
Chapter 243: Moaning without illness


However, it was not Qin Tun himself that made Guo Kui hesitate, but Tao Wen, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee who proposed Qin Tun as a candidate. Tao Wen made him a little worried.

Tao Wen is a very veteran cadre who has been operating in Donghai Province for many years and has a solid foundation in Donghai Province. He is a veteran figure in the political circles of the East China Sea. During Cheng Yuan’s period, Tao Wen had a very good relationship with Cheng Yuan. The two had worked together for many years and got along well. It was only because Tao Wen had been working at the grassroots level, his education was very low, and his age was a bit older, so he was excluded from the camp of secretary competition outer. However, he has been the deputy secretary of Donghae Province for many years, and he has a long history in Donghae Province.

Guo Kuixin took over as secretary, and he dared not rush to veto Tao Wen's proposal. That would be tantamount to convicting the veteran of Donghai Province.

Guo Kui understands that although this society has progressed to the point where there is no need for slash-and-burn cultivation, politics has never changed the basic rule of following the jungle. Politics is different from business. After so many years of development, business has formed its own ethics and contract system, and many things can be seen on paper.

Politics is different. Many things cannot be put on the table, and contracts cannot be entered into. If a contract is entered into, it is easy to be regarded as a political share of spoils. Political resources are limited, and only the strong can get more. At the same time, if you are not strong enough, you must form an alliance with others and make yourself the strongest.

Guo Kui understands his current strength and he still needs to consolidate his foundation in Donghai Province. Compromise and coordination have become a necessity.

Besides, this Qin Tun is not necessarily an unacceptable candidate. Except for his style problem, he has not exposed any other problems. This time Sun Yong's accident did not involve him. It was a safety card, and His qualifications are enough.

In the end, Guo Kui decided to accept the candidate of Qin Tun.

Luo Yu’s appointment was officially announced. Fu Hua called him to the office and first congratulated him. He excitedly said to Fu Hua, “Thank you, Director Fu, without your cultivation, I’m not like Luo Yu. one day."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "Don't say that, this is the trust in you in the organization, do it well."

Luo Yu said: "I must do it well."

Fu Hua called Lin Xi too, and Lin Xi reluctantly congratulated Luo Yu. Fu Hua offered to give Luo Yu a separate office. Lin Xi was called to discuss this matter.

Lin Xi said, "There is a ready-to-use vacant office. It just needs to be cleaned, and then a nameplate for the deputy director will be fine."

Fu Hua asked Lin Xi to arrange for Luo Yu to prepare the office, and Luo Yu went out to work with Lin Xi.

Someone was knocking on the door, and Fu Hua yelled to come in. Sunan and Xiaofei walked in one after another. Fu Hua was taken aback and said with a smile: "Su Dong, Xiaofei, why are you here together?"

Sunan smiled and said, "I think you are cleaning outside, isn't it right when we came?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Where, we have just promoted a deputy director and set up an office for him. Please sit down, please sit down."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Shall I welcome Director Fu?"

Fu Hua suddenly thought of his association with Xiao Fei that night for no reason. He blushed, then smiled, and said, "Welcome, you can come to my place to shine, how can you not welcome it

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Really?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Of course."

Su Nan and Xiaofei were asked by Fu Hua to sit down on the sofa. Fu Hua poured tea for them, and then smiled and asked, "Su Dong, when will you return to Beijing?"

Sunan smiled and said, "I came back yesterday."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's not a short time for you to leave Beijing this time."

Sunan smiled and said, "Businessmen, sometimes they have to run for profit."

Fu Hua looked at Xiao Fei in surprise, and said, "My small place will still arouse your interest?"

Xiaofei smiled and said, "I invite you to my salon and you won't go. I think you will always be more at ease on your site, so I will come and see you. The environment here is good."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's normal, but I want to come to Su Dong's office.

Sunan laughed and said, "You can't compare with me here. I am a businessman. I have to rely on the work of the facade to make people trust. You are already very good here."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "If Su Dong can say it's good, then I can be proud. You said something is wrong with me, what's the matter?"

Sunan smiled and said: "I still want to know the progress of your new airport project. I heard that the land pre-audit has passed."

Fu Hua said: "Oh, the EIA has passed, and the project is officially approved by the Development and Reform Commission. If Su Dong wants to fight for it, he can officially start operations."

