Hua is saying that our ancestors fought for equality, but now they have succeeded, but they have become the substantial holders of privileges. This is a reincarnation."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Mr. Fu is going to condemn something?"

Fu Huaxin said that this woman must like Sunan very much, otherwise she was so embarrassed just now, she shouldn't come back when she walked away.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "You misunderstood. Su Dong was discussing the issue of equality for all with me just now. I said that this issue is particularly hypocritical for him, because he himself is the holder of privileges. I just told him The fact is not that I am going to condemn something."

Sunan smiled and asked, "Xiao Fei, what do you think?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Brother Nan, I now think this Mr. Fu is getting more and more interesting."

Xiaofei avoided the question. Fu Hua smiled and shook her head. He knew that this woman was not as straightforward as Sunan, so he stopped talking and picked up the glass to drink.

Sunan also picked up the cup and drank, and the two of them stopped talking.

Xiaofei smiled and said: "What's the matter, didn't Mr. Fu just say happily? Why are you silent now?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "What do you want me to say? I had a very pleasant conversation with Su Dongneng because we are very honest. Sometimes my words are sharp. Su Dong doesn't feel offensive and never Don't avoid the problem."

Xiaofei glanced at Fu Hua, then smiled and said, "Mr. Fu means I am not honest enough?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Yes, Su Dong asked your opinion just now, but you said that I am a very interesting person. Are you avoiding questions? Although I don't know Xiao Fei where you come from, but since you are Su Dong People in the circle, I don’t think your background will be very different from him. You are actually a privilege holder like him. More or less, you also get special specialties that people like me don’t get. Treatment. So it’s really funny for you people to sit here and discuss humanities and equality."

Xiao Fei's face sank, and she looked at Fu Hua and said, "Mr. Fu, what you said is really straightforward."

Fu Hua smiled and shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "So what? I came to this salon. I was not a character popular with the master. Moreover, I was only brought by Su Dong accidentally. Next time I The chance of coming is almost zero. If I don’t have anything to say, when will I keep it."

When Fu Hua spoke, Xiao Fei kept looking directly at Fu Hua's eyes, and Fu Hua was not afraid, but also looked directly at her. The two had a taste of inconsistency.

After Fu Hua finished speaking, Xiao Fei suddenly laughed. Fu Hua was a little uncomfortable with the laugh. After looking at Sunan, Sunan also looked like she didn't know why.

Xiao Fei finally stopped her laughter. Fu Hua looked at Sunan and said, "Su Dong, when we are leaving, don't wait for the host to open the door to see you off, right?"

Fu Hua felt that the reason Xiao Fei laughed was that she was a little annoyed, but she couldn't have an attack in front of Sunan, and then vented her dissatisfaction through laughter.

Xiaofei shook her head and said, "Mr. Fu, I don't mean to chase off guests. I just think you are really funny. A big man, is his mind so small?"

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why am I getting small-minded?"

Xiaofei said: "I admit that when you just said that you were the director of the Beijing Office, I despised you in my heart. You are indeed the only low-level official in contact with this circle. This is not good for me, so in When you said that my master didn't welcome you very much, I didn't say anything. But, you don't have to worry about it all the time, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I'm not worried about it."

Xiaofei shook her head and said: "You have, your topic has always been directed at me, eh, I am a woman, can't you be a gentleman and give the necessary respect to women? I am a salon, It was originally a place for chatting. To tell you the truth, what you said about equality, privileges is really common, and some friends here are ten times sharper than you. Neither I nor Brother Nan felt it. What's more, I don't mean to avoid it. I said you were interesting, because I didn't expect an official like you to have such an angry young mind. It's really rare, that's all. As for what makes you think about it?"

It turned out that Xiaofei didn't avoid the problem, but thought that Fu Hua's words were not worthy of comment at all. Now, Fu Hua was embarrassed, and he laughed dryly and said, "It seems that I am not good enough."

Xiaofei wrinkled her nose and said, "It was originally."

