
Chapter 239: See you again


Ning smiled and said: "The **** also said to talk less about doctrines and solve more problems. His speeches at different times are all based on the background of their speeches. Don’t simply take it from the background. Pull it out and take it as it works at all times, the truth of all souls."

Fu Hua said: "However, regardless of your background or socialist society, the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor is very dangerous, and it is a precursor to social unrest."

Ning said: "I am a professor of economics. The widening gap between the rich and the poor is very dangerous. I know better than you, but this society should tolerate a certain degree of widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Of course, this must be within a controllable range. . Because the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor reflects the principle of giving priority to efficiency, a society cannot make progress if it does not emphasize efficiency."

Fu Hua said: "So efficiency is there, but fairness? Is the fairness pursued by the general public? Doesn't it need to be maintained?"

Ning said: "Your statement fully embodies the inferiority of the Chinese people for thousands of years. Everything is free from scarcity and unevenness. The problem in China is not that there are too many rich people, but too few. We are. Let the wealthy people in this society continue to increase."

Fu Hua shook his head and said: "I think the problem in this society is not that there are too few rich people, but that there are too many poor people. If this situation is allowed to continue, the society will be obviously unfair and will lead to chaos."

Fu Hua was tit-for-tat, and Ning Ze was a little annoyed. He looked at Fu Hua and asked, "Isn't this this yet?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "His name is Fu Hua, the director of Haichuan Beijing Office."

Ning Ze showed a disdainful expression on his face, and said, "This Mr. Fu may be from the grassroots level, and he doesn't know the economic situation of the whole country very well, and his views are very superficial. It took most of my life's hard work. I have worked hard to make this country prosperous. I hope that the country can accept my reform views. Otherwise, it is not my personal failure, but the failure of the entire country and the entire nation."

Ning Ze’s disdain angered Fu Hua. He said, “I don’t object to Mr. Ning being a famous scholar, but Mr. Ning is not the embodiment of truth. Although I come from the grassroots, I really haven’t done much in this regard. Research, but I still know the suffering of the people, and the peasants and workers at the grass-roots level are not easy to live. They have put in a lot of hard work, but they have not lived a happy life because of this, and even some people at the very bottom are still living very well. Hardship. If a scholar cannot stand with the general public, but become a defender and defender of a very small number of vested interests, he can only sing praises, then he is knowledgeable, and it can only be harmful to the entire nation of our country. Yes, because his scholar’s conscience is gone. Don’t forget, our government should be the people’s government. If most people are poor, what is the use of a few who are rich? Don’t forget, Mr. Ning, *** *I also said that if our policies lead to polarization, we will fail; if there is a new bourgeoisie, then we will really go down the wrong path. Sorry, I’m so little learned, I can’t quote the truth in textbooks, and Use the words of **** as the theoretical basis."

Ning Ze's face was blue and white, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Xiaofei saw the embarrassment of Ning Ze, and quickly picked up the wine glass and said: "We all don't just chat, drink some wine, drink some wine."

Everyone picked up their wine glasses and sipped their wine, only then concealing Ning Ze's embarrassment.

After putting down the wine glass, Ning stopped talking so much, just passively answering other people's questions. After a while, I felt bored, so I left.

Xiaofei sent Ning Ze out of the salon, and after a while she came back and sat next to Fu Hua. Fu Hua smiled and said, "Are you regretting asking me to come?"

Xiao Fei smiled and said, "Am I so inelegant in your eyes?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "You don't regret inviting me here, but I regret taking this trip."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "What's the matter, are you afraid of offending a famous scholar?"

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "I have nothing to be afraid of. I don't want to learn, and I can't get into Ning Ze's circle. I just regret that I came so far and didn't hear the slightest shining thoughts, but listened. It's a cliché. I'm really disappointed."

Xiaofei smiled and said: "Under the prestigious name, it's actually difficult. To be honest, Ning Ze's performance today also disappointed me. But you are really funny, have you always been so serious?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Am I serious?"

Xiaofei said: "You didn't see how you looked when you were arguing with Ning Ze, blushing with a thick neck, as if you were about to eat the other person."