Sunan nodded and said, "I should start doing it. I want to go to Donghae Province and Haichuan City. Would you like to run with me?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "I really want to accompany you on this trip, but you also know that our mayor is not cold to me. If I go there, you may get the opposite effect. Anyway, I have already introduced you. You know, the rest of Su Dong has to figure out his own way."

Sunan smiled and said, "If you don't go in this way, I can still find some connections in Donghai Province, and it won't be a problem for operation."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "For such a large project, I think Haichuan City will definitely go through the bidding process. It is unlikely that it will operate?"

Sunan laughed and said, "You are wrong. The more it seems that there is no room on the surface, the greater the chance of being exploited. In fact, if we can bid fair, our Zhendong Group is not afraid. It is also a well-known company in the industry, and we are not afraid to compete with others. Even if we lose, we are convinced."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Although I can't help much, I still wish Su Dong success."

Xiaofei was a little bored when they heard the two talk about business affairs, so she stood up and went to Fu Hua's bookcase to read Fu Hua's collection. She saw Fu Hua's Gangjian Yizhilu, opened the cabinet, went in and took it out, smiling. Said to Fu Hua: "Unexpectedly, you are quite old-fashioned in reading. My grandfather also has this set of books, and he still shows it out from time to time."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "This set of outlines and easy to know records can be regarded as ancient political textbooks. It tells people what should and should not be done in politics. It is of great reference to the present."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Then you can follow along?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "I like ancient Chinese, I feel that ancient Chinese is very beautiful, and I also like the binding of thread-bound books, so it's a personal hobby to collect it here from time to time."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Are you not admitting to follow along?"

Fu Hua laughed and said: "I admit that although the feudal systems such as the three guides and five constants are used as the criteria for judging affairs, it has its untimely side, but he always has a principle that restricts people not to behave at will. On this point. I think it can be used as a reference for today's people."

Fu Hua said this with emotion. He knew one thing from his recent knowledge of Sun Yong’s case. Even though Sun Yong received Wang Yan’s money, he didn’t help Wang Yan at all, and he refused to do anything. The money was returned to Wang Yan. This matter made him feel that Sun Yong had no bottom line in his work, and even the ancient thief couldn't do it. Fortunately, Sun Yong was reported and investigated. Otherwise, let this kind of officials who have no bottom line and no scruples act recklessly, that's fine.

Xiaofei smiled and said, "No wonder, you are old enough, but you are still learning these more old-fashioned things."

Fu Hua smiled and said: "People should still be good in principle."

At this time, the door was knocked, Luo Yu opened the door and said to Fu Hua with a smile: "Director Fu, I see someone from your side, shall I pour water for them?"

Fu Hua smiled and said: "No need for Ronaldinho, I have two friends here, I have poured the water, you go and clean up your office."

Luo Yu looked at Sunan and Xiaofei, and then said: "Okay, I'm going, if you need to call me."

Fu Hua said: "Go ahead."

Luo Yu left.

Sunan asked, "Who is this?"

Fu Hua said: "It's the deputy director I mentioned just now, called Luo Yu, the young man is good."

Sunan smiled and said: "I don't like the way he looks at us, I feel a little prying, and seem to care about who we are."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "You are my friends. He will meet him next time after looking at him? By the way, this person is very suitable for visiting Xiao Fei's salon."

Xiao Fei smiled and shook her head. I don't like this person very much either. He sees me with a sense of scrutiny, Fu Hua, is he special

Fu Hua smiled and said, "That's right. He used to be a poet and wrote poems. Isn't it right to chant in your salon?"

Xiaofei said: "Just sour me. My place is a place for all parties to exchange the latest views. I set up this salon to understand the forefront of the society, but it's not groaning without illness."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "How do you say people are groaning without illness?"

Xiaofei smiled and said: "I have invited famous poets to come and listened to them reciting their own poems on the spot. It was not because of your love and love, or hysterical slander of this society. I can truly analyze this rationally. There is almost nothing in society. Nowadays, poetry is becoming mediocre. Poets’ dissatisfaction is not because they can no longer write good works, but because poetry can no longer attract the attention of the public and has become a niche thing. There is no longer a star-like aura, and it is no longer possible to attract beautiful young literary and artistic women to embrace and embrace.

Fu Hua smiled, and said, "Unexpectedly, you have such a bad impression of the poet."