
Chapter 238: Trouble


Such a character, Fu Hua, is naturally very interested in listening to his theory in person, and then smiled and said, "What time is it at night?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "I guess you would be interested in this person. When you were in school, did you ever listen to Ning Ze's class?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, you also checked where I graduated. Are you disappointed?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Why should I be disappointed?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I dared to be so arrogant in the salon that day, but it was only an ordinary student from Jinghua University. Of course you will be disappointed."

Xiao Fei laughed and said, "Hey, Director Fu, what do you tell me to say, is your inferiority complex reappearing? Don't you want to make me feel uncomfortable?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Can you resist me without using the word inferiority complex? It won't be new if you use it more often."

Xiao Fei smiled and said: "Well, I don't need it. Let me tell you, my salon is just an invitation for friends who are pleasing to the eye, regardless of the level of education, are you satisfied now?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I'm satisfied, you haven't told me the time yet."

Xiaofei said: "At eight o'clock, be on time."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Okay, I don't have the habit of being late. Hey, will Su Dong also go?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Brother Nan is not in Beijing, so he can't come. Why, don't you dare to come alone?"

Fu Hua smiled: "Aren't you afraid that I will be more rude if Su Dong is not here?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite. Some people were embarrassed by me the last time I was here in the salon. I was afraid that he would have no face to come again."

Fu Hua pretended to be puzzled and said, "Who are you talking about? I remember some people were annoyed first. I don't know if I will still annoy some people this time?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Dr. Fu, do you want to keep fighting with me like this? I have to call and invite others."

Fu Hua said, "Well, let's see you tonight."

Xiao Fei hung up the phone, Fu Hua smiled and shook her head. This Xiao Fei is really elusive. The last time he and her were very unpleasant, she actually called herself to invite herself to the salon, this guy Do you want to make yourself happy? Maybe she is used to big meals and occasionally wants to eat some appetizers.

However, Fu Hua still couldn't match Ning Ze's attraction to him. He wanted to see the style of Ning Ze, a famous scholar.

In the evening, Fu Hua drove to Xiaofei's salon in the mountainous area. Ning hadn't arrived yet. Xiaofei saw Fu Hua's car coming and greeted him.

It can be seen that Xiao Fei deliberately dressed up, her black cheongsam embroidered with peonies has become more and more otherworldly. Fu Hua can't help but admire in her heart. This kind of temperament is not something that can be achieved at a time, but needs to be nurtured from a young age There will be. Fu Hua believed that Zhao Ting would not be able to wear Xiaofei's feeling in the same cheongsam.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "The university graduates are coming, Xiao Fei, you are different."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Are you complimenting me?"

Fu Hua said: "Hehe, although I am reluctant to admit it, I have to say that you have a real temperament today."

Xiaofei smiled and said: "Someone once told me, what if you want to praise a woman who is not beautiful? You just say she is very temperamental.

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I really want to praise you, so don't be so eager."

Xiaofei said: "Then I thank you."

Xiaofei led Fu Hua into the salon and asked the waiter to pour him a glass of wine, put a little pistachio and the like, and then went to receive others.

At 8:15, Ning Ze came. It seemed that Ning Ze looked much thinner than the image on TV, and he was not as aggressive as on TV. He was slightly shorter and had a clear face, but some scholars’ style. .

After Ning Ze simply shook hands with everyone, he reached the center of the sofa, and everyone sat around him. The salon is not a formal occasion, everyone just sits and chats. After sitting down, Xiaofei first welcomed Ning Zeneng to her salon. After the polite remarks, Xiaofei asked Ning Ze to talk about his views on the domestic economic situation in the recent period.

Ning Ze began to talk endlessly about his views on the current domestic economic situation. After listening to them for five minutes, Fu Hua regretted taking this trip. What Ning Ze was talking about was just some idioms. The economic situation is very good, the reform and opening up has achieved great results, and the society is making continuous progress. In particular, a large number of people who get rich first have emerged in the whole society, which fully demonstrates what the **** proposed in the past to let some people get rich first. wise. These can be used as mainstream media editorials. If you stay at home and read the newspapers, you can probably see these clichés.

Is this the famous economist? Fu Hua was a little confused. No wonder Sunan said that Xiaofei didn't hear much truth in this salon. Everyone just used it as a place to chat and relax.

