
Chapter 251: The world is safe and secure


Xiao Fei stood behind Fu Hua, and Fu Hua turned to the distance between them. She did not answer Fu Hua, but stood there, bowed her head, and looked straight at Fu Hua. The moment his eyes crossed, Fu Hua saw the hot sparks in Xiaofei’s eyes, and he couldn’t help feeling flustered. He was still teaching love experience to others. At this moment, he naturally understood what his eyes meant. He knew he was already People who are married, shouldn't come to provoke Xiaofei again, so they want to turn around and go back.

But it was too late, Xiao Fei let go of the book in her hand, took a quick step forward, reached out her hand to hold Fu Hua's head, and kissed Fu Hua's lips forcibly.

Fu Hua's scent, like a blue musk deer, made Fu Hua dizzy. What kind of feeling was this? Fu Hua could not tell, it seemed that this feeling had been expected in his life for a long time. At this moment, all the worldly constraints were gone, and all worldly things and things were no longer considered, as if there was nothing left in the world. After the two of them, the hearts of the two people were connected together, and he seemed to feel his body lightened, melted, and completely disappeared in this kiss.

At this moment, Fu Hua understood why he was so concerned about Xiaofei's attitude to him, and even the slightest disrespect would have to be reported. He also understood why Xiaofei's face flashed in his mind when he was intimate with Zhao Ting. These are all because he had already subconsciously wanted to conquer Xiaofei, eager to conquer her and turn her into his own woman.

No, it can’t be like this. It’s not right. After a brief loss of control, his sanity quickly returned to Fu Hua. He knew that he was sorry for his wife Zhao Ting. Morality and society allow.

Fu Hua turned his head and drew his lips away, trying to break free from Xiaofei's hands, but Xiaofei didn't want him to break free, so she threw herself into his arms, hugged him more tightly, and moved her lips to his ears, whispering. , Fu Hua, I really like you, just let me hold you for a while.

Fu Hua didn't struggle any more, letting Xiaofei hug him, but compared to the moment when the two kissed, his body became stiff and he was no longer so comfortable.

Xiao Fei felt Fu Hua's changes, so she was a little boring, so she let go of Fu Hua. As soon as Fu Hua was released, he quickly turned his chair back, not daring to see Xiao Fei again.

Xiaofei picked up the book on the floor and put it back in the bookcase, then returned to sit down opposite Fu Hua, without speaking, just looking at Fu Hua's eyes in a challenge.

Fu Hua was embarrassed to be seen. He always felt this embarrassment in front of Xiaofei. He felt that Xiaofei had seen everything in his heart.

Fu Hua smiled dryly and said, "Xiao Fei, we shouldn't be like this. You know, I am married."

Xiaofei smiled indifferently, and said: "Of course I know, otherwise how can you have relatives like father-in-law and brother-in-law?"

Fu Hua said: "My wife is very nice to me, I have no reason to betray her."

Xiaofei smiled indifferently, and said: "I know, it can be seen that when you mention the person on your wife's side, you are basically talking about your family. If your marriage is unhappy, it won't be like this."

Fu Hua shook his head. He didn't understand the woman in front of him. This woman always had such an elusive and uncontrollable aura. It was this kind of aura that embarrassed him and also attracted him strongly.

Seeing Fu Hua only shook her head and didn't speak, Xiaofei smiled and said, "I know what you mean by shaking your head. You mean to say that since I know that you are married and happy, there is no reason to happen to you just now, right? "

Fu Hua nodded and said, "I just don't understand."

Xiaofei said: "Actually, Brother Nan told me about your situation before taking you to my salon. I knew you were married and knew that your wife is one of the famous ladies in Beijing. Very good match. But these did not prevent me from falling in love with you. The first time I saw you, I was deeply attracted by the breath of you that is different from those in our circle. You are straightforward and dare to tell the truth. , I said in my heart: "This may be the man who is really responsible. But I also know in my heart that I shouldn't like you. I always hate the kind of juniors who disturb other people's marriages. But, Feelings can’t help. I still can’t help myself. I’m stuck in it. I always want to find a reason to see you. When I see you, I feel very happy in my heart. I can’t help but want to fight you a few words. I know this is the so-called unethical love, which is not allowed by this society, but I can’t help it, who told me to fall in love. Originally, I wanted to control myself as much as possible and suppress my feelings for you. , But what you said just now, while educating your brother-in-law, also gave me courage. It made me feel that even if I can’t have you all, I can have you for a certain period of time, even for a moment. God treats me It’s not too thin. For a very short period of time just now, I feel that you have put aside all the worldly things like me, and merged with all your heart and soul. This is worthy of me, but unfortunately this time is too short, you The old-fashioned personality came back soon. You thought of your family and your wife again, so you thought of pushing me away. Fu Hua, admit it, you also like me, right? ?"

