
Chapter 234: Attentively


If the organization can add a deputy director to the Beijing Office, and Luo Yu can hold this position, it will be a good result for Fu Hua. This should be communicated with the city at an appropriate time to see if the city can accept this idea.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Luo, don't you think our Beijing Office is a bit insufficient?"

Luo Yu said: "It's a bit. Our workload has increased a lot now. The people in the Beijing Office are currently struggling to cope with it."

Fu Hua said: "I have such an idea now, do you see..."

Fu Hua talked about his plan to expand the Beijing Office and plan to add a deputy director. At this time, he presented his ideas with Luo Yu. He wanted to give Luo Yu a hope and let Luo Yu have a goal to strive for. So as to improve his enthusiasm for work.

Luo Yu's eyes brightened and said, "Dr. Fu, your idea is very good, and we really need to expand the scale."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I think our Beijing Office cannot be limited to its current status. We have many products in Haichuan City. We have to introduce these to Beijing and let the Beijing Office become their direction. A bridgehead across the country. Then our scope of work will be larger. Looking back, I will find an appropriate time to communicate with Secretary Zhang Lin and Mayor Xu Zheng. In order to better carry out the work of the Beijing Office, the city should also give more We support it a little bit."

Luo Yu smiled and said, "Yes, this means that Director Fu has this ability, Lin Xi doesn't even have to think about it."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Go ahead, I think our Beijing Office will grow stronger and stronger."

Zhao Kai soon made an appointment with Wang Bi, and took Fu Hua and Zhao Ting to Wang Bi's house. As soon as Wang Bi saw Fu Hua, he smiled and said, "The dark clouds on Mr. Fu's forehead have disappeared. It seems that your troubles are over."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "It is indeed like what the master said, my trouble is gone for the time being. Thank you the master for telling Xiaoting some time ago that I will be fine."

Zhao Ting smiled and said, "Yes, Master, during that period of time, thank you for being straightforward and giving me a reassurance, otherwise I really don’t know how to survive that period of time. Thank you so much. Up."

Wang Bi smiled and shook his head and said, "Little girl, you don’t need to be so polite. The main reason is that Mr. Fu walks well on his own. This is all right. If Director Fu does something illegal, I can’t help him. ."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Anyway, Xiaoting and I are very grateful to the master. By the way, master, when it comes to illegal things, do you remember the person who came to you last time?"

Fu Hua still had doubts about Wang Bi because of Sun Yong's affairs. He felt that Wang Bi must have not helped Sun Yong, and Sun Yong would have something wrong.

Wang Bi smiled and said, "Of course I remember, you mean Mr. Sun, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "That Mr. Sun is actually the secretary of the municipal party committee of our Haichuan City, and now he has been arrested."

Wang Bi shook his head and said: "I figured out that Mr. Sun's fate was Yanshangge and Zhu Zizhigui was hit by him. He must be an important figure in officialdom. Unfortunately, he still didn't do exactly what I told him. In fact, his original destiny situation is still good, as long as he does what I said, there should be no problems.

Fu Hua was amused secretly in his heart. He estimated that this master Wang Wei would definitely put the blame on Sun Yong himself. This is the habit of some street fortune-telling. If it works, just say you see that I can calculate it for you, right? If you didn't listen to me, there must be something you didn't do well.

But even though he didn't believe it, Fu Hua was still curious about what Wang Wei had said to Sun Yong, and asked: "Master, excuse me, what did you say to Sun Yong at that time?"

Wang Wei smiled and said, "Mr. Fu, you still doubt me in your heart? Okay, let me tell you. At that time, I gave Mr. Sun a deduction with Qimen Dunjia and came up with a three-game match. The pillar-star value talisman surprised the gatekeeper. I told Mr. Sun that looking at the overall situation of the Yang three games, what he asked for, although the current situation is not clear, the general trend is in his favor. However, the Tianzhu star-shaped star is guarded. It is not necessary. Going out to fight against the camp. All kinds of things are profitable. From now on, you will see disasters. Tianzhu star, belongs to gold, is small and fierce, and the fierce star becomes more fierce by the prosperity and vitality. Frightening the door is also a fierce door, the main fear and trauma The matter of official and non-government affairs. Both of them are gold, and they are a bit unfavorable for Mr. Sun’s fate. Finally, I remind Mr. Sun that some people and things should be paid attention to. Be careful and do not go far. OK. And gave Mr. Sun a word."

Fu Hua asked: "What's the word?"

Wang Bi said: "A decent orthographic character. Mr. Sun asked me to help him explain what the orthographic character means. The old man felt that if he really wanted to explain it to him, he would offend him, so he insisted on not letting Mr. Sun know it. Think about it. Actually, as far as I can see, the meaning of this straight word cannot be more obvious. Even if I don’t explain it, a smart person like Mr. Sun will definitely understand the meaning.”