Fu Hua could see that other guests were not interested in Ning Ze's statement. The reason why everyone was still looking at Ning Ze might be that they were seduced by the halo of Ning Ze's famous scholar.

Xiaofei seemed to see that everyone was not very interested in Ning Ze’s views. Just after Ning Ze finished speaking, she raised a somewhat sharp question. She said: "Mr. Ning, look at what happened in the last two years. In some cases, the famous steel king of Shanxi was shot and killed in his office in May last year; in August, the fur king of Nanjiang province was beheaded at his home; in September, the real estate king of Donghai province was ambushed and killed; in June this year, a person from Shaanxi Province was killed. Billionaires were killed with explosives. It is said that the amount of dispute involved is only 6,000 yuan. So many rich men have been killed one after another, does it mean that society has begun to have a feeling of hatred for the rich is spreading?"

Ning smiled and said: "This statement is illogical. These incidents are just individual incidents, and their causes are also different. They are individual cases. However, the public's psychology likes to link them to hatred of the rich. This is related to the fact that our current media likes to sensationalize. If you don’t write this way, people will not be willing to watch this. Is this a hatred of the rich? Obviously not, this is fabricated, and it is fake! What? Incitement or encouragement, ulterior motives or other conspiracies? To talk about this kind of incident is to denigrate Comrade Shaoping’s great view of letting some people get rich first, and is to deliberately exaggerate the gap between our rich and the poor. In my opinion, the gap between the rich and the poor in our country is still very small, and it needs to be widened. Only by widening the gap between the rich and the poor in the society can this society have more room for progress. China has left many bad things left over from the feudal society for thousands of years. Traditionally, the worst of them is the so-called killing of the rich and helping the poor. Killing the rich and helping the poor cannot solve the problem. Killing the rich will only make the poor poorer, because in this economic society, the rich are giving the poor to the poor. To provide employment opportunities, the poor should be grateful to the rich, not hate them."

Ning Ze's view is very novel, and even the novelty shocked Fu Hua. What kind of view is this? Ning Ze is defending the vested interests of the rich, and he is also advocating that the poor should be grateful to the rich. Such famous scholars have become the bosses of the powerful groups.

Do the poor really need to be grateful to the rich? How many rich and powerful people in this world succeeded by taking care of themselves

There was some injustice in Fu Hua's heart. He asked: "Mr. Ning, according to the Gini index just announced by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Gini index of my country’s **** has reached 0.46, which has exceeded the international warning line. What do you think?"

The Gini coefficient is an indicator that reflects the social distribution of a country. 0 means complete equality and 1 means extreme inequality. The currently accepted standard is that a Gini coefficient below 0.3 is good, 0.3-0.4 is normal, and more than 0.4 is a warning. Once the Gini coefficient exceeds 0.6, it indicates that the country’s society is in a dangerous state of possible unrest.

Ning smiled and said: "I also know the number you mentioned, but you should not treat it mechanically. You must correctly understand the Gini coefficient from our national conditions, and give a discount to the Gini coefficient. The current Gini coefficient in China Although it exceeds the international warning line of 0.4, China cannot copy the international statistical caliber. The large gap between China’s urban and rural areas is responsible for the large Gini coefficient. If rural and urban residents are calculated separately, the Gini coefficients of urban residents and rural residents are both statistically equal. Will be less than 0.4."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Then Mr. Zhaoning said, our society is now a fair and reasonable society? What else do we need to reform? Let this society develop in such a reasonable way. **** He said that let some people get rich first, but he said that the purpose of letting some people get rich first is to realize the common prosperity of the whole society. According to your statement, our gap between rich and poor is not big enough, how can we achieve it? What about the common prosperity of the people?"

Ning smiled and said: "There are always unsatisfactory areas. Reform is to improve these bad areas. As for common prosperity? That is just an ideal goal. Just like communism, everyone I know that communism is good, but everyone knows that communism cannot be realized in a short period of time. I don't think any of our friends here will see the realization of communism."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "But we can't advocate widening the gap between the rich and the poor? Isn't this polarizing? **** once said that socialism is not only when a few people get rich, and most people are poor. That way. The greatest advantage of socialism is common prosperity. This is something that embodies ***. If polarization is involved, the situation will be different... It may cause trouble."