Fu Hua laughed and said, "Am I such an exaggeration? I was just irritated by his arrogance. What not to accept his point of view is the failure of the country and the nation. Is he more than **** Great?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "He said something is a bit exaggerated, but you don't have to refute him so straightforwardly. Speaking of him, he is always a professor in your school, and you should give him a bit of respect just to respect the teacher. of."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I guess he is so many people who give him face, he will have such a ridiculous point of view, what gap between rich and poor is not big enough? How many people who have read a little history should know that in history Several well-known peasant uprisings took place when the gap between the rich and the poor was extremely large. I don’t know what Ning Ze intended to promote this. Does he want to cause turmoil in our country?"

When Fu Hua was talking, Xiaofei kept looking at him with a smile. Fu Hua was uncomfortable looking at him. She smiled and asked: "What's the matter, what are you doing looking at me like this? There is something dirty on my face?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "No wow, your face is pretty clean. I just think it's fun to be serious by yourself."

Fu Hua’s face changed. He felt that he was actually invited because he was really different in this salon circle. He was so impulsive to argue with Ning Ze. In Xiao Fei’s eyes, it was probably like watching a clown perform. That's why she finds it fun.

Fu Hua felt insulted and regretted coming to this salon party even more in his heart. He stood up and said, "It's too early, I'm going back."

Xiao Fei was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What's wrong? Didn't you just say that with great interest? Why are you so eager to go back?"

Fu Hua smiled dryly. He is a softer personality. He refused to hurt others in words. He said, "It's really late. I have some way to go back to the city. Besides, Ning Ze is also mad at me. After leaving, the central character is no longer there, and it's meaningless for me to stay."

Xiaofei looked at Fu Hua, she noticed something, smiled, and said, "Then I will send you out."

Fu Hua walked out, Xiaofei followed and drove him to the car. Fu Hua got on the car, Xiaofei stood by and smiled and asked: "I want to invite you next time, will you not come? Up?"

Fu Hua froze for a moment, and immediately realized that Xiao Fei was also a very transparent character to be the hostess of this salon. He had already seen that he was dissatisfied, but if he saw it, he could see it. He and her are in the same circle. It was really far away, and he didn't mean to continue climbing, and he didn't want this circle to use himself as a joke, so he smiled and said, "I don't think I am suitable for this place."

Xiaofei looked into Fu Hua's eyes and said, "I don't understand, I didn't do anything to stimulate you today, right?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "It's not your problem, it's that I am really not suitable for this place. You can see that Ning Ze has pointed it out. I am just a small bureaucrat from the grassroots. My views are very superficial, but what about you? Well-known scholars like Ning Ze are invited casually. If you change to another place, Ning Ze’s appearance fee may be expensive, and you may not be able to invite them."

Xiaofei smiled and said: "I am talking with friends here, regardless of whether it is a well-known or unknown scholar. Just like today's Ning Ze, I don't think he has any special place that I need to respect. On the contrary, friends You need to respect each other, regardless of high or low, can't you say that I am not your friend?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Are we friends?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Of course."

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "I don't think it counts, at least I never thought that friends are fun."

Xiaofei smiled and looked at Fu Hua and said, "Hey, I'm going to talk about you again, you know, the problem between us is not with me, but with you. You always refuse to put yourself equal to me. Position."

Fu Hua shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't put myself on an equal position with you. Do you see the look on Ning Ze's face today when I heard that I was the director of the Beijing Office? What kind of expression is that? It’s simply an expression of disdain to talk to me. What does it mean? It means that I am not a figure in this circle at all in his opinion. Just like today, you asked me to come, but you just want to see me arguing with people. Is it fun? Isn’t it as funny as a clown? Who are you going to call to argue with me next time?"

Xiao Fei laughed and said, "I really can't do anything with you. Okay, it's really late, you can go."

Xiaofei didn't answer her doubts. On the contrary, she stopped to open her way. Instead, Fu Hua became a little uncomfortable. He smirked and said, "Goodbye, then."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Aren't you unwilling to see me again? Why do you still say goodbye?"

Fu Hua was choked, then closed his mouth and started the car to go out. Xiaofei didn't say anything, and before Fu Hua's car was completely driven out of the yard, she turned around and went back to the salon.