Fu Hua looked at Xiao Fei, he didn’t know how to answer Xiao Fei. The kiss at that moment told him that he liked Xiao Fei, but Zhao Ting’s position in his heart was more important, and he had a promise to Zhao Ting. First, it is to stay with each other for life. This would not allow this kind of emotion between him and Xiao Fei to spread, and it must be stopped immediately.

Xiaofei smiled and said, "Coward, don't you even dare to admit that you really feel?"

Fu Hua smiled bitterly and said: "I admit that I like you too, but it doesn't mean I don't like Zhao Ting anymore. To be honest, this feeling makes me very ashamed. I feel very sorry for Zhao Ting. It should be from someone who is bothered."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "It's normal. It's very difficult for someone with a staid personality like you to behave every time. Just like just now, your back kiss clearly told me that you are also very heart-warming at this moment, but reason tells you. It shouldn’t be like this, you are about to push me away. Would you not relax yourself for a while? Hypocrite."

Fu Hua laughed dryly and said: "Well, if you want to scold me a hypocrite, you can scold me. I once thought of being passionate and hurting the Brahman, and fearing not to fall in the mountains. The world is safe and peaceful, and it is worthy of the Tathagata. Even Cangyang Gyatso doesn't have a double holistic approach. An ordinary man like me can only take care of the side that has already been promised, and I can only let you down."

Xiaofei smiled and said, "The world is safe and secure, and it is worthy of the Tathagata and the Qing. Haha, interesting, Fu Hua, don't be afraid, I won't force you to do anything."

Fu Hua looked at Xiao Fei. This woman still had such a calm expression. She didn't become anxious because of her rejection. She had to admire her demeanor in her heart. If such a thing is changed to another woman, at this moment I don't know what kind of entanglement or anger will be.

Fu Hua looked at the time and said, "Xiaofei, it's time for lunch, do you want me to accompany you to dinner?"

Xiao Fei smiled and said, "Why not? If you can't let me go, don't go if you are afraid of embarrassment."

Although Fu Hua didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond, he always felt a little bit of reluctance towards Xiao Fei, and apologized for betraying the other's affection, so he smiled and said, "If you can let it go, I can let it go. Let's go, I'll accompany you to dinner."

The two went to the Haichuan restaurant on the first floor, and they met Zhang Feng with a displeased look. Zhang Feng saw Fu Hua and did not pay attention to Xiao Fei beside him. He came up and said, "I guess you will come here. Eat, Fu Hua, what the hell are you doing? Did you give Zhao Miao a bad idea?"

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Don't be so anxious. Come and let me introduce you. This is my friend Xiao Fei, and this is Zhang Feng, the general manager of Shunda Hotel."

Xiaofei guessed that this Zhang Feng was the woman Fu Hua taught people to pursue on the phone just now. She looked at Zhang Feng with a little playfulness, and said with a smile: "Hello."

With an outsider in front of him, Zhang Feng felt a little embarrassed. She smiled and shook hands with Xiao Fei, and said hello.

Fu Hua felt that Zhang Feng came just right to avoid the embarrassment of being alone with Xiao Fei, so he said, "Since Zhang Feng, you are here, let's go to the elegant room and sit together. Let me explain to you slowly. "

Xiaofei glanced at Fu Hua, and said to her heart that this guy asked this woman to join the dinner, she must have wanted to avoid being alone with herself, she was really a coward.

Zhang Feng also took a look at Fu Hua. She didn't quite think that Fu Hua had to talk about her private affairs in front of others, and she also doubted that Fu Hua would not avoid Xiao Fei when discussing such private affairs. It seems that Fu Hua is about this. Xiao Fei has a considerable degree of trust.

Zhang Feng thought for a while, there was nothing to be afraid of, and wanted to get rid of this matter earlier, so he entered the private room with Fu Hua and Xiaofei.

As soon as he sat down, Zhang Feng said to Fu Hua irritably: "You go back and tell Zhao Miao that I am not suitable for him. This will let your wife know, I don't know how to laugh at me."

Zhang Feng emphasized that Fu Hua had a wife because she vaguely felt that the men and women in front of her seemed to look at each other with ambiguous eyes. She wanted to remind Xiao Fei that Fu Hua had a wife, so don't entangle it. There is also the meaning of defending her good friend Zhao Ting.

Fortunately, Xiao Fei didn't show that he cared about anything, which made Zhang Feng feel that she might be suspicious.

Fu Hua smiled and said, "Zhang Feng, you can't blame me for this. It was Zhao Miao who asked me to arrange for him to meet with you. Then I don't understand. Why do you think Xiaoting would laugh at you? "