When Zhao Ting heard this, she smiled and said, "Yeah, I think this orthographic is easy to understand. Honest, decent, and orthodox are all these things, right?"

Wang Wei smiled and said: "Yes, you can see that this little girl can understand, Mr. Sun has no reason to understand. The reason why the old man gave Mr. Sun a straight number is to see that Mr. Sun is doing something to achieve his goal. However, the game deduced by him required him to behave carefully, because he was required to be cautious and abide by his duties, otherwise there would be official crimes. I saw that it is difficult for him to do this, so I sent him A straight word requires him to do something with righteousness. As long as the heart is righteous, his behavior is naturally his duty, and he will naturally avoid official wrongs."

What Wang Bi might not have expected is that Sun Yong did not literally understand this straight character simply. He complicated this supposedly simple character. He contacted Xu Zheng's straight character and regarded Xu Zheng as him. Must want to get rid of it, and then quickly pierced.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or it’s a matter of heaven. If Sun Yong does his best and doesn’t provoke Xu Zheng, he may not be able to trigger Wu Wen and his godfather to send a video exposing him to accept bribes. , Even if he can't make progress, at least he can keep his position as secretary of the municipal party committee.

Fu Hua didn't know how Sun Yong understood this orthographic character, but he knew that Sun Yong had not done anything to be careful when he returned from Wang Bi here. On the contrary, Sun Yong made uncharacteristic actions frequently. At the time when the case of Baihe Group and Haitong Bus embezzling public funds broke out, Sun Yong used this case to extort a confession, and he used the prosecutor’s office to extract a confession, and he went to the secretary Cheng Yuan to file a complaint, almost squeezing Xu Zheng out of Haichuan. Yong himself was exposed and went to jail. If it were to be said that Sun Yong didn't listen to Wang Ben's words that led to his tragic end, it would be a past that can barely be explained.

However, maybe these are just coincidences, they just met together at a point in time. That is to say, at this point in time, Wang Yan exposed Sun Yong (Fu Hua didn’t know that the video was not sent by Wang Yan). Wang Yan’s bribery of Sun Yong was something that happened long ago, and it could be triggered at any time The incident cannot be attributed to the fact that Sun Yong did not act carefully, but instead attacked Xu Zhengcai.

Fu Hua still couldn't have absolute trust in Wang Bi, he was still dubious.

Zhao Ting became a little impatient and said, "Master, I don't care about other people's affairs. Now that Fu Hua is persuaded to continue to be the director of his Beijing Office, I want to ask the master if he will have any in the future. What is similar to the trouble that happened earlier?"

Wang Bi smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about it, there should be none."

Zhao Ting said: "Master, you didn't even calculate the calculation, so how can you know that there is no? Fu Hua, you let the Master do the calculation for you. Isn't there that Qimen Dunjia arrangement?"

Wang Bi smiled and said, "Little girl, don't worry, Mr. Fu doesn't have to queue for any game anymore. He doesn't believe this, even if it is queued, it will not work.

Zhao Ting said, "Master, can't you do it?"

Wang Wei smiled and said: "Actually, even if we calculate, we cannot protect Mr. Fu for the rest of his life. Human destiny is constantly changing, just like the Mr. Sun we just discussed. In fact, at the time of the queue, the situation was favorable to him. But later his actions changed the situation and eventually led to his current fate."

Zhao Ting said, "What should I do?"

Wang Wei smiled and said: "Little girl, don't panic. In fact, the reason why Mr. Fu was fine last time was not the result of the old man helping him change his fate. The reason that got this result was that Mr. Fu had planted it himself. La. If Mr. Fu wants to keep his life safe, he only needs to stick to his previous principles. So I also gave the straight number for Mr. Sun to Mr. Fu, I believe Mr. Fu must understand what I mean."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I understand that if you use your heart and behave properly, your behavior will naturally be your duty, so you don't have to be afraid of anything."

Fu Hua was quite acceptable to Wang Bi's statement. He knew that as long as he acted righteously, others would not be able to harm him.

Wang Bi smiled and said, "That’s what I meant. In fact, I often advise people who come to me not to do bad things, because sometimes once they do bad things, punishment will be everywhere and will come at any time. Even if you can be fine for the time being, But sooner or later, you will receive retribution. Mr. Fu is also a public servant. I will emphatically tell you this. I hope you will take it away."

Fu Hua's expression became serious. He felt that this Wang Bi was really a wise man, and his words should also be remembered, except for his pretending to be a ghost.

Fu Hua said: "Master, I remember what you said."

After returning from Wang Bi, Fu Hua increased his communication with various ministries and commissions. Jia Hao and Liu Jie also used their personal connections to help Fu Hua run new airport projects in various ministries and commissions in order to give Fu Huazhuang momentum. , There is only one purpose, to prove Fu Hua's work ability to Haichuan City.