
Chapter 235: Take precautions


Soon, with the joint efforts of all parties, the land for the new airport project passed the pre-examination of the National Land and Resources Bureau, which made a solid step towards the approval of the Haichuan New Airport Project by the Development and Reform Commission.

Fu Hua learned the news for the first time and immediately dialed Xu Zheng's number.

After Fu Huanao resigned and was retained by Zhang Lin, Xu Zheng and Fu Hua had been indifferent. Fu Hua wanted to let this good news ease the too rigid relationship between them.

It was Xu Zheng’s secretary, Liu Chao, who answered the phone. The secretary often had an attitude with the leader. Liu Chao answered the phone and said coldly, “Director Fu, what’s the matter?”

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Mi Liu, where is Mayor Xu? I have great news for the new airport project here. I want to report directly to Mayor Xu."

Fu Hua emphasized the great good news because he wanted to arouse Xu Zheng's interest and let Xu Zheng answer the phone in person. These days, all the calls he made to Xu Zheng were answered by Liu Chao, and Xu Zheng had to tell Liu Chao about everything.

This is also very awkward for Fu Hua. He knows that this will not work. If he wants to be the director of the Beijing Office, the ice between Xu Zheng and Xu must be melted, and the first step is to melt. To talk to Xu Zheng himself, if you can’t even say directly: “The relationship cannot be harmonious. Fortunately, even when Fu Hua resigned, he did not directly criticize Xu Zheng. The two of them at least It still maintains a superficial politeness without tearing the face, which makes relaxation possible."

Liu Chao said: "Wait a minute, I'll see if Mayor Xu can answer your call."

After a while, Xu Zheng’s voice came from the other end of the phone, very cold, but now that Xu Zheng is willing to answer the phone, it shows that he is still very concerned about the new airport project, and it is good for Fu Hua to be able to speak. Omen.

Xu Zheng said: "Director Fu, is there any progress on the new airport project?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I have reported good news to Mayor Xu. I was just notified that the Land and Resources Bureau has passed our land pre-examination, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection has also progressed on the review of the environmental impact report of our new airport. It goes well, I think it will pass soon."

Xu Zheng was still very indifferent and said, "That's right, you work very hard. Keep going. Anything else?"

Fu Hua listened to Xu Zheng's meaning, if there was nothing else, he would hang up the phone, and it would be over after a few short words, then his efforts would be a bit of a waste of water, and there was nothing at all. It eased the relationship between him and Xu Zheng.

It also eases the relationship between the two. These short sentences are obviously not enough. No, this call can’t just be hung up like that. Fu Hua thought of the cause quickly and said: "Mayor Xu, that …"

Xu Zheng became a little impatient, and said, ""What is this, what is it, what is it, what is it doing

Suddenly, Fu Hua thought of his plan to expand the Beijing Office, which he could bring up as a topic at this time, and on the surface he still took the initiative to ask Xu Zheng for work, and also expressed his respect for him as the mayor, and hurriedly said: "Mayor Xu, this is the case. There is something I think I want to ask for your help."

Hearing what Fu Hua said, Xu Zheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "I heard that right? You want me to help?"

Fu Hua secretly scolded Xu Zheng for being careful, and he repeatedly showed him that he is still so yin and yang, but this kind of villain really can't care about him, because he wants to ease the relationship with others, he smiled and said: "Yes, you have always been very supportive of our Beijing Office. I think you will definitely support us in this matter."

Xu Zheng smiled steadily. Although he was still a bit grudge against Fu Hua, he still enjoyed the feeling that Fu Hua begged him for help. He said, "Don’t rush to flatter me. I can’t help. Maybe you are busy? Come on, what's the matter?"

Xu Zhengken let go is a good start. Fu Hua smiled and said: "That's right, you also know that our Beijing Office is no longer in the stage of renting a house in a courtyard house. Now we are involved in a different scope of work. I’m talking. Especially in the recent period, we have to run the new airport project on the one hand, and on the other hand we have to maintain the business of the Haichuan Building.

Xu Zheng said impatiently: "I have seen all of your results, so I don't have to show my merits like this anymore, just talk about it if I have something."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "But we still have as many staff as the courtyard house was in office, and we can't cope with the increase of so much work. Can you help us fight for us to increase the number of staff in the Beijing Office? "

Fu Hua knew that Xu Zheng would not be able to get around if he wanted to increase the establishment of the unit, so he simply mentioned this opportunity to Xu Zheng.

When Xu Zheng heard Fu Hua's request, his first reaction was to refuse, but he immediately thought that maybe this matter might not be useless to him.