Fu Hua became more embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

Sunan smiled and said, "Okay, Xiaofei, don't make trouble for Fu Hua, he just told the truth."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Brother Nan can't see it? I'm just joking with Mr. Fu. Okay, let's drink."

Xiaofei picked up the wine glass and touched the cups of Sunan and Fu Hua. Sunan and Fu Hua started drinking with Xiaofei.

In the following time, Fu Hua became uncomfortable. After sitting for a while, he signaled Sunan to leave. Sunan saw his cramps, stood up with him, and said to Xiaofei: "It's too early, we have to go back."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Wow, Mr. Fu may be more uncomfortable if you sit down again. I will send you out."

Fu Hua became more embarrassed, so he went out with Sunan, Xiaofei followed, and when he reached the door, Sunan turned around and said, "Okay, Xiaofei, don't send it away."

Xiao Fei did not answer Sunan, but looked at Fu Hua and suddenly said, "Mr. Fu, is it convenient to leave a phone call?"

Fu Hua was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You want my phone?"

Xiaofei smiled and said: "Yes, maybe I will invite you to my salon again. I don't want to leave you with a stingy impression, as if my master doesn't welcome you to come again. Besides, that day I I want to find someone to fight, you are a good candidate."

Fu Hua smiled dryly and said, "Okay, Ms. Xiaofei, I admit that I was a little stingy today, right?"

Xiaofei said, "What about your phone number?"

Fu Hua said her number, Xiao Fei took out her mobile phone and dialed directly, and she hung up when she heard Fu Hua's mobile phone rang.

Xiao Fei smiled and said: "Now you have my number too, will you not answer when I call you?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then how dare I? I will be scolded for being stingy."

All three laughed.

In the car going back, Fu Hua saw that Sunan kept looking out of the car window and did not speak, so he apologized and said, "Excuse me, Dong Su, I was talking nonsense today. Did it disturb your interest? ?"

Sunan turned his head and smiled and said, "No, the salon is a place to chat. Shannan Haibei Hu Kan is normal, and you didn't say too much."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I was a little bit overwhelmed today, and I was a little bit self-righteous. It made Xiao Fei read the joke."

Sunan laughed and said: "What you said are your true views, very straightforward and frank. Don't listen to Xiao Fei saying that this view is very common in salons. In fact, few people dare to talk about it there. Truth be told. Some people will say something out of the ordinary, but that's just what they want to be different and attract people's attention."

Fu Hua said: "So how does Xiaofei say that someone has ten times sharper views than mine?"

Su Nan smiled and said, "Xiao Fei is the hostess of the salon, and she gives her eloquence. She only hurts you and doesn't want you to gain the upper hand. She sometimes invites some well-known scholars to be guests at the salon, but those People talk about topics very politely, no one would say so straightforwardly like you."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "So it's like this."

Sunan said: "If you are willing, it would be nice to sit in Xiaofei's salon. I know I like it very much. I feel relaxed by chatting with my friends here."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I still can't be there calmly, so I won't go unless Su Dong also goes in the future."

Sunan smiled and said: "This is the problem of your mentality. The situation is born from your heart. You have created an uncomfortable state of mind for yourself, and you will be uncomfortable."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Uncomfortable is uncomfortable. I don't want to pretend that I can ignore other people's identities and create a comfortable state of mind for myself."

Sunan smiled and said: "Then there is no way, just do it with you."

Sunan sent Fu Hua back to Shenghuang Yashe. Before leaving, Sunan said, "Remember that you still have a friend like me. If you have any needs in the future, you can find me. However, you have Zhao Kai. Such a father-in-law probably doesn’t need me to help. But if he’s fine, he can talk to me."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I won't forget Su Dong's friend. When do I want to play Tanzhe Temple with Su Dong again."

Sunan smiled and said, "That's true, we didn't visit the whole temple that day."

The next day, Fu Hua received a notice from the municipal party committee that Zhang Lin, secretary of the municipal party committee, was coming to Beijing. Zhang Lin’s secretary Kong Qing said that Zhang Lin would come to Beijing to meet some old leaders and ask them for work in Yihaichuan. .