This time Fu Hua's resignation made Xu Zheng realize that in the Beijing Office, he really has no cronies to use. Lin Xi couldn't stand it at the critical moment. It was a useless waste. Now the importance of the Beijing Office in Fu Hua's hands is becoming increasingly apparent. This position cannot be fully handed over to Fu Hua. Maybe he can take advantage of this time Fu Hua's request to increase personnel and put his own people in it. In the future, the Beijing Office will have its own trusted and reliable person. As long as he can replace Fu Hua, he can replace him at the right time.

Thinking of these, Xu Zheng was a little inclined to agree with Fu Hua’s opinions, but he did not rush to agree to Fu Hua. He was afraid that he promised too quickly to let Fu Hua see his intentions, but said: "Your current job is not Are you doing a good job? What are you doing to increase the number of people? Besides, the organization is being streamlined everywhere now. It is out of time to propose to increase the number of people. Moreover, if you want to increase the number of people, the finance will increase the expenditure. The funds in the city are very tight. This is not easy to handle."

Fu Hua heard that Xu Zheng had found a lot of reasons, but he didn't refuse with a single mouthful. He knew that Xu Zheng still had room for negotiation, so he laughed and said, "The reason why our Beijing Office can handle it all depends on All comrades are operating at a high load. These comrades are all good comrades. They work hard and have no complaints. However, if these outstanding comrades are able to cope for a while, we have no reason to let them always work so hard. Right now The time has come for this problem to be solved. As for the increase in personnel expenditure, I think it can be solved from two aspects. On the one hand, the city allocates part of it, and on the other hand, we can also solve part of it ourselves.

Xu Zheng said: "I have also noticed the situation you mentioned. I will help you fight for this matter. You are right, and you can't let the comrades of the Beijing Office always work so hard."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Thank you Mayor Xu. One more thing is related to this increase in personnel. Can Mayor Xu help us to get another deputy director of the Beijing Office?"

Xu Zheng laughed and said, "Dr. Fu, you don't have to be too tight-lipped."

Fu Hua said: "That's the case. Now the affairs of the Beijing Office are becoming more and more complicated. Lin Xi and I have limited abilities and can't cope with it. The addition of a deputy director is also conducive to the development of the Beijing Office."

Xu Zheng didn't think about the work of the Beijing Office. He thought that if he added another person to become the deputy director, it would be more conducive to the control of the Beijing Office and reduce the Beijing Office's dependence on Fu Hua.

Xu Zheng said: "Okay, I understand this situation. I will talk to Secretary Zhang Lin about this matter later and see if I can help you solve it."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Then I would like to thank Mayor Xu in advance."

Xu Zheng said: "Okay, don't thank me for now. Seeing that you are working hard to run the new airport project, I will help you to fight for it. Okay, I have something on my side, so let's hang it up first. Eh, By the way, although the approval of the new airport project is progressing well, you can't be complacent, you can't relax, and you have to work harder, you know?"

Fu Hua said: "Don't worry, we will try our best to do this job well."

Xu Zheng said nothing, and deducted the phone.

Fu Hua put down the phone. He was still very satisfied with the call with Xu Zheng. Although Xu Zheng's attitude was not so enthusiastic, at least he had talked with himself for a while. With this time as the basis, the next time It won't be too embarrassing for him to report directly to Xu Zheng. Fu Hua believes that there will be another direct report, and the relationship between the two will be restored, although the two still have opinions about each other in their hearts.

This is not because Fu Hua insisted on cooperating with Xu Zheng. It was mainly because Fu Hua had promised Zhang Lin to fight for his convictions with him. If he could not do his job well, then his promise would actually be meaningless. In order to do a good job, the relationship with Xu Zheng must be handled well. Fu Hua also knew that he and Xu Zheng couldn't appreciate each other and cooperate seamlessly here, but at least they had to maintain the superficial harmony and maintain the work to be able to pass through.

Fu Hua believed that Xu Zheng might also want to maintain the superficial harmony. After all, he still hopes to use the Beijing Office in some aspects.

However, Fu Hua was not at ease with Xu Zheng. Although Xu Zheng promised to help him fight, he couldn't figure out what he thought in his heart, and he didn't know whether Xu Zheng would trick him out of it. As the saying goes, the intention of harming others is not allowed, and the intention of defensiveness is indispensable. Fu Hua feels that he should be better prepared.

Fu Hua dialed Zhang Lin's phone, and after a while Zhang Lin answered the phone. Fu Hua said: "Hello, Secretary Zhang, I want to report something to you."

Zhang Lin smiled and said, "Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

Fu Hua said: "That's it..."